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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Man how the hell did Truman get below Nixon?

Truman was below water quite a few times. His support of civil rights severely hurt him in the south (for instance he banned racial discrimination in the military, which was very controversial). But the biggest driver was the Korean War and his alleged mishandling of it, including shitcanning MacArthur.
Sometimes I think back at this and I'm just so shocked. I almost have a panic attack. The President once said he wanted to grab a married woman..well you know the quote.

On the other hand, sometimes I remember Ana Navarro's reactions and freak outs over this and it's worth it.

I'm sure what's worse.

A. Grab em by the pussy
B. I'm gonna date her in 10 years (referring to an 8 year old girl)

Both are indicative of deep moral issues IMO
I'm trying to tell myself that, but its real hard man. Trump already being less popular that Reagan during Iran Contra or Clinton during his impeachment helps though.

I'll put those numbers in even further context:

Days before dropping to 35% approval rating:

Obama: Never
W Bush: 1,927 (May 1, 2006 -- middle of the Iraq War; in office 2,921 days)
Clinton: Never
HW Bush: 1,278 (July 21, 1992 -- Days after a successful DNC, in the middle of presidential campaign and economic downturn; in office 1,460 days)
Reagan: Never
Carter: 840 (May 10, 1979; in office 1,460 days)

For him to be this low, this quick, is unprecedented in modern politics.
Gallup: 35/59

Come on Trump you can do it

Diverting from the Russia stuff for just one sec, found a fun little Twitterbot that basically just posts when the Senate or House IP address makes a Wikipedia edit, and what is edited. Most of it's pretty banal stuff, but some is more significant.


Most of the really dumb stuff gets reverted (thanks, Wiki editors!), but it's still pretty cool to get a close-up look at the intentions in a weirdly personal kind of way.

Also, Congress got jokes: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=768258324&oldid=768258172

Also somebody in the Senate is pretty determined to remove references to Assyrians from the article on Chaldean Neo-Aramaic and that's weird.
Been following it for a while now; it was kind of a bigger deal when people first found out about it. There's also an account for edits from the Russian Government: https://twitter.com/RuGovEdits_en
Truman was below water quite a few times. His support of civil rights severely hurt him in the south (for instance he banned racial discrimination in the military, which was very controversial). But the biggest driver was the Korean War and his alleged mishandling of it, including shitcanning MacArthur.

Plus a brutal post - WWII recession as the economy shifted back to a consumer focus. Truman had to deal with some huge challenges and managed admirably.


Truman was below water quite a few times. His support of civil rights severely hurt him in the south (for instance he banned racial discrimination in the military, which was very controversial). But the biggest driver was the Korean War and his alleged mishandling of it, including shitcanning MacArthur.

To be fair MacArthur was wiping his ass with the Hatch Act by that point and was even being courted to run for president.


There's a very real conservative movement trying to exonerate MacArthur to this day.

That doesn't surprise me at all. Dude is like the ultimate American authoritarian-machismo personality. Sucks for them that he was a complete fuck-up.


That doesn't surprise me at all. Dude is like the ultimate American authoritarian-machismo personality. Sucks for them that he was a complete fuck-up.

The main debate i've born witness to is how much responsibility he personally has for the rehabilitation of Japan after the war. MacArthur fanboys like to paint it as all on him, the detractors say that Truman surrounded him with a solid diplomatic corps that did most of the heavy lifting while he was just there to be the face of the operation.
This is all in line with the facist right trying to cast FDR as America's greatest tragedy.
I was trying to look up an FDR quote about "the essence of fascism" the other day but I screwed up and search "FDR heart of fascism" and 90% of the results were Cato and its ilk calling FDR a fascist lol


Junior Member
Per CNN.. Hawaii Judge Issues prelim injunction halting Travel ban further.

Edit: Halt "permanent" until Justice Department appeals or comes in front of the court.
I've seen student work that went for something similar. I think the goal is to zoom in on both trends to get less smoothing so you can make some argument. It's not even that bad to do the double axis since you may be arguing for the rates of change between the two groups being different, but to zoom in so much is dishonest. When students do it, it's because they wanted their data to show something at all, while that data there seems to just mostly hold steady.

I don't think single payer should be the rallying cry for this reason. We should just say UHC is the goal; the method isn't even that important. We should bank our opposition on "when we get our bill made, the CBO is going to say we'll get the insured rate up to >90%!!" or something. This current situation should be a learning exercise for us.

Or rather the CBO will say something the critics could easily use against the bill. Democrats are terrible at messaging so I think they will largely fail to beat their critics in terms of PR. If the bill requires big tax increases and the CBO, including payroll tax many people will probably not support it. I don't know how that will go. What was the last time a party was supportive of increasing taxes on everyone, if that has to happen? A poster showed an image that had the public supporting a government-run healthcare system, but once it got to the details like increase in taxes the supported dropped.

This video helped me understand it.


Or rather the CBO will say something the critics could easily use against the bill. Democrats are terrible at messaging so I think they will largely fail to beat their critics in terms of PR. If the bill requires big tax increases and the CBO, including payroll tax many people will probably not support it. I don't know how that will go. What was the last time a party was supportive of increasing taxes on everyone, if that has to happen? A poster showed an image that had the public supporting a government-run healthcare system, but once it got to the details like increase in taxes the supported dropped.

This video helped me understand it.
Easy (well very difficulty studying behind it). Just show a chart of how much Americans spend on healthcare premiums per year and then show how much families who make between 30,000 and 70,000 a year would pay in extra taxes under UHC. (assuming it would be lower because the very wealthy (500k+ annual wages) would possibly pay more.


Unconfirmed Member
GOP is circling its wagons and panicking slowly but treasonously.
*Treasoning Intensifies*
Pictured Above: Mitch McConnell

Per CNN.. Hawaii Judge Issues prelim injunction halting Travel ban further.

Edit: Halt "permanent" until Justice Department appeals or comes in front of the court.
heh, what are the chances they just ignore this and pretend they were successful when asked about it? Most people will have forgotten the halt in 6 months if they remember it at all.


Professional Schmuck
I was trying to look up an FDR quote about "the essence of fascism" the other day but I screwed up and search "FDR heart of fascism" and 90% of the results were Cato and its ilk calling FDR a fascist lol

yep. it's the foundation of undoing the social safety nets -- by first demonizing their sponsor.

Well, the Japanese internment camps are up there on the list.

No doubt reprehensible, unforgivable. Which should tell you something that even with that great sin he easily ranks 1st-3rd of all Presidents, depending on the one you read that year.


The main debate i've born witness to is how much responsibility he personally has for the rehabilitation of Japan after the war. MacArthur fanboys like to paint it as all on him, the detractors say that Truman surrounded him with a solid diplomatic corps that did most of the heavy lifting while he was just there to be the face of the operation.

Considering that MacArthur attacked the bonus army with tanks and shit, I am more inclined to side with him just being the face of the operation.
backtracking a bit to our discussion earlier about bad graphs and the Case and Deaton study, Noah Smith did a writeup about why its findings are basically right http://noahpinionblog.blogspot.com/2017/03/the-blogs-vs-case-deaton.html

This graph shows two striking things. First, around 2000, the trend for middle-aged U.S. whites - all educational groups combined - stopped going down and started going up. Bound et al. might not say that qualifies as a "dramatic" increase, but it is clearly an increase, and that fact has nothing to do with education selection effects.

Second, and even more importantly, the USW trend post-2000 is markedly, hugely different from the trends for all other countries AND all other racial groups (though U.S. blacks are not displayed on the graph for some reason, Case & Deaton report that their mortality rates have also been trending downward).

This trend difference is far more important than the absolute change in mortality. It means that while good things are happening throughout the developed world that are causing mortality to fall for almost everyone, U.S. whites are being left out of this trend. Geronimus, Harris, and other critics spill a lot of ink over whether the USW trend is really upward or flat, but this distracts from the real issue, which is the big difference between U.S. whites and everyone else in the developed world.
I get the feeling Comey really doesn't like Trump much.

This it's pretty much a "we're coming for you" straight at Trump himself. Damn
Comey's coming full on John Wick "I'm going to destroy everything you hold dear" is amazing.

"I heard you punched my Comrade. Why is that?"

"He rigged the Election sir... And set up Comey"



Unconfirmed Member
Everyone liked Ike, I guess?

He kowtowed to the racists, but probably the best we could have gotten at the time.

Also, when taking just the first 100 days into account, Ford used to be the lowest before trump, thanks to the pardoning of Nixon. And Trump is much lower than Ford first 100 days post-pardon.

Historically, I'd imagine it'll look mostly like an outright failure of the electoral college and first past the post system. It's not like Trump is doing much different from his campaign outside of some healthcare promises and generally promising everything to be fantastic with no cost whatsoever.


Professional Schmuck
I get the feeling Comey really doesn't like Trump much.

This it's pretty much a "we're coming for you" straight at Trump himself. Damn

Comey's coming full on John Wick "I'm going to destroy everything you hold dear" is amazing.

"I heard you punched my Comrade. Why is that?"

"He rigged the Election sir... And set up Comey"


We are in for one hell of a ride. Shit is going down.

I know it's neogaf but these are getting more excited than we have reason to be. Comey said one right thing and the minimum one would expect. And I know the bar is set low during these hilariously terrible times, but c'mon.
I know it's neogaf but these are getting more excited than we have reason to be. Comey said one right thing and the minimum one would expect. And I know the bar is set low during these hilariously terrible times, but c'mon.

I honestly agree with this. We really need to cool our heads guys. These things take time.

It's good that information is steadily coming out as this investigation comes along, but let's get excited after we start seeing some results from it.
Or rather the CBO will say something the critics could easily use against the bill. Democrats are terrible at messaging so I think they will largely fail to beat their critics in terms of PR. If the bill requires big tax increases and the CBO, including payroll tax many people will probably not support it. I don't know how that will go. What was the last time a party was supportive of increasing taxes on everyone, if that has to happen? A poster showed an image that had the public supporting a government-run healthcare system, but once it got to the details like increase in taxes the supported dropped.

This video helped me understand it.

Sure, but honestly this argument is one against literally the entire platform of the Democratic Party! Everything we want to do is mostly going to increase someone's taxes, which they should since this race to the bottom isn't going to work.

At some point, we're going to have to take the political hit like we did with the ACA and just pass the damn thing. Pelosi was right, once people really find out what's in our legislation, they'll back it. There were massive town halls in AR for God's sake full of people angry that the ACA might get repealed and I bet a ton of them were protesting it 6 years ago.

I honestly agree with this. We really need to cool our heads guys. These things take time.

It's good that information is steadily coming out as this investigation comes along, but let's get excited after we start seeing some results from it.

Swift results actually aren't as good politically. This constant headline chasing is great; drag this shit out as long as possible. The swiftest way to kill a scandal is to have someone go down for it; then you can say "we put that behind us, stop living in the past, blah blah blah" and we can't use it as well.

I don't want Trump impeached before 2018's midterms; I want there to be shit tons of evidence supporting his impeachment and for him and the GOP to refuse to admit it. That's a great weapon to take into the midterms.
Democrats were terrible at marketing ACA too, yet Obama still got re-elected to make sure it got implemented and now Republicans are scared shitless of touching it.

Win a House majority next year, Senate majority and presidency in 2020 and pass that shit in 2021. Brace for a rough midterm in 2022 but take solace in knowing that we have barely any Senate seats to defend that year and House elections will be held under fairer maps assuming we have a good 2018.

The trick will be to spend the next four years writing good legislation that Democrats can all get behind so the next president's first 100 days aren't bogged down by this last-minute "oh shit, we're in power" politicking we've seen with Trump.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Am I the only one that didn't care that Comey released that stupid statement about re-opening emailghazi the week before the election? I'm of the opinion that if you made your decision to swing away from Hillary to the dried out, racist, talking tangerine based on some vague shit about emails that you probably couldn't even elucidate, then you were just looking for a fucking excuse to do so anyway.

As for Comey publishing that op-ed back in Summer of last year and having that change the outcome of the election? Republicans currently don't give a shit that Trump may have conspired with the Russians. What makes you think that it would be any different right before the election?


We are in for one hell of a ride. Shit is going down.
No it's not. We've been here before and saying this about so many things for a year now, and nothing's fucking happened. Trump has been made responsible for fucking zero of his crap so far, that is, except for being elected and getting away with all his bullshit even more due to being president. I'd love nothing more than to be wrong, but this will be more of that. This isn't a movie where the bad guys get their comeuppance. It's real life where they fucking get away with it, and us regular folk end up eating shit.


People are taking my post out of context. Nowhere did I say anything significant is happening soon because of this. But it was essentially Comey saying "don't be surprised if we come after someone in office". Hmm I wonder who he could be talking about (hint Trump and his admin). Couple his statement with the Senate intel presser and Schiff both saying TODAY that this investigation is most similar to Watergate and that it's more significant than expected.

Something is NOT coming very soon. But if you're paying attention the intelligence communities and their heads are foreshadowing collusion. They're all but outright spelling it out.

No it's not. We've been here before and saying this about so many things for a year now, and nothing's fucking happened. Trump has been made responsible for fucking zero of his crap so far, that is, except for being elected and getting away with all his bullshit even more due to being president. I'd love nothing more than to be wrong, but this will be more of that. This isn't a movie where the bad guys get their comeuppance. It's real life where they fucking get away with it, and us regular folk end up eating shit.

These things take time.


Am I the only one that didn't care that Comey released that stupid statement about re-opening emailghazi the week before the election? I'm of the opinion that if you made your decision to swing away from Hillary to the dried out, racist, talking tangerine based on some vague shit about emails that you probably couldn't even elucidate, then you were just looking for a fucking excuse to do so anyway.

I doubt many would dispute what you say, but the reasoning for people turning away from Hillary because of emails (and Benghazi) is troubling in itself, and needs to be pushed against (somehow). It shows a willingness to ignore facts; a willingness to buy-into the GOP narrative of "Crooked Hillary" (confirmation bias?); a willingness to assume the worst of a woman (confirmation bias and sexism); a willingness to blindly ignore the moral failings of a candidate; and a willingness to elect an ignorant buffoon because "they're both as bad as each other".

A good portion of the US electorate needs help. It needs help understanding issues. It needs help understanding policies. It needs help on how the political system works.

This isn't something that can be swept under the rug in 2 or 4 years. This is systemic political and critical illiteracy.
People are taking my post out of context. Nowhere did I say anything significant is happening soon because of this. But it was essentially Comey saying "don't be surprised if we come after someone in office". Hmm I wonder who he could be talking about (hint Trump and his admin). Couple his statement with the Senate intel presser and Schiff both saying TODAY that this investigation is most similar to Watergate and that it's more significant than expected.

Something is NOT coming very soon. But if you're paying attention the intelligence communities and their heads are foreshadowing collusion. They're all but outright spelling it out.

These things take time.
Yeah, I don't think anyone should expect a bomb to drop like, tomorrow. But this demonstrates why it's so crucial to win big in 2018 - I won't expect the GOP to dislodge Trump even if footage came out of him fucking Paul Ryan's wife. They're terrified of what their base would do to them. Remember that it was the far right Freedom Caucus that sunk that abomination of a healthcare bill, the "moderates" were willing to go full steam ahead with it.

Get a Democratic majority so that when this shit blows open, we're ready to impeach the orange fucker.


Yeah, I don't think anyone should expect a bomb to drop like, tomorrow. But this demonstrates why it's so crucial to win big in 2018 - I won't expect the GOP to dislodge Trump even if footage came out of him fucking Paul Ryan's wife. They're terrified of what their base would do to them. Remember that it was the far right Freedom Caucus that sunk that abomination of a healthcare bill, the "moderates" were willing to go full steam ahead with it.

Get a Democratic majority so that when this shit blows open, we're ready to impeach the orange fucker.
I totally agree with you about getting out to vote but also keep in mind republicans hold no loyalty for Trump. Mark my words. If the FBI presented information damning enough, repubs would jump ship in record time.

They only care about their party and image. If that's placed in jeopardy they're caving. They would have absolutely no problem turning on Trump. Ryan was the essence of Reagan until it came time to scapegoat for the healthcare bill.
Plight of white people retakes centre stage over Pelosi overthrow.

Recent public health studies made headlines,1–3 reporting that for some subpopulations in the USA, mortality rates have been higher and life expectancies lower for recent compared with earlier time periods.4–7 These patterns have been described in both popular and academic discourse as a ‘rise’ in mortality or a ‘decline’ in life expectancy. We suggest that it is long past time to admit an alternative—and arguably more plausible—interpretation of these patterns. The fact that a measure was computed at two different time points does not, by itself, make the difference between them a trend. Imagine if researchers measured the average temperature for the whole of the USA a decade ago, and then for only Alaska this year, and found the former number to be lower than the latter. Would it be appropriate to say that average temperatures had ‘declined’ over the decade? We argue that it would not, and that it is likewise not appropriate to be describing many of the observed differences in subgroup life expectancy or mortality as ‘trends’.
Is life expectancy really falling for groups of low socio-economic status? Lagged selection bias and artefactual trends in mortality
Jennifer B Dowd Amar Hamoudi
Int J Epidemiol (2014) 43 (4): 983-988. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyu120

Nelo Ice

People are taking my post out of context. Nowhere did I say anything significant is happening soon because of this. But it was essentially Comey saying "don't be surprised if we come after someone in office". Hmm I wonder who he could be talking about (hint Trump and his admin). Couple his statement with the Senate intel presser and Schiff both saying TODAY that this investigation is most similar to Watergate and that it's more significant than expected.

Something is NOT coming very soon. But if you're paying attention the intelligence communities and their heads are foreshadowing collusion. They're all but outright spelling it out.

These things take time.

Yeah I don't expect anything anytime soon. But looks like the investigation is in full swing and they must have something of merit to work with based on what you've mentioned. Though yeah I am excited and impatient even though I know this will be a marathon. I want the the GOP to rot for this and the sooner the better. But it's going to take time to gather a mountain of evidence and hopefully a smoking gun.


Yeah, I don't think anyone should expect a bomb to drop like, tomorrow. But this demonstrates why it's so crucial to win big in 2018 - I won't expect the GOP to dislodge Trump even if footage came out of him fucking Paul Ryan's wife. They're terrified of what their base would do to them. Remember that it was the far right Freedom Caucus that sunk that abomination of a healthcare bill, the "moderates" were willing to go full steam ahead with it.

Get a Democratic majority so that when this shit blows open, we're ready to impeach the orange fucker.

I mean the FC gets a lot of attention for the bill going down but I think there role might be a bit overvalued? From my understanding, about half of the public no votes on the AHCA before the whole thing went down were moderate Republicans (and that's just public nos - who knows what would happen if this went to the floor). I also think this tweet argues well that most moderate Republicans had an incentive to lay low.
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