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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Will they?

Who even knows at this point. In the middle of the filibuster the big story could be "Manafort arrested on treason charges!" and the Democrats could easily just never let him take the seat. Everything is all wacky and confusing right now, the Supreme Court nomination is such a minor story, that Democrats really have all the power and political capital in the world to just not do it.

Democrats are really motivated now after watching the GOP fall apart. Would McConnell want to further get them riled up by destroying the filibuster for the Supreme Court?

McConnell is 75 years old and his either in the middle of his last or second-to-last term. If he begins thinking that the GOP's other legislative priorities over the next 1.5 years are going to be hard to pull together as healthcare was, then confirming Gorsuch will be the only win this Republican Congress has -- and McConnell will get the credit for it.

I fully expect Gorsuch to be confirmed in the next two weeks. I do agree that between Russia and the AHCA collapse, Senate Dems have more capital, but I think that just means McConnell won't get his eight defections and will simply nuke the SCOTUS filibuster to get Gorsuch on the bench. Unless there's some Bill Cosby-esque allegation that breaks about Gorsuch in the next few days, I don't think anything is stopping the Senate from sending him to SCOTUS asap.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Tax reform being tougher than healthcare is completely baffling to me. Seems like it would be the much easier item to accomplish.


Tax reform being tougher than healthcare is completely baffling to me. Seems like it would be the much easier item to accomplish.
The biggest roadblock will be when it adds a ton of money to the deficit the freedom cocks will demand cuts to domestic programs to make up for it which won't happen. As I said before there are some powerful interests against the border adjustment tax as well.

Also tax reform will most likely have winners and losers. And those losers will not be happy.


Trump is in a pickle here. He has a bit of time to test the waters and see if the groups that caused his bill to fail can be effectively pushed back by attacking them, but if that fails then he would screw pretty much any future move, such as those on taxes.

What do you think he will do? Make them more powerful by giving them more sway on policy, or try to shame them and make them lose support openly? I would think the later considering his temperament, but either case doesn't look good for the GOP.

Trump wants to focus on taxes now, so they will definitely try to force their stuff through, whatever he proposes they can ask him to go further if they feel like it.

Edit: Sure looks like Trump can kiss his infrastructure bill goodbye. Watch markets tank over the next two weeks.
I'm becoming hopeful that, even barring impeachment or the Russia stuff panning out, Trump is going to prove completely ineffective as the Republican Carter completely at-odds with his Congress.

That still leaves him a lot of room to do harm via executive action, but at least it curbs the possibility of worse. Small favors.
The biggest roadblock will be when it adds a ton of money to the deficit the freedom cocks will demand cuts to domestic programs to make up for it which won't happen. As I said before there are some powerful interests against the border adjustment tax as well.

Also tax reform will most likely have winners and losers. And those losers will not be happy.

This is exactly what will happen. The FC will want the tax cuts offset by cutting stuff, but the stuff they'll want to cut will be ridiculous stuff no GOP person besides the FC will want cut.


No Scrubs
Tax reform has far more moving parts and WAY more interests involved.

Exactly. If he can't get everyone on the same page for healthcare, there's no way he manages it for tax reform. Everyone and their grandmother is going to want a piece of this one and keeping everyone on the same page will be key for passage.
via Foxnews:


Tax reform being tougher than healthcare is completely baffling to me. Seems like it would be the much easier item to accomplish.

Tax reform is always hard, let alone trying to do it while conforming to reconciliation rules without cutting a ton of entitlements that would make the entire thing toxic.

Real tax reform requires supermajorities or the ability to get bipartisan support (like Reagan did)


Hope Hicks. Trump loves Hope Hicks, and if Spicey gets the ax I could see her filling in for a bit.
Hope Hicks has avoided the spotlight this entire time. I just don't see her changing that anytime soon.

Based on the sad parody world we live in now, I think Omarosa is more likely than Hicks.


Unconfirmed Member
Hope Hicks has avoided the spotlight this entire time. I just don't see her changing that anytime soon.

Based on the sad parody world we live in now, I think Omarosa is more likely than Hicks.
What about Katrina Pierson? Or is she on a shit list somewhere?


They have to wait until after the 15th to even start on it, because they already issued a resolution that this reconciliation would be used on healthcare, so unless they've got something they think can get 60 votes, tax reform's a nonstarter for the next three weeks.


Unconfirmed Member
An article floating around said she threw a fit and got relegated to the nonprofit foundation or some such. Basically she was too toxic even for this administration.
Damn was hoping for some bullet necklace or
aborted fetus necklace
press brienfings.
Hope Hicks has avoided the spotlight this entire time. I just don't see her changing that anytime soon.

That's true. I was saying if he got rid of Spicer he would probably get either Hicks and/or Conway to fill in until they find a full time replacement.

Based on the sad parody world we live in now, I think Omarosa is more likely than Hicks.

"How can we be racist? We have a black woman as our Press Secretary!"


Haha, Sean Hannity's attempt at countering Ted Koppel saying Hannity and his show were bad for America.

Sean Hannity‏ @seanhannity

If you pay attention Ted was saying ALL opinion shows are bad for America. But he was saying this while giving us HIS OPINION #hypocrisy

I got a week ban for saying something violent should happen to someone, but damn do I wish we could catapult Hannity into the fucking sun.


This week really has been quite delicious. I was shocked and devastated over the election results, but even last year I really thought we were looking at a 1-term Hillary who would get blown out in 2020 by, probably, Ryan (if not a Cruz or a Cotton or something).

This might end up working out more or less after all if we can destroy them again in 18 and 20.

Except, of course, for the supreme court spot which I have no optimism about. And god forbid any more before the next election.
How could Ryan possibly get any respect at all after this? How will he possibly lead his party for votes if he had to grovel to random congressmen to pass a bill he had been working on for 3 years and his party had promised for 7
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