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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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I mean we've had a bipartisan war started over fake news so I'm not sure we were supposed to have a lot of faith in it before.

Not to mention a lot of the right's strategy is to get their base to have no faith in their government to help them (and somehow think their shitty state congressman are better).
I'm fine with Republicans getting disillusioned with the government. Let them ponder over electing a racist, treasonous coward who sold their country for shiny nickel. Democrats on the other hand should feel energized in putting a stop to this and saving/salvaging the democratic process.
I'm okay with Republicans being disillusioned going into 2018 tbh
Republicans going into 2018: "Man, these politicians never do anything!"

Republicans in 2019 after Democrats pick up like 50 seats and Trump signs whatever they send him because he's a cuckservative who will do anything for a win: "Man, these politicians are doing way too much!"


Even though it's spelled differently, every time I see Nunes's name I think of this:



Democrats will NOT get Nunes to recuse himself by focusing all their fire on him.

They will only get him removed if they focus all of their fire on Paul Ryan.

Ryan is speaker. Ryan can remove Nunes. Ryan won't do that as long as the attention stays off of him.


Well, happy Brexit day, UK.

At least we'll be rid of Trump by at least 2025. Brexit is forever.

Or by 2021 at the rate he seems to be screwing up.

And I don't expect republican lawmakers to go against trump to hard as long as he has a 90%+ approval rating with the base.
Or by 2021 at the rate he seems to be screwing up.

And I don't expect republican lawmakers to go against trump to hard as long as he has a 90%+ approval rating with the base.

that "5th Avenue" theory is going to have to be put to the test before we see something flux on that front. Trump is their spirit animal or some shit. can do no wrong.
and moreover, the shitty things he does do (or attempts to do) his base will eat up. Because as far as im concerned, Trumps' voters typically fall into 1 or more of these 3 categories: Ignorant/Rich/Racist
which is why we need pee pee tape
Figure I'd cross post this.
Drawing from the 2012 American National Election Study, Professor Tesler found that only one-fifth of the most “racially resentful” whites (measured by their responses to questions about the causes of racial inequality and discrimination) supported health insurance provided by the government, compared with half of the least racially resentful.

Much of the opposition is set off directly by President Obama’s race, Professor Tesler says. In similar surveys from 1988 to 2008, before Mr. Obama became president, support for government health insurance among racially resentful whites was considerably higher.

Opposition is also fueled by the sense that blacks would gain more; 56 percent of respondents to a poll in 2010 commissioned by Stanford and The Associated Press said the Affordable Care Act would “probably cause most black Americans to get better health care than they get today.” Only 45 percent said the same thing about whites.
Good luck with that single payer.


Unconfirmed Member
Hillary could've used your skills during the campaign. :(
But she did use that skill (deplorables).

Edit: I'm sure Hillary Clinton knows a lot more about racism in America than the average person of privilege. She certainly didn't embrace the Mothers of the Movement because she thought it would goose her poll numbers.

Edit 2: I know you are just being cheeky, but still.


But she did use that skill (deplorables).

She didn't use it well enough, I suppose. Like, she assumed Deplorables and showing ads of how racist/sexist/ignorant Trump was would turn voters off him. If we assume America is racist (as our very own political pundit Pigeon says. :p ), then she actually sold him as the Second Coming for certain demographics. And, if we assume that, then she actually did Trump's work for him.

Edit: I'm sure Hillary Clinton knows a lot more about racism in America than the average person of privilege. She certainly didn't embrace the Mothers of the Movement because she thought it would goose her poll numbers.

Edit 2: I know you are just being cheeky, but still.

I'm being kinda cheeky. :p I have no doubt Hillary does know a good deal about racism and minority rights, but at the same time, I think she assumed voters were far more morally good than they actually are. Hence my point above, about doing Trump's work for him.


Hot take: people who are worried about undemocratic outcomes really need to think more about the structures that make Congress a mostly undemocratic institution.

It seems to come as a constant surprise to people that individual senators or representatives actually have no way to force their bills to come up for votes and so bills generally just vanish if the majority leader doesn't want to move them, and similarly that legislators rarely have the opportunity to force votes on amendments they want to propose.

The recent example of Nunes also demonstrates the danger of putting Congress's subpoena power solely in the hands of the majority party.

Basically, minority party committee members need to have more power in Congress, at the very least. But really it would be a good idea to think about breaking the authoritarian structures controlled by the Speaker and the Senate Majority Leader.

Are they dating or something? I have no idea what you're referring to.


It seems harmless enough but I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not opposed to this, but seeing a U.S. Senator ask an actress to dinner on Twitter is probably the weirdest thing I've seen this year. I couldn't help but laugh that the official PATH twitter threw the schedule her way when she mentioned it.
Poll: Health care debacle takes toll on Trump

Voter perceptions of President Donald Trump’s job performance have eroded following the failure of a long-promised health care bill through Congress, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.

Trump’s approval rating dropped to 46 percent in this week’s survey, the poll shows, down from 50 percent a week prior. For the first time in POLITICO/Morning Consult’s polling since Trump’s inauguration, more voters now disapprove of his job performance — 50 percent in this week’s poll — than approve.

While disapproval of Trump only narrowly exceeds his approval rating, the intensity gap between opponents and supporters of Trump is far wider. Overall, 38 percent of voters strongly disapprove of Trump, compared to only 23 percent who strongly approve.

Other polls have been consistently even more negative for Trump, who hasn’t benefited from the same honeymoon from Americans that other recent presidents have enjoyed. A sustained slide in Trump’s poll numbers after pulling the health care bill, however, could threaten Trump’s other legislative priorities, including his plans to overhaul the U.S. tax system.

"President Trump's approval ratings are at their lowest point since he took office, according to the weekly POLITICO/Morning Consult surveys," said Kyle Dropp, Morning Consult’s co-founder and chief research officer. "However, as this week's results represent a relatively sharp departure from the recent trendline, we will keep a close watch in subsequent weeks before drawing major conclusions."

His most favorable poll (yes including Rasssssss)


Trump's salty this morning.

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

Remember when the failing @nytimes apologized to its subscribers, right after the election, because their coverage was so wrong. Now worse!

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

If the people of our great country could only see how viciously and inaccurately my administration is covered by certain media!
8:21 AM · Mar 29, 2017


Trump's salty this morning.

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

Remember when the failing @nytimes apologized to its subscribers, right after the election, because their coverage was so wrong. Now worse!

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

If the people of our great country could only see how viciously and inaccurately my administration is covered by certain media!
8:21 AM · Mar 29, 2017

This all makes him look that much worse when the lid blows off Russia.


Wait, that Cory Booker / Mindy Kaling story is legit? I saw it on FB and figured it was some nonsense...

The cynic in me (which comprises most of me) suspects this is meant to deflect rumors of Booker being gay ahead of a presidential run.

And his tweets toward her were a little strange.
Trump's salty this morning.

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

Remember when the failing @nytimes apologized to its subscribers, right after the election, because their coverage was so wrong. Now worse!

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

If the people of our great country could only see how viciously and inaccurately my administration is covered by certain media!
8:21 AM · Mar 29, 2017

Declines opportunity to play baseball, suggests softball game instead. #compromise
The cynic in me (which comprises most of me) suspects this is meant to deflect rumors of Booker being gay ahead of a presidential run.

And his tweets toward her were a little strange.

I imagine it's at least 50% joking around. But there's that sliver of hope right? Mindy Kaling seems pretty cool, and Booker being unmarried doesn't help his chances at a Presidential run--voters don't like anyone unmarried.

Did you mean Wolf of Wall Street?

That works too. But that was pretty comedic. Wasn't Wall Street a lot more serious than Wolf of Wall Street?
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