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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Alright that's a wash. The first 2-3 years of a decade are basically a continuation of the last decade

I'm pretty sure that went out of style in the late 80s but I will have to confirm that with my parents. If either of their senior yearbooks (1987) have someone with that style of hair I will concede that Nunes had acceptable hair for the time (but was probably pushing it).


Unconfirmed Member
The filibuster is almost universally used by republicans to obstruct democratic majorities.

This would be the first time I can think of Democrats even using it in recent memory.

I'd assume he'd only end the filibuster for the supreme court, and there hasn't been a successful filibuster for a supreme court appointment in history, unless you count the one filibuster of the elevation of Associate Justice Fortas to Chief Justice.
Something tells me liberals will rue this day when RBG is replaced by "Judge" Napolitano with 51 votes.

Again you're implying that not filibustering Gorsuch would in any way stop the Republicans from getting rid of it in the future. Like, it just wouldn't.

It's Schrodinger's filibuster - it's both alive and dead until the Dems just open the box.


I'm pretty sure that went out of style in the late 80s but I will have to confirm that with my parents. If either of their senior yearbooks (1987) have someone with that style of hair I will concede that Nunes had acceptable hair for the time (but was probably pushing it).

That hair was still around in 91, but it was done. Just because you could still see it doesn't mean it was in style.

Although stoner Nunes would have been equally entertaining to see.
BBB three years from now in alternative future with the Dems filibustering Napolitano replacing RBG: "Something tells me liberals will rue this day when Sotomayor is replaced by 'judge' Sarah Palin with 51 votes."

I'm not even sure it is actually possible to be a worse judge than Sam Alito either and he was put on the court with the filibuster, so...


Why are Collins and Murkowski going to vote yes on Gorsuch when he's clearly a pro-life justice who will gut, if not overturn, Roe v. Wade at the first opportunity? Does their concern for PP funding not cross over into lifetime judicial appointments?


Thank god for the House or else McConnell would be running circles around Trump. And thank god for the House or else he would have done it to Obama as well.

Still not sure I believe he'll shitcan the filibuster...

I don't even understand the point of Wilson's tweet. Is not believing McConnell will nuke the filibuster supposed to be underestimating him? It's not exactly some grand feat of politicking to change that rule, especially when he's been telegraphing that move for weeks.


Something tells me liberals will rue this day when RBG is replaced by "Judge" Napolitano with 51 votes.

We don't control whether this happens.

Frankly, not to get too accelerationist, but there would be some benefits if the GOP just completely tanked the perception of SCOTUS as a nonpartisan institution so that we could actually get some changes to it. They should probably not be lifetime appointments.


Gorsuch will be nuked through and I'll wager that the filibuster on Legislation gets killed before 2018 . Then hold onto your hat.

The legislation filibuster is actually useful for Republicans to deflect blame/responsibility. It gives them an excuse not to take up obviously bad bills that House Republicans can't help but shit out.


Unconfirmed Member
Why? They could just what they plan on doing now then. The filibuster is useless if it can be removed with just a simple majority (who the hell wrote that rule btw?).

It's not a rule but an interpretation of the constitution. When it says "each House shall determine the rules of its proceedings", there's an assumption that each house always has the power determine the rules of its proceedings, and traditionally that determination reads as done through a simple majority vote.

Otherwise, what would constitutionally happen if a senate creates a rule with a simple majority that they say can never be changed but by unanimous consent? Would the senate have to follow that rule even after everyone that voted for that rule leaves the senate and just one senator is holding the rule up?


Beat EviLore at pool.

Came here to post this.

Flynn and Kushner were joined by Bannon for a separate meeting with the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, who made an undisclosed visit to New York later in December, according to the U.S., European and Arab officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters.

In an unusual breach of protocol, the UAE did not notify the Obama administration in advance of the visit, though officials found out because Zayed’s name appeared on a flight manifest.

Officials said Zayed and his brother, the UAE’s national security adviser, coordinated the Seychelles meeting with Russian government officials with the goal of establishing an unofficial back channel between Trump and Putin.

It never is a slow news day.
Okay, you all know better. Let's see where this thelma and louise driving off a cliff phase of politics takes us all.

We are where we are. If the votes are there to remove the filibuster then there is no filibuster in practice.

The GOP will either allow all filibusters or none. It has nothing to do with the nominee. If a nominee is that trash to both parties then he or she would just lose straight up or more likely never be put up for a vote.


We are where we are. If the votes are there to remove the filibuster then there is no filibuster in practice.

The GOP will either allow all filibusters or none. It has nothing to do with the nominee. If a nominee is that trash to both parties then he or she would just lose straight up or more likely never be put up for a vote.

This. The filibuster doesn't exist if it can be so easily discarded.
But the Senate wants none of Ryan's bullshit, and absolutely need the political cover for it to die.

I guess we shall see if that's more important than failing at passing any promised legislation. Times ticking for reconciliation.

I want the rule gone. I would hope Dems go nuclear when given their next opportunity to. Curious how far this senate game of tit for tat plays out
Uh no if the filibuster on legislation is nuked we can just reverse all bad legislation next time we win the senate. At some point it will happen. That's just where politics is headed and it would likely expose the rift between the house and Senate gop
Uh no if the filibuster on legislation is nuked we can just reverse all bad legislation next time we win the senate. At some point it will happen. That's just where politics is headed and it would likely expose the rift between the house and Senate gop

Correct. IMO it's easier to sell the need for tax hikes rich while providing an entitlement than it is to get rid of an entrenched entitlement so the rich can get cuts
If McConnell wanted to he could have nuked it for Healthcare, but he didn't and that was a very high priority for house GOP members. McConnell is content to force Trump's nominees through and pass whatever shit bills he can with 50 votes


The filibuster protects the Senate majority from annoying votes the House of Representatives sends them. They won't lose it for bills.
Dunno. I'd love a Biden presidency but its gonna create the same bullshit purity test problems in Primary. Biden voted for the Iraq war and is pretty similar to Clinton in many ways.

I want Al Franken/Keith Ellison ticket.
Franken/Ellison would be cool but also means we don't get Minnesota's electoral votes, which seems like an unnecessary handicap when trying to get Nazis out of the White House.
Dunno. I'd love a Biden presidency but its gonna create the same bullshit purity test problems in Primary. Biden voted for the Iraq war and is pretty similar to Clinton in many ways.

I want Al Franken/Keith Ellison ticket.

I think Biden's not gonna have nearly as much of a problem there tbh. No sexism angle, and no 20 year propaganda campaign weighing him down.

I want Franken too, but idk about Ellison as VP. Someone from the Midwest (bu not Minnesota because of the EV thing), preferably a minority pick, literally unassailable position so they can lob whatever firebombs they need to. I'm kinda feeling Duckworth tbh, just on the criteria, but I dunno if she has the public speaking skills she'd need.




I think Biden's not gonna have nearly as much of a problem there tbh. No sexism angle, and no 20 year propaganda campaign weighing him down.

I want Franken too, but idk about Ellison as VP. Someone from the Midwest, preferably a minority pick. I'm kinda feeling Duckworth tbh, just on the criteria, but I dunno if she has the public speaking skills she'd need.
But Biden was also a gaffe machine. Its moot now in the age of Trump, but I can already imagine a slip-up from Biden about some coalminers will be compared to Trump's intentional thunderous insults by the media heads.
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