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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Tamanon said:
It's the new Freep viral email. Awesome.
I really love these viral emails, and the sheer gullibility it takes to actually believe them. Terrorists paid for Obama's education? What a scoop! Why did NOBODY in the media pick up on this until now? Because they're all in the tank for him, that's why.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
anyway, is there any word on how incriminating this report will be, or is just completely up in the air. i'm under the impression it'll be pretty underwhelming but what do i know.
Completely up in the air.


Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
Tyrone Slothrop said:
as a former slacker, i have say to i'm sympathetic with palin's subpar academic record. some young people just don't think to take school too seriously until young adulthood.

anyway, is there any word on how incriminating this report will be, or is just completely up in the air. i'm under the impression it'll be pretty underwhelming but what do i know.
I'd be right there with you if it wasn't for those SAT scores amongst other things. There's a difference between a person who doesn't have direction and someone who believes the Flintstones was a documentary. Palin hasn't given me any reason to give her intellect the benefit of the doubt.


Barack Obama Will Defeat John McCain—This One's Over


The presidential election is still a few weeks away, but the presidential race is over.

Sure, there's still one more presidential debate; and a month is a proverbial lifetime in politics, but a sober look at both the current electoral landscape and political history tells us that—barring a reality-altering political deus ex machina—Barack Obama will be our 44th president.

Consider: The biggest political event last week was not the Palin-Biden sideshow but the McCain campaign's surrender in Michigan. Michigan's blue-collar voters were supposed to be cold to Obama, leaving the state vulnerable to John McCain. Not so.
Ok, that Palin 841 SAT score has to be fake. The SAT only scores at 10 point intervals. So she could only get an 840 or an 850, an 841 isn't possible.


Rhindle said:
I think they're starting to do national ad buys on the networks. I saw a couple here in CA yesterday. So the ads are being shown everywhere.

Yeah, I would guess now that they're up in pretty much every swing state this late in the game, they'd start putting money into national ads just to see if maybe they can pull an upset in some random red state, maybe tip a Senate race, and to help out the whole 50 state strategy long term.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Yea, I'm beginning to believe this. Unless there's some unforseen event on the horizon that totally changes the game, like, 9/11 times 100, Obama has this one in the tank, IMO. numbers don't lie, baby.



Uh oh, Washington Times is running a story accusing Obama of trying to get our troops out of Iraq! I'm sure this one has just as much meat as the last one.:lol


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Tamanon said:
Uh oh, Washington Times is running a story accusing Obama of trying to get our troops out of Iraq! I'm sure this one has just as much meat as the last one.:lol
huh? there's a problem with this?:lol


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Tamanon said:
I assume it's going to be about him going behind the President's back or something. :lol
who the fuck doesn't do shit behind the president's back these days? I'd be suspect of the guy who wasn't trying to pull something. What the fuck is he banking on?:lol


Okay GAF, I've been doing math for eight straight hours, update me on the happenings. Judging by the title I'd think that the new McCain information was more Ayers shit, but I find it hard to believe that the campaign was that stupid. New numbers?


Tamanon said:
I assume it's going to be about him going behind the President's back or something. :lol

its the same story from a month ago, that was laughed off of the air by Bush's own advisors and other traveling republicans who were also there


Sharp said:
Okay GAF, I've been doing math for eight straight hours, update me on the happenings. Judging by the title I'd think that the new McCain information was more Ayers shit, but I find it hard to believe that the campaign was that stupid. New numbers?

Huh? The stuff from this morning? Yeah it was a McCain web-ad about Ayers and the RNC came out with an evil Chicago politicians ad. Great stuff. Otherwise, numbers were stable today, slight uptick for Obama poll-wide. Also West Virginia is Obamaland in new ARG poll, waiting for more numbers.


Tamanon said:
Huh? The stuff from this morning? Yeah it was a McCain web-ad about Ayers and the RNC came out with an evil Chicago politicians ad. Great stuff. Otherwise, numbers were stable today, slight uptick for Obama poll-wide. Also West Virginia is Obamaland in new ARG poll, waiting for more numbers.
West Virginia ain't going for Obama so I guess ARG is pretty unreliable. I vaguely recall it being considered really unreliable in the primaries as well.
Tamanon said:
Uh oh, Washington Times is running a story accusing Obama of trying to get our troops out of Iraq! I'm sure this one has just as much meat as the last one.:lol

does this need explanation? and see also: a fews pages ago about obama's previous comments on it


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Yea, I'm beginning to believe this. Unless there's some unforseen event on the horizon that totally changes the game, like, 9/11 times 100, Obama has this one in the tank, IMO. numbers don't lie, baby.
The Swiftboat ads pushed Kerry from +1 to -7 in a couple of days.
Not to pile on more for the nightly GAF Obama ball-washing session but, in talking to people about their voting plans, there is a stark contrast between the Obama supporters and the McCain ones.

Obama supporters I've met are like "OMFG I can't wait to vote for Obama.Is it November 4th yet?"

McCain supporters are like, "Yeah, I'm going with McCain."


Rhindle said:
The Swiftboat ads pushed Kerry from +1 to -7 in a couple of days.
Yeah, this thing could turn around in a second. I'm not a crazy worry-wart like some of you, but I'm not counting any chickens until 270 of them hatch.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Rhindle said:
The Swiftboat ads pushed Kerry from +1 to -7 in a couple of days.
Even with those numbers, Obama would still be up +3:D I don't really see the mccain campaign pulling together any more dirt on Obama. The dirt they have now is just dust anyways.


dabbled in the jelly
Tobor said:
He should have kissed that Illuminati ring, huh? :lol
What the hell are you talking about? Illuminati ring? :lol

I wonder if he knows that his ground teams are sitting around picking their noses instead of working their asses off like the Obama ground teams. Or maybe he does know.


*drowns in jizz*
Ari Fleisher is such a fucking piece of shit. Why do they bring these people to give their opinions? This guy's job was basically being Bush's professional liar for years. Then they bring them on to give their political commentary and opinion? Ridiculous.


Rhindle said:
The Swiftboat ads pushed Kerry from +1 to -7 in a couple of days.

The difference there is that Kerry was down almost the entire last few months, so it was more a knocking away of shaky voters.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Tobor said:
Good question. And what kind of format? State by State?
Yea, that's what I was thinking.

I'm gonna go with whatever 538's got for a majority of it. Go with the opposite of Ohio.

Never trust Ohio in a presidential election.


ryutaro's mama said:
Not to pile on more for the nightly GAF Obama ball-washing session but, in talking to people about their voting plans, there is a stark contrast between the Obama supporters and the McCain ones.

Obama supporters I've met are like "OMFG I can't wait to vote for Obama.Is it November 4th yet?"

McCain supporters are like, "Yeah, I'm going with McCain."

There's been a pretty huge enthusiasm gap almost the entire election. It's beautiful.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
Yea, that's what I was thinking.

I'm gonna go with whatever 538's got for a majority of it. Go with the opposite of Ohio.

Never trust Ohio in a presidential election.

That's what most of us are going to do. :lol I predict a very close PoliGAF race.
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