Hahaha reading the "Trump is a child" tweet.
E: It's a....math strategy....
E: It's a....math strategy....
No, there isn't.
At one time, there would have been.
What you call absurd on its face it how government *used to work.*
It's only absurd because the norms have changed, which was my point.
Spicey sounds defeated and sad.![]()
The problem with the current situation isn't "norms", it's that the current Republicans have no real interest in healthcare policy (or governing in general).
Their goals​ with the AHCA were to harm Obama's legacy by repealing his signature accomplishment and to find funding for tax cuts. Neither of those things are appropriate starting points for a bipartisan compromise.
I'll agree that things have certainly changed in the last few decades, but the AHCA is so ridiculous that it isn't a good example of anything except Republican incompetence.
Rubio says that at 10:45 am yesterday Russian IP addresses cyber-attacked his pres. campaign staffers--and this happened earlier.
Not just conservatives/Dixiecrats here but that's part of it. More conservative Democrats were more likely to oppose Reagan's deregulation agenda than Democrats from places like California and Rockefeller/Eisenhower Republicans were likely pro Civil Rights and New Deal programs.Government worked that way because Democratic congressional majorities were full of Dixiecrats and conservatives that could easily work with Republican Presidents (and had a large incentive to do so in many cases).
You're not totally wrong but all political maps and diagrams in this country are significantly more boring for only having two colors.
Also hurt because somehow out more conservative party became red. What an outrage!
Spicer, stfu please
Rockefeller/Eisenhower Republicans were likely pro Civil Rights and New Deal programs.
The cost benefit analysis of voting is that it costs whatever it costs you in time and energy and lost wages, and the benefit is the policy changes you desire divided by the probability that your vote causes those policy changes to happen.
new Gallup on Trump job performance, by party: Rs, 78% approve, 18% disapprove; Independents, 23%-56%; Ds, 7%-90%
new Gallup on Trump job performance, by age: 18-34, 24% approve, 68% disapprove; 35-54, 42%-53%; 55+, 45%-51%
Gallup on Trump job performance by race/educ: non-white 12% approve, 78% disapprove; white college grad 37%-61%; white non-college 57%-39%
Spicer saying republicans have always worked with democrats to confirm Supreme Court nominees was precious.
Aw fuck, nuclear option is really happening isn't it
Gallup at 38/57 today, but breaking it down by demos is staggering:
I believe he did a lot better than 57% with white non-college in 16.
Gallup at 38/57 today, but breaking it down by demos is staggering:
I believe he did a lot better than 57% with white non-college in 16.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but dividing by a very small number would give you a massive number if it's explicitly the formula for benefit. Would it be multiplication?
Gallup at 38/57 today, but breaking it down by demos is staggering:
I believe he did a lot better than 57% with white non-college in 16.
Schiff presser in 10min.
You can take the kid out of the country, but you can't change the decade+ of indoctrination out of the kid.That white college grad number is still way too high of an approval. Disgusting tbh how you can be educated and still think the shit that's happening is okay.
55+, 45%-51%
Reuters has a feed for Schiff's presser.
backtracking a bit to our discussion earlier about bad graphs and the Case and Deaton study, Noah Smith did a writeup about why its findings are basically right
He did.
Without a demonized political candidate with a ton of baggage (like Clinton was) on the ballot in 2018/2020, they could be in serious trouble. Prospects in 2018 look much better now even than they did a couple months ago.
GA-6 and MT-AL can't happen soon enough.
Yes, sigh
Gizmodo managed to find Comey's (likely) twitter account:
Progress Iowa @ProgressIowa 18h
.@IAHouseGOP just confirmed in committee that if a woman has a miscarriage after 20 weeks, she has to carry the fetus to term #ialegis
What in the blue hades, Iowa?
Rubio says that at 10:45 am yesterday Russian IP addresses cyber-attacked his pres. campaign staffers--and this happened earlier.
...I dont..I dont understand what they're saying...
or maybe I have a misunderstanding of what a miscarriage is.
...I dont..I dont understand what they're saying...
or maybe I have a misunderstanding of what a miscarriage is.
Gizmodo managed to find Comey's (likely) twitter account:
Got chills when I heard this. Russia is actively trying to access sensitive information on Senate intelligence committee members.
To no ones surprise really.