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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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*drowns in jizz*
belvedere said:
McCain "Barack Obama will penalize companies that don't provide good health care for their employees"

Reaction-2 or 3 boos

This is great comedy. I should have tuned into more McCain speeches long ago.

You're assuming most people at McCain rallies care about the actually issues? Yeah, right. They run on hate and vitriol. Its more of a mob than anything else.
Tamanon said:
Wait, what? McCain is proposing to suspend MRDs? What the hell does that have to do with anything? Who cares about the miniscule amount of your IRAs/401k that you have to take out at 70 and a half years old?

man he is just flailing at this point. This doesn't do anything and is totally pointless.


mckmas8808 said:
Why is my stock market down -450 points?

RubxQub said:
I had a pretty scary thought on my way to work this morning.

Suppose you are John McCain, and let's just assume for a minute that he truly believes he is better for the country than Obama (he has to, right?). Don't you think that if you had such strong feelings that the other candidate is wrong for the country...don't you think you wouldn't be opposed in the least to some of the most terrible things being done to his opponent?

If McCain thinks that under an Obama presidency the troops will be mishandled and the economy will get worse and lives will be ruined or lost if Obama is elected...don't you think he'd be willing to go to extremes to ensure he doesn't get the job? If he's truly putting Country First...what wouldn't he do to ensure that this other guy doesn't fuck up everything (according to him)?

I'm possibly being paranoid, but I think there's a lot of truth to what I said.
When wouldn't each major candidate think they're a lot better than their opposition?


I assume the report will still go out, I'd think that they could guilt enough of them to put it out since they unanimously voted for it. Of course if it clears her name, it'll definitely come out.:lol
The Alaska legislature has no love lost for Palin, rest assured that we will almost assuredly get that report pretty quickly. There always was a witch hunt enthusiasm to this investigation, but that doesn't make the investigation invalid.


Stoney Mason said:
Neoconservatism is a virus that infected itself into the Republican Party and at this point is incurable. I use to get into so many arguments on this board with certain people that claimed Bush had booted out the neo-conservatives from the White House and was no longer following those policies which at best is wholly misleading and inaccurate. That mindset and many of its assumptions are at the core of Republican ideology now and there are no signs at all that they are weakening.
It's hard for me to see these neo-cons as Republicans...there is nothing resembling Goldwater in these people. I call them Corporatists...all they seem to do is march consistently and in lockstep with whatever corporations want...Less deregulation, little to no oversight, etc. These people have taken over their party...David Brooks said it better than me in his post from today. They use fear and politics to divide us for control and then once there, they ram their pro-corporate agenda through.
Nice, that's just MOE float as we've basically seen all week.

Another week gone by, no gamechanger for McCain. He needs to do something between now and the third debate to change the game-good luck with that given that all eyes are going to be on the economic summit this weekend.


Post links or sources, FFS.

So of the six trackers, four went up, one held flat, one dipped a point today. Overall past two days have moved Obama up.


Tamanon said:
Wait, what? McCain is proposing to suspend MRDs? What the hell does that have to do with anything? Who cares about the miniscule amount of your IRAs/401k that you have to take out at 70 and a half years old?
I did a double take on this one.
I don't know if this is McCain idea of populism or a financial remedy, but what the hell?

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Ugh... I've got an ethical dilemma today. The radio station that my business advertises with is doing a live remote broadcast from our store today, and the guy doing the broadcast is a local right wing chode. I'm the only one in the partnership who isn't a right winger and I get outvoted when the decision to invite Boise's own version of Rush Limbaugh to our store gets made.

My choices are to:

1. Try and get on the air if he talks about Ayers or any other bullshit.

2. Puss out and do nothing.

3. Puss out and flip the switch on our cicuit breakers, killing our power and cutting their broadcast.
With all of this talk about Obama being a Muslim is a problem (even though he ISN'T Muslim) and on his inauguration day he'll be sworn on the Qu'ran... what were to happen if an atheist becomes a major contender for president (which will hopefully happen in my lifetime)? I would assume this atheist wouldn't allow him (or her) self to be sworn in on the Bible.


ToxicAdam said:
Where do you think he is drawing those numbers from? Based on what OPEC does and then the correlating prices of crude?
what do u think opec is going to do? not cut production by 2-3 %?
Captain Pants said:
Ugh... I've got an ethical dilemma today. The radio station that my business advertises with is doing a live remote broadcast from our store today, and the guy doing the broadcast is a local right wing chode. I'm the only one in the partnership who isn't a right winger and I get outvoted when the decision to invite Boise's own version of Rush Limbaugh to our store gets made.

My choices are to:

1. Try and get on the air if he talks about Ayers or any other bullshit.

2. Puss out and do nothing.

3. Puss out and flip the switch on our cicuit breakers, killing our power and cutting their broadcast.

2. Don't be an idiot.
I'm convinced I'm still going to vote for McCain even though the man has no passion about the topics.

Obama doesn't have passion about the topics either but just sounds better talking about them.

That and the age difference.


Captain Pants said:
Ugh... I've got an ethical dilemma today. The radio station that my business advertises with is doing a live remote broadcast from our store today, and the guy doing the broadcast is a local right wing chode. I'm the only one in the partnership who isn't a right winger and I get outvoted when the decision to invite Boise's own version of Rush Limbaugh to our store gets made.

My choices are to:

1. Try and get on the air if he talks about Ayers or any other bullshit.

2. Puss out and do nothing.

3. Puss out and flip the switch on our cicuit breakers, killing our power and cutting their broadcast.

No ethical dilemma for ya. Politics don't belong in the workplace, so just ignore it. Besides, you already advertise on that station so it'd be a little hypocritical to do anything:p


testicles on a cold fall morning
VictimOfGrief said:
I'm convinced I'm still going to vote for McCain even though the man has no passion about the topics.

Obama doesn't have passion about the topics either but just sounds better talking about them.

That and the age difference.
How does any of this make sense?


Captain Pants said:
Ugh... I've got an ethical dilemma today. The radio station that my business advertises with is doing a live remote broadcast from our store today, and the guy doing the broadcast is a local right wing chode. I'm the only one in the partnership who isn't a right winger and I get outvoted when the decision to invite Boise's own version of Rush Limbaugh to our store gets made.

My choices are to:

1. Try and get on the air if he talks about Ayers or any other bullshit.

2. Puss out and do nothing.

3. Puss out and flip the switch on our cicuit breakers, killing our power and cutting their broadcast.
2 would be best. Your state is way red, he's not changing anyones mind.


Dax01 said:
With all of this talk about Obama being a Muslim is a problem (even though he ISN'T Muslim) and on his inauguration day he'll be sworn on the Qu'ran... what were to happen if an atheist becomes a major contender for president (which will hopefully happen in my lifetime)? I would assume this atheist wouldn't allow him (or her) self to be sworn in on the Bible.

It doesn't matter what someone is sworn in under, it's just tradition. Even the Federal rules of Evidence say that witnesses in trials can be sworn in any way the judge or them wants to do it.

As far as an atheist President goes, it ain't gonna happen in our lifetimes, so there's no sense wondering about it.


Looks at Gallup: SHIT! It looks like this Ayers stuff is starting to work. :-/ With just 2 weeks of this McCain will be on top and we have something like 4 weeks! What can Obama do to get his momentum back? We need a game changer.


Trurl said:
Looks at Gallup: SHIT! It looks like this Ayers stuff is starting to work. :-/ With just 2 weeks of this McCain will be on top and we have something like 4 weeks! What can Obama do to get his momentum back? We need a game changer.

There's no need to react to today's Gallup that way. Just remember what Nate Silver said-- Obama's got a ceiling. There isn't anything he could do to change the minds of racists.


VictimOfGrief said:
I'm convinced I'm still going to vote for McCain even though the man has no passion about the topics.

Obama doesn't have passion about the topics either but just sounds better talking about them.

That and the age difference.

Are you serious or are you joking? I honestly don't know.

If you are serious, what do you think about McCain's health care proposal? Do you agree with it? What do you think about his Iraq strategy? What do you think about Palin possibly stepping in as President? There are some huge policies at stake this election, which ones do you think McCain has the edge on?
scorcho said:
How does any of this make sense?

Look--- Obama is doing great in the polls because people genuinely think he's going to "change" how politics are done.

That won't happen nor has he showed that in how he's done his campaign.

I truly am waiting for one of them to just go balls out and say... "Now wait a f'ning minute.... do you really believe that shit you just said?"

The American people are jaded. Obama will not save the country, might make it better off, but won't save it. McCain, won't save the country, might make it better off--- but that's a stretch.....

Either way, both of our choices suck, both of them are for Government in our lives than NOT in our lives and for me it drives me nuts that we only have these two idiots for our choices.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Well, let's be fair. McCain hasn't had any events today where he could have addressed the situation.

Oh, no, wait. He just finished one.

The fact that "his campaign" is "internally at odds" about this and he hasn't just taken it upon HIMSELF personally shows how fundamentally dishonorable he has become.

That's all there is to it.
Yeah, his campaign reps are downplaying it saying it's the "exception" rather than the rule. Very curious to see how the next few go. He'd better be the bigger person, show some leadership, and shut this crap down. If they can't get away from the hate and refocus on what's truly important, expect this to pretty much sink his ass (because this is *all* the media will focus on) and undermine everything the man's ever stood for. I do feel bad in a way... he's pretty much been reduced to a puppet, spouting off anything to see what sticks. I'm glad that Obama/Biden have gotten back to the hope/change message, because they would be in a much different spot if they also got on the petty mudslinging train (which they did briefly earlier this week).
Dax01 said:
With all of this talk about Obama being a Muslim is a problem (even though he ISN'T Muslim) and on his inauguration day he'll be sworn on the Qu'ran... what were to happen if an atheist becomes a major contender for president (which will hopefully happen in my lifetime)? I would assume this atheist wouldn't allow him (or her) self to be sworn in on the Bible.
It's not like it's a Constitutional requirement. As well, several already didn't use a Bible.
In our country's history, four presidents have been inaugurated without swearing an oath on the Bible. Franklin Pierce was affirmed, and swore no oath, Rutherford Hayes initially had a private ceremony with no Bible before his public ceremony, Theodore Roosevelt had no Bible at his ceremony, and Lyndon Johnson used a missal during his first term.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
VictimOfGrief said:
Obama will not save the country, might make it better off, but won't save it. McCain, won't save the country, might make it better off--- but that's a stretch.....

So it is a stretch that McCain might make it better, but you are still leaning McCain? I find that odd.
3rdman said:
It's hard for me to see these neo-cons as Republicans...there is nothing resembling Goldwater in these people. I call them Corporatists...all they seem to do is march consistently and in lockstep with whatever corporations want...Less deregulation, little to no oversight, etc. These people have taken over their party...David Brooks said it better than me in his post from today. They use fear and politics to divide us for control and then once there, they ram their pro-corporate agenda through.

The problem with David Broooks is he thinks he is really part and parcel of the Republican Party. He isn't. He might be conservative but this is the real Republican party right here.

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