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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Guy Legend

The Take Out Bandit said:

It's like a where's waldo pic.
South Carolina Senators say the funniest things:

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) Both campaigns have declared themselves the winner of last night's presidential debate. Obama's campaign manager called John McCain "angry" and says he was all over the place. But a McCain backer, Senator Lindsey Graham, sees it differently, saying McCain "whipped" Obama last night.

Wow nice use of verbs there hoss. :lol :lol What a dumbass.


She's definitely a closet-Democrat. By refusing to answer the abortion question on Larry King, she basically admitted she's pro-choice.


Batteries the CRISIS!
:lol :lol

I love how the CNN anchor said "For the sake of fairness, we listened to the Republican side of things" as if to say, "We know this thing's over, but I GUESS we don't want to be an ass, so here's some airtime for McCain."


Tim-E said:
The higher the number, the worse the poll is. Gallup is better than those.
I think hes talking about the zogby not the zogby interactive, look again the one labeled zogby is higher than galup
Fragamemnon said:
South Carolina Senators say the funniest things:
Wow nice use of verbs there hoss. :lol :lol What a dumbass.

He whipped THAT ONE. hahaha. May that party stay relevant only for the laughter.


good credit (by proxy)
Wray said:
For comedy gold you guys should check out the Hannity Forums. Man it's craziness.


From "McGirl1994" after a guy who works for a polling company says expect Obama to be up tomorrow:

If you came up with any thing other that a crushing McCain win you are obviously a liberal and your company is a liberal company that does not care about doing the job they get paid for!!!!1

It boggles my mind that people that can type, spell, and use a computer still can't understand how reality works.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Days like these... said:
She looks sorta tubby but damn that look in her eyes. She can definitely get it.

She's a little bigger but she has such nice curves! And she also has a very pretty face and beautiful hair. And you're right, her eyes... they're smoldering.



:lol Of all things, we're now having a discussion on "What is John McCain?" between Morning Joe crew and Rachel Maddow. That's not a good thing this late in the race.


quadriplegicjon said:
zogby.. and fox above gallup? that cant be right. :/

Zogby himself said on the Daily Show in '04 that Kerry would win. Stupid Zogby and his stupid giving of false hope.
Price Dalton said:
I like how one of the stickies is "No assassination talk." Awesome.
Yeah . . . if you need to post a sticky on that, it tells you who you are dealing with. :lol

And one of the posts in that sticky thread: "Besides, most of us just want to wing them." :lol


Danthrax said:
She's a little bigger but she has such nice curves! And she also has a very pretty face and beautiful hair. And you're right, her eyes... they're smoldering.

But is she hotter than these fine ladies?
what what what

NRCC Somehow Gets Credit From Wachovia

In a move that should turn into an attack ad all on its own, the NRCC somehow secured an $8 million loan from Wachovia today (from subscription only Roll Call).

So, a bank that was about to get its deposits seized by the FDIC and shuffled to Citi only to be saved at the last minute by Wells Fargo turns around and gives a huge loan to the NRCC. That's garbage.
Fragamemnon said:
South Carolina Senators say the funniest things:

Senator Lindsey Graham, sees it differently, saying McCain "whipped" Obama last night.

Wow nice use of verbs there hoss. :lol :lol What a dumbass.
Yeah, that has got to sound really nice in Lindsey Graham's southern drawl. Sheesh.


Timedog said:
From "McGirl1994" after a guy who works for a polling company says expect Obama to be up tomorrow:

It boggles my mind that people that can type, spell, and use a computer still can't understand how reality works.

I always picture Hannity as being an actor, laughing as he rolls around in his piles of money gained inciting mouthbreathers. He doesn't actually believe this garbage, it's an act honed to perfection like the worst old school wrestling villain.

I know it's probably not true, but it makes me feel better.


Fragamemnon said:
what what what

So, a bank that was about to get its deposits seized by the FDIC and shuffled to Citi only to be saved at the last minute by Wells Fargo turns around and gives a huge loan to the NRCC. That's garbage.

Wat? How is that even possible?


Danthrax said:
I don't believe you. =P

Now, they may very well be bigoted and ignorant but that doesn't mean they're nuts. Sure, they like to chant idiotic slogans for no good reason and shout out "Terrorist!" in describing a Presidential nominee, but that doesn't mean they deserve to be labeled crazy. We all know people like this. We have 'em in our families. They piss us off at work. And all that's okay. I'm fine with it. Because this is a big country and there are plenty of people who aren't like that and come November 4th, this will be made clear as crystal.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Tim-E said:
The higher the number, the worse the poll is. Gallup is better than those.

im looking at zogby, not zogby interactive.

Zogby: +2.16
Fox/Opinion Dinamics: +2.36
Gallup: +2.40

:/ unless im missing something.


Doc Holliday said:
Just wondering...What's the security like at these rallies? I would like to think we are beyond assassinations, but i can't help but be concerned when the man is speaking in front of large crowds like that. Especially in southern states...

Really, really good... everyone has to go through metal detectors and there's usually only a couple of entrances open into the area, if that.

They make you take everything out of your pockets too and check it.
Danthrax said:
She's a little bigger but she has such nice curves! And she also has a very pretty face and beautiful hair. And you're right, her eyes... they're smoldering.


Gross. She's a hobbit, or something. Her arms are longer than her legs.


That's not the Zogby tracking poll and besides that list is based on the primaries and not really authoritative. Zogby has always been shit.


Danthrax said:
She's a little bigger but she has such nice curves! And she also has a very pretty face and beautiful hair. And you're right, her eyes... they're smoldering.


She looks like she has a " bun in her oven" today.

Looks like she gets daily Liposuction(explains why her waist size goes up and down) and everything else stays the same.

ANYWAYS yea she has a cute face....


quadriplegicjon said:
will you guys please stop posting NSFW pictures in this thread.


You're lucky, I was just about to embed an HD - widescreen hardcore lesbian sleepover scene.

As far as Meghan McCain goes, I will just say this. She is by no means gorgeous, but lets be honest, if she threw herself at you at a bar, who in here would honestly not hit that? Country First, people...


lawblob said:
You're lucky, I was just about to embed an HD widescreen lesbian sleepover scene.

As far as Meghan McCain goes, I will just say this. She is by no means gorgeous, but lets be honest, if she threw herself at you at a bar, who in here would honestly not hit that? Country First, people...

Plus she's rich so you wouldn't have to pick up a tab or anything.
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