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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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I hear you. But again, 4 years a long time to work out something that is much more palpable than what is currently being proposed. Otherwise you will have the same health care scenario (freedom caucus/moderate republicans not playing nice) happen to every major piece of legislation moving forward.

Isn't that the point?


Trust me, I am skeptical of their efforts to promote "bipartisan" legislation. ESPECIALLY after the past eight years with President Obama.

With that said, there are ways where a bipartisan infrastructure bill (for example) could benefit Democrats just as much as it would Donald Trump. Spending money on bridges, roads, and airports benefits everyone. I know there is a lot of talk about impeachment, and depending on where the Flynn thing goes you never know what will happen, BUT we are only in the first three months of the Administration. A lot can happen in 4 years, including a more moderate Donald Trump working with Dems to get some (not all) things done.

Democrats would love the opportunity to spend 1T on infrastructure, and I think they'd vote for it as long as it wasnt attached to tax reform, health care, etc.


"Once somebody shows you who they are, believe them the first time."

There will be no Moderate Trump. That idea is foolish -- not only because Donald Trump is a 70 year old man set in his ways by age and the fact that he has only ever been rewarded for being exactly who he is now, but the people he's surrounded himself will see to it that he's on the extreme right policy wise.

There will be no Republican-led legislation that benefits everyone. Look at what Republicans have done. Look at what they're doing. The party that seriously tried to push a bill that would simultaneously rob 24 million people of their healthcare while blatantly serving a tax cut to the wealthy is not going to suddenly start working for the people. As is the standard with the GOP, any infrastructure bill they present is going to fuck SOMEBODY over in the fine print (likely minorities, immigrants, and women). These people are deplorable. That sounds hyperbolic but, really, they've fucking earned it at this point.

The base does not, and will not ever, want bipartisanship with this current Republican party. We weren't asleep the last 8 years. We saw what they were doing. Why the fuck would we want our politicians to work with this current Republican party.
via Foxnews:


The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Saw this on Twitter, stealing it for frequent use: "if your pitch to the working class is attracting everyone except the white working class the ingredient you're missing is white identity politics"


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Fox News' main goal is to keep their viewers living in a fantasy world.
Much like the one he had proposed during the campaign, any infrastructure bill will mostly be toll roads and tax cuts to companies who take on infrastructure projects without requiring that those projects be new; that is, it's a tax cut to companies that were already going to do those projects; that is, it's literally going to be handing free money to rich people.
The FC is never going to allow an infrastructure bill. And the Democrats aren't going to like any bill proposed by the GOP because they have a one track mind and all roads lead to tax cuts on the ultra rich
It's not an "infrastructure" bill.
"The left" is so much worse at branding.

Honestly, I think this is just the way the media in general enforces rubber-banding; the GOP is clearly in a shittier position based on empirical evidence, and so when you wanna try to preserve "both sides/fair and balanced" coverage, that inevitably means going with headlines that favor the losing side, rhetorically.

I mean, if you run the headline "New Rich People Giveaway Bill Proposed In House of Reps" then you're just going to get called biased and shit, even if you're just telling the truth! That's how whatever shit gets proposed on this topic will always just be called an infrastructure bill in the media, regardless of what Dems call it.

edit: Other than catchy nicknames. Media loves "-gate" "Trump-" "GOP-" on shit. Getting the ball rolling on the names Trumpcare, Ryancare, GOPcare was great since none of the 3 actually wanted the name, which obviously sends a bad message.


Is the GOP's tax reform policy going to be a slam dunk or is there reason to believe that they will continue to struggle?


Multiple GOP members have said they expect tax reform to be harder than healthcare.

If they couldn't get everyone on board for a healthcare repeal then no way do they pull tax reform off.

I do not think anything of consequence will pass this Congress

Which means the GOP are screwed in 2018

It looks awful when you control everything and can't pass anything.

That is insane. I figured tax policy would be the one issue they could unite around.


If they couldn't get everyone on board for a healthcare repeal then no way do they pull tax reform off.

They'll pass some tax cuts this time and then try to do something in the next reconciliation window. Roll the dice and hope reality shifts such that they're able to pass tax reform.
They'll get Gorsuch through.

Will they?

Who even knows at this point. In the middle of the filibuster the big story could be "Manafort arrested on treason charges!" and the Democrats could easily just never let him take the seat. Everything is all wacky and confusing right now, the Supreme Court nomination is such a minor story, that Democrats really have all the power and political capital in the world to just not do it.

Democrats are really motivated now after watching the GOP fall apart. Would McConnell want to further get them riled up by destroying the filibuster for the Supreme Court?


Just read the "Reince Priebus Defends Paul Ryan Amid Failure" story on Breitbart.
On Sunday morning, at the urging of Priebus per a White House aide, the president tweeted blame at the House Freedom Caucus for what happened to Ryan’s healthcare bill.

"Democrats are smiling in D.C. that the Freedom Caucus, with the help of Club For Growth and Heritage, have saved Planned Parenthood & Ocare!"

But blaming the Freedom Caucus is not even close to the whole story.
In fact, several senior House GOP aides and House GOP members in both Freedom Caucus and non-Freedom Caucus offices confirmed to Breitbart News that had the bill gone to the House floor for a vote there may have been as many as 100 House Republicans who voted against it.

Now I'm really sad they pulled the bill.
That is insane. I figured tax policy would be the one issue they could unite around.

"Mainstream" Republicans like fucking the poor. They could all agree on that. The problem is, the Freedom Caucus wants to go full Patrick Bateman, and won't budge until everyone helps them fire up the chainsaw.


No Scrubs
I do not think anything of consequence will pass this Congress

Pretty much where I am right now. The party is way too divided to get anything done. In their near decade of pure obstruction they sold their soul and came out the other end tattered and broken.


Is the GOP's tax reform policy going to be a slam dunk or is there reason to believe that they will continue to struggle?
Tax reform will be a disaster. You thought people had a vested interest in healthcare. Just wait until companies start flipping their shit on tax reform. Currently as it stands tax reform is centered around the border adjustment tax which is highly controversial.

They cannot pass tax reform that isn't revenue neutral through reconciliation

Edit: maybe I'm wrong on that but I swear I thought I read it somewhere.

No matter what republicans aren't going to pass a bill adding a trillion to the deficit.


Tax reform will be a disaster. You thought people had a vested interest in healthcare. Just wait until companies start flipping their shit on tax reform. Currently as it stands tax reform is centered around the border adjustment tax which is highly controversial.

They cannot pass tax reform that isn't revenue neutral through reconciliation

Edit: maybe I'm wrong on that but I swear I thought I read it somewhere.

No matter what republicans aren't going to pass a bill adding a trillion to the deficit.

"I'm the king of the border tax" - Trump.
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