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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Setec Astronomer
mAcOdIn said:
I don't like Ayers, I don't think he should be revered as he is in the community either. That said:

Americans aren't really afraid of domestic terrorists, especially ones from the Vietnam era because everyone was fucking crazy back then. Find someone who was 100% on the straight and narrow there. People look at that shit and I think they almost understand where they were coming from.

Plus, I do think there is an element of prejudice towards Islamic terrorism and domestic terrorism.

I really don't think this will have an effect on Obama.
I think it's telling that republicans from Chicago are pretty much going, "Buh?"


Hitokage said:
NeoGAF is not 4chan.

I know man.... But we are a classic group here... Aren't we???

But what is 4chan... I never been there, I heard is where all the scum of the internet lives... So I am too scared to go there...


GhaleonEB said:
Looks like some new polls crept up tonight, on Pollster. Obama ahead in Ohio, Florida and North Carolina.

Strategic Vision (R)

1,200 likely voters, +/-3
Obama 52, McCain 44
(9/23: Obama 45, McCain 48)

1,200 likely voters, +/-3
Obama 48, McCain 46
(9/9: Obama 44, McCain 48)​

Swings in both states.

Civitas Institute (R)/Tel Opinion Research
October 6-8, 2008, n=600 registered voters, margin of error +/- 4.2

North Carolina

Obama 48, McCain 43, Barr 2
(9/20: McCain 45, Obama 45, Barr 1)

Gov: Perdue (D) 43, McCrory (R) 41, Munger (L) 2
(9/20: Perdue 41, McCrory 43, Munger 3)​

Another lead in North Carolina.

Wanna know what's awesome? North Carolina is a swing state.


mj1108 said:
Ask yourself this: WWOD? (What would Obama do?)

He'd stay classy and not lower himself to that, that's what.

Given the past 8 years, and given my eternal bitterness over 2000, fuck classiness. I'm not feeling the least bit magnanimous, and it's not very often that a Democrat wins a presidential election.


Master of the Google Search

I'm conflicted :/


AniHawk said:
Wanna know what's awesome? North Carolina is a swing state.

That is awesome to hear... Hopefully Obama wins!!! Take that for my room mate man!!!

HylianTom said:
Given the past 8 years, and given my eternal bitterness over 2000, fuck classiness. I'm not feeling the least bit magnanimous, and it's not very often that a Democrat wins a presidential election.

Plus that place is Republican douchebaggery heaven from what my room mate is telling me about... They love bush there... :lol
Zapages said:
Yeah, I am a little disappointed as well... But 4chan could do the job, right??? Can't we get some revenge for our pleasure... Please mods... Can we, just once. I've never experienced this... How is it like. ??? Plus its for my room mate who been a member there for 6 years there and got banned for posting about that....

PS: I've never been to 4chan nor do I ever plan to...
Don't; you're childhood would be ruined, even if you are through your childhood.

Hispanics turn cold shoulder to McCain.

There's one thing I don't understand, though: why air aids in Spanish?


*drowns in jizz*
John McCain is not man enough to own his shit. John McCain will not openly confront Obama with his smears and lies and innuendo. John McCain will not come out and talk about Ayers, he has to be asked. That is why he goes to places like Fox News, so he can be asked. What a coincidence.

John McCain is a coward.

John McCain would rather hide behind his wife and Sarah Palin than say it himself.

He would rather produce 2 minute ads that his campaign will never pay to air anywhere, and hope that the tire-swinging media will bring up the topic so he doesn’t have to do it himself.

John McCain just wants to throw shit out there, and “raise questions” about Obama, and hope his supporters connect the dots, because he is too much of a coward to directly push this toxic stew. He would rather hide behind right-wing bloggers, surrogates, and scummy websites staffed with wingnut welfare recipients like the NRO and the Weekly Standard.

John McCain had 90 minutes to bring this stuff up to Obama, to his face, and passed.

John McCain is a coward.

Pretty much.


Much as I love poligaf, I kinda wonder what it's like going to a McCain rally (other than the stupid chants). I know when I went to Obama's rally, I couldn't go 5 feet without being asked if I'm registered to vote or to volunteer. I'm guessing the same isn't true of a McCain rally.
mAcOdIn said:
I don't like Ayers, I don't think he should be revered as he is in the community either. That said:

Americans aren't really afraid of domestic terrorists, especially ones from the Vietnam era because everyone was fucking crazy back then. Find someone who was 100% on the straight and narrow there. People look at that shit and I think they almost understand where they were coming from.

Plus, I do think there is an element of prejudice towards Islamic terrorism and domestic terrorism.

I really don't think this will have an effect on Obama.

The problem with Ayers is, making t a talking point right now, makes it looks like what it is: desperate.

If Ayers was this HUGE point of concern for the American people, why not mention it back in August? Or July?


Trakdown said:
Much as I love poligaf, I kinda wonder what it's like going to a McCain rally (other than the stupid chants). I know when I went to Obama's rally, I couldn't go 5 feet without being asked if I'm registered to vote or to volunteer. I'm guessing the same isn't true of a McCain rally.

What is it like going to a McCain rally? "Terrorist" and "Muslim" every other word.


Hey guys, I just heard that there is a place on the internet that supports McCain and even likes Bush. Can you believe it? I guess they'll let anyone onto the internet these days! :-/

Sorry for being a dick. :p
ryutaro's mama said:
The problem with Ayers is, making t a talking point right now, makes it looks like what it is: desperate.

If Ayers was this HUGE point of concern for the American people, why not mention it back in August? Or July?
It also serves as a great reassurance for those fearing an October surprise. There's less than a month left until the election. McCain's getting killed. If there's anything McCain has been holding back on, now's the time to put it out there. So, he and his team retreat to the war room, and THIS is the best they've got?
HylianTom said:
Zogby, October 10:
Obama 48(0)
McCain 42(-1)

Drudge will now switch off Zogby polls until the race tightens with that poll or he will switch to whatever is the closest poll and declare the race a tie.
Steve Youngblood said:
It also serves as a great reassurance for those fearing an October surprise. There's less than a month left until the election. McCain's getting killed. If there's anything McCain has been holding back on, now's the time to put it out there. So, he and his team retreat to the war room, and THIS is the best they've got?

It's not really surprising when you look at the overall direction that this campaign has taken. There has been a fundamental lack of direction and planning since day one; almost every one of their moves has been half-assed, reactionary, or both. It's no shock that they're recycling Clinton attacks from the primary season.


Dax01 said:
Shouldn't they already know English, though? So what's the point?

Not all that well. The English requirements for citizenship are pretty basic. And in campaign advertisement a pretty high degree of nuance and careful connotation is required, so communicating to someone in a language they only have conversational knowledge of is pretty hard. Much more effective to run a Spanish language ad on Spanish language channels.
Iksenpets said:
Not all that well. The English requirements for citizenship are pretty basic. And in campaign advertisement a pretty high degree of nuance and careful connotation is required, so communicating to someone in a language they only have conversational knowledge of is pretty hard. Much more effective to run a Spanish language ad on Spanish language channels.
So it's only on Spanish channels, then? Okay, that makes sense.
Shiggie said:
:lol :lol Palin must be crying right now.


Trakdown said:
Well, I meant more of being asked to volunteer or checking on current voter registration.

They probably do that to a smaller extent, though McCain doesn't have nearly the ground game that Obama has. Obama bases it on a message of optimism and getting voters to register, and for those people to get other people to register, while McCain tries to get people to vote based on fear, misinformation, and flat-out lies.
Gov: Perdue (D) 43, McCrory (R) 41, Munger (L) 2
(9/20: Perdue 41, McCrory 43, Munger 3)

This is really good news for us NC folk. As anyone with a GOP governor knows, the only thing that they really excel at is cutting taxes during the good years and then hitting massive budget snafus during the lean ones. Perdue has received an uptick in the polls and is now narrowly ahead everywhere, and is murdering McCrory on the airwaves.

Hope it lasts, GOP governors are just terrible, terrible folk. Oh, and to Washington State GAF-that Republican dude running there is BAD NEWS BEARS and you better not split your ticket and vote for him.


Steve Youngblood said:
It also serves as a great reassurance for those fearing an October surprise. There's less than a month left until the election. McCain's getting killed. If there's anything McCain has been holding back on, now's the time to put it out there. So, he and his team retreat to the war room, and THIS is the best they've got?

It's like I said: Nobody in that campaign wants to admit they're wrong. There's been some legendary failure in this campaign (going hyper-negative when your problem is your unfavorables, and on top of that, announcing that you're going to do it). There's rampant communication problems, like when Palin whined about Michigan.

If they would've entered October with a positive campaign that had some focus on the issues, it might still be a game. But who wants to come forth and say "Look, my idea sucked. We need to turn this campaign around and do something different NOW"? Fiorina said one bad thing about McCain and got grounded, what'll happen if you admit to an idea that's nearly doomed the campaign?
:lol I love those "Socialist swine!!!111" comments on that video. McCain just offered to buy up the failing mortgages of Americans at the debate.

I wonder how it feels to have bigots as your base.
Fragamemnon said:
Oh, and to Washington State GAF-that Republican dude running there is BAD NEWS BEARS and you better not split your ticket and vote for him.

Seriously. The level of support Dino Rossi is receiving is more than a little disconcerting. Especially when you take into account Obama's support. And who's he fooling by running in the "GOP" party. Jesus...


It's a bullshit organization.

The American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA) is an organization involved in advocacy for gun control,[1] founded to more effectively promote the efforts of the Brady Campaign.[2] Its critics claim that AHSA is a front organization aimed at dividing gun owners by pointing to AHSA members' bias against private ownership of the most popular modern sporting firearms, and note AHSA leaders have donated money to gun control groups[3] and maintained ties to individuals and organizations who advocate gun control.[4] Despite the similarity in name, AHSA has no ties to the field marksmanship promoting organization, the Hunter's Shooting Association (HSA).



I'm gonna send in my CA vote by mail ballot tomorrow... I voted for Bob Barr! :D

No, really. I did.

Seriously though. Even though this is only my second opportunity to vote, I've never been more proud to vote for a national candidate, and I don't know if I ever will be again. Here's hoping Barack can get us out of this mess.



WickedAngel said:
:lol I love those "Socialist swine!!!111" comments on that video. McCain just offered to buy up the failing mortgages of Americans at the debate.

I wonder how it feels to have bigots as your base.

I don't think those people in that video even know what "Socialist" even means....let alone spell it.

Nicodimas said:
It's a bullshit organization.

The American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA) is an organization involved in advocacy for gun control,[1] founded to more effectively promote the efforts of the Brady Campaign.[2] Its critics claim that AHSA is a front organization aimed at dividing gun owners by pointing to AHSA members' bias against private ownership of the most popular modern sporting firearms, and note AHSA leaders have donated money to gun control groups[3] and maintained ties to individuals and organizations who advocate gun control.[4] Despite the similarity in name, AHSA has no ties to the field marksmanship promoting organization, the Hunter's Shooting Association (HSA).

So you'd say they're a terrorist organization? Excellent.
Incognito said:
Seriously. The level of support Dino Rossi is receiving is more than a little disconcerting. Especially when you take into account Obama's support. And who's he fooling by running in the "GOP" party. Jesus...

Easty Beasty Washington better not screw it up for the rest of us.


Hellsing321 said:
I eagerly await the ads calling them a terrorist organization.
Well they're not terrorists, but who the fuck are they exactly? It almost seems like they were invented right around the start of the election. I hardly see this as meaning anything worthwhile for Obama.

That said, as a gun owner, I do think it's about time that someone did start an organization that opposed the NRA, I'll be watching and reading about these guys and see where they stand on everything.


Nicodimas said:
It's a bullshit organization.

The American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA) is an organization involved in advocacy for gun control,[1] founded to more effectively promote the efforts of the Brady Campaign.[2] Its critics claim that AHSA is a front organization aimed at dividing gun owners by pointing to AHSA members' bias against private ownership of the most popular modern sporting firearms, and note AHSA leaders have donated money to gun control groups[3] and maintained ties to individuals and organizations who advocate gun control.[4] Despite the similarity in name, AHSA has no ties to the field marksmanship promoting organization, the Hunter's Shooting Association (HSA).

I kind of suspected that something like that was up since I had never heard of it.

Actually, since I'm for gun control I would prefer if it's just a bs organization.

Edit: Well, maybe I don't hope that they are bs so much as I don't want Obama giving gun-toting gun-toters more reason to be happy than McCain would.
Shiggie said:

Do you have a reference on that? They feel like an astroturf-style group to me.

You want to know who will be best for sportsman? Vote for the guy (Obama) that is going to ensure that state and local governments have funds even in a downturn, fish and wildlife agencies depend on that money to both maintain existing gamelands and purchase/swap land (with parters) to open up to hunters and fishermen. Talk to the guy that wants to spend money developing the tech for cellulosic ethanol (Obama), which can be managed such that it becomes prime game and nongame grassland bird habitat.

Hunting and fishing in America is slowly dwindling because the places for people to hunt and fish easily are dwindling.
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