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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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mckmas8808 said:
And the dumb thing is Mika B. on MSNBC TONIGHT just said that the Palin pick was just brillant!

WHY?! Do these TV talking heads not look at the numbers?

Selective memory. They only remember the bounce, but they choose to selectively filter out what happened after the convention.


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Barack's blackness is severely in question...



More Hatred At Rallies: "Off With His Head"

As seen at recent McCain events, this afternoon's crowd was vocal in their support for McCain and their anger with Senator Obama. At one point one man could be heard yelling, "Off with his head," when McCain spoke about Obama's tax plan. That enthusiasm was even more present during Palin's remarks, and as other observers have reported in the past, today there was a sizeable number of people making their way towards the exit after McCain's running mate left the podium.

Yesterday, a member of the crowd at a Palin rally in Jacksonville, Florida yelled "treason!" after Palin accused Obama of criticizing U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

And on Monday, a supporter shouted "Kill him!" when Sarah Palin started attacking Obama's association with William Ayers at a rally in Clearwater, Florida.



platypotamus said:

Flyers tickets are very expensive (i.e., $50 for the worst seat in the house, or thereabouts). Many of the seats are corporate-owned. Also, it's hockey - only slightly less universally white than a fresh winter's snow.


There are sore losers in any election. Having said... there is a sound reason why the fear during the Clinton years was domestic terrorism.
gkrykewy said:
Flyers tickets are very expensive (i.e., $50 for the worst seat in the house, or thereabouts). Many of the seats are corporate-owned. Also, it's hockey - only slightly less universally white than a fresh winter's snow.

Wow, those are pretty expensive. I'm used to southern california hockey team prices and crowds, which would both dispute your claim.


GhaleonEB said:
I wonder if McCain's new campaign strategy is to incite so much hatred at Obama that he's killed.

Not kidding. This is getting scary.
Earlier today someone posted a link to the Hannity forums. There's a sticky titled "No Assassination Talk".


platypotamus said:
Wow, those are pretty expensive. I'm used to southern california hockey team prices and crowds, which would both dispute your claim.

To be fair, the fan base here is much more economically and ethnically diverse. I'm referring only to the crowd in the arena. Still, a lot of youth - she will be booed. It just won't be the kind of vitriol people here seem to be expecting.
GhaleonEB said:
I wonder if McCain's new campaign strategy is to incite so much hatred at Obama that he's killed.

Not kidding. This is getting scary.

It absolutely is getting scary. It's also completely unforgiveable for McCain/Palin not to publicly denounce this shit and get their crowds back under control. There is no excuse for supporters of one politician literally calling for the death of his opponent. It sickens me.
mckmas8808 said:
And the dumb thing is Mika B. on MSNBC TONIGHT just said that the Palin pick was just brillant!

WHY?! Do these TV talking heads not look at the numbers?

To be quite honest, I think selecting Palin (and the change in direction it forced) is the only thing that kept McCain so close for so long in the polls. He's been done for a while.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
I wonder if McCain's new campaign strategy is to incite so much hatred at Obama that he's killed.

Not kidding. This is getting scary.

I swear to god I believe that if Obama was killed McCain wouldn't mind. He might feel bad, but I think he would rather Obama be dead and him be President than lose.


First tragedy, then farce.
The Blue Jihad said:

You know, if the one "terrorist" comment had been an isolated incident, I would be willing to let it go.

But it KEEPS happening. The McCain campaign knows DAMN well what they're doing, and what the reaction is going to be.

Fucking slimeballs.

Its going to fucking blow up in their faces. No one is paying any attention to it other than their base. Congrats, you have Rush masterbating to your speeches now. That isnt going to win you an election, but it might cost your party a shitload more.
I don't know why, but last night during the debate, I felt really sorry for McCain when I saw him writing down parts of the question so he wouldn't forget it. I know he's done some despicable things during this election, but I couldn't help it.


^^^ They were both writing notes, but McCain had to ask again what the 3 things were for the ranking question.

I'm so glad that McCain's "solution" to the mortgage crisis is blowing up in his face... and not just from his opponents, but from *everyone*. During their rally today when Palin brought it up, the applause was pretty minimal in contrast to the rest of the WWE/Amway chanting. You knew it was going to be bad. When he revealed it last night, you could hear a pin drop. I don't know how he can go on criticizing Obama about spending when he dropped the bomb that he has plans to spend *another* $300B on this. Ugh, makes you just want to punch a wall. But hey, he knows how to get Bin Laden...


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
DeaconKnowledge said:
To be quite honest, I think selecting Palin (and the change in direction it forced) is the only thing that kept McCain so close for so long in the polls. He's been done for a while.

That's a one track (stupid) way of thinking about it. Romney could have been better than Palin.

There's some good women REP people out there that McCain could have picked too.

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Unconfirmed Member
DenogginizerOS said:
I agree 100%. America needs to stop this "dumb is cool" mentality that is spreading like Ebola.

I totally agree with this. It seems like people in America just get progressively dumber with each generation. This whole anti-intellectualism movement needs to stop. Learning and studying isn't encouraged and kids who actually try to achieve things nowadays are bashed by their peers. When I was in high school about 8 years ago, there was definitely a large faction of "dumb is cool" kids, but it seems to have gotten progressively worse especially post-9-11. I really wonder what the causes are. Is it the neocon agenda / war mentality that has pervaded this country for the last 7 years? Is it mainstream hip-hop that has seemingly taken control of half of the teenagers in the country?

It is really mind-boggling to me how so many people in the United States embrace ignorance and stupidity. I didn't like the movie much, but sometimes I really think the country is on its way down the path of Idiocracy. It disgusts me that anyone out there would actually want someone like Palin in an office of power. I wonder if there are any other countries out there where intelligent people are shunned and ignorant, god-loving, "folksy" people are seen as the right people to run a country.


ICallItFutile said:
From what I have re-listened to of the first debate, I have to say it supports my initial reaction that last night's debate was pretty horrible overall. If C-Span puts it on youtube as well, I'll see if I still feel the same way.

The main problem with last night's debate was the asinine format and Brokaw's shitty moderating.

There was a well-written piece in the Washington Post today that railed against Brokaw's moderating and the debate format, among other things:


Washington Post said:
The biggest wet blanket on the debate stage, however, was moderator Tom Brokaw, who also played a kind of military role: Commander of the Clock. Time and again, the NBC newsman inflicted frivolous rules on the candidates that only served to frustrate true debate and the kind of give-and-take that a "town hall" format supposedly encourages. At least twice, Obama started to answer one of Brokaw's questions only to have Brokaw call instead on McCain, which was rude and embarrassing.

Exactly what the rules were remained unclear, even though Brokaw explained them at the start of the debate. He called for "discussion" periods that seemed only a minute long; what kind of a "discussion" is that? If a discussion really did threaten to break out, Brokaw got grumpy and called it off. The least important thing on an occasion such as this are a bunch of arbitrary rules concocted by the debate organizers (with the counsel of both parties, Brokaw insisted).

Brokaw looked old. McCain looked old. Obama looked young.

Members of the studio audience gathered in the hall were chosen from among voters in the area who still identify themselves as "undecided," Brokaw said. How many intelligent, informed Americans still cop to that label? Maybe there is something commendable in waiting the maximum amount of time to make up one's mind about the better of the two candidates, but the audience members were hardly inspired when it came to fashioning questions for them.

Were the relatively minor matters that many of them brought up among the reasons they'd remained undecided? If so, they'd better wake up and smell the coffee -- if they can still afford coffee, that is. The debate had the aura of an almost meaningless ritual being conducted in a soundproof room while outside, panic and calamity were spreading like giant cracks in the earth.

The candidates seemed protected from reality rather than having met on the field of battle to confront it.

platypotamus said:
It absolutely is getting scary. It's also completely unforgiveable for McCain/Palin not to publicly denounce this shit and get their crowds back under control. There is no excuse for supporters of one politician literally calling for the death of his opponent. It sickens me.

My friends, I'm going to run a clean campaign.


mckmas8808 said:
That's a one track (stupid) way of thinking about it. Romney could have been better than Palin.

There's some good women REP people out there that McCain could have picked too.
Mittens would have been the kiss of death. The same people swooning over Palin- the heart of right-wing evangelicalism in this country- would have abandoned ship if a candidate they already dislike had picked a Mormon.

Yes, that's really what it boils down to. Palin is popular among the base because she's a born-again Christian. There is no other reason.
Evlar said:
Mittens would have been the kiss of death. The same people swooning over Palin- the heart of right-wing evangelicalism in this country- would have abandoned ship if a candidate they already dislike had picked a Mormon.

Yes, that's really what it boils down to. Palin is popular among the base because she's a born-again Christian. There is no other reason.


Also, Palin did something that Mitt Romney never could Silence Joe Biden. The media focus was so thoroughly and forcefully on her that Biden's pick was made to feel like it was a thousand years ago.

People don't constantly repeat "Sarah Palin energized the base" for nothing.
platypotamus said:

this is probably true. the one time I attended a flyers game, the tickets set me back $90 a pop. and they weren't even GOOD seats.

Eagles tickets are also expensive, but they're so ridiculously popular in this town (EVERY game has sold out since they built that stadium) that you'll get the lower to middle class to shell out big bucks to see them.

not the case with the flyers.


I'm looking for that article about how most economists agree with Obama's plan and find McCain's disastrous. I need to show my friend who's "on the fence".


Evlar said:
Mittens would have been the kiss of death. The same people swooning over Palin- the heart of right-wing evangelicalism in this country- would have abandoned ship if a candidate they already dislike had picked a Mormon.

Yes, that's really what it boils down to. Palin is popular among the base because she's a born-again Christian. There is no other reason.

He should have gone with Huckabee. The fiscal conservatives would have shit the bed, but you can't win with everybody.
mckmas8808 said:
I swear to god I believe that if Obama was killed McCain wouldn't mind. He might feel bad, but I think he would rather Obama be dead and him be President than lose.

There's no doubt in my mind that this is true.

The same could be said for a significant portion of his supporters (obviously - listen to these fucking savages at their rallies).
Fatalah said:
I'm looking for that article about how most economists agree with Obama's plan and find McCain's disastrous. I need to show my friend who's "on the fence".

Don't have the link offhand but I know what you're looking for is at The Economist website.


Incognito said:
Don't have the link offhand but I know what you're looking for is at The Economist website.
Dax01 said:
Has anyone seen this site before?
Top Economists Overwhelmingly Favor Obama Plan: 80% Say He Has Better Grasp of Economics
The Economist magazine surveyed members of the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and responders overwhelmingly think Obama far surpasses McCain in his grasp of economics and think Obama's plan is superior. (h/t to Freakonomics). These numbers are truly staggering! Sorry Marty! (former head of NBER and McCain supporter)

As with the Scott Adams poll, economists overwhelmingly choose to self-identify as Democrats and support Obama. This is no fluke and NBER is the cream of the crop.

(By the way, apparently the Economist is one of Palin's faves!)

UPDATE: (Don Pedro) Thanks to Lerxst for posting this while I was out canvassing in Virginia! I've taken the liberty of changing the title. I also want to highlight key excerpts from the Economist writeup:

Even among Republicans Mr Obama has the edge: 46% versus 23% say Mr Obama has the better grasp of the subject. “I take McCain’s word on this one,” comments James Harrigan at the University of Virginia ..

“John McCain has professed disdain for ‘so-called economists’, and for some the feeling has become mutual,” says Erik Brynjolfsson, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management. “Obama’s team is mainstream and non-ideological but extremely talented.”
Mr Obama, says Jonathan Parker, a non-aligned professor at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management, “is a pragmatist not an ideologue. I expect Clintonian economic policies.”
Twice as many economists think Mr McCain’s plan would be bad or very bad for long-run growth as Mr Obama’s. Given how much focus Mr McCain has put on his plan’s benefits for growth, this last is quite a repudiation.

Check out the tax calculator.


This website has a list of Obama and McCains economic advisers, along with some background information.

Nifty little site.
GhaleonEB said:
I wonder if McCain's new campaign strategy is to incite so much hatred at Obama that he's killed.

Not kidding. This is getting scary.
The Blue Jihad said:

You know, if the one "terrorist" comment had been an isolated incident, I would be willing to let it go.

But it KEEPS happening. The McCain campaign knows DAMN well what they're doing, and what the reaction is going to be.

Fucking slimeballs.
Agreed. That makes $200 I have donated to Obama this year.

edit: This is the first time I have been motivated enough to actually donate to a political campaign. The campaign that McCain is running is simply disgraceful and I will not stand idly by and let this wear on my conscience.


mckmas8808 said:
That's a one track (stupid) way of thinking about it. Romney could have been better than Palin.

There's some good women REP people out there that McCain could have picked too.
Yeah, and all joking aside, you can't let up and assume McCain's done. Don't forget about what happened with him in the primaries. Celebrating now is foolish, even though I have to admit I'm pretty darn happy today.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Evlar said:
Mittens would have been the kiss of death. The same people swooning over Palin- the heart of right-wing evangelicalism in this country- would have abandoned ship if a candidate they already dislike had picked a Mormon.

Yes, that's really what it boils down to. Palin is popular among the base because she's a born-again Christian. There is no other reason.

THINK MAN! Palin is pissing off just as many independants, as Mittens would have pissed off the base.

Either way it's he was in a fucked position. I'd rather have the economic dude beside me than the clown Palin. Seriously she is a joke. Literally!
Tobor said:
He should have gone with Huckabee. The fiscal conservatives would have shit the bed, but you can't win with everybody.

Mittens would be better.

Slime ball and no integrity, all for winning.

Would lose some support in states you can't lose due to his Mormonism.
ghibli99 said:
Yeah, and all joking aside, you can't let up and assume McCain's done. Don't forget about what happened with him in the primaries. Celebrating now is foolish, even though I have to admit I'm pretty darn happy today.

Gotta be honest; if Obama was white people would be calling this election right now. It's a shame that i'm forced to agree with your pessimism.

That said, an 11 point lead in the polls is pretty decisive.
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