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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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*drowns in jizz*
I find myself wondering if hannity and the like will actually being themselves to refer to him as President Obama. I just can't see it. But the thought of those people being forced to utter those words amuses me.
Ok, so, a few days ago, I posted a thread on what is the best response to the "guilt by association" in relation to William Ayers. No matter what I say to my conservative friends, they still say that Obama shouldn't have met with him. Personally, I can't even begin to understand how to respond that.
...a tease from their latest update:

So, I don't know. Take this with a grain of salt. But there are some hints that Obama may be on track to post some of his strongest numbers yet as we head into the weekend.

Gonna sleep like a baby tonight!


TheGrayGhost said:
Ok, so, a few days ago, I posted a thread on what is the best response to the "guilt by association" in relation to William Ayers. No matter what I say to my conservative friends, they still say that Obama shouldn't have met with him. Personally, I can't even begin to understand how to respond that.

Find a hero of theirs, link them to some jackass, and ask why they'd support said hero.


TheGrayGhost said:
Ok, so, a few days ago, I posted a thread on what is the best response to the "guilt by association" in relation to William Ayers. No matter what I say to my conservative friends, they still say that Obama shouldn't have met with him. Personally, I can't even begin to understand how to respond that.
So what? it's not like you were going to change their votes anyways.

And they're right IMO, Obama shouldn't have met with him, but he did.

Instead of arguing about what Obama should or shouldn't have done, and by extension McCain, people should be talking about if it matters or not, which it doesn't, just like the Keating 5.

I guess if you really need a defense McCain's met a lot of people that I'm sure they wouldn't like.


greepoman said:
Is it strange that I find a lot of the staunchest PS3 defenders are conservatives?:lol
Keep that shit out of this thread dude, I fear for these forums if politics and console wars become intertwined.


Byakuya769 said:
You'll be stuck in a shouting match pretty early into that tactic.. see Gibson on Hannity

If they are friends, he should be able to have a reasoned discussion without it turning into a shouting match. And the point wouldn't be that "your guy is dumb," but that "guilt by association" doesn't really matter, and that it REALLY doesn't matter when bigger issues are at hand.


greepoman said:
Is it strange that I find a lot of the staunchest PS3 defenders are conservatives?:lol
I imagine that being a conservative right now feels a lot like being a Sony fanboy in 2006.
Obama meeting with Bill Ayers, had nothing to do with terrorism, none whatsoever. I look at it like this, since exiting columbia his whole mission has been helping the less fortunate. Bill Ayers at this point in his life was about "education" and Obama in some of his liberal views and seeing how well connected Ayers was, saw an opportunity to "help" advance education.

The 60's was a volatile time and a lot of black people of that era see white people as terrorist.


Slurpy said:
I find myself wondering if hannity and the like will actually being themselves to refer to him as President Obama. I just can't see it. But the thought of those people being forced to utter those words amuses me.

At this point I'm wondering if McCain will even support and endorse Obama after he wins, as is customary and expected out of the loser of the election.


TheGrayGhost said:
Ok, so, a few days ago, I posted a thread on what is the best response to the "guilt by association" in relation to William Ayers. No matter what I say to my conservative friends, they still say that Obama shouldn't have met with him. Personally, I can't even begin to understand how to respond that.

Ditch the conservatives, problem solved.
Slurpy said:
I find myself wondering if hannity and the like will actually being themselves to refer to him as President Obama. I just can't see it. But the thought of those people being forced to utter those words amuses me.

They'll cal him The President and shit on him every night that the economy is in turmoil.

Unless he balances the budget in a week after he is sworn in, he will be known on Faux News as the unready failure that they all said he would be.


Zeliard said:
At this point I'm wondering if McCain will even support and endorse Obama after he wins, as is customary and expected out of the loser of the election.

I think he'll do it on the condition that his crowd gets to shout racial slurs.


TheGrayGhost said:
Ok, so, a few days ago, I posted a thread on what is the best response to the "guilt by association" in relation to William Ayers. No matter what I say to my conservative friends, they still say that Obama shouldn't have met with him. Personally, I can't even begin to understand how to respond that.
"So... What?" Force them to explicitly connect the dots they're implying link Obama to terrorism. There's no way to accomplish it without saying something ridiculous.
Gruco said:
We are rapidly approaching fatal levels of hopium here.
Did any of you see the clip in which a McCain supporter at a rally expresses his disbelief at the meteoric rise of Obama? He couldn't possibly grasp, nor could anyone else at the rally, why his candidate was losing. These are angry, angry people. All the questions at the rally centered on the hateful, negative attacks the campaign has leveled at Obama. McCain, as if he finally realized the monsters he has created, gave a sigh and tried desperately to switch topics to the economy. To his dismay, I think, he was confronted with another expression of frustration on Obama and his popularity. I think McCain is beginning to understand, if he hasn't already, that with every hateful attack he and his running mate spew, the more he inflames his base and loses a grasp on the issues which are the keys to the presidency. I mean, these McCain/Palin supporters don't want to talk about the issues. They're too inattentive and stupid for such a discussion.


TheGrayGhost said:
Did any of you see the clip in which a McCain supporter at a rally expresses his disbelief at the meteoric rise of Obama? He couldn't possibly grasp, nor could anyone else at the rally, why his candidate was losing. These are angry, angry people. All the questions at the rally centered on the hateful, negative attacks the campaign has leveled at Obama. McCain, as if he finally realized the monsters he has created, gave a sigh and tried desperately to switch topics to the economy. To his dismay, I think, he was confronted with another expression of frustration on Obama and his popularity. I think McCain is beginning to understand, if he hasn't already, that with every hateful attack he and his running mate spew, the more he inflames his base and loses a grasp on the issues which are the keys to the presidency. I mean, these McCain/Palin supporters don't want to talk about the issues. They're too inattentive and stupid for such a discussion.
Not that he represents the party, but I've gotten a kick out of Rush lately. He's been spewing HORRIBLE math somehow justifying the 'lead' Obama has as within the mathematical margin of error and Gore had the same lead or whatever. :lol

You can HEAR the desperation in his voice as the weeks go on. All the while calling Obama a terrorist. :lol

It's good to be on the winning team for the first time in a while.


greepoman said:
New Obamaton:

McCain campaign co-chair says Democrat should admit he was 'a guy of the street' who 'used cocaine'

Wow, that's some awesome oppo research, they must've gone to a Barnes and Noble. Also, awesome racial tinting to it!


How is it possible Obama could cover up his cocaine past until now? How? Did he think we were stupid or merely ignorant?

I'm INCENSED Barack Obama hasn't admitted in books and in numerous speeches over the past several years that he used cocaine!


Tamanon said:
Wow, that's some awesome oppo research, they must've gone to a Barnes and Noble. Also, awesome racial tinting to it!

Of course they did....we all know that Barnes and Noble is the official bookseller of terrorist literature.

M3wThr33 said:
Not that he represents the party, but I've gotten a kick out of Rush lately. He's been spewing HORRIBLE math somehow justifying the 'lead' Obama has as within the mathematical margin of error and Gore had the same lead or whatever. :lol

You can HEAR the desperation in his voice as the weeks go on. All the while calling Obama a terrorist. :lol

It's good to be on the winning team for the first time in a while.

Moving the goalposts...... I can't wait for someone to say an 11 point lead is "within the margin of error".
Tamanon said:
Wow, that's some awesome oppo research, they must've gone to a Barnes and Noble. Also, awesome racial tinting to it!

'guy of the street' ? REALLY? Screw those guys of the street, I'm a dude of the avenue!


So Obama is an intellectually elite, cocaine sniffing Tony Montana wannabe, muslim terrorist who has a Christian pastor problem?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
ToxicAdam said:
lol. my god man. Let me give a shot at this line of bullshit.

I think you are dreaming if you think both sides are equal. The Obama camp is fanning the flames of Anti-americanism and class warfare. McCain is talking passionately about taking pride in our country and increasing the living standards of ALL Americans. Not trying to divide and conquer by how much is in your bank account. Sure, there are ignorant voters on both sides, but when it comes to the anti-american, combative, quasi-revolutionaries, I'd put money on the Obama camp that wins that vote.

This was posted in the mccain-palin mob thread.... I do not know where to start.
mj1108 said:
Moving the goalposts...... I can't wait for someone to say an 11 point lead is "within the margin of error".

11 points isn't enough to cover for the bradley effect, even with obvious democrat voter fraud.

edit: late and being a bit of a troll, waiting for bankrupt american style capitalism to have its own little appomattox courthouse tomorrow morning, if all goes as I think it will.
MThanded said:
This was posted in the mccain-palin mob thread.... I do not know where to start.

You should have started by posting it with the context of what Adam was replying to... I think his post seems much less ridiculous over there, considering it pretty much is a satire of an anti-McCain post.


M3wThr33 said:
Not that he represents the party, but I've gotten a kick out of Rush lately. He's been spewing HORRIBLE math somehow justifying the 'lead' Obama has as within the mathematical margin of error and Gore had the same lead or whatever. :lol

You can HEAR the desperation in his voice as the weeks go on. All the while calling Obama a terrorist. :lol

It's good to be on the winning team for the first time in a while.

Gore? Really? Gore had a lead at this time in October? Because he didn't.


kevm3 said:
So Obama is an intellectually elite, cocaine sniffing Tony Montana wannabe, muslim terrorist who has a Christian pastor problem?

Don't forget that he's the most liberal Senator in U.S. history and wants to bomb Pakistan.
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