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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Zoe said:
Hey, maybe that will garner some sympathy.

If their campaign was actually intelligent, I can see them actually doing something like this-put your beloved-by-the-base witch in front of a lot of angry elitists from a decadent liberal enclave to rile up your base when she gets mauled by the crowd.

However, the far more obvious answer is that they are just that stupid.
speculawyer said:
I'm kinda shocked by this . . . maybe they are intentionally trying to get an "Oh, you are mean to the woman"-moment in order to fire up women? Perhaps people will throw things, she'll get hit, and she'll cry and the campaign will make it into a big deal?
I doubt this "event" will even do anything for McCain.


Either way, that line of attack wouldn't fly, you can't profess how awesome "Hockey moms" are and then how awful "hockey fans" are.


StoOgE said:
My wingnut coworkers are all giggling to themselves about some October surprise and how its over for Obama. They are generally crazy and think the Bradles effect is like 12 points.

Im assuming they are talking about ACORN which *no one* will care about.

Anything else?

ACORN. Fucking hilarious. Motherfuckers must sound so goddamn retarded working that into a conversation.


platypotamus said:
That's not the change we need, that's more of the same.

Bugs Bunny knows the proper way to saw when it comes to Florida.


bob_arctor said:
ACORN. Fucking hilarious. Motherfuckers must sound so goddamn retarded working that into a conversation.

What I don't get is the lack of progressive radio stations in America. The conservative have had a stranglehold on the airwaves for years now. Keeps on pumping out right-wing headcases every day.


I just read that Brooks called Palin a "fatal cancer to the Republican Party".


Obama has the great intellect. I was interviewing Obama a couple years ago, and I'm getting nowhere with the interview, it's late in the night, he's on the phone, walking off the Senate floor, he's cranky. Out of the blue I say, 'Ever read a guy named Reinhold Niebuhr?' And he says, 'Yeah.' So i say, 'What did Niebuhr mean to you?' For the next 20 minutes, he gave me a perfect description of Reinhold Niebuhr's thought, which is a very subtle thought process based on the idea that you have to use power while it corrupts you. And I was dazzled, I felt the tingle up my knee as Chris Matthews would say.

bob_arctor said:
ACORN. Fucking hilarious. Motherfuckers must sound so goddamn retarded working that into a conversation.

Drives me crazy listening to them slander a group that is just trying to make middle class and poor people in cities have a better community. I wish some real conservatives would put a bullet in the head of their rabid, terminally ill party.


besada said:
I just read that Brooks called Palin a "fatal cancer to the Republican Party".


I read that earlier today, and this was the bit that caught my eye:

And the other thing that does separate Obama from just a pure intellectual: he has tremendous powers of social perception. And this is why he's a politician, not an academic. A couple of years ago, I was writing columns attacking the Republican congress for spending too much money. And I throw in a few sentences attacking the Democrats to make myself feel better.

And one morning I get an email from Obama saying, 'David, if you wanna attack us, fine, but you're only throwing in those sentences to make yourself feel better.' And it was a perfect description of what was going through my mind. And everybody who knows Obama all have these stories to tell about his capacity for social perception.
So not only does Brooks admit that he writes stuff to make himself feel better - credit for admitting it - Obama actually (correctly) called him on it. :lol
Is anyone else uncomfortable with David Brooks telling us what sends a tingle up his knee? Sorta get that Finkle is Einhorn feeling, if you know what I mean.


StoOgE said:
My wingnut coworkers are all giggling to themselves about some October surprise and how its over for Obama.
I heard from some pundit this morning saying that it has to do with the McCain campaign attempting to further tie Obama with radical terrorists who helped him pay his way through school.
Wait, so Palin is actually going to drop the puck? Like literally be on the ice and not in a security-cordoned luxury box?

This is a terrible idea.


PhatSaqs said:
I heard from some pundit this morning saying that it has to do with the McCain campaign attempting to further tie Obama with radical terrorists who helped him pay his way through school.

They could've paid more though so he wouldn't have all those student loans:(


Anyone else find it mildly humorous that McCain, an ex-soldier who is obsessed with honor, is sending women to attack his opponent instead of doing it himself? So far he's used Palin and his wife as attack dogs..oops, I mean attack persons.


StoOgE said:
My wingnut coworkers are all giggling to themselves about some October surprise and how its over for Obama.
All this makes me think about is the scene in My Cousin Vinny where the D.A. thinks it's over for Pesci when he brings in the automotive expert at the end...


*drowns in jizz*
tanod said:
Something about Obama sending out his generals makes me feel tingly. For once, Democrats really have their shit together and it feels awesome.

Obama Field General.. what an awesome title. I wish I was one. :lol :lol

Those guys better fuck shit up down there.


Slurpy said:
Obama Field General.. what an awesome title. I wish I was one. :lol :lol

Those guys better fuck shit up down there.

I bet Hillary had little flashbacks on seeing that term and those names. :lol


*drowns in jizz*
artredis1980 said:
My friend who is a republican wrote this article. Please someone go and refute it in the comments section!


Not even worth responding too. By your friend's name, Im assuming he's Arab. Is he also Muslim? Apart from financial greed/self-benefit, I could never understand how arabs/muslims can support the GOP, with all the demonizing and closet bigotry the party has pushed and has been responsible for towards the faith and the culture. Is your friend one of those self-haters? Does he celebrate and support the vitriol spewed against his culture and his faith? He sounds like a shitty human being, honestly.
JCreasy said:
Has the Ayers talking point backfired already? http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/10/palin_drops_reference_to_willi.php

What more interesting is that following the resurgence of the Ayers smears, Obama receives his highest Gallup rating ever.
Well, I think I'm going to watch the polls for a few more days before I officially declare that Ayers is a non-issue, but if it is, then that is hardly surprising. There's two problems with it. The first is that he's trailing substantially. This sort of distractionary attack doesn't play as well when it's not close, as it looks more desperate. The second is that it's not all that substantive, and it's already been brought up. It's not like people are thinking "I was SO gonna vote for Obama, and then McCain reminded me of Ayers. I completely forgot about him. Thanks John!"
AniHawk said:
Do Republicans even realize they're killing their own party with all the racism and disgusting language?
I don't think they consider the people who are scared away from the party by this to be 'real' republicans anyway.
Pretty sure the Ayers thing is one of those things that could only really upset a super hardcore conservative looking for a reason to get upset. Obama was what, 8 when Ayers was doing this stuff? Ayers is now a respected professor, and won citizen of the year? The sketchiness happened 40 years ago, before a huge chunk of Obama's supporters were born and/or old enough to really pay much attention. I mean, you've got to be close to 60 to really remember that age, and a lot of people who would have been old enough to remember it were doing shit that screwed up their memories anyway :lol


AniHawk said:
Do Republicans even realize they're killing their own party with all the racism and disgusting language?
it's so beautiful watching the republican party eviscerate itself

what's more awesome is that the media is calling out the republicans for being racist while they try to bring up stuff like ayers and wright, now whenever they try to bring that stuff back up THEY'RE being called out as racists


Odrion said:
it's so beautiful watching the republican party eviscerate itself

what's more awesome is that the media is calling out the republicans for being racist while they try to bring up stuff like ayers and wright, now whenever they try to bring that stuff back up THEY'RE being called out as racists


Edit: made more sense when you have typed only "it's beautiful".
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