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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Amir0x said:
Guys, I just saw Gallup.

Holy SHIT. Hoooooooooly shit. Before victory in the debates AGAIN!

Any other major polls release today? Any other interesting tidbits? :D
Go look at 538 for more splooge worthy poles.


Odrion said:
nuke all flyover states

it's awesome that obama is going to win this but unfortunate that our country is gonna be dead :b

Oh, well. They've been engaged in war for almost thirty years. I'd rather go down finally fighters these fascists, then continue handing them the country unopposed (but keeping them happy.)


when is my burrito
Amir0x said:
Guys, I just saw Gallup.

Holy SHIT. Hoooooooooly shit. Before victory in the debates AGAIN!

Any other major polls release today? Any other interesting tidbits? :D

Diageo/Hotline fucked with their party ID weightings in their likely voter models to only give Dems a 2 point advantage (it should be around 10) and Obama still comes out ahead 45-44.


gkrykewy said:
Sarah Palin to drop puck for opening faceoff of Philadelphia Flyers 2008-09 season:

Ed Snider :lol - there will be more boos than cheers, I'm guessing.

are they insane? IN PHILLY? SHE WILL BE BOOED!!!



pxleyes said:
Go look at 538 for more splooge worthy poles.



effzee said:
are they insane? IN PHILLY? SHE WILL BE BOOED!!!


Well, Flyers tickets are very expensive, so you'll typically have upper/middle class white people. Still, she will be booed.


gkrykewy said:
Sarah Palin to drop puck for opening faceoff of Philadelphia Flyers 2008-09 season:

Ed Snider :lol - there will be more boos than cheers, I'm guessing.

This is tonight SATURDAY at 7pm. Someone keep an eye on this. This is a youtube moment if there ever was one.

The largest growth segment for the NHL is the young and educated. I shit you not, that's where the sport is making their most gains. 18-25, college educated, and tech savvy. Forgot to mention that they're high on technology.

Then you have the liberal city of Philadelphia. It's basically like she's dropping the puck in New York. This will be interesting for Palin.


Fatalah said:
This is tonight, at 7pm. Someone keep an eye on this. This is a youtube moment if there ever was one.

The largest growth segment for the NHL is the young and educated. I shit you not, that's where the sport is making their most gains. 18-25.

Then you have the liberal city of Philadelphia. It's basically like she's dropping the puck in New York. This will be interesting for Palin.

No, it's Saturday. Also, see above. Come on fellow phans, make me proud.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
gkrykewy said:
Sarah Palin to drop puck for opening faceoff of Philadelphia Flyers 2008-09 season:

Ed Snider :lol - there will be more boos than cheers, I'm guessing.
That marks two Wachovia connections to Republicans for today...


Amir0x said:
Guys, I just saw Gallup.

Holy SHIT. Hoooooooooly shit. Before victory in the debates AGAIN!

Any other major polls release today? Any other interesting tidbits? :D

McCain is closing the gap in all the other national polls.
Obama's Top Field Generals Dispatched To Florida
The Obama campaign's top two field generals have decamped to Florida, a sign of its confidence that the state, with 27 electoral votes, is tilting toward the Democratic candidate.

Steve Hildebrand, the deputy campaign manager, will oversee operations from Miami, and Paul Tewes, the chief general election strategist, will help supervise the get-out-the-vote program from the campaign's state headquarters in Tampa.

Tewes, the Obama campaign's liaison with the Democratic National Committee, arrived today, a colleague said. Both will work with Obama state director Steve Schale, who has put together the biggest field team ever field by a party, Republican or Democratic.

With an aircard, both men can do their jobs from anywhere, and they will continue to oversee the national operation. Their physical presence serves as a force multiplier effect, letting volunteers and canvassers know that the campaign considers their work vital.

Other senior staff members will be dispatched to other battleground states soon, Hilderband said.


so, apparently Obama is dead serious about Florida...
Yeah, I don't think that Palin hockey appearance is going to go well. If she is pretty much anywhere in public outside of a repbulican rally, she's going to get (at the very least) as many boos as cheers, and probably a lot more. I will be shocked if no one throws anything onto the ice.
GDJustin said:
People are getting 21.4% of their money back for recycling cans? o.0

I've always just gotten a nickel per can...

Well that would means it's a dollar a can... canned beer is probably a little less than a dollar a can.
platypotamus said:
Yeah, I don't think that Palin hockey appearance is going to go well. If she is pretty much anywhere in public outside of a repbulican rally, she's going to get (at the very least) as many boos as cheers, and probably a lot more. I will be shocked if no one throws anything onto the ice.

No matter what happens, I can guarantee Philly Boy Roy is going to call into The Best Show On WFMU with Tom Scharpling next week and it will be EPIC.

worldrunover said:
Well that would means it's a dollar a can... canned beer is probably a little less than a dollar a can.

They'd have to be about a quarter a can for that sort of return on investment. Is PBR or Nattie Ice that cheap?


BenjaminBirdie said:
No matter what happens, I can guarantee Philly Boy Roy is going to call into The Best Show On WFMU with Tom Scharpling next week and it will be EPIC.


another best show fan on neogaf?

wait, whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut


gkrykewy said:
Sarah Palin to drop puck for opening faceoff of Philadelphia Flyers 2008-09 season:

Ed Snider :lol - there will be more boos than cheers, I'm guessing.


Of all the cities in the country to go to an NHL game, she goes to Philly. Those fans boo'ed Santa Claus and cheered when Micheal Irvin was laying paralyzed in a pool of his own feces on the turf of Veterans Stadium.

I hope she gets the normal warm Philly welcome.
kkaabboomm said:
Obama's Top Field Generals Dispatched To Florida


so, apparently Obama is dead serious about Florida...

As well he should be. Rasmussen (emphasis intentional, he usually polls a few points right) had Obama up 7 there earlier this week, it's clearly lean Obama at this point and goes blue if the election was held today. McCain has absolutely, positively, no route to victory if he loses FL.

So McCain and the RNC have to defend Florida, and jump into the air war with a likely $20-22 million or more ad buy, have their surrogates there, and spent tons on last-minute field operations to win. It stretches the campaign's operational and funding capacities to the breaking point, which makes stealing NC and VA - states where the GOP has completely dropped the ball - easier.

The other side to this is that, if Obama could win FL in 2008 and 2012 in his re-elect campaign, it would go a long way to make the electoral map a whole lot easier on Democrats and gives a terribly beat-down Democratic party organization in the state a real boost.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I'm really getting worried.
By "closing the gap in all the other major polls" he means "-1 for Obama, +1 for McCain" in Rasmussen (still +6 Obama, down from his +8 high), and the Diago/Hotline poll that has closed quite suddenly and is showing completely different results from pretty much every other major poll. I don't think any other national polls even came out today. And all this is pre-debate. I wouldn't worry if I were you. In about a week or two, though, people should fully expect the trend to be McCain closing the gap, which always happens as the election approaches and undecideds make up their minds.


First tragedy, then farce.
My wingnut coworkers are all giggling to themselves about some October surprise and how its over for Obama. They are generally crazy and think the Bradles effect is like 12 points.

Im assuming they are talking about ACORN which *no one* will care about.

Anything else?
Sharp said:
By "closing the gap in all the other major polls" he means "-1 for Obama, +1 for McCain" in Rasmussen (still +6 Obama, down from his +8 high), and the Diago/Hotline poll that has closed quite suddenly and is showing completely different results from pretty much every other major poll. I don't think any other national polls even came out today. And all this is pre-debate. I wouldn't worry if I were you. In about a week or two, though, people should fully expect the trend to be McCain closing the gap, which always happens as the election approaches and undecideds make up their minds.

I was being extravagantly sarcastic.



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
platypotamus said:
They'd have to be about a quarter a can for that sort of return on investment. Is PBR or Nattie Ice that cheap?
Some states do 10 cents as well.


platypotamus said:
They'd have to be about a quarter a can for that sort of return on investment. Is PBR or Nattie Ice that cheap?
I wouldn't be surprised. I bought a case of Red Stripe in bottles for $14 last weekend.


Unconfirmed Member
platypotamus said:
Yeah, I don't think that Palin hockey appearance is going to go well. If she is pretty much anywhere in public outside of a repbulican rally, she's going to get (at the very least) as many boos as cheers, and probably a lot more. I will be shocked if no one throws anything onto the ice.
Seriously, what genius in the campaign thought it was a good idea to send her to PHILADELPHIA. Did they see what happened to the Redskins' bus this past weekend?! Palin will be lucky to escape the ice uninjured.


One thing occured to me: why hasn't Obama enlisted homeless people to campaign for him? Think about it: people sitting all over town with signs that say "CHANGE WE NEED". No need to think of new funny signs, free publicity for Obama! WIN-WIN!
saelz8 said:
Conservatives Call Obama’s Correct Pronounciation Of Pakistan ‘Exotic’ And ‘Annoying’

– “When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.” [E-mail posted by Kathryn Jean Lopez]

– “Re Senator Obama’s ostentatiously exotic pronunciation of Pakistan, one thing I like about Sarah Palin is the way she says ‘Eye-raq’.” [Mark Steyn]

– “Most overwrought pronunciation of the night: The academic way that Obama says ‘Pakistan,’ with a soft ‘a’ - reminscent of a 1980s ‘Saturday Night Live’ sketch in which newscasters over-pronounced ‘Managua, Nicaragua.’” [Philadelphia Daily News]

– “Drinking Game: A shot every time the candidates pronounce ‘Pakistan’ or ‘Taliban’ in an annoying way?” [Ramesh Ponnuru]

Even the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder liveblogged yesterday, “Noticing that Obama says Pahk-istan and McCain says Pack-istan.” However, Gen. David Petraeus also pronounces Pakistan with a soft “a,” the same as Obama:

Video - General Petraeus on Pakistan


Down with Oh-BAM-ah, we need more troops in Eye-RACK!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Sharp said:
By "closing the gap in all the other major polls" he means "-1 for Obama, +1 for McCain" in Rasmussen (still +6 Obama, down from his +8 high), and the Diago/Hotline poll that has closed quite suddenly and is showing completely different results from pretty much every other major poll. I don't think any other national polls even came out today. And all this is pre-debate. I wouldn't worry if I were you. In about a week or two, though, people should fully expect the trend to be McCain closing the gap, which always happens as the election approaches and undecideds make up their minds.

Rasmussen is statistical noise and Diago changed their polling standards/internals for whatever reason. Maybe they were getting kickbacks from cable news.

This race ain't close right now.


It's a damn shame that Florida has a small portion in another time zone, so we can't call the entire election in the first hour!:p


BenjaminBirdie said:
I'm really getting worried.


It's been beat to death as to why those polls don't mean that much.

Plus, Nate at 538 said they're likely just static. Fact is, Obama still leads even in the broken polls.

The next few days will be very telling. If McCain is really closing the gap, we'll need to see it over the period of a few days. Plus, you have to consider the fact that Obama appeared to have done very well in the debate, so any McCain gains could be mitigated by that fact.

We'll see.


thekad said:
And so was I :lol
Bah, there was no way of knowing y'all were being sarcastic, I totally remember BenjaminBirdie freaking out over the Hotline polls at some point, or at least someone other than Cheebs.


MetatronM said:
Seriously, what genius in the campaign thought it was a good idea to send her to PHILADELPHIA. Did they see what happened to the Redskins' bus this past weekend?! Palin will be lucky to escape the ice uninjured.

Hey, maybe that will garner some sympathy.
Tamanon said:
It's a damn shame that Florida has a small portion in another time zone, so we can't call the entire election in the first hour!:p

I've been an advocate of sawing off everything west of Tallahassee and giving it to Alabama for years.


Tf53 said:
One thing occured to me: why hasn't Obama enlisted homeless people to campaign for him? Think about it: people sitting all over town with signs that say "CHANGE WE NEED". No need to think of new funny signs, free publicity for Obama! WIN-WIN!

You don't see anything at all unseemly about using the homeless when you already run a volunteer campaign?:p Or any possible way that could be used against him?

Frag: That's one way to easily turn Florida blue! And improve all their state stats.
Fragamemnon said:
I've been an advocate of sawing off everything west of Tallahassee and giving it to Alabama for years.

That's not the change we need, that's more of the same.

Bugs Bunny knows the proper way to saw when it comes to Florida.
Fatalah said:
This is tonight SATURDAY at 7pm. Someone keep an eye on this. This is a youtube moment if there ever was one.

The largest growth segment for the NHL is the young and educated. I shit you not, that's where the sport is making their most gains. 18-25, college educated, and tech savvy. Forgot to mention that they're high on technology.

Then you have the liberal city of Philadelphia. It's basically like she's dropping the puck in New York. This will be interesting for Palin.
I'm kinda shocked by this . . . maybe they are intentionally trying to get an "Oh, you are mean to the woman"-moment in order to fire up women? Perhaps people will throw things, she'll get hit, and she'll cry and the campaign will make it into a big deal?
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