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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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VictimOfGrief said:
Either way, both of our choices suck, both of them are for Government in our lives than NOT in our lives and for me it drives me nuts that we only have these two idiots for our choices.

Obama does not suck, he just sucks to you. I hate hearing that. Obama is the best choice we've had since... well Gore was good.


RumpledForeskin said:
What 72 year wouldn't with a wife twenty years younger.

lawblob said:
It doesn't matter what someone is sworn in under, it's just tradition. Even the Federal rules of Evidence say that witnesses in trials can be sworn in any way the judge or them wants to do it.

As far as an atheist President goes, it ain't gonna happen in our lifetimes, so there's no sense wondering about it.
I can hope!
typhonsentra said:
What exactly is the potential problem with Acorn's fraud? Are people afraid of people voting multiple times in different precincts or something? I'm not getting what it's about.

Voting multiple times if the person actually exsist. CNN ran a segment on that last night. They also found that different names were using the same addresses and handwriting.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
VictimOfGrief said:
Look--- Obama is doing great in the polls because people genuinely think he's going to "change" how politics are done.

That won't happen nor has he showed that in how he's done his campaign.

I truly am waiting for one of them to just go balls out and say... "Now wait a f'ning minute.... do you really believe that shit you just said?"

The American people are jaded. Obama will not save the country, might make it better off, but won't save it. McCain, won't save the country, might make it better off--- but that's a stretch.....

Either way, both of our choices suck, both of them are for Government in our lives than NOT in our lives and for me it drives me nuts that we only have these two idiots for our choices.
Usually I discard people who can't give a good answer away as closet racists, "They both suck so I'm voting McCain" isn't very elaborate


Cheebs said:
Gallup will continue to tighten. Their report said McCain had a good night of polling last night.
Alternately, it's noise. Of the six trackers, four went up today. Rasmussen stayed flat. Gallup was the ONLY ONE to dip. Of course, Gallup is showing a pretty wide gap, Obama's peak, and I'm kind of expecting it to drop to +8 or so over the next few days. Double-digits just doesn't feel like it should hold.

TPM has their daily summary of the trackers. (They don't count the Battleground tracker, so this is for five of the six.)


Trending from the past two Fridays:

Date        Obama       McCain    Margin
Sept 26th   48.90%      44.50%    4.40%
Oct 3rd     49.90%      42.50%    7.40%
Oct 10th    50.00%      42.20%    7.80%

Seems over for Bams. :(

Edit: that's with two of the three days including post-debate interviews. Before the debate it was: Obama 49.7%, McCain 43.2%.

So Obama's lead got 1.3% bigger since the debate.
VictimOfGrief said:
American people are jaded. Obama will not save the country, might make it better off, but won't save it.

Only Republicans and Obama crazies think he is the messiah. So when you trot out this meme at least direct it at the right people and admit it isn't anything like a majority of voters out there.


Cheebs said:
Gallup will continue to tighten. Their report said McCain had a good night of polling last night.
Is this what you're refering to?

Gallup said:
These results show little major change in the basic structure of the race, although McCain did somewhat better in Thursday night interviewing, suggesting the possibility that the race may have some fluidity in the days ahead.
I don't think it really says much.


testicles on a cold fall morning
VictimOfGrief said:
Look--- Obama is doing great in the polls because people genuinely think he's going to "change" how politics are done.
No, he's doing great in polls because individuals are making a decision (rational or not) that he is the best candidate to lead this country at least for the next four years.

VictimOfGrief said:
That won't happen nor has he showed that in how he's done his campaign.
Well that's good. I don't believe in platitudes of 'change' either, but thankfully he has an extensive policy agenda that's well documented on his website.

VictimOfGrief said:
Either way, both of our choices suck, both of them are for Government in our lives than NOT in our lives and for me it drives me nuts that we only have these two idiots for our choices.
'Government in our lives', such an empty statement.
lawblob said:
Are you serious or are you joking? I honestly don't know.

If you are serious, what do you think about McCain's health care proposal? Do you agree with it? What do you think about his Iraq strategy? What do you think about Palin possibly stepping in as President? There are some huge policies at stake this election, which ones do you think McCain has the edge on?

Not joking.

Health Care should always remain privatized. There needs to be oversight to the industry, but fuck the government telling me where to go. I TELL THEM where they should go--- not the other way around. yes I agree with it.

His Iraq strategy is that we should win. I agree. The surge has worked and we should've had 200k troops in there from the get go. I'm not pinning that on anyone but "US" because we failed to identify that problem with less haste. We are all apart of the Iraq war whether you are for it or against it.... that doesn't change. We need to pull our troops out in the next 12-24 months for the impending World War 3 will have on our hands thanks to the world economy and Americans in general spending/consuming beyond their means.

Palin is fine. She's a hockey mom turned governor that would probably grab Putin by the balls and twist if he looked her the wrong way. I have no issues with her leading as President nor did I Hilliary if she somehow magically won.

The major differences between Barack and John are simple--- You have one (Barack) who is a Socialist wanting the Government to take care of the American people by spending more money (Brilliant... really Brilliant) and ultimately will lead to the demise of our social standing in the world due to the dollar becoming so shit weak against anything due to the spending.

John-- A "Maverick" at heart is coming across to me as a tired man who knows he can't sway the opinions of people that he is old, thinks differently than Bush and actually has some good policies on getting some of the current government in place the F out of Washington by ordering spending freezes and re-evaluating their purposes. John however is not perfect as he is tied to Oil and no matter how you cut it, there will always... always be special interest groups on both sides.

If you believe for a second that either of them--- Barack or John are telling you the truth, then you've already been mislead. For a while I just went with the flow and agreed with everything one party said or what the other party said, but when you start to think and ask questions that go beyond the bullshit debates and issued press releases, you see that this country is heading for a bigger cluster-fuck than you can imagine.


testicles on a cold fall morning
I love Cheebs predictions!

VictimOfGrief said:
Not joking.


Palin is fine. She's a hockey mom turned senator that would probably grab Putin by the balls and twist if he looked her the wrong way. I have no issues with her leading as President nor did I Hilliary if she somehow magically won.
Okay, I'm tapping out.


VictimOfGrief said:
Not joking.

Health Care should always remain privatized. There needs to be oversight to the industry, but fuck the government telling me where to go. I TELL THEM where they should go--- not the other way around. yes I agree with it.
And Obama agrees. His plan does not decrease your options, it expands them.


testicles on a cold fall morning
I think that article was some sour grapes from Brooks since the party is moving away from what he thought it should be and likely won't for some time. Should Obama win this (in a sweep) GOP trend towards anti-intellectualism and virulent populism will only accelerate.
VictimOfGrief said:
Not joking.

Palin is fine. She's a hockey mom turned senator that would probably grab Putin by the balls and twist if he looked her the wrong way. I have no issues with her leading as President nor did I Hilliary if she somehow magically won.

Never has a tag been so fitting :lol
GhaleonEB said:
And Obama agrees. His plan does not decrease your options, it expands them.
Explain. Obama's Universal Health care is the same as Hilliary's just not as expansive. No thanks.

Stoney Mason said:
So let me guess. You voted for the current socialist in the white house now right in at least one of the last two elections right? How is that working out for you?
Let me guess, you thought your vote counted for Kerry and Gore against Bush back in 2000 and 2004... how is that working out for you?


VictimOfGrief said:
Look--- Obama is doing great in the polls because people genuinely think he's going to "change" how politics are done.

That won't happen nor has he showed that in how he's done his campaign.

I truly am waiting for one of them to just go balls out and say... "Now wait a f'ning minute.... do you really believe that shit you just said?"

The American people are jaded. Obama will not save the country, might make it better off, but won't save it. McCain, won't save the country, might make it better off--- but that's a stretch.....

Either way, both of our choices suck, both of them are for Government in our lives than NOT in our lives and for me it drives me nuts that we only have these two idiots for our choices.

So, basically, here you admit you think Obama has a better chance of making the country better off than McCain. Yet, you say in your earlier post you're voting for McCain. Makes sense to me!


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Victim...are you serious or not? You just threw out a monster post with 9/10's of it being uninformed nonsense.

I can't tell whether I should refute your post line for line or just laugh at you. I'd spend the time doing it, but with the rhetoric you're using, it obviously won't sink through.
VictimOfGrief said:
Let me guess, you thought your vote counted for Kerry and Gore against Bush back in 2000 and 2004... how is that working out for you?

I don't know what this means along with the fact that I didn't vote in 2004 as I was upset with both parties.
VictimOfGrief sounds like a victim of Free Republic there, with a little splash of Alex Jones with that WW3 comment.

Victim-what is your current opinion on FEMA dentention camps?
VictimOfGrief said:
Typical elitist response phrase #1,939,203,101,101,311

Michael Savage? That you? I mean your previous post was filled with hyperbole like "World War III". How can anyone take you seriously, I'm sure you were all for Iraq going in, now you're reasoning is "well we're there now, better win". Let's be serious here...


we all knew her
VictimOfGrief said:
Explain. Obama's Universal Health care is the same as Hilliary's just not as expansive. No thanks.

Obama has said I-don't-know-how-many times that if you are happy with your current plan, the only thing that will change is how much you pay for it.
Less, btw, since you apparently have not been paying attention.
RubxQub said:
Victim...are you serious or not? You just threw out a monster post with 9/10's of it being uninformed nonsense.

I can't tell whether I should refute your post line for line or just laugh at you. I'd spend the time doing it, but with the rhetoric you're using, it obviously won't sink through.

It's scary because he's serious.

I swear, I will never see some GAF posters the same again after PoliGAF.
3rd debate moderator Bob Schieffer:

"It's going to be very, very interesting. The whole election may turn on that last debate," Schieffer said.

After watching the first two debates between the presidential and vice presidential candidates, Schieffer said that he's going to try to make sure that the candidates answer his questions. In the vp debate with PBS' Gwen Ifill, neither candidate hewed precisely to the topic at hand, and GOP vp candidate Sarah Palin said flat out that she wasn't going to answer some questions.

"If they do (fail to answer the questions), I'm going to call them on it," Schieffer said. Not answering questions "is not what a debate is about," he said.


Huh, Obama only had to pay $910k for that primetime half hour on CBS. That's actually a pretty good deal for Wednesday Prime Time.

Also Drudge is apparently running with Obama being a big spender during an election and a bad economy, because we all know you should save your political funds at this time.:p
CharlieDigital said:
I swear, I will never see some GAF posters the same again after PoliGAF.

You ain't seen nothing. You should have seen some of the more aggressive Bush defenders back in the day when it was still fashionable to try to defend him.

That being said it is extremely difficult for conservatives to exist on gaf for legit and some very not so legit reasons.
Kusagari said:
So, basically, here you admit you think Obama has a better chance of making the country better off than McCain. Yet, you say in your earlier post you're voting for McCain. Makes sense to me!

I'm voting for McCain because he's less of a socialist than Obama is. Makes perfect sense to me.


Fox Polls:

Favorable on Obama: 60% yes, 34% no
Favorable on McCain: 53% yes, 40% no
Indpendent split votes 32% each

All I could catch on the air.


VictimOfGrief said:
Explain. Obama's Universal Health care is the same as Hilliary's just not as expansive. No thanks.
Obama adds a national health care plan as an alternative to existing coverage. It is not mandated for everyone (kids require coverage from someone), and it does not replace any existing coverage. All existing plans continue to exist. If you have a plan you like, you keep it. I probably won't be changing mine.

He adds one way to get coverage into the market. Not reduce them. It's a HUGE difference between Hillary and Obama's plans. And McCain's plan would 100% guarantee the quality of coverage would drop through the floor. So you know, there's that.

I'm still not sure if you're just being disingenuous for fun, or if you're one of those ignorant guys we see drunkenly ranting on youtube videos. :p
Fragamemnon said:
VictimOfGrief sounds like a victim of Free Republic there, with a little splash of Alex Jones with that WW3 comment.

Victim-what is your current opinion on FEMA dentention camps?
That they're bullshit.
Tamanon said:
Huh, Obama only had to pay $910k for that primetime half hour on CBS. That's actually a pretty good deal for Wednesday Prime Time.

Also Drudge is apparently running with Obama being a big spender during an election and a bad economy, because we all know you should save your political funds at this time.:p

The man has Scrooge McDuck's money vault. $910k is nothing. :lol
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