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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Good ole Brett Baier. Still blaming Carter and the CRA. Yeah. People who couldn't afford their homes were making payments for 30 years! Not to mention the CRA wasn't even responsible for even half of the subprime loans. Seriously, what's wrong with Fox News? :lol :lol
lawblob said:
What the hell? Great, just great. This just guaranteed the GOP rabble will be even more fired up than before.

Yeah, we all saw how that backlash against the New Jersey ruling that the right-wing pundits were predicting kept the Democrats from regaining Congress in 2006. Oh wait.

Seriously, though, I do wonder how this will impact Prop 8.
belvedere said:
McCain "Barack Obama will penalize companies that don't provide good health care for their employees"

Reaction-2 or 3 boos

This is great comedy. I should have tuned into more McCain speeches long ago.

That's how you tell the stupid apart from the legally retarded ones :lol

I mean, irregardless of whether you think it's good for business, you'd think most of these people at the rallies - mostly middle class folk - would view mandatory company provided healthcare would be a good thing.
McCain and Palin do run a serious risk of having one of their events go completely out of control and turning into a caught-on-tape hate rally. The increasingly amount of bile being spewed at these events has been one of the stories that has popped up on poltiico and in the polite DC media circles all week.


belvedere said:
McCain "Barack Obama will penalize companies that don't provide good health care for their employees"

Reaction-2 or 3 boos

This is great comedy. I should have tuned into more McCain speeches long ago.
HA! Wow...


Fragamemnon said:
McCain and Palin do run a serious risk of having one of their events go completely out of control and turning into a caught-on-tape hate rally. The increasingly amount of bile being spewed at these events has been one of the stories that has popped up on poltiico and in the polite DC media circles all week.

Even the MSM is already jumping on it, NBC Nightly news had a piece on it, the Today Show, etc. Their events are already being portrayed as desperate and rabble-rousing. All it will take is one wingnut to yell "Kill Obama" loudly and clearly on-camera, and this could snowball on them.



Friday, September 26th ended a week in which thousands of copies of Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West -- the fear-mongering, anti-Muslim documentary being distributed by the millions in swing states via DVDs inserted in major newspapers and through the U.S. mail -- were distributed by mail in Ohio. The same day, a "chemical irritant" was sprayed through a window of the Islamic Society of Greater Dayton, where 300 people were gathered for a Ramadan prayer service. The room that the chemical was sprayed into was the room where babies and children were being kept while their mothers were engaged in prayers. This, apparently, is what the scare tactic political campaigning of John McCain's supporters has led to -- Americans perpetrating a terrorist attack against innocent children on American soil.

I read the story as reported by the Dayton Daily News, but this was after I had received an email written by a friend of some of the victims of these American terrorists. The matter of fact news report in the Dayton paper didn't come close to conveying the horrific impact of this unthinkable act like the email I had just read, so I asked the email's author for permission to share what they had written. The author was with one of the families from the mosque -- a mother and two of the small children who were in the room that was gassed -- the day after the attack occurred.

She told me that the gas was sprayed into the room where the babies and children were being kept while their mothers prayed together their Ramadan prayers. Panicked mothers ran for their babies, crying for their children so they could flee from the gas that was burning their eyes and throats and lungs. She grabbed her youngest in her arms and grabbed the hand of her other daughter, moving with the others to exit the building and the irritating substance there.

"The paramedic said the young one was in shock, and gave her oxygen to help her breathe. The child couldn't stop sobbing.

"This didn't happen in some far away place -- but right here in Dayton, and to my friends. Many of the Iraqi refugees were praying together at the Mosque Friday evening. People that I know and love.

"I am hurt and angry. I tell her this is not America. She tells me this is not Heaven or Hell -- there are good and bad people everywhere.

"She tells me that her daughters slept with her last night, the little one in her arms and sobbing throughout the night. She tells me she is afraid, and will never return to the mosque, and I wonder what kind of country is this where people have to fear attending their place of worship?"

"The children come into the room, and tell me they want to leave America and return to Syria, where they had fled to from Iraq. They say they like me, ... , and other American friends -- but they are too afraid and want to leave. Should a 6 and 7 year old even have to contemplate the safety of their living situation?

"Did the anti-Muslim video circulating in the area have something to do with this incident, or is that just a bizarre coincidence? Who attacks women and children?

"What am I supposed to say to them? My words can't keep them safe from what is nothing less than terrorism, American style. Isn't losing loved ones, their homes, jobs, possessions and homeland enough? Is there no place where they can be safe?

"She didn't want me to leave her tonight, but it was after midnight, and I needed to get home and write this to my friends. Tell me -- tell me -- what am I supposed to say to them?"

When acting as a representative of Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), the 501(c)3 non-profit organization that I work for, I cannot engage in political activities. The distribution of Obsession, however, although a political campaign scheme, clearly crosses over into the mission of MRFF. So, I'm going to make two statements here -- one in my capacity as MRFF's Research Director, and another as an individual whose disgust at the vile campaign tactics of John McCain's supporters completely boiled over when I opened up the email about children being gassed.

My statement as MRFF's Research Director:

The presidential campaign edition of the Obsession DVD, produced and currently being distributed by the Clarion Fund, carries the endorsement of the chair of the counter-terrorism department of the U.S. Naval War College, using the name and authority of an official U.S. military institution not only to validate an attack the religion of Islam, but to influence a political campaign. For these reasons, this endorsement has been included in MRFF's second lawsuit against the Department of Defense, which was filed on September 25 in the Federal District Court in Kansas.

My opinion as an individual and thoroughly appalled human being:

John McCain has a moral obligation to publicly censure the Clarion Fund; to denounce the inflammatory, anti-Muslim message of Obsession; and to do everything in his power to stop any further campaign activities by his supporters that have the potential to incite violence.

There's a thread about this, but I think most of PoliGAF has missed it.


Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
lawblob said:
Even the MSM is already jumping on it, NBC Nightly news had a piece on it, the Today Show, etc. Their events are already being portrayed as desperate and rabble-rousing. All it will take is one wingnut to yell "Kill Obama" loudly and clearly on-camera, and this could snowball on them.

They've already said to kill him.


Am I the only one who LOOOOOVES how Republicans are scared shitless about Obama? They mocked and belittled Gore and Kerry, but they never feared them. They shake in their boots about Obama. I absolutely love it.


we all knew her
So how is the Trooper-Gate thing getting disseminated? Is there a video feed of a press conference I can watch online, or should I just keep an eye on CNN.com or something for text of the results?


scorcho said:
Just tuned into an argument on nyc talk radio arguing for ANWR drilling and heard David Kreutzer from the Heritage Foundation float this great line -

'It has been shown that a 2 or 3% increase in supply will drop global oil prices 20, 30 or 40%!'


Where do you think he is drawing those numbers from? Based on what OPEC does and then the correlating prices of crude?
CharlieDigital said:
I mean, irregardless of whether you think it's good for business, you'd think most of these people at the rallies - mostly middle class folk - would view mandatory company provided healthcare would be a good thing.
Well, it could be that they're stupid. Or maybe they just love the free market more than you and I. Thankfully there is still a free market champion out there who stands on his beliefs. It's not like HE'S been in favor of more than a trillion dollars in increased government spending to bail out banks and homeowners in the last few weeks...


Agent Icebeezy said:
They've already said to kill him.

I thought that was in reference to Ayers.

Regardless, the whole thing is already out of control. It's not working, McCain continues to slide in the polls. He needs to drop this ridiculous strategy immediately.


Sirpopopop said:


I hate to end your fantasies of McCain being the "Great Satan," and showing that contrary to your beliefs, he does have some honor.

I don't buy it, you always say that there's somewhere you wouldn't go, that way you always appear to look honorable. Oh no, he's not talking about his pastor, instead he's trying to paint him as a treasonous terrorist lover! That's much more honorable:p


devilhawk said:
Yup, you have it all figured out. It really is that simple. Yup.

Of course that's not entirely it, but it's a pretty big part of it.

Furthermore, many Republicans (at least the rich ones) point to the Dow as a sign of economic health, which they also view as a sign of an administration's competence.


First tragedy, then farce.
Rush Limbaugh is now claiming that William Ayers ghost authored "Dream of my father"

These guys are officially out of ideas :lol


testicles on a cold fall morning
ToxicAdam said:
Where do you think he is drawing those numbers from? Based on what OPEC does and then the correlating prices of crude?
Which doesn't insulate him one bit - besides for the very specious (any?) data pointing to this purported economic correlation, there is nothing to stop OPEC from reducing their output to absorb this minuscule increase in production and stabilize crude prices.


Steve Youngblood said:
Well, it could be that they're stupid. Or maybe they just love the free market more than you and I. Thankfully there is still a free market champion out there who stands on his beliefs. It's not like HE'S been in favor of more than a trillion dollars in increased government spending to bail out banks and homeowners in the last few weeks...

Most GOP voters have no idea how the market works and couldn't tell you what industries are regulated vs. non-regulated to save their lives.

The notion of a 'free market' is so ridiculous, even if one did exist in some respect, individual consumers rarely benefit in the direct way many people claim. We live in a complex world of huge companies; individuals have no ability to bargain for what they get. Every contract you sign and agreement you enter is given to you as-is, with your only choice being accepting or denying the agreement. Obviously increased competition works to lower prices generally speaking, but the way people talk about "the market" in such over-the-top naive language makes it clear that most people have no idea what the hell they are talking about. Somebody should remind these wingnuts that antitrust regulations are just that, government regulations, and they are necessary to increase competition! Mind blown!!
CharlieDigital said:
That's how you tell the stupid apart from the legally retarded ones :lol

I mean, irregardless of whether you think it's good for business, you'd think most of these people at the rallies - mostly middle class folk - would view mandatory company provided healthcare would be a good thing.

Apparently neither does Obama, because businesses providing healthcare isn't mandated under his plan. That was one of the big differences between his and hilarie's plans.
greepoman said:
Don't get too excited yet...I have a strange suspicion that it'll be brought up as soon as the Ayers thing runs out.
Which, judging by the lack of any positive movement in the polls this week, I would say ran out this past Sunday as soon as Palin brought it up.
Tamanon said:
I don't buy it, you always say that there's somewhere you wouldn't go, that way you always appear to look honorable. Oh no, he's not talking about his pastor, instead he's trying to paint him as a treasonous terrorist lover! That's much more honorable:p

He can't talk about his pastor because if he does, people will scratch their heads and go "Wait, I thought he was a Muslim" and the whole terrorist-hatin', Muslim-hatin' vote might be in jeopardy.

electricpirate said:
Apparently neither does Obama, because businesses providing healthcare isn't mandated under his plan. That was one of the big differences between his and hilarie's plans.

Well, as you can see in my post, I didn't insinuate that Obama would either. But in the context of the statement they are cheering against, they are cheering against their own fortunes.
What exactly is the potential problem with Acorn's fraud? Are people afraid of people voting multiple times in different precincts or something? I'm not getting what it's about.


CharlieDigital said:
He can't talk about his pastor because if he does, people will scratch their heads and go "Wait, I thought he was a Muslim" and the whole terrorist-hatin', Muslim-hatin' vote might be in jeopardy.

Isn't there also that issue about Palin and the witch hunter or something?


First tragedy, then farce.
Steve Youngblood said:
Which, judging by the lack of any positive movement in the polls this week, I would say ran out this past Sunday as soon as Palin brought it up.

I disagree, McCain and Palins positive/negative opinion numbers are crashing. It has had big movement in the polls.
StoOgE said:
Rush Limbaugh is now claiming that William Ayers ghost authored "Dream of my father"

These guys are officially out of ideas :lol

I think if Obama wins he should appoint Ayers to Secretary of Education just to spite these assholes.
Sirpopopop said:


I hate to end your fantasies of McCain being the "Great Satan," and showing that contrary to your beliefs, he does have some honor.
I really don't think many here think he is the 'great satan'. In fact many (including me) have appreciated McCain a lot in earlier years. He should have won the 2000 primary.

However, he's sold-out pretty bad to the far-right of this party. But it is nice to see that he still has some lines left that he won't cross. Well . . . so far, things may change.
StoOgE said:
I disagree, McCain and Palins positive/negative opinion numbers are crashing. It has had big movement in the polls.
Our wires are crossed, here. I meant lack of any positive movement for McCain. Bringing up Ayers hasn't helped him at all, thus I was saying that it had already run its course.


typhonsentra said:
What exactly is the potential problem with Acorn's fraud? Are people afraid of people voting multiple times in different precincts or something? I'm not getting what it's about.

There is no problem, but.... Fraud. Obama. Lie!


StoOgE said:
Rush Limbaugh is now claiming that William Ayers ghost authored "Dream of my father"

These guys are officially out of ideas :lol

They really are out of ideas. All you have to do is visit these crazy blogs or forums (hillaryclintonforum) to see what they will talk about tomorrow.


When some black guy got up and begged for McCain to bring up Rev. Wright. Really? How much did they pay this guy?

Have they become this desperate?
Don't worry I've reported that dude to the NAACP and his black card will soon be revoked. He's on TV hugging McCain and praying for them to attack another black man with another black man.
ghibli99 said:
Glad the hate/anger thing is the top story on Politico. It really is sad to read. Hell, even Drudge has it near the top.

Well, let's be fair. McCain hasn't had any events today where he could have addressed the situation.

Oh, no, wait. He just finished one.

The fact that "his campaign" is "internally at odds" about this and he hasn't just taken it upon HIMSELF personally shows how fundamentally dishonorable he has become.

That's all there is to it.


Wait, what? McCain is proposing to suspend MRDs? What the hell does that have to do with anything? Who cares about the miniscule amount of your IRAs/401k that you have to take out at 70 and a half years old?
From my local newspaper.

After this election, North Carolina wills top using Social Sercuirty numbers to verify the identities of many new voters after questions arose last week about the legality of its registration practices.

On Thursday, The New York Times named North Carolina as one of several states that are checking the Social Security numbers of hundreds of thousands of new voters, despite federal laws requiring that the number be checked only if no state issued identification is available. The Social Security database is plagued with errors which could force some qualified voters to provide additional identification -- adding an unnecessary barrier to voting.

The need for more identification could cause confusion Nov. 4, an Election Day epected to bring unprecedented numbers to the polls. State officials say that by Election Day, the expect to have more than 800,000 new North Carolina voters this year. About 218,000 were also taken off the rolls this year -- either because they died, moved or were convicted of felonies -- so the net gain would be about 600,000 voters.


We might never see the report. Here's what is happening right now:

So today's the day for Steve Branchflower to release his report into Trooper-Gate to the Alaska legislative council.

But it's worth pointing out that, thanks to GOP resistance, Branchflower's findings may not be made public today.

The legislative council will meet in private at 1pm EST to receive a briefing from Branchflower on his findings. The council will then vote on whether to make the 253-page report public.
The legislators, who have already picked up copies of the report, have signed confidentiality agreements promising not to show anyone, including their staff, unless authorized to do so by a vote of the council.

It's by no means clear which way that vote will go. The council comprises 10 Republicans and 4 Democrats. It had voted unanimously in July to launch the investigation, but since Governor Palin was named as John McCain's running mate, many Republican members of the legislature have fallen into line behind the McCain camp's effort to quash the probe. Last month, Rep. John Coghill, a Republican from North Pole who is on the council, charged that the investigation had been inappropriately politicized and called for the removal of Sen. Hollis French, the Anchorage Democrat running the probe. And shortly after, six GOP legislators filed suit to halt the investigation entirely. (The suit was dismissed yesterday by the state Supreme Court.)
McCain "internally at odds" with his negative campaign? Whatever, he can put up or shut up, right now he is running a campaign that is one step removed from a KKK rally.
StoOgE said:
Rush Limbaugh is now claiming that William Ayers ghost authored "Dream of my father"
This is ridiculous. How are people supposed to make rational decisions if they are constantly fed false information?

Olbermann & Maddow are certainly very biased and report things that support their view . . . but they don't just make shit up like that.


Nabs said:
They really are out of ideas. All you have to do is visit these crazy blogs or forums (hillaryclintonforum) to see what they will talk about tomorrow.
It's just so weird how one election made so many people switch sides. I can't believe those nutty broads were actually democrats. I would have eventually got over it if Hildog had won (no matter how much Barack got screwed). Not voting would have been a better choice than a vote for McCain.


Junior Butler
I just watched the CNN guy who said Palin won the VP debate by double digits (the only one saying she won at all) say that McCain's campaign was over.

I realize there's still plenty of time left for things to change but I couldn't help but get this kind of snow day feeling just hearing such a hardcore republican come out and say it.

It's like when you were a kid and you hear the forecast confirming snow on a school night. You wake up the next morning and see a foot of snow on the ground and you realize what that means, all you need to do is hear it confirmed on the news. No school bitches.

Nov 3rd, snow day.
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