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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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mj1108 said:








Tamanon said:
"This moment requires a government act to help you!"

"Shame on those who put their faith in the government instead of the people!"

The art of double-speak

No one does it better . . .


Setec Astronomer
bob_arctor said:
Aw shit, now they've gone and made perpetually super-cool Hitokage pissed. It's all over.
Oh, I've been on a slow simmer for the past six years, keeping all of this stuff on the backburner so I can function.


This is such a weird mixed message.

"Government is BAD! Government will help you!"
"Don't look at the past! Look at Obama's past!"
I will (financially) help people...
keeping their house
keeping their jobs
having health care
going to college


I want a spending freeze on everything except military.



Batteries the CRISIS!
Meghan McCain over John's left shoulder.

Hot DAMN I'd nail her.

[edit] Get that frakking DOW tracker outta the way!!
blame space said:
Wow, is half of the crowd drunk?

intoxication is a requirement for being able to listen to sarah palin. Really, when she's talking, how long can you listen to her uninterrupted before hitting the mute button? It's like waterboarding streamed through the internet.


It's too bad I missed the Town Hall last night. Oh well, 'bamaton is smashing McCain in the polls with less than 30 days to go!

We're this goddamned close, GAF. All these long months of snorting/inhaling/smoking hopium will be paid off tenfold soon enough.
Hitokage said:
It's weird listening to this absolutely certain "we will win!" rhetoric. I mean, I understand the importance of remaining optimistic but there's a fine line between determination and Terry McLawlffle. They have to acknowledge that the odds are against them.

By contrast Obama kept saying today "if I am elected..." and even noted that he is superstitious about not saying "when" (even though he has in the past).

Basically, he knows the score :)


Batteries the CRISIS!
NomarTyme said:
I call on it first.

You gotta race me.

BTW I just tuned in a couple minutes ago and this "rally" seems more like a crowd of rabble rousers who are about to don some pitchforks and torches. Are McCain's only remaining supporters a bunch of crazy radicals?!
Danthrax said:
You gotta race me.

BTW I just tuned in a couple minutes ago and this "rally" seems more like a crowd of rabble rousers who are about to don some pitchforks and torches. Are McCain's only remaining supporters a bunch of crazy radicals?!

His only supporters left are Sarah Palin fans, and those people ARE crazy radicals.


Setec Astronomer
McCain blathering about mandates and fines is so fucking retarded. Does he really think that nobody watched the 100 Obama/Clinton debates where THAT VERY ISSUE was one of the few in contention?
McCain and Palin are doing their best to insert a few accurate sentences interspersed between a books worth of misinformation. So far, a success.
Steve Youngblood said:
Busy day at work, so all I have to say right now is wow in regards to the Gallup. This thing is really opening up.

Like a fine young lady's legs after she's been wined and dined.



Batteries the CRISIS!
I love the looks on Meghan's face, like she's thinking, "These people are nuts, how can anyone believe this shit?"

You know she's a closet Democrat.
Hitokage said:
McCain blathering about mandates and fines is so fucking retarded. Does he really think that nobody watched the 100 Obama/Clinton debates where THAT VERY ISSUE was one of the few in contention?

Wow, he's still shilling that? I mean, Hillary was 100% right on mandates, but man oh man how can he repeat that? It's terrible, they mangle the truth more than sarah palin mangles subject-verb agreement.
Danthrax said:
I love the looks on Meghan's face, like she's thinking, "These people are nuts, how can anyone believe this shit?"

You know she's a closet Democrat.

It is so awesome watching her... I just put the TV on mute and body language on screen is very telling of everything right now.


Danthrax said:
BTW I just tuned in a couple minutes ago and this "rally" seems more like a crowd of rabble rousers who are about to don some pitchforks and torches. Are McCain's only remaining supporters a bunch of crazy radicals?!

They are perfectly sane. And that's the crazy part.


Setec Astronomer
Note to McCain: Stated increases in spending are worthless without a timeframe. Per year? Over five? Over ten? Over fifty?
Danthrax said:
I love the looks on Meghan's face, like she's thinking, "These people are nuts, how can anyone believe this shit?"

You know she's a closet Democrat.


"Why are you looking at me like that? You smell bad."

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Just wondering...What's the security like at these rallies? I would like to think we are beyond assassinations, but i can't help but be concerned when the man is speaking in front of large crowds like that. Especially in southern states...
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