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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Junior Member
There is buzz among reporters about what's going on at WH, since there were several meetings there last night...

Per a top WH official, those meetings were related to the ongoing investigations, not about staffing.


The house is maybe going to lose for once.
There is buzz among reporters about what's going on at WH, since there were several meetings there last night...

Per a top WH official, those meetings were related to the ongoing investigations, not about staffing.


GOP might be thinking long and hard right now about impeachment. Imagine if this shit spills over in 2018?


Junior Member
GOP might be thinking long and hard right now about impeachment. Imagine if this shit spills over in 2018?

Yep, it will start to make sense to just get it over with sooner rather than later.

They thought they could cheat because they didn't think they could win anyway. With the win comes strict scrutiny.
Paging Michele Bachmann
Michele Bachmann almost lost several times because even she was too insane for that district.

Although even that goes to show how crazy backwards MN-6 is, any other district in MN would have turned her ass out well before she had the chance to retire.

Fun story about Bachmann, when she was in the MN House during the Bush years she compiled a list of public school teachers who said anything against the Iraq War and had government thugs sit in on their classrooms to make sure they weren't doing anything "unAmerican." Fucking Orwellian bullshit.

Happened to my high school English teacher, she treated it like a badge of honor.
I've completely lost track of all this Russia stuff going on. There's been so much info at once I don't know what to expect.

Can anyone offer a summary or something?


Beat EviLore at pool.
Man, I love Angela Rye, but CNN continues to be "centrist" fucking trash

CNN is alright. I get why they have pundits on all networks do. Lord will be flipping out tonight and the others probably during Cooper.

Jake Tappers show will be amazing probably sadly can't watch at work.


Unconfirmed Member
CNN is alright. I get why they have pundits on all networks do. Lord will be flipping out tonight and the others probably during Cooper.

Jake Tappers show will be amazing probably sadly can't watch at work.

Yeah, I like Anderson Cooper, Jake Tapper and Kate Bolduan, but CNN seems like it always invites pundits whose sole desire is to muddy the waters and a lot of the hosts don't do much to stop that


Beat EviLore at pool.
Yeah, I like Anderson Cooper, Jake Tapper and Kate Bolduan, but CNN seems like it always invites pundits whose sole desire is to muddy the waters and a lot of the hosts don't do much to stop that

Fox News does the same does MSNBC. Just how it works.
I would respect Stoller and Bruenig more if they like demonstrated an understanding of why it's dangerous to share graphs with multiple y-axes and make dramatic statements about them on Twitter
what am I missing about these?

oh wait I have done large amounts of college math and I have no idea how to read that first graph


Ah, the beautiful art of using charts who portray what you want by cutting information, using weird limits or bad choices (pie charts always give impresions that the things are smaller).
Even worse, in that chart it is not that they dont even use the same dimensioning for both lines, making it seem that the white is worsening suddenly (when in the long term view it looks like the effect of noise) while the black is now better!
Clear economic anxiety there


what am I missing about these?

I'm not sure. You get that they're the same graph of the same data, right? But they tell radically different visual stories because of the multiple y-axes in the first graph.

oh wait I have done large amounts of college math and I have no idea how to read that first graph

Haha, yeah, that's the thing! That graph is really misrepresentative in my opinion.


GOP might be thinking long and hard right now about impeachment. Imagine if this shit spills over in 2018?

Their base would revolt if they impeached. You have to wait until his approval rating among Republicans gets into at least the 60s and probably the 50s. Right now its in the 80s to low 90s.

Even then, the GOP would go in the woods for a generation if they had a president impeached due to foreign corruption, especially since now it's clear, with Nunes, that this goes further than just Trump and his coterie of party outsiders.

Watergate was insanely damaging to the GOP, set them back 20 years and is the only reason Dems held the House through the Reagan years. They do *not* want that to happen again, even if they avert it by the flimsiest of excuses.
I'm not sure. You get that they're the same graph of the same data, right? But they tell radically different visual stories because of the multiple y-axes in the first graph.


Haha, yeah, that's the thing! That graph is really misrepresentative in my opinion.
I'm not sure why you namedropped Stoller and Bruenig though. Bruenig might have used it (he deletes his tweets every day so I can't look) but the only chart I found Stoller using in reference to this was

which was in a thread about that article about rising WWC mortality rates. He does say that part of the reason is that a lack of gains wrt heart disease and cancer is part of it?


I'm not sure why you namedropped Stoller and Bruenig though. Bruenig might have used it (he deletes his tweets every day so I can't look) but the only chart I found Stoller using in reference to this was

which was in a thread about that article about rising WWC mortality rates. He does say that part of the reason is that a lack of gains wrt heart disease and cancer is part of it?

But isn't that article referencing Deaton and Case, which is where these graphs are from?

I will happily admit error if Stoller didn't share this particular graph. But I tend to agree with the PSMag critique that makes the point about this graph (https://psmag.com/the-death-of-the-white-working-class-has-been-greatly-exaggerated-1c568d3e6b8c) and Stoller is pretty clearly pushing against it on his twitter.

(Also, I am baffled that anybody would delete their tweets every day, although it explains why Bruenig tweeted at Noah Smith last month that he doesn't think white supremacists are real and got away with it.)


Yep, it will start to make sense to just get it over with sooner rather than later.

They thought they could cheat because they didn't think they could win anyway. With the win comes strict scrutiny.

Isn't the base still solidly behind Trump? They could get primaried if they try to oust him too quickly, right?


Junior Member
Isn't the base still solidly behind Trump? They could get primaried if they try to oust him too quickly, right?

With a 35% approval rating, yes the Trump base is behind him, but he's lost at least 15% of the more traditional republican base and will continue to lose more. If it's treason it's treason and only the batshits will still support him.


But isn't that article referencing Deaton and Case, which is where these graphs are from?

I will happily admit error if Stoller didn't share this particular graph. But I tend to agree with the PSMag critique that makes the point about this graph (https://psmag.com/the-death-of-the-white-working-class-has-been-greatly-exaggerated-1c568d3e6b8c) and Stoller is pretty clearly pushing against it on his twitter.

(Also, I am baffled that anybody would delete their tweets every day, although it explains why Bruenig tweeted at Noah Smith last month that he doesn't think white supremacists are real and got away with it.)

Because Bruenig got fired from Demos for tweeting at Neera Tanden that she was singlehandedly responsible for welfare reform and, therefore, starving his mother.
But isn't that article referencing Deaton and Case, which is where these graphs are from?

I will happily admit error if Stoller didn't share this particular graph. But I tend to agree with the PSMag critique that makes the point about this graph (https://psmag.com/the-death-of-the-white-working-class-has-been-greatly-exaggerated-1c568d3e6b8c) and Stoller is pretty clearly pushing against it on his twitter.
The graphs you posted aren't in the Deaton and Case paper which only uses graphs with single y-axes? All I saw in Deaton and Case were

Stoller only even mentions heart disease in the context of the lack of progress made wrt to it, so there's no counterbalancing trend to make up for the uptick of deaths from other sources like alcohol or drugs, which is pretty consistent with that first graph you posted.

If you're a prospect theorist, I think this explains a lot of racial voting splits in the primaries of both parties, too, though obviously the GOP is 95% white so that's more class based. People are more prone to protect gains but gamble to recover losses, so if Sanders (considered a risky choice) appeals to the group that has faced significant losses relative to their reference point while Clinton (considered the safe choice) offers little in terms of potential gains appeals to the group most interested in protecting gains they've made. This is probably also why the youth gap applies to nonwhite voters, younger minority reference points include the gains made before they were born and are less interested in protecting them because they feel like they've lost and are more willing to go with a riskier choice.

(Also, I am baffled that anybody would delete their tweets every day, although it explains why Bruenig tweeted at Noah Smith last month that he doesn't think white supremacists are real and got away with it.)
I'm not exactly sure why, but his wife gets harassed on Twitter semifrequently so I imagine that plays a part in it.
I would fail the shit out of that graph.

Also, my auto suggestion after "fail the shit out of" was Iran lol
I'm getting a minor in math and I have no idea what that graph is trying to say still.
This seems good for the bill really. Obviously not surprising that Schumer and Pelosi won't take a position yet, since it would lay down a marker for their caucus and they need to gauge things first.

Glad that Schatz is getting the message. I was worried about him at first. As long as my senators are in line, I have less to worry about.

Republicans were pushing for a repeal and/or a replacement for years, but once they got into power many of them got cold feet.

I am skeptical of a single-payer system passing in Congress. Once the details about the increase in taxes( which is likely) comes out, I think it may not be very popular and the Dems will get cold feet. I think the Democrats will devolve into infighting similar to how the Republicans did. Although, it would be more about the details of the bill, I think.
"Have you heard the story of Susan B Anthony?" Donaldius murmured to the group he had ambushed in the halls. Their non-reaction sparked something in him "I thought not, it's not a story the Lamestream Media would tell you. It's an Old GOP Story of a woman who had the power to create change. She labored big league on her goal of giving women fair treatment, working night and day. Sad!, As she failed to give herself fair treatment and died of overworking."

A child pipes up in the back "Is it possible to get fair treatment in 2017?"

"Not from the Lying Democrats!" Trump exclaimed, his orange skin growing darker with rage.

What? That's clearly not what I meant given the context of the post and which thread we're in.(Edit: Since a few people also interpreted it that way, I didn't mean for it to come off that way and I apologize. I'll try to word things better so my intentions are clearer in the future) It was in reference to a ton of the comments on Hillary which drew focus away from policies and positions. No Fun Allowed and all that I guess but it just seemed to stick out compared to other discussions or topics.

Next time, don't. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Well listening to the report on North Korea on NPR was terrifying.

I wonder if the fat dictator will start a nuclear holocaust? Thankfully trump is on the case to stop him (lol)
Idk if it's been posted but NYT has an article on the Ossoff GA-6 race:

Why Democrats Have a Shot in a Georgia District Dominated by Republicans
In a special election, anything can happen.

“Anything” may already be happening in the special election in Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District, heralded as a key test of whether Democrats can capitalize on President Trump’s unpopularity.

Tom Price left the House seat to become Mr. Trump’s secretary of Health and Human Services, and we won’t know who will replace him until April 18 at the earliest. The district hasn’t voted for a Democrat in decades, but that could soon change.

Jon Ossoff, a 30-year-old Democrat and first-time candidate, has fared well in recent polls and has raised an astonishing $3 million in only a few months. Mr. Trump struggled to victory in this district, a well-educated suburban area north of Atlanta. He won by just 1.5 percentage points, down from Mitt Romney’s 23-point win in 2012.

It would be a mistake to read too much into the result of this one election. Special elections tend to stand on their own, and there are reasons to think that Democrats have a better chance than the district’s voting in congressional races suggests.

But at this point, it wouldn’t be shocking if Mr. Ossoff got the 50 percent necessary to avoid a runoff in June.


Junior Member
Well listening to the report on North Korea on NPR was terrifying.

I wonder if the fat dictator will start a nuclear holocaust? Thankfully trump is on the case to stop him (lol)

North Korea is scary as fuck and is the biggest threat to global stability. It won't even be nukes at least at first that draws everything into chaos. NK has an insane amount of artillery pointed at Seoul. That's how it would all start. Essentially a destruction of Seoul, drawing SK allies to fight a ground war, then the nukes would start going off.

I still don't see why they would do it though other than complete insanity. They would be wiped off the map, again. The US pretty much bombed them to oblivion 60+ years ago. Not sure why they would want to do it all again.
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