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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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saelz8 said:
Conservatives Call Obama’s Correct Pronounciation Of Pakistan ‘Exotic’ And ‘Annoying’

– “When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.” [E-mail posted by Kathryn Jean Lopez]

– “Re Senator Obama’s ostentatiously exotic pronunciation of Pakistan, one thing I like about Sarah Palin is the way she says ‘Eye-raq’.” [Mark Steyn]

– “Most overwrought pronunciation of the night: The academic way that Obama says ‘Pakistan,’ with a soft ‘a’ - reminscent of a 1980s ‘Saturday Night Live’ sketch in which newscasters over-pronounced ‘Managua, Nicaragua.’” [Philadelphia Daily News]

– “Drinking Game: A shot every time the candidates pronounce ‘Pakistan’ or ‘Taliban’ in an annoying way?” [Ramesh Ponnuru]

Even the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder liveblogged yesterday, “Noticing that Obama says Pahk-istan and McCain says Pack-istan.” However, Gen. David Petraeus also pronounces Pakistan with a soft “a,” the same as Obama:

Video - General Petraeus on Pakistan



saelz8 said:
Conservatives Call Obama’s Correct Pronounciation Of Pakistan ‘Exotic’ And ‘Annoying’

– “When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.” [E-mail posted by Kathryn Jean Lopez]

– “Re Senator Obama’s ostentatiously exotic pronunciation of Pakistan, one thing I like about Sarah Palin is the way she says ‘Eye-raq’.” [Mark Steyn]

– “Most overwrought pronunciation of the night: The academic way that Obama says ‘Pakistan,’ with a soft ‘a’ - reminscent of a 1980s ‘Saturday Night Live’ sketch in which newscasters over-pronounced ‘Managua, Nicaragua.’” [Philadelphia Daily News]

– “Drinking Game: A shot every time the candidates pronounce ‘Pakistan’ or ‘Taliban’ in an annoying way?” [Ramesh Ponnuru]

Even the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder liveblogged yesterday, “Noticing that Obama says Pahk-istan and McCain says Pack-istan.” However, Gen. David Petraeus also pronounces Pakistan with a soft “a,” the same as Obama:

Video - General Petraeus on Pakistan

People are retarded, what else is new.
I've always cringed at people saying eye-rack...


saelz8 said:
Conservatives Call Obama’s Correct Pronounciation Of Pakistan ‘Exotic’ And ‘Annoying’

– “When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.” [E-mail posted by Kathryn Jean Lopez]

– “Re Senator Obama’s ostentatiously exotic pronunciation of Pakistan, one thing I like about Sarah Palin is the way she says ‘Eye-raq’.” [Mark Steyn]

– “Most overwrought pronunciation of the night: The academic way that Obama says ‘Pakistan,’ with a soft ‘a’ - reminscent of a 1980s ‘Saturday Night Live’ sketch in which newscasters over-pronounced ‘Managua, Nicaragua.’” [Philadelphia Daily News]

– “Drinking Game: A shot every time the candidates pronounce ‘Pakistan’ or ‘Taliban’ in an annoying way?” [Ramesh Ponnuru]

Even the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder liveblogged yesterday, “Noticing that Obama says Pahk-istan and McCain says Pack-istan.” However, Gen. David Petraeus also pronounces Pakistan with a soft “a,” the same as Obama:

Video - General Petraeus on Pakistan


Fuck Anti-intellectualism. Fuck it with a foot and a half of old rusty rebar.


saelz8 said:
Conservatives Call Obama’s Correct Pronounciation Of Pakistan ‘Exotic’ And ‘Annoying’

– “When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.” [E-mail posted by Kathryn Jean Lopez]

– “Re Senator Obama’s ostentatiously exotic pronunciation of Pakistan, one thing I like about Sarah Palin is the way she says ‘Eye-raq’.” [Mark Steyn]

– “Most overwrought pronunciation of the night: The academic way that Obama says ‘Pakistan,’ with a soft ‘a’ - reminscent of a 1980s ‘Saturday Night Live’ sketch in which newscasters over-pronounced ‘Managua, Nicaragua.’” [Philadelphia Daily News]

– “Drinking Game: A shot every time the candidates pronounce ‘Pakistan’ or ‘Taliban’ in an annoying way?” [Ramesh Ponnuru]

Even the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder liveblogged yesterday, “Noticing that Obama says Pahk-istan and McCain says Pack-istan.” However, Gen. David Petraeus also pronounces Pakistan with a soft “a,” the same as Obama:

Video - General Petraeus on Pakistan


I'm overwhelmed. I just . . . I can't



Junior Member
Xisiqomelir said:
Obama also pronounces "Iraq" correctly, something Palin finds impossible to do.
Conservatives Call Obama’s Correct Pronounciation Of Pakistan ‘Exotic’ And ‘Annoying’


If its correct... wtf?
They really gotta nit pick.


saelz8 said:
– “When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.” [E-mail posted by Kathryn Jean Lopez]

Probably one of the most elitist things you can say.


we all knew her
Bumping this because I think it got buried as the last post a couple pgs ago.

zesty said:
Just got back a bit ago from the Obama rally. So awesome. I got "preferred passes" and ended up on ground level about 50' away from the podium, standing in the mud. My camera battery said it had 2 minutes of charge time when I got there, so I could only take a few pics. They turned out pretty well, though, I think.





saelz8 said:
Conservatives Call Obama’s Correct Pronounciation Of Pakistan ‘Exotic’ And ‘Annoying’

– “When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.” [E-mail posted by Kathryn Jean Lopez]

– “Re Senator Obama’s ostentatiously exotic pronunciation of Pakistan, one thing I like about Sarah Palin is the way she says ‘Eye-raq’.” [Mark Steyn]

– “Most overwrought pronunciation of the night: The academic way that Obama says ‘Pakistan,’ with a soft ‘a’ - reminscent of a 1980s ‘Saturday Night Live’ sketch in which newscasters over-pronounced ‘Managua, Nicaragua.’” [Philadelphia Daily News]

– “Drinking Game: A shot every time the candidates pronounce ‘Pakistan’ or ‘Taliban’ in an annoying way?” [Ramesh Ponnuru]

Even the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder liveblogged yesterday, “Noticing that Obama says Pahk-istan and McCain says Pack-istan.” However, Gen. David Petraeus also pronounces Pakistan with a soft “a,” the same as Obama:

Video - General Petraeus on Pakistan



Is the right imploding before our very eyes? What kind of dumbfuck criticism is this? It's "annoying" that Obama pronounces words correctly?

I can't even believe I'm reading this. It's literally unbelievable.
Nate, Dogg.

I'm short on time today, so let's keep this on point: John McCain is in deep trouble. In spite of some incremental gains that McCain has made in some of the national tracking polls, the set of state polling that follows is so strong for Obama that he continues to hit record marks in all three of our projection metrics. We are now projecting Obama to win the election 90.5 percent of the time, with an average of 346.8 electoral votes, and a 5.4-point margin in the national popular vote.

There simply isn't any good news in here for John McCain (all right, he's kicking butt in Oklahoma). The only swing state poll that he leads is the SurveyUSA result in North Carolina, but even there, Obama has bounced back from a 20-point deficit in a SuvreyUSA poll taken shortly after the Republican Convention.

Moreover, Obama's position in the electoral vote remains even stronger than his position in the popular vote. We project him to win all of John Kerry's states by at least 6.9 points (New Hampshire remains the weakest link). We also project him to win Iowa by 12.5 points, New Mexico by 7.7, Virginia by 7.3 and Colorado by 6.9. Getting this race back to a tie might not be sufficient for John McCain; he might need to pull ahead by 1 or even 2 points nationally to mitigate Obama's edge in the battleground states.


GhaleonEB said:

Also: ads like this are why Dole is going down in North Carolina.

I've been trying to verify the claims in that ad, and checking on the senate votes cited in the commercial usually led me to articles about ads from the same group (VoteVets) against George Allen during his re-election bid. In fact, it was practically the same ad.


I don't really know what to think. I'm not voting for Dole anyway, so it's kind of a moot point for me; still, I'm always skeptical about these types of ads. I hope others are too.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
prodystopian said:
Does nobody else find that odd?
Ramesh Ponnuru is the douchebag that got ripped apart by Jon Stewart over his book The Party of Death: The Democrats, the Media, the Courts, and the Disregard for Human Life. Guy's a complete idiot.


zesty said:
Bumping this because I think it got buried as the last post a couple pgs ago.

Great pics zesty. I have only seen Obama at a debate in the primary season, not as the leader of a unified rally. Awesome.


“Re Senator Obama’s ostentatiously exotic pronunciation of Pakistan, one thing I like about Sarah Palin is the way she says ‘Eye-raq’.” [Mark Steyn]

Mark Steyn? Really? And here I thought you weren't a total moron.


saelz8 said:
Conservatives Call Obama’s Correct Pronounciation Of Pakistan ‘Exotic’ And ‘Annoying’

– “When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.” [E-mail posted by Kathryn Jean Lopez]

– “Re Senator Obama’s ostentatiously exotic pronunciation of Pakistan, one thing I like about Sarah Palin is the way she says ‘Eye-raq’.” [Mark Steyn]

– “Most overwrought pronunciation of the night: The academic way that Obama says ‘Pakistan,’ with a soft ‘a’ - reminscent of a 1980s ‘Saturday Night Live’ sketch in which newscasters over-pronounced ‘Managua, Nicaragua.’” [Philadelphia Daily News]

– “Drinking Game: A shot every time the candidates pronounce ‘Pakistan’ or ‘Taliban’ in an annoying way?” [Ramesh Ponnuru]

Even the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder liveblogged yesterday, “Noticing that Obama says Pahk-istan and McCain says Pack-istan.” However, Gen. David Petraeus also pronounces Pakistan with a soft “a,” the same as Obama:

Video - General Petraeus on Pakistan

This is all they can come up with? I'll admit that when I first heard Obama say it, it sounded funny to me, just because it seems that it's not the preferred way to say it, even by most reporters/anchors/etc. Seriously though, *this*?
firex said:
What a surprise. Reaganites hate smart people because they don't vote Republican.

"The state of California has no business subsidizing intellectual curiosity." -responding to student protests on college campuses during his tenure as California governor


I almost forgot to mention this. My local NPR station was talking about voter registration trends in Oregon this year. Dems gained over 130,000 as of the end of August this year, and of that 57% was under the age of 20. Not 28, or 25, but 20. The guy said it several times. He was then basically asked "how blue is Oregon this year" and he gave the diplomatic version of "so blue".


If you guys get your panties all bunched up over people mocking Obama over an odd pronunciation, you are not going to like what the media does to him over the next 4 (8) years. This is just playful toying.
ToxicAdam said:
If you guys get your panties all bunched up over people mocking Obama over an odd pronunciation, you are not going to like what the media does to him over the next 4 (8) years. This is just playful toying.

I think I'll comforted by the fact that Jed Bartlett exists in my real daily life at last.


ToxicAdam said:
If you guys get your panties all bunched up over people mocking Obama over an odd pronunciation, you are not going to like what the media does to him over the next 4 (8) years. This is just playful toying.

Let's reframe the correct pronunciation of things as the odd pronunciation! This is a good way to impute exoticism and unknowability in our enemies!


ToxicAdam said:
If you guys get your panties all bunched up over people mocking Obama over an odd pronunciation, you are not going to like what the media does to him over the next 4 (8) years. This is just playful toying.

It's only an "odd" pronunciation to the ignorant.


Xisiqomelir said:
Let's reframe the correct pronunciation of things as the odd pronunciation! This is a good way to impute exoticism and unknowability in our enemies!
Have you noticed Obama's odd skin color, for a white man?


saelz8 said:
Conservatives Call Obama’s Correct Pronounciation Of Pakistan ‘Exotic’ And ‘Annoying’

– “When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.” [E-mail posted by Kathryn Jean Lopez]

– “Re Senator Obama’s ostentatiously exotic pronunciation of Pakistan, one thing I like about Sarah Palin is the way she says ‘Eye-raq’.” [Mark Steyn]

– “Most overwrought pronunciation of the night: The academic way that Obama says ‘Pakistan,’ with a soft ‘a’ - reminscent of a 1980s ‘Saturday Night Live’ sketch in which newscasters over-pronounced ‘Managua, Nicaragua.’” [Philadelphia Daily News]

– “Drinking Game: A shot every time the candidates pronounce ‘Pakistan’ or ‘Taliban’ in an annoying way?” [Ramesh Ponnuru]

Even the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder liveblogged yesterday, “Noticing that Obama says Pahk-istan and McCain says Pack-istan.” However, Gen. David Petraeus also pronounces Pakistan with a soft “a,” the same as Obama:

Video - General Petraeus on Pakistan


I have a hard time believing that ALL of these comments are serious. Mark Steyn's comment to me screams irony and sarcasm.

I really hope I'm not wrong about this. :lol I don't feel like taking the time to look into Mark Steyn to make a more informed opinion, but surely conservatives can laugh at themselves?


saelz8 said:
Conservatives Call Obama’s Correct Pronounciation Of Pakistan ‘Exotic’ And ‘Annoying’

– “When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.” [E-mail posted by Kathryn Jean Lopez]

– “Re Senator Obama’s ostentatiously exotic pronunciation of Pakistan, one thing I like about Sarah Palin is the way she says ‘Eye-raq’.” [Mark Steyn]

– “Most overwrought pronunciation of the night: The academic way that Obama says ‘Pakistan,’ with a soft ‘a’ - reminscent of a 1980s ‘Saturday Night Live’ sketch in which newscasters over-pronounced ‘Managua, Nicaragua.’” [Philadelphia Daily News]

– “Drinking Game: A shot every time the candidates pronounce ‘Pakistan’ or ‘Taliban’ in an annoying way?” [Ramesh Ponnuru]

Even the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder liveblogged yesterday, “Noticing that Obama says Pahk-istan and McCain says Pack-istan.” However, Gen. David Petraeus also pronounces Pakistan with a soft “a,” the same as Obama:

Video - General Petraeus on Pakistan


Holy Wow. What a bunch of losers. WHY ARE THEY SUCH PETTY BITCHES?? *sigh* I mean, someone please explain it to me.


*drowns in jizz*
saelz8 said:
– “Re Senator Obama’s ostentatiously exotic pronunciation of Pakistan, one thing I like about Sarah Palin is the way she says ‘Eye-raq’.” [Mark Steyn]


:lol :lol :lol

Wow. Wow wow wow. You like how she pronounces it wrong? Like every single other republican? And this is an asset to you? Nice standards, you shit-faced douche-bucket.

Everytime I read frothing drivel like this, some of my brain-cells explode in painful agony.


Boogie said:
Mark Steyn? Really? And here I thought you weren't a total moron.

Actually, I think Steyn's comment might have been sarcastic. That's what I first thought when I read it, particularly since he goes on to mention Palin's incorrect pronunciation of "Iraq".
ToxicAdam said:
If you guys get your panties all bunched up over people mocking Obama over an odd pronunciation, you are not going to like what the media does to him over the next 4 (8) years. This is just playful toying.

It will be worth it to witness the heaps of BITTER TEARS.

And by the way, I don't give a crap how anyone says Iraq, Pakistan, or any other country. What I can't tolerate is nucular. You're THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED FUCKING STATES. (or a vp candidate) SAY THE WORD CORRECTLY, MORON.


Dan said:
Ramesh Ponnuru is the douchebag that got ripped apart by Jon Stewart over his book The Party of Death: The Democrats, the Media, the Courts, and the Disregard for Human Life. Guy's a complete idiot.

Another Michelle Malkin style self-hating Asian, great. And this time he's Indian too :/

I hereby retract post 5411!


Brand new Fivethirtyeight analysis of today's polls:

Nate Silver said:
I'm short on time today, so let's keep this on point: John McCain is in deep trouble. In spite of some incremental gains that McCain has made in some of the national tracking polls, the set of state polling that follows is so strong for Obama that he continues to hit record marks in all three of our projection metrics. We are now projecting Obama to win the election 90.5 percent of the time, with an average of 346.8 electoral votes, and a 5.4-point margin in the national popular vote.
Dan said:
Ramesh Ponnuru is the douchebag that got ripped apart by Jon Stewart over his book The Party of Death: The Democrats, the Media, the Courts, and the Disregard for Human Life. Guy's a complete idiot.

After posting that, I thought maybe it was just taken out of context. Sounds like it is not. I can't believe that.


Zeliard said:
Actually, I think Steyn's comment might have been sarcastic. That's what I first thought when I read it, particularly since he goes on to mention Palin's incorrect pronunciation of "Iraq".
He also describes Obama's pronunciation not only as 'exotic' but 'ostentatiously exotic.' So he's going out of his way to sound kind of like a snooty intellectual himself while attacking another person for speaking correctly and complimenting someone else for being retarded. It must be self mockery.

These must be depressing times for conservatives, maybe they need to laugh.
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