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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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I'm bored so have a WAT moment.

Palin Is Related to Princess Diana, FDR

Ancestry.com found that the governor of Alaska and the late princess are tenth cousins, while Palin is a ninth cousin with the former president.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin is distantly related to the late Princess Diana and late U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, genealogy experts said on Wednesday.

The governor of Alaska and the princess are tenth cousins, while Palin and Roosevelt are ninth cousins once removed, said Ancestry.com, online genealogists based in Provo, Utah.

The genealogical connections are not the first to gain attention in the U.S. presidential campaign. Last year, Lynne Cheney said she found while tracing her family roots that her husband Vice President Dick Cheney was a distant cousin of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.

Other researchers discovered Obama is distant cousins with actor Brad Pitt.

"When you've got candidates who have deep roots in America, there's a good chance that they're going to have some famous cousins," said Ancestry.com's chief family historian Megan Smolenyak.

"We've all got literally millions of cousins. The trick is finding that one little connection that results in something like Sarah Palin being related to FDR or Diana," she said.

Palin and the late princess descended from John Strong and his wife Abigail Ford, Ancestry.com said.

Strong was born around 1605 in England and emigrated to the United States, where he died in Massachusetts in 1699, Ancestry.com said.

Palin and Roosevelt share ancestor John Lothrop, who was born in England in 1584 and also emigrated to America, where he died in Massachusetts in 1653, Ancestry.com said.

According to family and local histories, Lothrop was a Puritan Presbyterian minister who arrived in the Massachusetts colony in 1634, said Ancestry.com, which says it has access to 7 billion records online.
Princess Palin

agrajag said:
Is he charged with anything more than breaking into any regular person's e-mail account, it's not right.
Looks like they may only be charging him with that from what I read.


Slurpy said:
All that for guessing the password of her yahoo account? Fuck that.

But the guy's a moron. If you're gonna do shit like this, you better do it carefully and anonymously. And his dad's a democratic state representative? That just look bad.

Is he charged with anything more than breaking into any regular person's e-mail account, it's not right.


artredis1980 said:
My friend who is a republican wrote this article. Please someone go and refute it in the comments section!

The sad reason why McCain's campaign is receiving the treatment he is getting is simple: Journalists and Politicians have an unspoken truce. Politicians can lie and the media will let them get away with it but only for a while. Eventually, the truth hunting side of the media calls the campaigns out on their lies and stretching of the truth and the politicians eventually cease to propagate those lies.

McCain's campaign, in the last three months, has been called out time and time and time again for inaccuracies and flat out lies in their attacks and they did not cease spreading them. The media let it slide for a while but eventually the frustration they were experiencing began to show: they called McCain's campaign out on lies, slander, and misrepresentation of the truth.

Cue the complaints of 'liberal bias'.

The media has an obligation to not misinform their audience, but they have to have balance. That means that they still must air McCain's lies - and it grieves them
What would you do if I told you that a unpatriotic secessionist leader once said:

"I took a case to the Supreme Court believing in the Supreme Court, but I'd rather be tried in a wh*rehouse with the madam as the Judge; there is more Justice in a wh*rehouse than in the Supreme Court; and if they don't like they know where they can go; ..... and if you think I am ever going to forget that, the fires of Hell are glaciers compared to my hate for the American Government, and I won't be buried under their d*mn flag; I'll be buried in Dawson and when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones back to Alaska, back to my country."?

Or that the man who said that died in a 'plastic explosive sale gone wrong'?

What would you say if I told you that a vice presidential candidate's spouse was a member of that group up until the year that candidate entered politics? Yet the liberal media hasn’t covered this aspect of the First Dude’s past.

Media bias, I say.


CNN just pulled a "Why can't Obama close the deal?" :lol

edit: The Blue Jihad: Yeah, I guess the McCain's have given up on not using their son and his service for political gain.


The Blue Jihad said:
Watching MSNBC now. They just showed footage of Cindy McCain and Palin from earlier today.

Words fail me.

Cindy comes off like Shirley Temple, I can't take her seriously. That whole "I'd like Barack to walk in my shoes for a day" was just too much.


The last two years John McCain has spent on the presidential campaign trail seem to finally have transported the Republican candidate back to the Hanoi Hilton he called home for five and a half years. At a campaign stop in Pennsylvania Wednesday, McCain referred to his supporters as "fellow prisoners" in a botched attack on his Democratic opponent Barack Obama.

"You and I together will confront the $10 trillion debt the federal government has run up and balance the federal budget by the end of my term in office," he said. "Across this country, this is the agenda I have set before my fellow prisoners and the same standards of clarity and candor must now be applied to my opponent."

Judging by McCain's pause, he expected that to be an applause line. Silence greeted him from the perplexed crowd.




Nabs said:
Cindy comes off like Shirley Temple, I can't take her seriously. That whole "I'd like Barack to walk in my shoes for a day" was just too much.

If I walked a day in her shoes, I would encrust myself with diamonds.


I wonder which recently overexposed female will get more hate in Philly: Palin, or Mama McNabb?

I know Mama McNabb's basically dropped off the radar in the past few years, but I think it's fairer to compare Palin to her than it is to compare Palin to some of the other legendary targets of boos in Philly.


I'm guessing this maverick/sidekick line is going to be used quite a bit over the coming weeks.

Biden sure says "ladies and gentlemen" a lot. More here than usual, I think? Good stuff, though. Damn, he's pissed! :lol


Nabs said:
Cindy comes off like Shirley Temple, I can't take her seriously. That whole "I'd like Barack to walk in my shoes for a day" was just too much.

Hey now, be nice. That's a woman who takes a lot of pride in her appearance. It can't be easy being 54 and looking like you're 80.

I can't believe she's only 54. I just assumed McCain nabbed himself a sugar Momma.


1-D_FTW said:
Hey now, be nice. That's a woman who takes a lot of pride in her appearance. It can't be easy being 54 and looking like you're 80.

I can't believe she's only 54. I just assumed McCain nabbed himself a sugar Momma.

This girl told me she thought she was 30. I said "wat."
Has anyone seen this site before?
Top Economists Overwhelmingly Favor Obama Plan: 80% Say He Has Better Grasp of Economics


The Economist magazine surveyed members of the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and responders overwhelmingly think Obama far surpasses McCain in his grasp of economics and think Obama's plan is superior. (h/t to Freakonomics). These numbers are truly staggering! Sorry Marty! (former head of NBER and McCain supporter)

As with the Scott Adams poll, economists overwhelmingly choose to self-identify as Democrats and support Obama. This is no fluke and NBER is the cream of the crop.

(By the way, apparently the Economist is one of Palin's faves!)

UPDATE: (Don Pedro) Thanks to Lerxst for posting this while I was out canvassing in Virginia! I've taken the liberty of changing the title. I also want to highlight key excerpts from the Economist writeup:

Even among Republicans Mr Obama has the edge: 46% versus 23% say Mr Obama has the better grasp of the subject. “I take McCain’s word on this one,” comments James Harrigan at the University of Virginia ..

“John McCain has professed disdain for ‘so-called economists’, and for some the feeling has become mutual,” says Erik Brynjolfsson, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management. “Obama’s team is mainstream and non-ideological but extremely talented.”
Mr Obama, says Jonathan Parker, a non-aligned professor at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management, “is a pragmatist not an ideologue. I expect Clintonian economic policies.”
Twice as many economists think Mr McCain’s plan would be bad or very bad for long-run growth as Mr Obama’s. Given how much focus Mr McCain has put on his plan’s benefits for growth, this last is quite a repudiation.

Check out the tax calculator.


This website has a list of Obama and McCains economic advisers, along with some background information.

Nifty little site.


It never ceases to amaze me how fired up I get listening to Biden speak. This guy exudes passion and connects with his audience amazingly.
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