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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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im back from an all day love fest of school and law library work - poll updates? national trackers closing? state's breaking one way or another? postdebate spin now? market down 189?

i may not be a certain someone, but i figure i have enough goodwill to at least get a daily update once in my life, right?
Trurl said:
I have a hard time believing that ALL of these comments are serious. Mark Steyn's comment to me screams irony and sarcasm.

I really hope I'm not wrong about this. :lol


I ignored this mostly but now I see that Mark Steyn is in this crap with Ramesh Ponnuru.

These 2 morons posting this not anonymously is a joke and a half.

Ramesh Ponnuru of Indian descent and that accent has been ridiculed to infinity. He doesn't have one but you would think he would tread lightly.

Mark speaks with an accent plus...
born in Toronto, Steyn was educated at the King Edward's School at Birmingham in the United Kingdom. He left school at 16 and worked as a disc-jockey before becoming musical theatre critic at the newly established The Independent in 1986.
kkaabboomm said:
im back from an all day love fest of school and law library work - poll updates? national trackers closing? state's breaking one way or another? postdebate spin now? market down 189?

i may not be a certain someone, but i figure i have enough goodwill to at least get a daily update once in my life, right?

All I will say is Gallup will make you cream yourself, so get ready before searching for it.
McCain renews harsh criticism of Obama over policy
By PHILIP ELLIOTT, Associated Press Writer
25 minutes ago

BETHLEHEM, Pa. - Republicans John McCain and Sarah Palin questioned on Wednesday whether Barack Obama 's record matched his rhetoric as they sought to sow doubt about the Democratic presidential candidate .

Speaking to a rowdy crowd of supporters in this eastern Pennsylvania town, McCain and Palin both challenged Obama's campaign claims. Dismissing Obama as just "a guy who's just tried to talk his way into the White House ," vice presidential candidate Palin said the Democrats' ideas are stale and dangerous.

"He's not willing to drill for energy, but he's sure willing to drill for votes," Palin said, eliciting cheers of "Drill, baby, drill" from the crowd, which often interrupted the candidates during their joint appearance.

McCain's remarks about Obama were interrupted with shouts of "socialist," "terrorist" and "liar." At another time, a man in the bleaches shouted "No more ACORN," referring to a group that registers poor voters.

"We've all heard what he's said. But it's less clear what he's done, or what he will do," McCain said.

The crowd replied with chants, "Nobama."

Similarly, Palin said there were too many questions about Obama's past: "John McCain didn't just come out of nowhere. The American people know John McCain."

Hey Sarah... I have news for you baby and it's not good.
Toxic, the reaction isn't to some perceived attack on Obama, it's how a bunch of people laud their own stupidity.

If there's more of this, the next fours years will be *amazing* as conservatives continue to define themselves as dumb.
I had to listen to the local news radio schlep this morning talk about how ACORN needs to be stopped and how they had fixed so many election and caused massive voter fraud already :(
There is going to be a TON more crazy to wade through in the last 27 days.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
So the American people know about John's relationship with Charles Keating? Do they know who Phil Gramm is? Rick Davis? Iran Contra Affair?

I think more to the point is no one knows anything about Sarah Palin.


artredis1980 said:
market closes with -209 points today, AFTER THE INTEREST RATE CUT!

New bills to be printed.



BobTheFork said:
I had to listen to the local news radio schlep this morning talk about how ACORN needs to be stopped and how they had fixed so many election and caused massive voter fraud already :(
There is going to be a TON more crazy to wade through in the last 27 days.

Yeah I love how ACORN fixed the 2000 elections.....wait.

And a reminder folks, Michelle Obama will be on Daily Show tonight, hopefully they didn't show her that clip of the old jewish florida voters saying she was built like a horse!:lol


Junior Member
worldrunover said:
I think more to the point is no one knows anything about Sarah Palin.
Now if she made porno s in her college days and someone finally found and dug out an old VHS tape and posted it online.

Yeah I'd say there would be a circus over it.
DenogginizerOS said:
I agree 100%. America needs to stop this "dumb is cool" mentality that is spreading like Ebola.
Yeah, it is hitting ridiculous levels. Sure . . . it is kinda nit-picky when liberals knock Bush & Palin for pronouncing 'nuclear' as nukular. But it is down-right stupid for people to knock Obama for pronouncing Iraq and Pakistan correctly! This pride in ignorance is simply dumbfounding.


BobTheFork said:
sort of O-T but didn't Trent Lott have a book called herding cats? I've never been totally sure what that phrase means, are they just trying to say its difficult?

Herding cats = difficult/impossible task.
Best line from Obama for today:
"I can take four more weeks of John McCain's attacks, but America can not take four more years of McCain/Bush's failed economic policies."

sooo goood.


saelz8 said:
Conservatives Call Obama’s Correct Pronounciation Of Pakistan ‘Exotic’ And ‘Annoying’

– “When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.” [E-mail posted by Kathryn Jean Lopez]
nuke all flyover states

it's awesome that obama is going to win this but unfortunate that our country is gonna be dead :b


lexdysia said:
The zinger line from the Repub strategerist on MSNBC?

4 years ago John McCain was pondering a VP run with Kerry!

Schuster is really feeling his oats right now though that the election is pulling away.:lol


Sarah Palin to drop puck for opening faceoff of Philadelphia Flyers 2008-09 season:

Ed Snider :lol - there will be more boos than cheers, I'm guessing.

Philadelphia, PA – October 8, 2008) Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the nation’s most popular hockey mom, will join the winner of the Philadelphia Flyers regional search for the “Ultimate Hockey Mom” contest and drop the puck at the ceremonial opening face-off as the home team Flyers host the New York Rangers at the Wachovia Center on Saturday, October 11 at 7 p.m.

“Because of the tremendous amount of publicity she has brought to our sport, we invited the most popular hockey mom in North America to our home opener to help us get our season started,” said Comcast-Spectacor Chairman Ed Snider who founded the Flyers in 1967. “We are very excited she has accepted our offer and we are very proud of the publicity she is generating for hockey moms and the sport of hockey.”

The Flyers have been searching for the ultimate hockey mom in the Greater Philadelphia Region through an on line contest which asked hockey players or hockey moms themselves to submit their hockey mom poster to the team.

Hockey moms and players were encouraged to submit posters showing their hockey mom pride and their loyalty and dedication to the sport via the team’s website, philadelphiaflyers.com, by October 7. The team will award all hockey moms entered into the contest with a free "puck-er peach" lipstick and four tickets to a Philadelphia Phantoms hockey game. The winner will appear on the ice with Palin for opening face-off.
Aaron Strife said:
After having only ever seen it in avatar form, it looks odd attached to a body :lol

For the record, I was referring to his old Eric Foreman freaking out on that 70s show avatar anyway, but I think Xis knew that and was being a smartass...
gkrykewy said:
Sarah Palin to drop puck for opening faceoff of Philadelphia Flyers 2008-09 season:

Ed Snider :lol - there will be more boos than cheers, I'm guessing.
Will she do it in high-heels? Because I've heard that is the maverick way to do it.


Guys, I just saw Gallup.

Holy SHIT. Hoooooooooly shit. Before victory in the debates AGAIN!

Any other major polls release today? Any other interesting tidbits? :D


Amir0x said:
Guys, I just saw Gallup.

Holy SHIT. Hoooooooooly shit. Before victory in the debates AGAIN!

Any other major polls release today? Any other interesting tidbits? :D
Very few state polls out today. If the past two debates are anything to go by, pollsters paused polling the day before the debate so they can take post-debate polls. Expect an avalanche the rest of the week. Also, the Hotline poll shifted their party ID to show more Republicans than in 2004 for some reason. Obama drops in their poll.

McCain calls Americans his "fellow prisoners".

Amir0x said:
Guys, I just saw Gallup.

Holy SHIT. Hoooooooooly shit. Before victory in the debates AGAIN!

Any other major polls release today? Any other interesting tidbits? :D
Nicky boy from 538 said today that nothing is going right for McCain.
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