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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Rep. Tulsi Gabbard‏ @TulsiPress 2h2 hours ago
The exchange described in this story never happened. Claims suggesting otherwise are false.

Interesting denial. This is hardly the most questionable thing she said or did in regards to Bashar.
Dunno. I'd love a Biden presidency but its gonna create the same bullshit purity test problems in Primary. Biden voted for the Iraq war and is pretty similar to Clinton in many ways.

I want Al Franken/Keith Ellison ticket.

Much more likeable/popular though and his time as Vice President will maintain his popularity and credibility for the next four years as long as he stays out there.. He also has some level of bipartisan support from my experience. It's purely anecdotal but I can't count how many times conservative friends of mine have said "I know he's part of the Obama administration, but Joe Biden seems like a great guy". This from people that detested anything Obama.

Plus, I would pay money to see Biden/Trump in a debate....

I think if the candidate isn't white Whitehouse is a pretty decent Veep pick. Safe seat, pretty good showing at the Gorsuch hearing, obviously qualified.
But Biden was also a gaffe machine. Its moot now in the age of Trump, but I can already imagine a slip-up from Biden about some coalminers will be compared to Trump's intentional thunderous insults by the media heads.

They're gonna do that no matter who we pick. Democrats and Republicans aren't held to the same standards, ever, because of the golden mean bullshit. They do something insanely deplorable and it gets equated to something a Dem said or did for no better reason than they have to be "fair" about it.

But Biden won't be held to the same standard Hillary was, because nobody's been held to that standard before and I doubt anyone will be for a longass while. The Right's hatred of Hillary was (is) fierce, and deeply personal, and it's been burning for 20 years. More than enough time to utterly poison the well and twist the narrative even amongst left leaning groups.

fwiw a Biden vs. Sanders primary would be 2016 all over again, 100%.

Bernie's still got his head in the sand re: the Deplorables. Fuck him and the bird he rode in on.
What is the down side to nuking fillabuster? Like why would a ruling party not want or do that?
Whether you're talking about the Supreme Court or the legislative fillabuster - short term gain vs long term pain. Yes, if you nuke it and have the majority you can get your nominee confirmed with a simple majority or you can pass anything you want with a simple majority. What's the deterrent? Well ,the shoe is invariably going to end up on the other foot at some point and you're basically arming your opposition to do the same to you when they inevitably end up in the majority at some point.


I always liked Hillary more than Biden so the likability argument isn't that impressive to me.

Let's run somebody who isn't old and didn't vote for the Iraq War and literally write the 90s crime bill.


Unconfirmed Member
Honestly, I'm still a little surprised that McConnell is trying so hard to keep the filibuster for bills while passing major stuff through Budget Reconciliation. It seems to me that democrats have been primed to get rid of the filibuster since the ACA, and republicans doing sweeping legislation through basically loopholes isn't exactly going help remind democrats that filibusters are useful when in the minority. All they're getting going down that path is extremely compromised legislation that no one likes.

In the long term, the only way the filibuster for bills survives is if republicans and democrats find some way to compromise again. Neither side is likely going to get a supermajority any time soon, and eventually one side is going to get fed up at the decades of complete futility in passing anything.
Dunno. I'd love a Biden presidency but its gonna create the same bullshit purity test problems in Primary. Biden voted for the Iraq war and is pretty similar to Clinton in many ways.

I want Al Franken/Keith Ellison ticket.

I really don't think it would matter with Biden, or any other candidate who is likable and charismatic. Biden has other problems that would have sunk him (mainly an inability to stop talking/being completely undisciplined, and is now too old). Hillary Clinton is simply a bad politician who has never won a contested political battle against a good opponent. I don't believe you HAVE to be a "retail politician" to win, but you can't be standoff-ish or lazy either.

Booker has plenty of flaws and has all types of corporate ties...it wouldn't matter because he can connect with voters. Obama had clear support from Goldman Sachs...didn't matter. And obviously neither had 20 years of experience being attacked by the media or republicans.
Can someone ELI5 this Susan Rice unmasking thing that the Trumpers are excited about?

when the names of Americans are collected in incidental surveillance, they are supposed to be redacted from summaries of monitored conversation. The white house found out last month that susan rice sought to unmask the redactions of some of trump's recorded associates. So, she would be the "obama connection" I imagine they're crowing about


Is this the hill he wants to die on? He already failed once before.

Feel like at this point he's taken it as a personal slight.
Remember, the man doesn't lose so it must be tough to let go.

I severely doubt this is anything more than words though. Dude isn't up for this kind of fight. Outsourcing to Rand Paul this time is fucking clownshoes.

He wrote an Op-Ed a while back that shows what his 'plan' is.

As we repeal Obamacare, we would be wise to vote on its replacement at the same time.

What should we replace Obamacare with? Perhaps we should try freedom:

1. The freedom to choose inexpensive insurance free of government dictates.

2. The freedom to save unlimited amounts in a health savings account.

3. The freedom to buy insurance across state lines.

4. The freedom for all individuals to join together in voluntary associations to gain the leverage of being part of a large insurance pool.

If Congress fails to vote on a replacement at the same time as repeal, the repealers risk assuming the blame for the continued unraveling of Obamacare. For mark my words, Obamacare will continue to unravel and wreak havoc for years to come.

Freedom from the burden of having some cash in your wallet really.
Feel like at this point he's taken it as a personal slight.
Remember, the man doesn't lose so it must be tough to let go.

I severely doubt this is anything more than words though. Dude isn't up for this kind of fight. Outsourcing to Rand Paul this time is fucking clownshoes.

He wrote an Op-Ed a while back that shows what his 'plan' is.

Freedom from the burden of having some cash in your wallet really.
This man has no idea what he is doing.
Can someone ELI5 this Susan Rice unmasking thing that the Trumpers are excited about?

They think she's (the former National Security Advisor) going to jail for pushing to uncensor an American citizen's name in intelligence transcripts, likely Michael Flynn's name. They barely know any facts about it and it's ridiculous to think there's something illegal about that since it would have to have a purpose and signed off by someone like Rogers, the director of the NSA.

It's all a conservative effort to prove the outrageous distraction of Trump's wiretapping claim.

It'd be nice to know what's IN the transcripts, since they might tell us if unmasking was warranted, or if they're all a bunch of traitors, but conservatives strangely could care less what's in the communications.
What is the down side to nuking fillabuster? Like why would a ruling party not want or do that?

Imagine a world where the House ended up passing that turd of a healthcare bill. Now it's in the Senate. Mitch knows damn well this thing is political suicide; 2010 would look tame in comparison if this shitheap passes. But! You can't vote against it or deter it or you get Cantor'd by Tea Party nuts. So how do you stop the bill while voicing total support for it?

You keep the legislative filibuster and trust that Democrats will use it to stop the shitty bill. Then you go to the media with "I wanted to pass it, but the lie-beral dumbocrats wouldn't let us!"

If anything, I think the AHCA stuff has probably pushed Mitch further to keeping the legislative filibuster. Now's he has concrete evidence of the disastrous bills the House will send him.


Hello Buzzfeed. Goodbye Page.

A Former Trump Adviser Met With A Russian Spy

A court filing by the US government contains a transcript of a recorded conversation in which Podobnyy speaks with one of the other men busted in the spy ring, Igor Sporyshev, about trying to recruit someone identified as “Male-1.” BuzzFeed News has confirmed that “Male-1” is Page.

The revelation of Page’s connection to Russian intelligence — which occurred more than three years before his association with Trump — is the most clearly documented contact to date between Russian intelligence and someone in Trump’s orbit. It comes as federal investigators probe whether Trump’s campaign-era associates — including Page — had any inappropriate contact with Russian officials or intelligence operatives during the court of the election. Page has volunteered to help Senate investigators in their inquiry.

“[Male-1] wrote that he is sorry, he went to Moscow and forgot to check his inbox, but he wants to meet when he gets back. I think he is an idiot and forgot who I am...He got hooked on Gazprom thinking that if they have a project, he could rise up,” Podobnyy said. “I also promised him a lot...this is intelligence method to cheat, how else to work with foreigners? You promise a favor for a favor. You get the documents from him and tell him to go fuck himself.”

Page confirmed to BuzzFeed News on Monday that he is “Male-1” in the court filing, and said he had been in contact with Podobnyy, who was working at the time at Moscow’s UN office in New York City under diplomatic cover, although he was really an SVR agent. Pressed on details of his contact with Podobnyy, Page said their interactions did not include anything sensitive.

Query: Why would Page confirm this?


GOP has no incentive to nuke the legislative filibuster while their party is still in the middle of a decade long civil war. It's protection for GOP Senators from the insane shit the GOP House writes and passes on a regular basis; McConnel's game is obstructionism and he's not about to take any politically radioactive votes he absolutely doesn't have to.

Post-ACA and post-Obama, the Democrats have a uniformity of ideology that probably would make it an easier political pill to swallow on the left - which is a nice thought, but you never know how long these types of consensuses last.


Beat EviLore at pool.

A Former Trump Adviser Met With A Russian Spy

NEW YORK — A former campaign adviser for Donald Trump met with and passed documents to a Russian intelligence operative in New York City in 2013.

The adviser, Carter Page, met with a Russian intelligence operative named Victor Podobnyy, who was later charged by the US government alongside two others for acting as unregistered agents of a foreign government. The charges, filed in January 2015, came after federal investigators busted a Russian spy ring that was seeking information on US sanctions as well as efforts to develop alternative energy. Page is an energy consultant.

A court filing by the US government contains a transcript of a recorded conversation in which Podobnyy speaks with one of the other men busted in the spy ring, Igor Sporyshev, about trying to recruit someone identified as “Male-1.” BuzzFeed News has confirmed that “Male-1” is Page.

Holy shit at today.


The filibuster protects the Senate majority from annoying votes the House of Representatives sends them. They won't lose it for bills.

Yup. It's how the adults let the children play without making the rift in the party between the establishment and the activists even more public and vicious than it already is.

A Former Trump Adviser Met With A Russian Spy

NEW YORK — A former campaign adviser for Donald Trump met with and passed documents to a Russian intelligence operative in New York City in 2013.

The adviser, Carter Page, met with a Russian intelligence operative named Victor Podobnyy, who was later charged by the US government alongside two others for acting as unregistered agents of a foreign government. The charges, filed in January 2015, came after federal investigators busted a Russian spy ring that was seeking information on US sanctions as well as efforts to develop alternative energy. Page is an energy consultant.

A court filing by the US government contains a transcript of a recorded conversation in which Podobnyy speaks with one of the other men busted in the spy ring, Igor Sporyshev, about trying to recruit someone identified as “Male-1.” BuzzFeed News has confirmed that “Male-1” is Page.

Holy shit at today.

*blinks many times*


We're in a post facts era so admitting to some wild story about meeting a Russian spy has no bearing on your political future. I'm reaching here, is he looking to cut a deal or something, this is sorta nuts.
You know what the scariest part of all this is?

This team of lunatic racist morons successfully ran a winning presidential campaign.

Somehow, the idea that they all had some special insight or that Hillary and the Dems screwed up or that Bannon was playing 4d chess is almost more comforting than the notion that they really are as stupid as it's looking that they are, because it means that there's a huge portion of the American electorate that lives in what is literally bizarro world. For these people, weakness is strength, madness is sanity, stupidity is genius. And that's terrifying, because the entire political structure of our democracy is designed to give them as much power as possible.

A Former Trump Adviser Met With A Russian Spy

NEW YORK — A former campaign adviser for Donald Trump met with and passed documents to a Russian intelligence operative in New York City in 2013.

The adviser, Carter Page, met with a Russian intelligence operative named Victor Podobnyy, who was later charged by the US government alongside two others for acting as unregistered agents of a foreign government. The charges, filed in January 2015, came after federal investigators busted a Russian spy ring that was seeking information on US sanctions as well as efforts to develop alternative energy. Page is an energy consultant.

A court filing by the US government contains a transcript of a recorded conversation in which Podobnyy speaks with one of the other men busted in the spy ring, Igor Sporyshev, about trying to recruit someone identified as “Male-1.” BuzzFeed News has confirmed that “Male-1” is Page.

Holy shit at today.

What. A. Fucking. Stooge.

The court filing includes a colorful transcript of Podobnyy speaking with Sporyshev about trying to recruit Page.

“[Male-1] wrote that he is sorry, he went to Moscow and forgot to check his inbox, but he wants to meet when he gets back. I think he is an idiot and forgot who I am...He got hooked on Gazprom thinking that if they have a project, he could rise up,” Podobnyy said. “I also promised him a lot...this is intelligence method to cheat, how else to work with foreigners? You promise a favor for a favor. You get the documents from him and tell him to go fuck himself.”

And then there is this bit:

Page confirmed to BuzzFeed News on Monday that he is “Male-1” in the court filing, and said he had been in contact with Podobnyy, who was working at the time at Moscow’s UN office in New York City under diplomatic cover, although he was really an SVR agent. Pressed on details of his contact with Podobnyy, Page said their interactions did not include anything sensitive.

Kristen Welker‏ @kwelkernbc
Just had an impromptu mtg w/ @POTUS who tells me he is serious about reviving the push for healthcare reform & had a good convo w/@RandPaul
They have 12 days to get it done via reconciliation.

After that, go nuts. I hope this effort also produces a shitty bill that doesn't go anywhere and only drags Trump's approval down further. We can go sub-30!


Pence is meeting with HFC tonight to talk healthcare.
Fucking what is this shit? We couldn't get something done in 3 weeks, took dems a year, so lets try for Friday by lunch fam.
They must be getting hammered locally by super cons for not repealing Obamacare. I don't see any reason, politically, to revisit this. Maybe Trumps ego is just too bruised to let it go?
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