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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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:lol Attacking Obama for shifting on drilling? Really? Did she not know what McCain's position was until a month or two before she came on the ticket?


Setec Astronomer
SpeedingUptoStop said:
They are aware of the Democratic Party, right? That it accounts for far more than 25% of the country, right? They realize this is a two party system, yes? Jesus fucking christ, people are stupid.
lawblob said:
Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people. In 2004 shortly before the election I remember listening to pure insanity at a family reunion. Here are some quotes: "I heard Kerry wants to have abortion doctors in high schools." "Kerry wants to get rid of the border between the US and Mexico." "I thought that Kerry opposed the US in some previous war."

Well its peer reinforcement. If all your friends think the same way as you do they spread the same information (or disinformation) among each other.
On McCain's housing plan, let me quote Yglesias:

Instead of simply taking action to force a rewrite of mortgages as part of the existing planned bailout of insolvent institutions, McCain wants us to take the additional step of buying mortgages at full face value and then having the government renegotiate the terms. As far as the words you use to describe the plans, this is pretty similar to the Center for American Progress idea. But in terms of its actual impact it’s quite different. Instead of having the lenders take a haircut in order to avoid mass foreclosures, McCain wants the taxpayers to bare all the costs of doing so. There’s just no reason to do it this way other than as a favor to the executives and shareholders of firms that made or bought bad loans.

So we basically bail out financial institutions without any penalties (moral hazard) and then McCain probably plans on paying for it via a spending freeze/budget cuts in a economic environment where government can get lots of capital for cheap and frontload projects for renewable energy and infrastructure upgrades, which would in turn provide jobs for people in a high-unemployment environment. Herbert Hoover would be proud.
Jonm1010 said:
Someone is trying to argue me that Zogby is as reputable and accurate as Rassmussen and Gallup. I know some people had some things during the primaries and recently about how inaccurate zogby was. Any help??

Zogby himself believes it'll be a McCain landslide.
McCain's daughter.


And the people just eat it up.


Ignatz Mouse said:
Nope. Shipping costs.

But gas has gone down in price while the food has gone up. I understand shipping costs as part of it, but it has little to do with inflation currently IMO.
Tamanon said:
But gas has gone down in price while the food has gone up. I understand shipping costs as part of it, but it has little to do with inflation currently IMO.

Also, the price of corn. It rose dramatically as we flirted with corn based ethanol. This affected the price of almost all grains as it competed for resources and farmland.


Setec Astronomer
Tamanon said:
But gas has gone down in price while the food has gone up. I understand shipping costs as part of it, but it has little to do with inflation currently IMO.
Three words: Corn-based ethanol.
BotoxAgent said:
Looked like she was reluctant in shaking hands with the colored people.
Probably pointed out by now, but she recently had her hand broken from shaking voters hands. And remember, she most likely can't take anything stronger than an aspirin for pain, lest that monkey crawl right up on her back again. Not that she didn't seem unapproachable and distant, but I don't think it was because of racism.
Tamanon said:
But gas has gone down in price while the food has gone up. I understand shipping costs as part of it, but it has little to do with inflation currently IMO.

Maybe not in the last two weeks, but over the last year or more, yes.

That's been the main driving factor in increased food prices.


Tamanon said:
Wait...the price of foods going up and the price of goods going up is because of energy?

That's a BIT of a stretch.



Increased oil / gasoline prices raise the price index, because all goods have to transported.

Which is why, when someone raised perhaps the stupidest question ever, in the stupidest thread ever made "Has the increased price of oil been a good thing?" I had a pretty resounding answer: Sure, if you're a fucking idiot who likes paying more for groceries et. al.


Setec Astronomer
Yes, Sarah Palin, there is only one person in this campaign who has fought for us in the military, but what mission objectives did he actually carry out?

Of course, none of this explains four years ago. Two faced bastards.
I guess the hip thing to do for undecideds is to say that neither candidate offers enough specifics. The candidates have Ads, websites, campaign rallies and town halls that specifically outline many of their goals ad nauseum and then some dumb undecided voters just tosses up the "not enough specifics" and everyone agrees. These people are dumb as nails and equally lazy.


"This moment requires a government act to help you!"

"Shame on those who put their faith in the government instead of the people!"
Souldriver said:
When McCain smiles and goes "he heh heh heheh", he reminds me of Austin Powers. :lol

Not me.

Cellulosic ethanol is the way of the future anyway, and that's why Obama mentioned it specifically last night. Corn-based ethanol is a stopgap measure to get us free of foreign oil as soon as possible, but I think we all know that it simply isn't a viable long-term solution.
Tamanon said:
But gas has gone down in price while the food has gone up. I understand shipping costs as part of it, but it has little to do with inflation currently IMO.
According to a buddy of mine in the Ag department of my college, the problem is that as Corn based Ethanol is the hot trend right now, most of the places that would grow for food to feed livestock have started using it for ethanol, which means that some of the largest corn growing states have had to start importing corn. Wish I could be more help, but it's just hearsay.


Hitokage said:
Yes, Sarah Palin, there is only one person in this campaign who has fought for us in the military, but what mission objectives did he actually carry out?

Of course, none of this explains four years ago. Two faced bastards.

Aw shit, now they've gone and made perpetually super-cool Hitokage pissed. It's all over.
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