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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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scorcho said:
They advocated for home loans to minorities and illegal immigrants.
So wait, ACORN's sin which SET OFF THE MORTGAGE crisis is this?

In the 1980s, groups such as the activists at ACORN began pushing charges of "redlining" - claims that banks discriminated against minorities in mortgage lending. In 1989, sympathetic members of Congress got the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act amended to force banks to collect racial data on mortgage applicants; this allowed various studies to be ginned up that seemed to validate the original accusation.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Apparently McCain is refusing to condemn the Obama-Osama comparison one of his campaign chiefs made in Virginia.


capslock said:
Apparently McCain is refusing to condemn the Obama-Osama comparison one of his campaign chiefs made in Virginia.
Yup. So much for defending Obama from smears by his supporters!

Edit: Obama's lead went up two points in the Hotline and one in the Battleground trackers. Kos held steady. So, um, so much for the comback? Polls so far hold flat overall.


typhonsentra said:
So wait, ACORN's sin which SET OFF THE MORTGAGE crisis is this?
Didn't you know? It's all the minorities' fault! They're the one buying all the McMansions and taking out third mortgages to pay for cruises and SUVs!


Neo Member
I am getting more and more confident in my opinion that Mccain doesn't even want to be president. He is really not fighting for anything anymore, giving credit to Obama that he is a decent man and upsetting his own voters that he was speaking to.

He is pretty much doing everything wrong right now.
Evlar said:
Didn't you know? It's all the minorities' fault! They're the one buying all the McMansions and taking out third mortgages to pay for cruises and SUVs!


Foreclosures on million-dollar homes surge
More affluent folks are feeling squeezed and losing their mansions

According to RealtyTrac, the number of homes valued at more than $1 million that are in some stage of foreclosure has swelled to 7,968 between January and August. That compares with 4,214 during the same period last year.

It wasn't long ago that bidding wars over luxury properties were commonplace, as buyers emboldened by the booming housing market paid ever-dearer premiums for what seemed like a no-lose investment. More than 64,300 homes priced at $1 million or more sold in 2007, more than triple the number in 2002, according to DataQuick.​

Yup, it's all because of the poor people and minorities.
RapeApe said:
Biden actually attacking at Palin's global warming answer.

I'm late on this, but I finally heard Biden's speech in Jefferson City from Thursday. Best stump speech of the general election season, by any candidate. It had everything you could possibly want from a speech-- attacks, wit, concrete policy, really if you haven't listened to that speech yet I HIGHLY recommend it. It perfectly illustrates why Obama is so much better than McCain.


Beq said:
I am getting more and more confident in my opinion that Mccain doesn't even want to be president. He is really not fighting for anything anymore, giving credit to Obama that he is a decent man and upsetting his own voters that he was speaking to.

He is pretty much doing everything wrong right now.

I'm hoping that the internal struggle with McCain 2000 vs McCain 2008 is ending up with McCain 2000 pulling through. McCain, seeing the light that he most likely wont win this thing, is trying to salvage whats left of his legacy in the Senate if he needs to end up going back there. Too bad he didnt do this about 3 months ago, we could have had a completely different race. I still think a different more centrist running mate would have helped him much more then Sarah Palin. Republicans will always fall in line come election day.


Damn. Chuck Todd updated his map, but he refused to put Obama over 270.

Three weeks until Election Day, Obama now holds a more than 100-vote lead in NBC's latest electoral map. He's ahead of McCain 264-163, with 111 votes in the Toss-up column. Last week, Obama was up 264-174. Our changes: We moved Missouri from Lean McCain to Toss-up; Oregon and Washington from Lean Obama to Likely Obama; and West Virginia from Likely McCain to Lean McCain.

Something's happening in West Virginia -- yes, West Virginia -- because of the economic angst. Obama's been buying a bunch of TV time in markets that bleed into West Virginia, and the numbers have been closing for a time. By the way, political analyst Charlie Cook is moving West Virginia all the way to Toss-up. If that state is on the move, could Arkansas be far behind? Both are states that can show Democratic movement in a bad economic environment.

Toss-up: CO, FL, IN, MO, NV, NC, OH, VA (111 votes)​

The only reason not to move either Colorado or Florida is to keep Obama under 270. Obama is ahead in nine of the past 10 Florida polls, and ahead or tied in nine of the past ten Colorado polls.

Chuck Todd respect -10.
BenjaminBirdie said:


Too much hilarious to quote today. My goodness. Happy Columbus Day.
I will freeze government spending on all but the most important programs like defense, veterans care, Social Security and health care until we scrub every single government program and get rid of the ones that aren’t working for the American people. And I will veto every single pork barrel bill Congresses passes.
Holy shit, it's no longer under consideration, he's going to do it.
GhaleonEB said:
Damn. Chuck Todd updated his map, but he refused to put Obama over 270.

Toss-up: CO, FL, IN, MO, NV, NC, OH, VA (111 votes)​

The only reason not to move either Colorado or Florida is to keep Obama under 270. Obama is ahead in nine of the past 10 Florida polls, and ahead or tied in nine of the past ten Colorado polls.

Chuck Todd respect -10.

yeah im sad he didnt deal with the +10 in colorado...or virginia. oh well, maybe next week - at least missouri is now toss up, wa/or are strong O, and WV moved from likely to just leave mccain.

should polling in va/fl/co say the same thing, changes will need to be made


worldrunover said:
I'm late on this, but I finally heard Biden's speech in Jefferson City from Thursday. Best stump speech of the general election season, by any candidate. It had everything you could possibly want from a speech-- attacks, wit, concrete policy, really if you haven't listened to that speech yet I HIGHLY recommend it. It perfectly illustrates why Obama is so much better than McCain.

youtube link?


GhaleonEB said:
Damn. Chuck Todd updated his map, but he refused to put Obama over 270.

Toss-up: CO, FL, IN, MO, NV, NC, OH, VA (111 votes)​

The only reason not to move either Colorado or Florida is to keep Obama under 270. Obama is ahead in nine of the past 10 Florida polls, and ahead or tied in nine of the past ten Colorado polls.

Chuck Todd respect -10.
I've noticed that Todd doesn't appear on Countdown as often as before. It's also VERY clear that he's been told to keep Obama under 270 from his bosses. When you hear him talk, he often includes quite a few caveats with regards to the "toss up" states.
GhaleonEB said:
Damn. Chuck Todd updated his map, but he refused to put Obama over 270.

Toss-up: CO, FL, IN, MO, NV, NC, OH, VA (111 votes)​

The only reason not to move either Colorado or Florida is to keep Obama under 270. Obama is ahead in nine of the past 10 Florida polls, and ahead or tied in nine of the past ten Colorado polls.

Chuck Todd respect -10.

Just means more egg on their faces come reckoning, errr, election day. And the media wonders why people think the media fucking sucks ass?


Chuck Todd doesn't have the pull to overturn the bosses. Tim Russert would have called this election over on air by now.

"We now know who will be the next President of the United States. It will be Barack Obama."
Tobor said:
Chuck Todd doesn't have the pull to overturn the bosses. Tim Russert would have called this election over on air by now.

"We now know who will be the next President of the United States. It will be Barack Obama."

MSNBC's Brokaw, the anti-Chuck Todd.

I fully expect Brokaw to email Bob Schieffer and ask to mention the month old poll that shows McCain ahead in the "commander in chief" category at the end of the debate.
Saint Gregory said:
So since the McCain camp has connected the DOW collapse to investors being afraid of Obama's tax hikes (LOL) what does today's surge mean?

Today's movement is more likely a result of the Fed actions and the emergency G7 meeting this past weekend.


Saint Gregory said:
So since the McCain camp has connected the DOW collapse to investors being afraid of Obama's tax hikes (LOL) what does today's surge mean?
It means this week is a new narrative.

Nate at 538 did an astute connecting of the dots, with Drudge hyping a "comeback" in the tracking polls (a very select number of them, that is) as ground work for a possible McCain theme this week. He wrote this up last night, and by this morning he was proved correct. McCain's theme of the week is to position himself as come-from-behind fighter, written off by the media, ready to shock everyone. Drudge was just helping to construct the narrative like the good little tool he is.


CharlieDigital said:
Today's movement is more likely a result of the Fed actions and the emergency G7 meeting this past weekend.

And the great numbers from Asia and Europe.

As if the market cared about what any of the candidates says.


Fox News is ridiculous. They're airing the Acorn FEC hearings in Ohio right now.

It's quite clear from the comments (testimony of folks who registered several times) that some ACORN guys were begging people to get registered telling them that they just needed to keep their jobs. Yet they've been trying to sell the story as some sinister plot by Obama :lol
The only person doing more flailing than McCain is Bill Kristol.


And let McCain go back to what he’s been good at in the past — running as a cheerful, open and accessible candidate. Palin should follow suit. The two of them are attractive and competent politicians. They’re happy warriors and good campaigners. Set them free.

the public mood, campaign ineptness, McCain’s alternation between hesitancy and harshness, which reflects the fact that he’s uncomfortable in the attack role — the other attacks on Obama just aren’t working. There’s no reason to think they’re suddenly going to.

After last week, where he had a giant errection for McCain attack adds. Fire Kristol on the bounds that he's never right. :lol
GhaleonEB said:
It means this week is a new narrative.

Nate at 538 did an astute connecting of the dots, with Drudge hyping a "comeback" in the tracking polls (a very select number of them, that is) as ground work for a possible McCain theme this week. He wrote this up last night, and by this morning he was proved correct. McCain's theme of the week is to position himself as come-from-behind fighter, written off by the media, ready to shock everyone. Drudge was just helping to construct the narrative like the good little tool he is.

Comeback? Did I miss something? McCain's poll numbers always tick up on weekends for some reason so I usually don't take much stock in them but that last numbers I saw on Friday were abysmal.

What are today's polls saying?

Edit: Oh wait, I see it's just Drudge who's seeing a comeback by cherry picking the polls. Typical.
Saint Gregory said:
Comeback? Did I miss something? McCain's poll numbers always tick up on weekends for some reason so I usually don't take much stock in them but that last numbers I saw on Friday were abysmal.

What are today's polls saying?

we will see if there is a comeback or not after the debate on tuesday. if Obama wins again, that seals the deal


Saint Gregory said:
Comeback? Did I miss something? McCain's poll numbers always tick up on weekends for some reason so I usually don't take much stock in them but that last numbers I saw on Friday were abysmal.

What are today's polls saying?
Nothing's really changed...They are just desperate for attention and the present line of attacks aren't working. I also think that they felt a strong amount of back lash concerning their tenor. It's ironic but it seems that McCain is now concerned about the politics of association when his rallies are lined with pure unadulterated racism. You reap what you sow and so forth...
Obama pulls ahead?


A new poll says Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain are in a dead heat for North Dakota's three electoral votes.

The Forum newspaper commissioned the poll earlier this month. It says 45 percent of the people who responded favored Obama, and 43 percent supported McCain.

The poll has a margin for error of 4 percentage points, and 12 percent of the people who replied said they were undecided.

Pollsters interviewed 606 North Dakotans who described themselves as likely voters from Oct. 6-8. The work was done by the Public Affairs Institute at Minnesota State University Moorhead.

A Democratic presidential candidate hasn't carried North Dakota since 1964.

At one time Obama had 11 offices in the state and more than 50 staffers. But the staffers pulled out almost a month ago. Earlier polls showed McCain well ahead.
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