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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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lawblob said:
What the hell? Great, just great. This just guaranteed the GOP rabble will be even more fired up than before. I hope they give Obama a few extra Secret Service guys, I have a feeling he might need them. We are entering a perfect storm of GOP rage.
Death throes.

Seth C

ronito said:
So when did Titor say there would be a civil war, 2009 right?

BRB gotta go buy some bike tires

I believe he said the foundations for it were laid some years ago and that 2008 would be when we realize it is happening.


Not that I exactly relish it, it seems increasingly likely that the Dow may end up at or below what it was when Bush came into office.

If that's not a stunning indictment of Republican economic policy, I don't know what is: 8 years of growth erased from the pages of time, all because they didn't want to put some common sense regulation on it all.

Anyone know what the Dow was at when he came into office, BTW?


testicles on a cold fall morning
mckmas8808 said:
Why is my stock market down -450 points?
That's because you picked a shitty index of stocks Mr. Jones

Ravidrath said:
If that's not a stunning indictment of Republican economic policy, I don't know what is: 8 years of growth erased from the pages of time, all because they didn't want to put some common sense regulation on it all.
Granted, the 8 years of growth (or 6 if you count the 2002 equity dip) was predicated on consumer spending and increased debt. This is just the culmination of it.

House of cards my friend, house of cards.


mckmas8808 said:
Why is my stock market down -450 points?

Because the Earth is preparing to revert back to the condition it existed in before Bush took office. Even the stock market is trying to pretend like the last eight years didn't happen. :(
Ravidrath said:
Not that I exactly relish it, it seems increasingly likely that the Dow may end up at or below what it was when Bush came into office.

If that's not a stunning indictment of Republican economic policy, I don't know what is: 8 years of growth erased from the pages of time, all because they didn't want to put some common sense regulation on it all.

Anyone know what the Dow was at when he came into office, BTW?
I would like to know this.

SephCast said:
Do it, film it, youtube it. You'll be famous.
I can't believe I'm actually considering it.:lol


Ravidrath said:
Not that I exactly relish it, it seems increasingly likely that the Dow may end up at or below what it was when Bush came into office.

If that's not a stunning indictment of Republican economic policy, I don't know what is: 8 years of growth erased from the pages of time, all because they didn't want to put some common sense regulation on it all.

Anyone know what the Dow was at when he came into office, BTW?
Yup, you have it all figured out. It really is that simple. Yup.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Dax01 said:
Not very many...? I don't remember too many people like that.
A lot of gaffers did, in between getting banned for being misogynists and retards of course.
Y2Kev said:
A lot of gaffers did, in between getting banned for being misogynists and retards of course.
It was so many political threads ago, I don't even remember.

God I can't wait until all of this is over, even if it means the end of PoliGAF. :(
So it looks like GM will be cutting production and even closing down plants possibly next week. Their shares dropped to $4 yesterday, which was the biggest drop since 1949.
Stoney Mason said:
I said as much at the time but I was told how honorable and respectable John Mccain was by everyone.


He was an honorable man. In 2000 he was an incredibly honorable, independent man, but then he got his ass tarred and feathered by Bush and his underhanded crony Karl Rove. After the shit they pulled on him I think it broke him a little, that it truly shook his faith in the sort of man he should be. He was still his own man until 2004, but then he started to sell his soul. He stumped for George Bush to make him more likable to independents, in order to do so he had to reverse himself on many things he said and get in lock step with the party line to 'prove his allegiance'. He still held some shred of himself until 2006 when he started turning his eyes toward his run for president. He let go of most of his beliefs and decided that he would simply do anything he needed to do to gain the nomination. Finally we reach where we are today. McCain is losing handily and seeing that he sold his soul just to become a losing candidate. If some part of his dignity and soul still remained he would be running a very respectful and admirable campaign, but without the rudder he used to possess all he can do now is dive deeper into the vileness, which he experienced first hand, that he believed would guide him to the power he has so desperately wanted. I just hope as he leaves political life that he can regain some of his former integrity.
Kildace said:
First Read said 1PM ET.

It might hurt her more than help her. If it does hurt her, the media will go along with the news and it'll mean her favorability will drop. If she's cleared of wrongdoing, then we still have the economic crisis!


Last night I was watching CNN and they were highlighting parts of McCains' rally which amazed the fuck out of me. Not that they were showing it, but at the people begging John to practically save them from Obama. This was beyond hysterical. The questions coming from some of the people were just comedy gold. Like, "How did he get to where is?" , which had me thinking wtf? He worked for it just like McCain. Instead of recognizing the mans achievements McCain just stood there with a shit eating grin on his face. Then came the one that really had me rolling. When some black guy got up and begged for McCain to bring up Rev. Wright. Really? How much did they pay this guy?

Have they become this desperate?


when is my burrito
Cheebs said:
But it is obviously clear the pillars of the GOP that Reagan built are coming to a end sooner rather than later.

Not just that. Almost every idea the party has stood for for going on thirty years now has been proven not to work.
Why is McCain campaigning in Wisconsin and Minnesota? He should be campaigning in North Carolina because he won't turn Wisconsin and Minnesota red, but he can make sure NC stays red.

Or maybe I'm being too logical about this.


Dax01 said:
Why is McCain campaigning in Wisconsin and Minnesota? He should be campaigning in North Carolina because he won't turn Wisconsin and Minnesota red, but he can make sure NC stays red.

Or maybe I'm being too logical about this.
McCain works the blue states, Palin works the red states.


Last night I was watching CNN and they were highlighting parts of McCains' rally which amazed the fuck out of me. Not that they were showing it, but at the people begging John to practically save them from Obama. This was beyond hysterical. The questions coming from some of the people were just comedy gold. Like, "How did he get to where is?" , which had me thinking wtf? He worked for it just like McCain. Instead of recognizing the mans achievements McCain just stood there with a shit eating grin on his face. Then came the one that really had me rolling. When some black guy got up and begged for McCain to bring up Rev. Wright. Really? How much did they pay this guy?

Have they become this desperate?
Remember, McCain's mad. It's just hilarious. He tells Gibson that none of this bothers him, he's used to being the underdog, but then at the rallies he gives into the audience anger, doesn't stop it, etc.

It's amazing to think back on Howard Dean's campaign, and how it was pretty much diminished over time by what amounted to him getting a little overexcited at a rally, yet this straight-up HATE that's being encouraged at the McPalin rallies is OK. Strange times we live in... yes, I'm feeling cranky/tired, and the coffee hasn't kicked in yet. I'm pretty exhausted by all this garbage and the constant bad news on the economy isn't helping.


Rhindle said:
The ad that blew things open was the one featuring his alleged boatmate, which per Wikipedia started airing on August 26.

By the first week of September, Bush opened up a 7-point lead. Kerry just collapsed, and spent the rest of the election trying to claw his way back.


The bump in the graph also corresponds with Bush's post convention bump. Let's not pretend like an ad changed things overnight.

RNC 2004: August 30-September 2

PERRY - A rowdy crowd of 300 cheered, jeered and often drowned out the candidates in the first U.S. Senate debate of the general election at the Georgia fairgrounds Thursday night.

The roiling economy grabbed center stage and never left as Republican incumbent Saxby Chambliss defended his vote for the $700 billion financial bailout bill.


Thursday's debate took place in front of a highly partisan crowd in the GOP stronghold of Middle Georgia.

Chambliss supporters waved "Saxby" signs and offered up a sustained "boos" when Martin mentioned Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.

"Bomb Obama," one woman hollered.

Martin backers, most of them bused in from Atlanta, heckled Chambliss with catcalls of "send Saxby Home" and "tell the truth."
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