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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Just now, at a rally in Pennsylvania, McCain was talking about what he's gonna do to fix the economy. After laying out a few (lame as usual) details, he said this:

You and I together will confront the $10 trillion debt that the federal government has run up, and balance the federal budget by the end of my term in office. Across this country this is the agenda I've set before my fellow prisoners, and the same standards of clarity and candor must now be applied to my opponent.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYFm5kK4f1k :lol
ArtG said:

Sadly, I'm not fat. I'm thin and nicely built with effing rock hard abs. :lol


Batteries the CRISIS!
lawblob said:
But is she hotter than these fine ladies?
[NSFW pic I guess]

Jenna Bush might have her beat, but she's married now, so that kinda reduces her attractiveness. Barbara? Definitely not as hot as Meghan.

quadriplegicjon said:
will you guys please stop posting NSFW pictures in this thread.


That wasn't NSFW, she's fully clothed and sitting around her bed with a laptop. Or are you just referring to the 'shopped Bush twin pic that someone else posted?


speculawyer said:
Yeah . . . if you need to post a sticky on that, it tells you who you are dealing with. :lol

And one of the posts in that sticky thread: "Besides, most of us just want to wing them." :lol

Part of the OP in that Hannity forum sticky reads:

One of our forum rules posted at the top of the Ask the Moderator section states: "No lynch mobs. Do not use the forums to spread hate, Antisemitism/racism, suggest that innocents should die or that an innocent deserved to die, or otherwise fill our welcoming forums with hatred and malice. This makes our forums unattractive to our honored guests and will not be tolerated."

Just so telling. :lol
Danthrax said:
Jenna Bush might have her beat, but she's married now, so that kinda reduces her attractiveness. Barbara? Definitely not as hot as Meghan.

That wasn't NSFW, she's fully clothed and sitting around her bed with a laptop. Or are you just referring to the 'shopped Bush twin pic that someone else posted?

John Kerry's daughter is hot.


Nice Gallup. Oh and incidentally I don't know why any of you are deriving any satisfaction from the Hannity thing, even when he's supposedly getting owned he never, ever shuts up and lets his opponent finish a point that he is afraid will come back to bite him. Having someone else talk over him continuously didn't make it all that much more watchable.


Has anyone posted today's 538 yet? No polling update yet, but McCain's down to single digits in the Pacman graph.


Sorry if old and I just missed it.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
John Kerry's daughter is hot.

Meh? The only pics I remember of her are during 'nipple gate' back in 2004. I would post them here, but apparently some PoliGAF viewers work in Communist salt mines.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Alright, I'm posting this again since most of you guys seemed to have missed it last night with all the post-debate craziness. This needs to be the big, big story, not the Bill Ayers nonsense.

I was listening to NPR yesterday when they started talking about the role of oil speculators in raising up gas prices. And then I heard a bombshell. Phil "Nation-of-Whiners" Gramm was actively involved in deregulating the commodities market, which let oil speculators run wild.

I couldn't find the exact story on their website, but here's an except from Spinwatch.

Spinwatch said:

But do supply and demand explain oil prices at $140 per barrel, with voices from Goldman Sachs projecting $200 for next year (a figure that would push gas prices above $5 per gallon) and Russia's Gazprom saying $250, despite a likely US recession? Do they explain the historic price hikes in rice, corn, and wheat, leading to hunger in the developing world? Do they explain the absolutely stratospheric price of copper? No they do not.

Yes, Virginia, speculators can affect the price—if they are large and relentless enough to dominate a market, and especially if they can store the commodity and keep it off the market as the price rises.

Futures markets exist to permit commercial interests to hedge their business risks. For a fee, a farmer (or oil producer) can put a floor under the price at which his product will sell. The forward price is normally a bit lower than the current price, but the contract protects the farmer from a catastrophic price slump—such as may occur in (for instance) bumper years. Speculators buy the futures on the chance that the market price will be substantially higher. They make a respectable profit on what is in effect an insurance function, and a killing in years of drought, flood, and war.

This system works reasonably well so long as speculators do not actually control or manipulate prices. For if they can drive prices way up, they can obviously cash in while the farmer (who has presold his crop) cannot. Strict regulation by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (cftc) is supposed to prevent that.

But thanks to Phil "nation of whiners" Gramm—the former Texas senator who was until recently John McCain's top economic adviser (see "Foreclosure Phil")—futures market regulation went to hell. Under the "Enron loophole" pushed through by Gramm in 2000, energy futures were allowed to escape all federal and state regulation. Gramm embedded that loophole in a surprise 262-page rider, drafted at the behest of Wall Street and Enron, in an 11,000-page appropriations bill on a Friday evening two days after the Supreme Court handed down its Bush v. Gore ruling and as Congress was rushing home for Christmas. In a separate bit of absurdity, in January 2006, the Intercontinental Exchange (ice) of Atlanta, which trades benchmark US oil futures (West Texas Intermediate or wti), came to be treated by the cftc as a British market (the "London loophole") so that US regulators do not even track what is going on. (Even more surreal, the cftc was going to allow trades of US oil futures on terminals located in America to be "regulated" in Dubai; political pressure put an end to that idea in July.)

Worse still, Gramm's Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 also opened the way for growth in deregulated "credit default swaps"—a way in which financial institutions "insured" that bad loans would not cause them losses. This, combined with other deregulatory moves by the cftc, broadened the "swaps loophole," an enormous backdoor into the commodities markets, basically permitting speculators making bets off the commodities exchanges to be treated as "commercial interests"—like say, farmers—and hence avoid the scrutiny (including limits on the size of their bets) normally applied to financial players. Thus today, when officials like Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson say that speculation is not a factor in the commodity markets, they're not counting hedge funds and investment banks as speculators—even though that's what they really are.

According to Senate testimony on June 3 by Michael Greenberger, who used to head the cftc's division of trading and markets, if swaps were properly labeled, about 70 percent of the oil futures now traded on the New York exchanges would be deemed speculative, not commercial, and subjected to a high degree of regulatory scrutiny.

That's right ladies and gentlemen. Not only did Phil Gramm push the deregulation of the banking industry by repealing the Glass-Steagal Act, which helped cause our current housing and banking crisis, not only did Phill Gramm lobby on behalf of Swiss bank UBS, but he was also actively involved in letting speculators run amok and he let them jack the price of oil up to record prices. And not only did that affect gas prices, but food prices as well!

And John McCain made this man his Chief Economic Advisor. Gramm was only let go after he called us a "nation of whiners" for complaining about the crisis he helped create.

This needs to be fucking shouted from the rooftops.


Iksenpets said:
Has anyone posted today's 538 yet? No polling update yet, but McCain's down to single digits in the Pacman graph.


Sorry if old and I just missed it.

The electoral vote is edging towards being the new Pac-Man!


Batteries the CRISIS!
lawblob said:
Meh? The only pics I remember of her are during 'nipple gate' back in 2004. I would post them here, but apparently some PoliGAF viewers work in Communist salt mines.

Just do a Google image search for Alexandra Kerry, you can't miss them.

dark steve said:
escapism goes in Gaming.

dark steve said:
escapism goes in Gaming.

Search for pics of me in the pics thread and you'll eat your words.

Meh? The only pics I remember of her are during 'nipple gate' back in 2004. I would post them here, but apparently some PoliGAF viewers work in Communist salt mines.

Okay, you win. I just forgot how she looked. :lol
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Sadly, I'm not fat. I'm thin and nicely built with effing rock hard abs. :lol

Don't worry, I'm in the "she's fat" camp as well... I guess we can at least give the guys credit for perhaps having suitable standards?


ZealousD said:
Alright, I'm posting this again since most of you guys seemed to have missed it last night with all the post-debate craziness. This needs to be the big, big story, not the Bill Ayers nonsense.

I was listening to NPR yesterday when they started talking about the role of oil speculators in raising up gas prices. And then I heard a bombshell. Phil "Nation-of-Whiners" Gramm was actively involved in deregulating the commodities market, which let oil speculators run wild.

I couldn't find the exact story on their website, but here's an except from Spinwatch.

That's right ladies and gentlemen. Not only did Phil Gramm push the deregulation of the banking industry by repealing the Glass-Steagal Act, which helped cause our current housing and banking crisis, not only did Phill Gramm lobby on behalf of Swiss bank UBS, but he was also actively involved in letting speculators run amok and he let them jack the price of oil up to record prices. And not only did that affect gas prices, but food prices as well!

And John McCain made this man his Chief Economic Advisor. Gramm was only let go after he called us a "nation of whiners" for complaining about the crisis he helped create.

This needs to be fucking shouted from the rooftops.

Yea i caught that last night and bookmarked your post. i think this needs to be an ad like today!


testicles on a cold fall morning
haha - Yglesias jumps late on an observation I made a few weeks ago about the first debate - http://yglesias.thinkprogress.org/archives/2008/10/the_world_according_to_last_nights_debate.php

If there's to be a serious discussion about foreign policy, and I mean substantive foreign policy and the strategic direction of this country over the next decade-plus, how is it that India and China are not brought into the mix? Why are our European allies, sans Spain apparently, lumped in general terms as NATO without any talk about what the organization exists for? Why scant mention of our allies in our immediate sphere of influence, especially Mexico and South America?

Debates suck.
Danthrax said:
I posted that on the previous page, but yes, thank you. That's like my favorite picture of her.

Sorry, I was dumb and posted while I was still playing catchup after being out of the house for a couple of hours.


scorcho said:
haha - Yglesias jumps late on an observation I made a few weeks ago about the first debate - http://yglesias.thinkprogress.org/archives/2008/10/the_world_according_to_last_nights_debate.php

If there's to be a serious discussion about foreign policy, and I mean substantive foreign policy and the strategic direction of this country over the next decade-plus, how is it that India and China are not brought into the mix? Why are our European allies, sans Spain apparently, lumped in general terms as NATO without any talk about what the organization exists for? Why scant mention of our allies in our immediate sphere of influence, especially Mexico and South America?

Debates suck.

You would think India and China would be brought up, even if only in counterpoint to Pakistan/Russia. I think the only reason they aren't is that other parts of the electorate really don't like them(outsourcing/lead paint)


Setec Astronomer
ZealousD said:
Alright, I'm posting this again since most of you guys seemed to have missed it last night with all the post-debate craziness. This needs to be the big, big story, not the Bill Ayers nonsense.

I was listening to NPR yesterday when they started talking about the role of oil speculators in raising up gas prices. And then I heard a bombshell. Phil "Nation-of-Whiners" Gramm was actively involved in deregulating the commodities market, which let oil speculators run wild.

I couldn't find the exact story on their website, but here's an except from Spinwatch.

That's right ladies and gentlemen. Not only did Phil Gramm push the deregulation of the banking industry by repealing the Glass-Steagal Act, which helped cause our current housing and banking crisis, not only did Phill Gramm lobby on behalf of Swiss bank UBS, but he was also actively involved in letting speculators run amok and he let them jack the price of oil up to record prices. And not only did that affect gas prices, but food prices as well!

And John McCain made this man his Chief Economic Advisor. Gramm was only let go after he called us a "nation of whiners" for complaining about the crisis he helped create.

This needs to be fucking shouted from the rooftops.
Ok, Phil Gramm needs his own picture to go alongside this one:



we all knew her
Just got back a bit ago from the Obama rally. So awesome. I got "preferred passes" and ended up on ground level about 50' away from the podium, standing in the mud. My camera battery said it had 2 minutes of charge time when I got there, so I could only take a few pics. They turned out pretty well, though, I think.



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