It has nothing to do with purity tests that Trash Maher is Trash.
I don't care if he likes weed as much as you do.
Yup. Trash Maher is trash because he's trash.
It has nothing to do with purity tests that Trash Maher is Trash.
I don't care if he likes weed as much as you do.
I mean... it is and it isn't. A purity test, to me, is a tool employed by... I guess you'd call them sort of the inverse of the single issue voter. They're a many-issues voter, and if you fail one of their many issues (really more stances or postures than issues tbh), they write you off.
When those people use it tho, it's absolutely what you're describing.
I feel like you are just doing a more sympathetic and perhaps more intelligible version of my point.
When somebody says "stop doing purity tests" they mean "the issue that you think is important is not important to me and I think you should stop talking about it or expecting people to care about it."
Purity test is code for "I don't think the issue you care about matters."
Depends, I think it applies to people who didn't vote for Hillary because she gave speeches to the bank. They didn't vote at all because Hillary only agreed with them on 95% of what they believe. There are a lot of millenials like that. I know a few in my social circle. Hillary didn't fill all their purity slots so they wouldn't vote for her. Its the privileged white person syndrome mainly although I have one black friend who told me he only voted for black candidates because they would be the only ones to understand black people to which I said, Clarence Thomas, does he understand you......?
I feel like you are just doing a more sympathetic and perhaps more intelligible version of my point.
When somebody says "stop doing purity tests" they mean "the issue that you think is important is not important to me and I think you should stop talking about it or expecting people to care about it."
Total coal industry employees: 76,572
Total votes Clinton lost by in PA + MI + WI: 77,774
It is around 50,000 right now. That was the 2014 number.
25K+ in 3 years?
Wow, that industry is in free fall, more than I even thought
25K+ in 3 years?
Wow, that industry is in free fall, more than I even thought
25K+ in 3 years?
Wow, that industry is in free fall, more than I even thought
Good. Fuck coal. The faster it's 0 the better.
Good. Fuck coal. The faster it's 0 the better.
A "purity test" as I define it is disregarding and entirely dismissing a person as being an enemy because they don't align with every issue. They might align with 9/10 issues you find to be very important, but if that 10th issue they don't agree with you on, the other 9/10 become irrelevant.
Whether it's justified or not is based on a per person basis. I personally find plenty of things Bill Maher says to be stupid and ignorant, but I align with his opinions and beliefs at least 80% of the time so I wouldn't even begin to think of him as useless or a bad person.
Anyone know what the non-energy consumption of coal is?
A "purity test" as I define it is disregarding and entirely dismissing a person as being an enemy because they don't align with every issue. They might align with 9/10 issues you find to be very important, but if that 10th issue they don't agree with you on, the other 9/10 become irrelevant.
Whether it's justified or not is based on a per person basis. I personally find plenty of things Bill Maher says to be stupid and ignorant, but I align with his opinions and beliefs at least 80% of the time so I wouldn't even begin to think of him as useless or a bad person.
As far as I can tell, it's got non-energy uses but they're almost all still within the manufacturing industry, and all seem to be replaceable, not just for environmental reasons, but because the replacements are cheaper.
Coal is like the deadest industry that we still talk about; you'd probably have better odds selling telegrams to hipsters than convincing major manufacturers to invest further in coal; it's got very few benefits, especially if you aren't near major coal operations.
The thing that makes Maher terrible is less his policy positions and more the fact that he is a smug asshole who has made a career of trivializing politics down into bite sized pieces of meaningless entertainment all in the service of stroking his own ego and stacking cash.
You can follow the arc of Maher's entire career and watch how it mirrors the dissipation of american political discourse. He isn't the sole cause, or even the primary one, but he hitched his star to it, selling his particular brand of privileged impotent smugness to an ever growing audience.
He is a small, mean man who's primary goal is to diminish everything he sees in a vain attempt to feel superior.
Fuck. That. Guy.
The thing that makes Maher terrible is less his policy positions and more the fact that he is a smug asshole who has made a career of trivializing politics down into bite sized pieces of meaningless entertainment all in the service of stroking his own ego and stacking cash.
You can follow the arc of Maher's entire career and watch how it mirrors the dissipation of american political discourse. He isn't the sole cause, or even the primary one, but he hitched his star to it, selling his particular brand of privileged impotent smugness to an ever growing audience.
He is a small, mean man who's primary goal is to diminish everything he sees in a vain attempt to feel superior.
Fuck. That. Guy.
Note to self: create telegraph app for phones.
Trivializing politics into meaningless bite sized entertainment? That's objectively untrue. He has lengthy panels every week and 10+ minute interviews. His show is an hour long, Jon Oliver's just 30 minutes. As far as his motivation for doing the show, it's armchair psychology to suppose you know the answer to that like you're claiming you do. His style and delivery is smug but it's actually impossible to argue that all of the actual content is because so much of it features other people in the political spectrum. His new rules segments are also often pretty thorough when talking about policy or social issues.
25K+ in 3 years?
Wow, that industry is in free fall, more than I even thought
Natural gas, solar and wind are all cheaper than coal at this point, plus much of the work has been automated. Trump might as well be trying to revive blacksmithing.
Lengthy panels that are melees. Nothing every gets hashed out. Nothing ever moves. His show lives in a state of stasis carefully modeled around a both sides doctrine. I also certainly never said I was a fan of Oliver, so not sure what he has to do with any of this.
His style and delivery is smug and that would be fine if it was counteracted by anything of substance, but it isn't. He is 100% style. He's been in the game for decades and he has never left any real mark. He's a rhetorical shadow boxer.
He presents an entertainment product. If that works for you, that's fine; it's a big world and his style obviously connects with a ton of people, but disliking him needn't be based on some sort of purity test.
Disliking him based on falsehoods is a problem.
Don't watch an opinion show for policy consensus/bipartisanship. The panel discussions may be "melees", but, they are better than the opinion panels you find on network and cable TV most of the time.
He provides factual information, he is literally not 100% style. Yes, he provides his own interpretation of the facts, but, that leads to the next point.
He never pretended to be anything other than entertainment (just like John Stewart's Daily Show). He never pretended to be objective.
Remember the removal of minimum wage
That's likely their plan in reviving coal
How about... he's just an arse. I'm not sure why it requires elaborate explanation. He's a trash asshole. If you're into that whatever. No accounting for your trash taste.
No accounting for your trash taste.
Not to say that i think he's entirely disingenuous. I think he believes what he says, but that he arrived at those opinions from a motive of wanting to be a contrarian rather than from wanting to do some good for the world.
And I like Keith Olbermann better for this stuff anyway.
Is nuance not allowed here anymore? No one here is denying that he has frequent fuck ups, but it also can't be denied that he has frequent episodes of substance with important panelists. If you don't want to have a conversation about it, fine, but straight up insulting people who are trying to articulate the value they see in the show isn't serving anyone.
So he provides facts, but he never pretends to be objective.
Yes. That you can't discern these two things is troubling.
Fact: Schools in XX state are the least funded in the country.
Opinion: That's why people there vote the way they do.
I think you missed my point.
1. Deals in facts.
2. Never claims to be objective.
You kinda have to pick one there.
If someone claims that they are structuring their argument around certifiable fact, then that is a tacit claim of objectivity. They go hand in hand. Maher absolutely claims to be objective on his show, at least part of the time. His whole character is that he is a straight shooting truth teller. His shtick is built around a veneer of objectivity. "He might be a smug ass, but he tells it like it is."
His old show was called Politically Incorrect for a reason.
You absolutely do NOT have to pick one.
"Here's a fact, discuss it" is the whole premise of the show. The entertainment comes not from the fact, but from the discussion. He never claims to be, in and of himself, a source of objectivity. He never asks his guests to be objective, but, rather, to provide context to the fact; and he does not shy away from providing his own context to the fact.
It is not a news program.
You absolutely do NOT have to pick one.
"Here's a fact, discuss it" is the whole premise of the show. The entertainment comes not from the fact, but from the discussion. He never claims to be, in and of himself, a source of objectivity. He never asks his guests to be objective, but, rather, to provide context to the fact; and he does not shy away from providing his own context to the fact.
It is not a news program.
This is a great argument for loving Bill O'Reilly.
This is a great argument for loving Bill O'Reilly.
Total coal industry employees: 76,572
Total votes Clinton lost by in PA + MI + WI: 77,774
The party didn't just lose among rural white voters, it may have missed them altogether.
Thanks for linking this, really uplifting listenWas this posted?
Perez getting worked up is nice.
Based on past articles, some of it was actually planned. Alr-right organized online to either lie and say they supported Clinton or not answer polls so polling won't show their support.
”The folks who would talk to a stranger about politics just aren't representative of people who wouldn't," he said.