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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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With the nuclear option showdown coming soon why doesn't the media talk about how the fucking "Biden" rule DOESNT FUCKING EXIST. People are so misinformed by the bullshit republicans have put out. I just had to explain what really happened to my liberal relatives.


Unconfirmed Member
They have 12 days to get it done via reconciliation.

After that, go nuts. I hope this effort also produces a shitty bill that doesn't go anywhere and only drags Trump's approval down further. We can go sub-30!

I don't think the April 15th deadline actually means anything.

The ACA repeal they made Obama veto was passed january 6th, 2016, for the FY2016 budget was supposed to start October 2015.




A Former Trump Adviser Met With A Russian Spy

NEW YORK — A former campaign adviser for Donald Trump met with and passed documents to a Russian intelligence operative in New York City in 2013.

The adviser, Carter Page, met with a Russian intelligence operative named Victor Podobnyy, who was later charged by the US government alongside two others for acting as unregistered agents of a foreign government. The charges, filed in January 2015, came after federal investigators busted a Russian spy ring that was seeking information on US sanctions as well as efforts to develop alternative energy. Page is an energy consultant.

A court filing by the US government contains a transcript of a recorded conversation in which Podobnyy speaks with one of the other men busted in the spy ring, Igor Sporyshev, about trying to recruit someone identified as “Male-1.” BuzzFeed News has confirmed that “Male-1” is Page.

Holy shit at today.

They have all this shit and still can't find the direct link to Trump?


I don't think the April 15th deadline actually means anything.

The ACA repeal they made Obama veto was passed january 6th, 2016, for the FY2016 budget was supposed to start October 2015.


There's a limit to when you can pass a budget-related bill for the previous budget year, basically. I'm not entirely sure about the April 15th deadline myself, but there's a reason they're doing it the way they are.

Good fucking luck to them on this, though. 12 days to deadline for them to work out something that can even get out of the House, let alone through the Senate.


will gain confidence one day
What happened to "ACA is the law of the land for now," "we're going to let it fail and then get the dems to help fix it"? Did they realize the death spiral is fake news?


Beat EviLore at pool.
Well another thing came out now. I think this was known but it is something new.

Controversial Trump Aide Sebastian Gorka Backed Violent Anti-Semitic Militia
Read more: http://forward.com/news/national/36...ide-sebastian-gorka-backed-violent-anti-semi/

Asked directly on the TV interview program if he supports the move by Jobbik, a far-right anti-Semitic party, to establish the militia, Gorka, appearing as a leader of his own newly formed party, replies immediately, “That is so.” The Guard, Gorka explains, is a response to “a big societal need.”

Hungary’s official military, he stressed, “is sick, and totally reflects the state of Hungarian society…. This country cannot defend itself.”


They have all this shit and still can't find the direct link to Trump?

Who knows what the FBI actually has... They've been looking into this shit for almost a year now.

They've got to have something.

Well another thing came out now. I think this was known but it is something new.

Controversial Trump Aide Sebastian Gorka Backed Violent Anti-Semitic Militia
Read more: http://forward.com/news/national/36...ide-sebastian-gorka-backed-violent-anti-semi/

Asked directly on the TV interview program if he supports the move by Jobbik, a far-right anti-Semitic party, to establish the militia, Gorka, appearing as a leader of his own newly formed party, replies immediately, ”That is so." The Guard, Gorka explains, is a response to ”a big societal need."

Hungary's official military, he stressed, ”is sick, and totally reflects the state of Hungarian society.... This country cannot defend itself."

Ahem... I believe you mean 'Dr. Sebastian Gorka'.
Pence is meeting with HFC tonight to talk healthcare.
Fucking what is this shit? We couldn't get something done in 3 weeks, took dems a year, so lets try for Friday by lunch fam.

"I know the President has called each of you losers and asked for you to be primaried but could you please do what he says now please?"


They have 12 days to get it done via reconciliation.

After that, go nuts. I hope this effort also produces a shitty bill that doesn't go anywhere and only drags Trump's approval down further. We can go sub-30!

Mark my words, they will try to pass this turd in the middle of the night. It's gonna be a long 2 weeks.
I would imagine that they just want a symbolic win of have it pass the House, and they're telling the FC as much, because there is no fucking way this monstrosity would pass the Senate.


Corporate Apologist
Here I was thinking it was a kinda slow news day for American politics for a change, and then a bunch of stuff hits. Can't go a day without some scandal.


Unconfirmed Member
There's a limit to when you can pass a budget-related bill for the previous budget year, basically. I'm not entirely sure about the April 15th deadline myself, but there's a reason they're doing it the way they are.

Good fucking luck to them on this, though. 12 days to deadline for them to work out something that can even get out of the House, let alone through the Senate.

I see.

The latest I can find is Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005, passed May 2006 for FY2006. Maybe the real deadline is somewhere around May or June? Which is still pretty darn soon considering how much work they still need to do on it.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Here I was thinking it was a kinda slow news day for American politics for a change, and then a bunch of stuff hits. Can't go a day without some scandal.

I was thinking that all day. Then all of the sudden I see the National fans banner saying impeach Trump and now all of this.

Nunes says that House Intel could begin interviewing witnesses by 2nd week of recess, but says that is an optimistic timeline

I know this discussion keeps happening but the filibuster really has no power if we can't even use it once without it getting destroyed. And it's not like it takes a long time to nuke it either, so if RBG needs to get replaced Republicans will rapidly push through their nominee with no hesitation. The only chance where I could see this mattering would be if RBG died in the lame duck session and Dems wanted to try and stall for a bit until the next President. Even then, they would still have time to push it through.

Honestly hope the filibuster is the norm and not the exception, no reason to give them an inch

Dems will fillibuster every shitty piece of legislation coming out of the house, and republicans were fine to go along with it. Even Ryan wasn't discussing the nuclear option for legislation as a way to ram healthcare through. I honestly would love to see them try though because I think it would still fail.
You know what the scariest part of all this is?

This team of lunatic racist morons successfully ran a winning presidential campaign.

Somehow, the idea that they all had some special insight or that Hillary and the Dems screwed up or that Bannon was playing 4d chess is almost more comforting than the notion that they really are as stupid as it's looking that they are, because it means that there's a huge portion of the American electorate that lives in what is literally bizarro world. For these people, weakness is strength, madness is sanity, stupidity is genius. And that's terrifying, because the entire political structure of our democracy is designed to give them as much power as possible.

Trump's advertising/marketing team was incredibly sophisticated. Their social media micro-targeting strategy was state of the art and I think it will revolutionize the way campaigns will run in the future, same as Obama.

They have laid the groundwork for some terrifying Black Mirror level shit. Imagine a future where campaigns routinely deliver customized advertisements on the individual level that are specifically designed to exploit your unique psychological predispositions. Then remember that this future already exists and it's just an issue of having enough data.

Google and Facebook play the two largest roles with respect to how our society/culture is developing, and they don't even have to do anything malicious or intentional. Accidental and aggregated byproducts of their algorithms are all that is needed to slowly shift our society in unexpected and harmful directions.
VP Pence, OMB Director Mulvaney and WH Chief of staff Priebus just entered Freedom Caucus mtg - all ducked Qs on health care


Here we go. Time to get shit done.

I really can't stand Jeffery Lord.

So they're going to promise the moon, craft a far right bill to pass the House...then watch it either get shicanned in the senate or be drastically changed and sent back to the House. At which point Trump is back to square one, demanding the Freedom Caucus vote for a bill that doesn't repeal Obamacare.


So they're going to promise the moon, craft a far right bill to pass the House...then watch it either get shicanned in the senate or be drastically changed and sent back to the House. At which point Trump is back to square one, demanding the Freedom Caucus vote for a bill that doesn't repeal Obamacare.
Or it could be growing pains. Maybe they had to taste what failure is like before being more practical in how the AHCA ends up being passed
Or it could be growing pains. Maybe they had to taste what failure is like before being more practical in how the AHCA ends up being passed

Who is "they?" Paul Ryan is never going to work with Democrats, because doing so would get him deposed as Speaker and probably primaried. As long as that's true, the FC still holds all the cards, and they didn't lose SHIT.
So they're going to promise the moon, craft a far right bill to pass the House...then watch it either get shicanned in the senate or be drastically changed and sent back to the House. At which point Trump is back to square one, demanding the Freedom Caucus vote for a bill that doesn't repeal Obamacare.

If the super cons in the house are getting push back for failing to repeal, this makes sense I think. In this scenario the house can claim they tried and the senate GOP can still protect the "moderates".


Who is "they?" Paul Ryan is never going to work with Democrats, because doing so would get him deposed as Speaker and probably primaried. As long as that's true, the FC still holds all the cards, and they didn't lose SHIT.
I mean the FC will learn to make concessions after this fiasco.

Maybe. Who knows what's being discussed.
So they're going to promise the moon, craft a far right bill to pass the House...then watch it either get shicanned in the senate or be drastically changed and sent back to the House. At which point Trump is back to square one, demanding the Freedom Caucus vote for a bill that doesn't repeal Obamacare.

A far right bill isn't going to pass the house. The moderates were already rebelling against the AHCA. Going further right will murder them.
I mean the FC will learn to make concessions after this fiasco.

Maybe. Who knows what's being discussed.

The FC just had their single biggest political victory ever. They are at the height of their power and you think that the lesson they just learned is that they should make concessions? That.. doesn't seem likely.
Trump's advertising/marketing team was incredibly sophisticated. Their social media micro-targeting strategy was state of the art and I think it will revolutionize the way campaigns will run in the future, same as Obama.

They have laid the groundwork for some terrifying Black Mirror level shit. Imagine a future where campaigns routinely deliver customized advertisements on the individual level that are specifically designed to exploit your unique psychological predispositions. Then remember that this future already exists and it's just an issue of having enough data.

Google and Facebook play the two largest roles with respect to how our society/culture is developing, and they don't even have to do anything malicious or intentional. Accidental and aggregated byproducts of their algorithms are all that is needed to slowly shift our society in unexpected and harmful directions.

Most analyses of the Trump data team have concluded that they are lying about everything they did. What they claimed to do is actually really illegal.
A far right bill isn't going to pass the house. The moderates were already rebelling against the AHCA. Going further right will murder them.


They're House Republicans, Sense. There are no moderates, only extra-spineless far right extremists. Failure of the AHCA in the House was basically entirely a failure of leadership. Give the FC what they want and spend your time and political capital bullying the rest of the caucus and this thing goes through.

At which point it's either DOA in the Senate or revised beyond recognition, at which point it dies in the House again. But you could clear that first hurdle no problem.

Most analyses of the Trump data team have concluded that they are lying about everything they did. What they claimed to do is actually really illegal.

This. They say they were geniuses and everything went down Just As Planned but setting aside that the numbers and stories at the time don't really back that up, holy shit have you seen the crap they've been up to lately? There's nothing genius or sophisticated here.
I mean the FC will learn to make concessions after this fiasco.

Maybe. Who knows what's being discussed.

Why in the world would they make concessions when they won? Unless you mean to say Trump will give even more concessions make the bill even more toxic.

McConnell won't bring this shit to the floor if it even manages to pass the house.

It's important to be cautious but there is no chance this thing is passing. And even if it dd did you see the approval rating for this thing? 17%. Even half of the Trump hardcore said fuck that nonsense. There are very few legislative ideas that reach that low in terms of popularity. especially one with a concrete bill

They're House Republicans, Sense. There are no moderates, only extra-spineless far right extremists. Failure of the AHCA in the House was basically entirely a failure of leadership. Give the FC what they want and spend your time and political capital bullying the rest of the caucus and this thing goes through.

Voting on a 17% approval healthcare bill is a lost seat for anybody in a R+5 district.
Voting on a 17% approval healthcare bill is a lost seat for anybody in a R+5 district.

Not to mention the Freedom Caucus wants people thrown off the healthcare faster. More concessions to them will drop that approval rating even further. The freedom caucus has no reason to budge because they are in safe districts and Trump just let them know they have all the power as long as democrats are in lockstep against him. I do think republicans could come together and pass some kind of healthcare bill, but that would require close cooperation between Trump, Ryan, and McConnell.....LOL
Cambridge Analytica claims they stole a bunch of personal data from like 24 million people on Facebook and used that data to microtarget ads.

Uhhhhhhhhh, this would not be legal and they did not do this.

Tommy DJ

I still don't think the Republicans are an amorphous blob. Just this time we saw that the Republicans didn't fall in line and gave Donald Trump, their president, a huge loss that generally doesn't happen so early in a presidents reign.

Moderate or not, they still answer to their constituency.

You have the Freedom Caucus trying to wrestle their might and are basically ideologically against to do with government. Then you have everyone else, who is busy getting threatened by the AARP, Koch Brothers, whoever goes to town halls and the Heritage Foundation.

If they try and ram the same bill through, Republicans actually have a spine of steel and high degree of leadership if they're going against the AARP, their constituents, the Koch Brothers and the Heritage Foundation simultaneously for some shitty health care bill that was drafted by an overcaffeinated college student. They're literally telling people in weaker Republican seats to literally commit political suicide for a completely ideological goal, as everyone knows any Republican health care bill provides everything but health care.
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