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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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ZealousD said:
And John McCain made this man his Chief Economic Advisor. Gramm was only let go after he called us a "nation of whiners" for complaining about the crisis he helped create.

This needs to be fucking shouted from the rooftops.

So, which President signed the bill?


Clothed, sober, cooperative


lawblob said:
Meh? The only pics I remember of her are during 'nipple gate' back in 2004. I would post them here, but apparently some PoliGAF viewers work in Communist salt mines.


All these work related complaints are ridiculous. If you're at such a sensitive place where GAF images can get you in trouble, either a) disable images or b) don't visit GAF during work hours and/or on the corporate network. I'd expect people to know better simply by being on GAF, let alone by anyone that's followed these political threads over the last year or so.


Setec Astronomer
Macam said:

All these work related complaints are ridiculous. If you're at such a sensitive place where GAF images can get you in trouble, either a) disable images or b) don't visit GAF during work hours and/or on the corporate network. I'd expect people to know better simply by being on GAF, let alone by anyone that's followed these political threads over the last year or so.
Funny how some people assume that the only place people use the internet outside of home is at work. :p


ZealousD said:
Alright, I'm posting this again since most of you guys seemed to have missed it last night with all the post-debate craziness.

And John McCain made this man his Chief Economic Advisor. Gramm was only let go after he called us a "nation of whiners" for complaining about the crisis he helped create.

This needs to be fucking shouted from the rooftops.

You neglect to mention that McCain himself voted for the Gramm-Leach-Bailey act. He did more than put the author on his team, he was one of the guys who enacted the law.

Gramm also sponsored the law that created the Enron loophole, while his wife sat on Enron's board.

Gramm is a scumbag, was a scumbag, will always be a scumbag.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
ToxicAdam said:
So, which President signed the bill?

It was signed by Bill Clinton. But it was part of an omnibus spending bill, and was one of its provisions.

Wikipedia said:
H.R. 4577 was an appropriations/budget bill encompassing the funding for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education for fiscal year 2001 which had already begun in September 2000.[10] This budget bill included:

1. H.R. 5656 - Labor HHS Education Appropriations;
2. H.R. 5657 - Legislative Branch Appropriations;
3. H.R. 5658 - Treasury Appropriations;
4. H.R. 5666 - Miscellaneous Appropriations - except section 123 relating to the enactment of H.R. 4904;
5. H.R. 5660 - Commodity Futures Modernization;
6. H.R. 5661 - Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection;
7. H.R. 5662 - Community Renewal Tax Relief and Medical Savings Accounts;
8. H.R. 5663 - New Markets Venture Capital Program; and
9. H.R. 5667 - Small Business Reauthorization..

Also, here's another nugget.

Wikipedia said:
Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) introduced Senate Bill S.2058 to specifically close the "Enron Loophole" [7] This bill was later attached to H.R. 6124, the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008, aka "The 2008 Farm Bill". President Bush vetoed the bill, but was overridden by both the House and Senate, and on June 18th, 2008 the bill was enacted into law.


speculawyer said:
Edit: Warning . . . it is a (insanely stupid) video:

WTF? :lol :lol :lol

Is this a stealth mock of Palin people? :lol :lol

Hilarious. That one GOP blowhard kept trying to rail against the picture but always came back to the "she's one of the folks, and that's the problem" title. She made it so glaringly obvious that she was just butthurt by the title. :lol


"My fellow prisoners"?

This is starting to get painful. I wish for McCain's own sake that he would just bow out of the race.


not a medical professional
Macam said:

All these work related complaints are ridiculous. If you're at such a sensitive place where GAF images can get you in trouble, either a) disable images or b) don't visit GAF during work hours and/or on the corporate network. I'd expect people to know better simply by being on GAF, let alone by anyone that's followed these political threads over the last year or so.

Normally I'd agree with you, but when I'm at work browsing PoliGAF, it's the last place I'd expect to see a break out of lingerie pictures and seductive poses..

We're talking about a presidential race between two men.. it's not really where I'd expect to see their daughters spread eagle wearing an Obama pin covering their naughty bits.
The Blue Jihad said:
I'm not dying. I'm fucking scared.

But I always thought Putin was a pretty cool guy. eh kills georgians and doesnt afraid of anything.

I'm sorry, I'll stop getting stuck on your avatar for every one of your posts, I swear
DrEvil said:
Normally I'd agree with you, but when I'm at work browsing PoliGAF, it's the last place I'd expect to see a break out of lingerie pictures and seductive poses..

We're talking about a presidential race between two men.. it's not really where I'd expect to see their daughters spread eagle wearing an Obama pin covering their naughty bits.

Thank you! I'm not in the "Show Your Girlfriend" thread.

Obviously there's no rules dictated, but some consideration would be nice.


Zeliard said:
"My fellow prisoners"?

This is starting to get painful. I wish for McCain's own sake that he would just bow out of the race.
He's having flashbacks. Or going insane, one or the other.

Maybe both? How long until he calls Obama a "gook"?


Batteries the CRISIS!
Zeliard said:
"My fellow prisoners"?

This is starting to get painful. I wish for McCain's own sake that he would just bow out of the race.

Man, what kind of hell would break loose if that happened?

I imagine the Libertarian Party would actually get enough votes to receive federal funding for the next election!
Zeliard said:
"My fellow prisoners"?

This is starting to get painful. I wish for McCain's own sake that he would just bow out of the race.
Yeah . . . as I said a few weeks ago, this has turned from watching an exciting election to watching a terrible train-wreck happen.

I understand gaffes . . . but 'prisoners'? Some wires are seriously crossed.
Kildace said:
Sounds like a senior moment to me.

There's been a disturbingly high number of them lately.


My grandfather is 85. He had a stroke maybe a decade ago. He still gets around but it's very difficult. I'm sure he's on all sorts of medication.

But his mind is still sharp as hell. The only senior moments he has are computer-related.

McCain, though...this is genuinely terrifying.

EDIT: lol, platy. It's okay. You're immensely entertaining. And you're absolutely right. Putin is a beast. But as strong and confident as he is, even he would be scared by this potentially totally senile old man commanding one of the most powerful military forces on the face of the earth.
GhaleonEB said:
He's having flashbacks. Or going insane, one or the other.

Maybe both? How long until he calls Obama a "gook"?

I'm waiting for him to suddenly stumble around the stage, looking left, right, left, yelling "Get away from me! Get away from meeeee!!"


BenjaminBirdie said:
I'm waiting for him to suddenly stumble around the stage, looking left, right, left, yelling "Get away from me! Get away from meeeee!!"

I'm waiting for him to start screaming out his mission, his ship's name, and the names of his fellow soldiers.


Is 60 really possible?

From NBC's Abby Livingston

When a reporter asks the leader of the Senate Democrats’ election efforts if a Texas seat is in play and no one laughs, one has to wonder not if, but how big of a wave is coming.

Sen. Charles Schumer, (D-NY) head of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, spoke to reporters this morning about his party’s prospects for increasing their numbers this cycle. He seemed ready to count his chickens before they’ve hatched when he said, “The wind is more strongly at our backs than ever before.”

For the record, Schumer declared Texas out of reach, as “too expensive. That’s the problem.”

Despite that, Schumer and the Democrats have added other previous-cycle crimson states to their target list: Georgia, North Carolina, Mississippi and Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s seat in Kentucky. He went so far as to call Georgia and Kentucky “even-steven races.” The DSCC put up their first ad in Kentucky today.

Adding to those states, he sees Alaska, Colorado, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon and Virginia as likely pick ups.

He said that Democrats are also closing in on Sen. Susan Collins of Maine.

Although he refused to guess how many seats the Democrats will pick up, his stats and shrugs indicated that the prospect of the Democrats becoming a filibuster proof 60-vote majority is not outside the realm of possibility. He called the chances of such a scenario "better than they were two weeks ago."

Schumer is no novice to the Senate electoral chess game. He was also DSCC chair in 2006 and was a main architect to the inside straight that Democrats pulled off to take control of the Senate.
Obama might have some looooong coattails.



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Fragamemnon said:
what what what

So, a bank that was about to get its deposits seized by the FDIC and shuffled to Citi only to be saved at the last minute by Wells Fargo turns around and gives a huge loan to the NRCC. That's garbage.

What the fuck.




Worse, Palin's routine attacks on the media have begun to spill into ugliness. In Clearwater, arriving reporters were greeted with shouts and taunts by the crowd of about 3,000. Palin then went on to blame Katie Couric's questions for her "less-than-successful interview with kinda mainstream media." At that, Palin supporters turned on reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse. Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, "Sit down, boy."


Conservatives Call Obama’s Correct Pronounciation Of Pakistan ‘Exotic’ And ‘Annoying’

– “When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.” [E-mail posted by Kathryn Jean Lopez]

– “Re Senator Obama’s ostentatiously exotic pronunciation of Pakistan, one thing I like about Sarah Palin is the way she says ‘Eye-raq’.” [Mark Steyn]

– “Most overwrought pronunciation of the night: The academic way that Obama says ‘Pakistan,’ with a soft ‘a’ - reminscent of a 1980s ‘Saturday Night Live’ sketch in which newscasters over-pronounced ‘Managua, Nicaragua.’” [Philadelphia Daily News]

– “Drinking Game: A shot every time the candidates pronounce ‘Pakistan’ or ‘Taliban’ in an annoying way?” [Ramesh Ponnuru]

Even the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder liveblogged yesterday, “Noticing that Obama says Pahk-istan and McCain says Pack-istan.” However, Gen. David Petraeus also pronounces Pakistan with a soft “a,” the same as Obama:

Video - General Petraeus on Pakistan



DrEvil said:
Normally I'd agree with you, but when I'm at work browsing PoliGAF, it's the last place I'd expect to see a break out of lingerie pictures and seductive poses..

We're talking about a presidential race between two men.. it's not really where I'd expect to see their daughters spread eagle wearing an Obama pin covering their naughty bits.

I've been on GAF long enough to know better. You walk into a thread about coffee or some other innocuous topic and the next thing you know, by page 3 it's devolved into an abortion debate, a gun debate, a horde of GIFs, posts of half naked women, and every Internet meme under the sun.

Hitokage: It doesn't matter if you're in a coffee shop. If you want to avoid potential embarrassments like having women in lingerie pop up in public, don't go to GAF or take action to prevent those types of things from happening. It reminds me of a time when an acquaintance, in a public place, went to a torrent site to look for something and when he finally closed the browser window was greeted by an ad that had popped below the main window full of porn pictures. It happens.


saelz8 said:
Conservatives Call Obama’s Correct Pronounciation Of Pakistan ‘Exotic’ And ‘Annoying’

– “When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.” [E-mail posted by Kathryn Jean Lopez]

– “Re Senator Obama’s ostentatiously exotic pronunciation of Pakistan, one thing I like about Sarah Palin is the way she says ‘Eye-raq’.” [Mark Steyn]

– “Most overwrought pronunciation of the night: The academic way that Obama says ‘Pakistan,’ with a soft ‘a’ - reminscent of a 1980s ‘Saturday Night Live’ sketch in which newscasters over-pronounced ‘Managua, Nicaragua.’” [Philadelphia Daily News]

– “Drinking Game: A shot every time the candidates pronounce ‘Pakistan’ or ‘Taliban’ in an annoying way?” [Ramesh Ponnuru]

Even the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder liveblogged yesterday, “Noticing that Obama says Pahk-istan and McCain says Pack-istan.” However, Gen. David Petraeus also pronounces Pakistan with a soft “a,” the same as Obama:

Video - General Petraeus on Pakistan


Obama also pronounces "Iraq" correctly, something Palin finds impossible to do.
Seems the culture war has decided to make the newest front be education. Who cares what is right and scholarly, we need to ensure that the dumbest americans are being spoken to in a folksy way.
saelz8 said:
Conservatives Call Obama’s Correct Pronounciation Of Pakistan ‘Exotic’ And ‘Annoying’

– “When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.” [E-mail posted by Kathryn Jean Lopez]

– “Re Senator Obama’s ostentatiously exotic pronunciation of Pakistan, one thing I like about Sarah Palin is the way she says ‘Eye-raq’.” [Mark Steyn]

– “Most overwrought pronunciation of the night: The academic way that Obama says ‘Pakistan,’ with a soft ‘a’ - reminscent of a 1980s ‘Saturday Night Live’ sketch in which newscasters over-pronounced ‘Managua, Nicaragua.’” [Philadelphia Daily News]

– “Drinking Game: A shot every time the candidates pronounce ‘Pakistan’ or ‘Taliban’ in an annoying way?” [Ramesh Ponnuru]

Even the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder liveblogged yesterday, “Noticing that Obama says Pahk-istan and McCain says Pack-istan.” However, Gen. David Petraeus also pronounces Pakistan with a soft “a,” the same as Obama:

Video - General Petraeus on Pakistan


This is not only blatant stupidity, but blatant pride in stupidity. My reaction to this sort of thing is pretty much Anihawk's old avatar.


saelz8 said:
Conservatives Call Obama’s Correct Pronounciation Of Pakistan ‘Exotic’ And ‘Annoying’

– “When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.” [E-mail posted by Kathryn Jean Lopez]

– “Re Senator Obama’s ostentatiously exotic pronunciation of Pakistan, one thing I like about Sarah Palin is the way she says ‘Eye-raq’.” [Mark Steyn]

– “Most overwrought pronunciation of the night: The academic way that Obama says ‘Pakistan,’ with a soft ‘a’ - reminscent of a 1980s ‘Saturday Night Live’ sketch in which newscasters over-pronounced ‘Managua, Nicaragua.’” [Philadelphia Daily News]

– “Drinking Game: A shot every time the candidates pronounce ‘Pakistan’ or ‘Taliban’ in an annoying way?” [Ramesh Ponnuru]

Even the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder liveblogged yesterday, “Noticing that Obama says Pahk-istan and McCain says Pack-istan.” However, Gen. David Petraeus also pronounces Pakistan with a soft “a,” the same as Obama:

Video - General Petraeus on Pakistan


It's so weird what people quibble about. There were folks that were mocking Biden for saying "Bosniak" in his debate, when it's the correct term. Just silly. I guess we're just used to "nucular" and "liberry" being real.

Justin Bailey

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saelz8 said:
Conservatives Call Obama’s Correct Pronounciation Of Pakistan ‘Exotic’ And ‘Annoying’

– “When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.” [E-mail posted by Kathryn Jean Lopez]

– “Re Senator Obama’s ostentatiously exotic pronunciation of Pakistan, one thing I like about Sarah Palin is the way she says ‘Eye-raq’.” [Mark Steyn]

– “Most overwrought pronunciation of the night: The academic way that Obama says ‘Pakistan,’ with a soft ‘a’ - reminscent of a 1980s ‘Saturday Night Live’ sketch in which newscasters over-pronounced ‘Managua, Nicaragua.’” [Philadelphia Daily News]

– “Drinking Game: A shot every time the candidates pronounce ‘Pakistan’ or ‘Taliban’ in an annoying way?” [Ramesh Ponnuru]

Even the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder liveblogged yesterday, “Noticing that Obama says Pahk-istan and McCain says Pack-istan.” However, Gen. David Petraeus also pronounces Pakistan with a soft “a,” the same as Obama:

Video - General Petraeus on Pakistan

Those gosh-durn smart people and their annoying pronunciations!
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