What does thr FC want? A bill that literally allows poor people to die in front of the sliding doors to a hospital?
The Freedom Caucus position -- and really the Republican Party, but the HFC conservatives are the only ones who will come close to admitting it -- is that the government should have no role in providing people with health coverage. If you can't afford insurance on your own or get it through your employer, then that's your problem, not the taxpayer's.
It ignores some key financial realities (like, unless a hospital is turning you away for lack of insurance, the taxpayers will end up footing the bill anyway) and is a very sociopathic approach for the religious right, but the gist of it is basically social Darwinism.
How so? Could you expound on that?
There are far-left progressives, just as there are far-right conservatives, who just like to be contrarians. They don't actually want to govern, if even they know how to, because their lives are effectively devoted to being the opposition and crowing about everything being done is a betrayal of your values. Contrary to Reagan's "I'd rather take 80 percent of what I want than nothing" belief, the far-left and far-right want 100 percent of what they want or nothing at all -- and they'd prefer nothing at all, really, because that enables them to stay enraged. Especially if they happen to make a living off their perpetual rage.
Why do they align with Russia? I'm not really sure about the far-left -- maybe siding with the U.S.'s biggest adversary is meant to be seen as a big fuck you to the U.S.? -- but with the far-right, Russia represents the white, Christian, cultural conservative oasis that they wish America was.