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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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And the whole "secret-muslim" thing gets at what really bothers me about many conservatives. I mean, if they were to actually study Islam, they'd find it to be damn near identical to Catholicism. Muslims, according to the literature I've read, accept Jesus as at the SAME level as the Prophet, as a Rasul. They revere the Virgin Mary. But that's not even the point. What really is frustrating is that they're openly intolerant, openly ignorant. Being Muslim is reason enough to not vote for this man. That is just mind-boggling to me. But it doesn't stop there. BECAUSE he is a muslim, and BECAUSE his middle-name is Hussein, he is a TERRORIST. Blows my fucking mind. And I'm so, so scared of them and sad for them at the same time.
Actually, Muslims accept Jesus' divinity and place a lot of weight on his mother's importance. At least, that's what the Imam told me.

Rural American culture and Arabic culture tend to share some things, too. Like one of The Daily Show guests said "Iran and the U.S. could be a couple of nations in a love affair if they'd just talk."


I am saying we are not gay... Dude. Stop making ridiculous analogies... All I am saying we are going to a professional school.

They were making fun of "condomates." We know you meant condo mates, but it looks like condom[m]ates.

No one was implying that you were gay, just that you shared condoms because you are "condom[m]ates."


Connoisseur Of Tedium
TheGrayGhost said:



I'm genuinely sad. So depressed. Watching that video of the "McCain/Palin Mob." So, so sad.

It is sad and scary at the same time for me. I have never encountered people like this in my life but I know they are around the corner or more specifically my next door neighbor with the McCain/Palin sign in front of their yard.


TheGrayGhost said:
And the whole "secret-muslim" thing gets at what really bothers me about many conservatives. I mean, if they were to actually study Islam, they'd find it to be damn near identical to Catholicism. Muslims, according to the literature I've read, accept Jesus as at the SAME level of But that's not even the point. What really is frustrating is that they're openly intolerant, openly ignorant. Being Muslim is reason enough to not vote for this man. That is just mind-boggling to me. But it doesn't stop there. BECAUSE he is a muslim, and BECAUSE his middle-name is Hussein, he is a TERRORIST. Blows my fucking mind. And I'm so, so scared of them and sad for them at the same time.

That is Arcadeathome in one paragraph... :lol Plus they are even more McCain wankers...


SSGMUN10000 said:
It is sad and scary at the same time for me. I have never encountered people like this in my life but I know they are around the corner or more specifically my next door neighbor with the McCain/Palin sign in front of their yard.

On November 5th, you should go up to them and do the Nelson point & laugh.
TheGrayGhost said:
And the whole "secret-muslim" thing gets at what really bothers me about many conservatives. I mean, if they were to actually study Islam, they'd find it to be damn near identical to Catholicism. Muslims, according to the literature I've read, accept Jesus as at the SAME level of But that's not even the point. What really is frustrating is that they're openly intolerant, openly ignorant. Being Muslim is reason enough to not vote for this man. That is just mind-boggling to me. But it doesn't stop there. BECAUSE he is a muslim, and BECAUSE his middle-name is Hussein, he is a TERRORIST. Blows my fucking mind. And I'm so, so scared of them and sad for them at the same time.

The ignorance of these people compounds itself like interest. They've allowed themselves to believe that terrorists are more of a threat to our country than poor leadership. They've allowed themselves to be conditioned to think that all Muslim people are evil terrorists. They've allowed themselves to believe that Barrack Obama, despite having went to a Christian church all his life (Which they also criticize him for, due to the pastor) is a secret, God-hating Muslim. They've allowed themselves to believe that Barrack is a Communist/Socialist (Despite not truly understanding what either means).

It doesn't stop. That's why these people can never be educated; they've followed misinformation for so long that finding the honest path would literally require a dozen or so long-held factual discrepancies to be reverted to get them there.

Zeliard said:
On November 5th, you should go up to them and do the Nelson point & laugh.

Or a "Say hello to your new President; Barrack Hussein ObALALALALALALALALALA!"
TheGrayGhost said:
And the whole "secret-muslim" thing gets at what really bothers me about many conservatives. I mean, if they were to actually study Islam, they'd find it to be damn near identical to Catholicism. Muslims, according to the literature I've read, accept Jesus as at the SAME level of But that's not even the point. What really is frustrating is that they're openly intolerant, openly ignorant. Being Muslim is reason enough to not vote for this man. That is just mind-boggling to me. But it doesn't stop there. BECAUSE he is a muslim, and BECAUSE his middle-name is Hussein, he is a TERRORIST. Blows my fucking mind. And I'm so, so scared of them and sad for them at the same time.

That's my personal favorite part because I remember choosing my own name when I was born too.


Nicodimas said:
It's a bullshit organization.

The American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA) is an organization involved in advocacy for gun control,[1] founded to more effectively promote the efforts of the Brady Campaign.[2] Its critics claim that AHSA is a front organization aimed at dividing gun owners by pointing to AHSA members' bias against private ownership of the most popular modern sporting firearms, and note AHSA leaders have donated money to gun control groups[3] and maintained ties to individuals and organizations who advocate gun control.[4] Despite the similarity in name, AHSA has no ties to the field marksmanship promoting organization, the Hunter's Shooting Association (HSA).

oh okay.
something should of clicked when
I saw there was only one guy


*drowns in jizz*
It blows my mind how a mindless, moronic ditz like Elizabeth Hasselbeck has the privilege of addressing millions on TV everyday and giving weight to what she says. What a stupid, hate-inciting woman. It took me so much willpower not to throw my remote against the TV just now.
TheGrayGhost said:
Ok, what about this Acorn shit?

oh noes citydwellers want to vote! Wait, what do you mean we don't control the Governor and SOS offices so that we can give four voting machines for 10,000 voters?

Rest follows from that line of thought, it's just the usual Republican crap with them not wanting people to vote.


TheGrayGhost said:
Ok, what about this Acorn shit?

Group of community organizers. They're catching shit for voter fraud (invalid registrations) and had their Las Vegas office raided. This, of course, gave the right a stiffy because they assume Obama's connected.

Thankfully, we have the internet.


FightTheSmears said:
Discredited Republican voter-suppression guru Ken Blackwell is attacking Barack Obama with naked lies about his supposed connection to ACORN.

• Fact: Barack was never an ACORN community organizer.
• Fact: Barack was never an ACORN trainer and never worked for ACORN in any other capacity.
• Fact: ACORN was not part of Project Vote, the successful voter registration drive Barack ran in 1992.

In his capacity as an attorney, Barack represented ACORN in a successful lawsuit alongside the U.S. Department of Justice against the state of Illinois to force state compliance with a federal voting access law. For his work helping enforce the law, called “Motor Voter,” Barack received the IVI-IPO Legal Eagle Award in 1995. (For more about Barack’s career, check out our Obama bio.)

Ken Blackwell is best known today for disenfranchising Democratic voters in his dual role as Ohio Secretary of State and chair of George Bush’s Ohio campaign in 2004. To see him shed crocodile tears for the integrity of the vote while making accusations about Barack and ACORN with absolutely no basis in fact is disturbing.

Blackwell’s attacks against ACORN and community organizers continue a vile Republican pattern of mockery and viciousness against this noble profession. Community organizers are the very individuals Republicans should be celebrating for helping people to help themselves rather than depending on the government.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Sometimes I feel like there are far more important things to worry about than white people's hobbies. /sigh
well duh, when brown people collect guns they're dangerous gangbangers or militants. White people? Gun enthusiasts.
Nicodimas said:

Minorities don't hunt in nearly the numbers that white folk do, it's a brutal but fair way of putting it. Hunting and fishing is important, though, since most of our state and local nongame wildlife programs are funded at least in part by revenue from hunting licenses.
ACORN is an organization that dedicates itself to registering voters, and they tend to target minorities. They are fragmented across the states

Individual ACORN groups are accused at times of falsifying registrations and the like.

Obama worked with them at one point or another.

The allegation:

Obama worked with ACORN, so ACORN is corrupt registering thousands of fakes everyday, and Obama supports that, because he worked with them.

My opinion: Mostly bullshit. ACORN, according to my knowledge, has been found guilty of misregistration and other such things, but never the organization as a whole, and never on an intense, national level. It's been small, scattered, and non-coordinated instances. Obama worked with them because part of his career involved Get Out The Vote, so it was inevitable. ACORN targets minorities, which tend to need the help, and minorities tend towards Obama, so their work is seen as largely benefiting Obama.

The claims that they are a hyper evil group of Communists bent on stealing the election is, to understate, a tad overblown.


Looks like I was wrong. Obama never worked for ACORN, but he did represent them in a lawsuit.


I always wondered why religion plays such a large part in our political scene when the law is supposed to separate church and state.
I'm a christian myself but I would never NOT vote for someone based on their faith. has there ever been a non christian president of our country? although I don't agree with muslims beliefs a lot of them Are damn good ppl and often live more pure lives than any christians I know including myself :-/


xnipx said:
I always wondered why religion plays such a large part in our political scene when the law is supposed to separate church and state.
I'm a christian myself but I would never NOT vote for someone based on their faith. has there ever been a non christian president of our country? although I don't agree with muslims beliefs a lot of them Are damn good ppl and often live more pure lives than any christians I know including myself :-/

I'm sure some of the earliest ones were non-religious or non-Christian, but otherwise, I guess JFK, who was Catholic.


Master of the Google Search
speculawyer said:
Are they like a liberal version of the NRA?
Well the NRA only really cares about gun manufactures so I'd say being the liberal version of the NRA would still be an insult ;)
Religion is the bedrock for many people's lives, and they are taught that that religion is the only true and good way to live a life. The converse is then held to be true; anyone pursuing a different life (religion) is bad and wrong.

So, if a politician is my religion, well then, he's probably good, or at least trying. If he's not, well then, he's probably not good, and at the very least, I don't know what his life is like, what he values, like I know the other dude does.


xnipx said:
I always wondered why religion plays such a large part in our political scene when the law is supposed to separate church and state.
I'm a christian myself but I would never NOT vote for someone based on their faith. has there ever been a non christian president of our country? although I don't agree with muslims beliefs a lot of them Are damn good ppl and often live more pure lives than any christians I know including myself :-/


Master of the Google Search
Nicodimas said:
It's a bullshit organization.

The American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA) is an organization involved in advocacy for gun control,[1] founded to more effectively promote the efforts of the Brady Campaign.[2] Its critics claim that AHSA is a front organization aimed at dividing gun owners by pointing to AHSA members' bias against private ownership of the most popular modern sporting firearms, and note AHSA leaders have donated money to gun control groups[3] and maintained ties to individuals and organizations who advocate gun control.[4] Despite the similarity in name, AHSA has no ties to the field marksmanship promoting organization, the Hunter's Shooting Association (HSA).

How does that make it a bullshit organization?


xnipx said:
I always wondered why religion plays such a large part in our political scene when the law is supposed to separate church and state.
I'm a christian myself but I would never NOT vote for someone based on their faith. has there ever been a non christian president of our country? although I don't agree with muslims beliefs a lot of them Are damn good ppl and often live more pure lives than any christians I know including myself :-/


xnipx said:
I'm a christian myself but I would never NOT vote for someone based on their faith. has there ever been a non christian president of our country?

I've seen speculation that some of our founding fathers and earliest presidents were not exactly christians with some of them basically "faking" it because they knew ordinary people couldn't handle having a non-christian leader.

although I don't agree with muslims beliefs a lot of them Are damn good ppl and often live more pure lives than any christians I know including myself :-/

That's the most hilarious part...Indian and Asian immigrants that I've come across are all much harder working, much more honorable that just about every American I know.
xnipx said:
I always wondered why religion plays such a large part in our political scene when the law is supposed to separate church and state.
I'm a christian myself but I would never NOT vote for someone based on their faith. has there ever been a non christian president of our country? although I don't agree with muslims beliefs a lot of them Are damn good ppl and often live more pure lives than any christians I know including myself :-/

Indeed. Vote for the person with the best policies. Let everyone practice their own religions privately.


xnipx said:
question answered I guess lol. so I guess he would lose by a landslide in today's america?
What Americans fail to grasp is that despite how much they like to lament about how ebul the world is, several studies have shown that Americans are FAR more religious today than they were in the time of the founding fathers.
ronito said:
What Americans fail to grasp is that despite how much they like to lament about how ebul the world is, several studies have shown that Americans are FAR more religious today than they were in the time of the founding fathers.

With the possible exception of those witch burning types. Maybe.


Setec Astronomer
ronito said:
What Americans fail to grasp is that despite how much they like to lament about how ebul the world is, several studies have shown that Americans are FAR more religious today than they were in the time of the founding fathers.
America wasn't even a nation of devout church-going christians until the great revivals of the early 19th Century, much less ever a "christian nation." Anticlericism was huge in the late 18th Century.
As part of Obama's "Drive to New Mexico" campaign, I'm thinking of heading out there the between the dates of the 24th and 26th. Friday through Sunday, be back Monday. If anyone in or around the San Antonio/Austin area is interested in joining in, let me know. Should be pretty fun.
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