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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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CharlieDigital said:
That Rednecks for Obama site has the best retort to this: http://rednecks4obama.com/page3.php

"I don't care about his beer, I care about his intelligence"

"We've had many democratic presidents, and we will still have our guns"

"He is brilliant. And he's not an elitist, though he has the education to be"

-Tony Viessman​
How do we know that these people are really rednecks? :p
Y2Kev said:
I appreciate your help. Frankly I find it sort of upsetting that the government does not mandate basic finance courses for all citizens. Then again, if people were on the up and up, I guess it'd be easier to fleece people on their retirement accounts with 90% lehman bros stock.

Dude, forget finance. How about basic math?

I hate to keep pulling this out, but keep this in perspective:


Jack Scofield said:
What's this "trooper-gate" you guys keep talking about? Sorry if it's obvious, but I'm not following politics too closely.

This is why tomorrow's Trooper-gate release will be a net positive, even if it doesn't result in charges.


scorcho said:
On the surface, but Quixote is driven by unrequited love and his innocence grounds the silliness of his actions and fantasies! There's no comparison! Leave!


If you kept up with the news headlines you would see the relevance of my shop!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Well I'm thoroughly convinced that people who can't manage their money or can't understand the way the system works are going to be forever fucked by the system. I believe that's one of the differences between rich and poor in this country. Rich people make money from money. Poor people get nothing from hard labor.


XxenobladerxX said:
How do we know that these people are really rednecks? :p

You should see how often they post "I need to buy more ammo before Obama bans it" comments over at FreeRepublic. These folks are delusional.


HylianTom said:
You should see how often they post "I need to buy more ammo before Obama bans it" comments over at FreeRepublic. These folks are delusional.

I'm in WV and there's a pawn shop with an LCD sign outside that has been saying "Get your guns before Obama does" or something similar. :lol


Y2Kev said:
I appreciate your help. Frankly I find it sort of upsetting that the government does not mandate basic finance courses for all citizens. Then again, if people were on the up and up, I guess it'd be easier to fleece people on their retirement accounts with 90% lehman bros stock.
The government needs to mandate a lot of other basic course and drop others. There are more then a few courses that worked well in the past, but don't work well in the current world. For instance, there needs to be more education on healthy diets and exercising; to many kids are overweight and are not learning about how to prevent it from happening or what to do about it.

Plus, high schools are starting to only gear themselves to preparing students for college, ignoring the fact that a lot of students don't go onto college.


Sorry for double-posting this. This thread moves so fast and I was hoping to get an answer before this got drowned on the next page:

Hey guys. I just saw it on this page right here and it reminded me that I meant to ask a question in regards to Barack Obama. I know that earlier this year he voted to extend what Bush is doing in regards to FISA and the like. I also know that he did it as part of a broader package. My question is this: Has he indicated whether or not he would continue utilizing the bullshit that the Bush administration is doing in regards to illegally tapping telephone lines, reading email etc?
speculawyer said:
Absolutely! This is a great time to start. Sure . . . it is possible to go down a few hundred more points but we have to be pretty close to the bottom.

You are crazy if you have the opportunity to do this and you do not do it.

This, a 401k is a 'Buy and hold kind of thing." You want to buy when the market is hitting bottom, but in reality it's not going to change much in 40 years when your friend cashes out. You'll never be able to time it perfectly. THink of it this way, say his stocks drop another 20-30% in the next month, and say his match maxes out at $100 dollars, so he'll put in $100 this month, with a $100 dollar match and $100 next month with a $100 dollar match. That first $200 will drop to $160-140. By the time the market bottoms, he'll already be ahead of the game, and his initial contribution won't have depreciated.

and when the market starts going up again, and it will, he'll want to have as much money in there as possible.


Tim-E said:
I'm in WV and there's a pawn shop with an LCD sign outside that has been saying "Get your guns before Obama does" or something similar. :lol

If we get anything awesome in the next four years (aside from the obvious - Supreme Court appointees), it's going to be the entertaining antics of depressed/paranoid hillbilles. It's gonna be a riot.:lol
Chichikov said:
As catastrophic as his presidency was (is), he's still ten times more qualified than a joke like Palin.
And personally I always thought that people who paint him as a semi-retarded clown are not only drawing a simplistic picture, but actually cutting this administration some undeserved slack.

Let's not revive the Bush defense force. He's below retard levels compared to Palin.
I finally jumped on the soapbox in public today.

We frequently have political discussions at work (There is one Republican amongst a group of Independents/Liberals). We typically keep things relatively peaceful but my Republican colleague practically threw the soapbox at me.

He was asserting that Obama would "raise taxes" (Despite having been corrected a thousand times about how the higher taxes are simply reversals of the tax cuts that were given to the rich).

After correcting him, he pivoted to the generalization that "taxes are still going to go up" and I'd simply had enough. The rant began. Honestly, I don't understand how people can be so short-sighted with this; the country cannot efficiently operate was a ballooning deficit while maintaining tax cuts across the board (Poor, Middle, Upper, and Business). It just can't happen. I don't understand how it's such a difficult concept to grasp; even with significant cuts to the government spending, we're still going to be deficit spending until tax revenues overtake the deficit itself (Which means taxes are going to have to go up for someone).

I don't understand how people have fallen into this mindset that any and all taxation is evil and is the equivalent of Big Brother fleecing the little man for all that he's worth. The ridiculous part is that most of these people who demonize higher taxes still want all the amenities that are provided to us by our government; they just don't want to have to suffer the injustice of actually paying for the fucking privilege.


HylianTom said:
If we get anything awesome in the next four years (aside from the obvious - Supreme Court appointees), it's going to be the entertaining antics of depressed/paranoid hillbilles. It's gonna be a riot.:lol

I know. I can only hope I'm done with college and living in another state by then. :lol


Tim-E said:
I know. I can only hope I'm done with college and living in another state by then. :lol

Ha.. my partner and I are moving to the belly of the beast within two years - rural Mississippi. I'm tempted to begin a website/blog detailing our experiences out there.
Palin wrongly suggests Congress bans oil exports

By H. JOSEF HEBERT, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 13 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin , touted by GOP presidential candidate John McCain as his expert on energy, seemed to have problems Thursday explaining whether the government bans oil exports — especially from her state's North Slope fields.

A questioner at a town hall-style meeting in Wisconsin said he had heard that at least 75 percent of the oil drilled in Alaska was being sold to China and said, if true, he would like to know why.

"No. It's not 75 percent of our oil being exported," Palin said, suggesting some of Alaska's oil, in fact, may be going abroad but not that much.

"In fact," she added, "Congress is pretty strict on, um, export bans of oil and gas especially."

No Alaska oil has been exported since 2004, and little if any since 2000, according to the Energy Information Administration and the Congressional Research Service.

And Congress has never imposed outright bans on oil exports. Congress prohibited exports of Alaska oil in 1973 when the Alaska oil pipeline was built. But that ban was lifted in 1996 when there were large volumes of Alaska oil coming down from the North Slope and U.S. demand was soft.

The Alaska ban has never been reinstated.
CharlieDigital said:
Dude, forget finance. How about basic math?

I hate to keep pulling this out, but keep this in perspective:


This is why tomorrow's Trooper-gate release will be a net positive, even if it doesn't result in charges.

To be fair, simple logic problems in geometry throw me as well. I've always been infinitely better at Trigonometry/Calculus.


But that problem isn't one of them :lol Honestly though...how does one make an 84 in Geometry and 96/98 in Trigonometry and Calculus (Respectively)? It boggles the mind.


typhonsentra said:
I remember him predicting on TDS that Kerry would win, but he actually changed his prediction on the eve of the election and got it right apparently.

No, that's just when the RNC talking points came in on the Freedom Fax.
Is anyone else watching the Oregon Senatorial Debate? Did Gordon Smith just call Palin the Governor of California? :lol

edit: Yeah he did, Merkley just called him on it :lol
HylianTom said:
If we get anything awesome in the next four years (aside from the obvious - Supreme Court appointees), it's going to be the entertaining antics of depressed/paranoid hillbilles. It's gonna be a riot.:lol
I have to admit that I have a huge guilty pleasure of thinking about the real hardcore racists rednecks living under the rule of a black man.

But honestly, it is for their own good . . . Obama's policies should help the economy more than McCain's. (As endorsed by the economists polled in The Economist.)


WickedAngel said:
I finally jumped on the soapbox in public today.

We frequently have political discussions at work (There is one Republican amongst a group of Independents/Liberals). We typically keep things relatively peaceful but my Republican colleague practically threw the soapbox at me.

He was asserting that Obama would "raise taxes" (Despite having been corrected a thousand times about how the higher taxes are simply reversals of the tax cuts that were given to the rich).

After correcting him, he pivoted to the generalization that "taxes are still going to go up" and I'd simply had enough. The rant began. Honestly, I don't understand how people can be so short-sighted with this; the country cannot efficiently operate was a ballooning deficit while maintaining tax cuts across the board (Poor, Middle, Upper, and Business). It just can't happen. I don't understand how it's such a difficult concept to grasp; even with significant cuts to the government spending, we're still going to be deficit spending until tax revenues overtake the deficit itself (Which means taxes are going to have to go up for someone).

I don't understand how people have fallen into this mindset that any and all taxation is evil and is the equivalent of Big Brother fleecing the little man for all that he's worth. The ridiculous part is that most of these people who demonize higher taxes still want all the amenities that are provided to us by our government; they just don't want to have to suffer the injustice of actually paying for the fucking privilege.

"I like paying taxes. With them I buy civilization."

- Oliver Wendell Holmes
MassiveAttack said:
How in the fuck can you be governor of a major oil producing state like Alaska and NOT KNOW THAT CONGRESS HAS NO BANS ON OIL EXPORTS?????????????

I blame the liberal media, with their fact checking. What's a little fib here and there?


CharlieDigital said:
Dude, forget finance. How about basic math?

I hate to keep pulling this out, but keep this in perspective:


This is why tomorrow's Trooper-gate release will be a net positive, even if it doesn't result in charges.
Where is that from?
"In fact," she added, "Congress is pretty strict on, um, export bans of oil and gas especially."
Although 100% wrong, at least that sentence made grammatical sense. Unlike that wacky sentence of hers with tagging molecules.
MassiveAttack said:
How in the fuck can you be governor of a major oil producing state like Alaska and NOT KNOW THAT CONGRESS HAS NO BANS ON OIL EXPORTS?????????????

Her energy expertise is of such magnitude that it actually came full circle.
It seems to me, McCain would be doing a lot better if his campaign wasn't just pandering only to the Republican base. Am I right? When ever I see footage of McCain rallies, its not a very diverse group, now is it?

I should mention that I'm from Canada, so I'm not totally versed in American politics.
DigitalSoul said:
It seems to me, McCain would be doing a lot better if his campaign wasn't just pandering only to the Republican base. Am I right? When ever I see footage of McCain rallies, its not a very diverse group, now is it?

I should mention that I'm from Canada, so I'm not totally versed in American politics.

I saw a black guy asking McCain when he was going to hit up Obama on Wright in one of Maddow's clips. He was the only one in the entire frame. He was in a suit. I was wondering if he was paid a handsome sum to be there :lol


:lol :lol :lol @ that e-mail going around

I'm good friends with Wahid Hamid's son.

Mr. Hamid is on the board of directors at PepsiCo.

The "well researched" e-mail makes it sounds like he's some kind of drug addicted terrorist from Pakistan who recruited Obama.

Ridiculous, man. Anyone from Pakistan, Iran or hell, even India apparently is deemed "suspicious" in the eyes of dim-witted Americans.

Election season always brings out the worst in this country.
Maverick said:
:lol :lol :lol @ that e-mail going around

I'm good friends with Wahid Hamid's son.

Mr. Hamid is on the board of directors at PepsiCo.

Are you saying that by diet Pepsi addiction is fueling terrorist cells in Pakistan?!?
DigitalSoul said:
It seems to me, McCain would be doing a lot better if his campaign wasn't just pandering only to the Republican base. Am I right? When ever I see footage of McCain rallies, its not a very diverse group, now is it?

I should mention that I'm from Canada, so I'm not totally versed in American politics.

For a while, America considered itself so conservative that it basically lined up with the republican base. No longer.
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