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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Am I the only one who really isn't excited anymore about the horse race (the political back and forth NOT the potential of Obama winning, I am still hyped about that)? I just am growing tired of this attacking, campaigning, political tv pundits...and even the debates. Basically fuck the "who wins the day" nonsense, I am growing so tired of it. Obama is ahead in the polls, at this point all I care about is keeping an eye on that. I may not even watch the final debate, this is begging to in the final stretch take its toll on my level of interest.
Cheebs said:
Am I the only one who really isn't excited anymore about the horse race (the political back and forth NOT the potential of Obama winning, I am still hyped about that)? I just am growing tired of this attacking and campaigning and political tv pundits...and most of all the debates. Basically fuck the "who wins the day" nonsense, I am growing so tired of it. Obama is ahead in the polls, at this point all I care about is keeping an eye on that. I may not even watch the final debate, this is begging to in the final stretch take its toll on my level of interest.

same here, my nerves are too stretched to take this anymore


3rdman said:
I've noticed that Todd doesn't appear on Countdown as often as before. It's also VERY clear that he's been told to keep Obama under 270 from his bosses. When you hear him talk, he often includes quite a few caveats with regards to the "toss up" states.

Wait, do we WANT Chuck Todd to put Obama over 270?

Won't that only help McCain to turn out the base on election day while Obama supporters stay at home because they think he already has the election in the bag?
Cheebs said:
Am I the only one who really isn't excited anymore about the horse race (the political back and forth NOT the potential of Obama winning, I am still hyped about that)? I just am growing tired of this attacking and campaigning and political tv pundits...and most of all the debates. Basically fuck the "who wins the day" nonsense, I am growing so tired of it. Obama is ahead in the polls, at this point all I care about is keeping an eye on that. I may not even watch the final debate, this is begging to in the final stretch take its toll on my level of interest.

Wait till Gallup narrows again today and Rasmussen is cut to 4 points tomorrow. You'll be back serving your dark master of TV punditry.


artredis1980 said:
same here, my nerves are too stretched to take this anymore
I am getting to the point where I am tempted just to shut out everything except for keeping an eye on 538 and the daily trackers.

Stoney Mason said:
Wait till Gallup narrows again today and Rasmussen is cut to 4 points tomorrow. You'll be back serving your dark master of TV punditry.
I dont care if it falls to a 1 point lead. I just want to be finished with this. Just 3 more weeks...ugh
Stoney Mason said:
Wait till Gallup narrows again today and Rasmussen is cut to 4 points tomorrow. You'll be back serving your dark master of TV punditry.

1. I dont see McCain coming back. I just want to see the news on Nov 4th

2. I dont WANT to see McCain coming back, that will wreck my nerves even more

3. I have faith on the numbers Obama will pull off on the voter drive on Nov 4th


Cheebs said:
Am I the only one who really isn't excited anymore about the horse race (the political back and forth NOT the potential of Obama winning, I am still hyped about that)? I just am growing tired of this attacking, campaigning, political tv pundits...and even the debates. Basically fuck the "who wins the day" nonsense, I am growing so tired of it. Obama is ahead in the polls, at this point all I care about is keeping an eye on that. I may not even watch the final debate, this is begging to in the final stretch take its toll on my level of interest.

some of us are in the same boat as you cheebs... following this thing from the infancy of the primary until now... its been a LOOOONNNGGG time on poligaf every day, i know how you feel. I'm ready for the elation of election night already


Cheebs said:
Am I the only one who really isn't excited anymore about the horse race (the political back and forth NOT the potential of Obama winning, I am still hyped about that)? I just am growing tired of this attacking, campaigning, political tv pundits...and even the debates. Basically fuck the "who wins the day" nonsense, I am growing so tired of it. Obama is ahead in the polls, at this point all I care about is keeping an eye on that. I may not even watch the final debate, this is begging to in the final stretch take its toll on my level of interest.
I'm not planning to watch the final debate live, just clips after the fact.

22 days left. Not long at all, but three weeks still sounds like an eternity right now.
Cheebs said:
I dont care if it falls to a 1 point lead. I just want to be finished with this. Just 3 more weeks...ugh

First McCain supported the military surge in Iraq. Now he's leading a populist surge in the polls!

Someone has to be the dark cloud of pessismism in this thread if you and PD won't lead the charge.
Cheebs said:
Am I the only one who really isn't excited anymore about the horse race (the political back and forth NOT the potential of Obama winning, I am still hyped about that)? I just am growing tired of this attacking, campaigning, political tv pundits...and even the debates. Basically fuck the "who wins the day" nonsense, I am growing so tired of it. Obama is ahead in the polls, at this point all I care about is keeping an eye on that. I may not even watch the final debate, this is begging to in the final stretch take its toll on my level of interest.

Dode, just don't watch cable news anymore. It's hell. I gave them up during the primaries and will only watch now when some big news event has happened.


force push the doodoo rock
I dunno how it is back in the states, but I every time I think about the election I get butterflies. I won't feel easy till McCain delivers his concession.
3rdman said:
Nothing's really changed...They are just desperate for attention and the present line of attacks aren't working. I also think that they felt a strong amount of back lash concerning their tenor. It's ironic but it seems that McCain is now concerned about the politics of association when his rallies are lined with pure unadulterated racism. You reap what you sow and so forth...

I'm trying really hard not to be shocked by the McCain surrogates anymore because I know there just trying to do their jobs but on MSNBC this morning they were still trying to argue that trying to tie Obama to terrorists isn't inciting hatred and it's relevant to the election what a college professor did 40 years ago.

In post 9-11 America how can anyone suggest that the word "terrorist" isn't the most inflammatory word in our language. To suggest that a presidential candidate associates himself with terrorists and to push forward this narrative that somehow Obama might be something other than what he appears to be is one of the most irresponsible acts I've ever witnessed in politics.
At the Palin rally just now she lined up a whole list of things that Americans are supposedly outraged about. What got the biggest cheer? "Voter fraud". Is there anyone at these rallies who doesn't live by Fox News?


Saint Gregory said:
At the Palin rally just now she lined up a whole list of things that Americans are supposedly outraged about. What got the biggest cheer? "Voter fraud". Is there anyone at these rallies who doesn't live by Fox News?

:lol Amazing. Even though the Justice Department previously said voter fraud is not sophisticated or prevalent enough to sway elections, these people will allow themselves to get worked up over anything.


Hail to the KING baby
The WSJ editorial page knows its readers too well.

One of Barack Obama's most potent campaign claims is that he'll cut taxes for no less than 95% of "working families." He's even promising to cut taxes enough that the government's tax share of GDP will be no more than 18.2% -- which is lower than it is today.

It's a clever pitch, because it lets him pose as a middle-class tax cutter while disguising that he's also proposing one of the largest tax increases ever on the other 5%.

Oh the injustice.
AstroLad said:
The WSJ editorial page knows its readers too well.

Oh the injustice.

Largest tax increases ever? They aren't even CLOSE to paying what they paid under Reagan and Carter!!!! It is this empty rhetoric that really gets me.
Cheebs said:
Am I the only one who really isn't excited anymore about the horse race (the political back and forth NOT the potential of Obama winning, I am still hyped about that)? I just am growing tired of this attacking, campaigning, political tv pundits...and even the debates. Basically fuck the "who wins the day" nonsense, I am growing so tired of it. Obama is ahead in the polls, at this point all I care about is keeping an eye on that. I may not even watch the final debate, this is begging to in the final stretch take its toll on my level of interest.

i'm going to try to quit following it as much simply because the this whole thing is making me kind of loopy in the head. it can't be good for my health.
Cheebs said:
Am I the only one who really isn't excited anymore about the horse race (the political back and forth NOT the potential of Obama winning, I am still hyped about that)? I just am growing tired of this attacking, campaigning, political tv pundits...and even the debates. Basically fuck the "who wins the day" nonsense, I am growing so tired of it. Obama is ahead in the polls, at this point all I care about is keeping an eye on that. I may not even watch the final debate, this is begging to in the final stretch take its toll on my level of interest.
Saint Gregory said:
Isn't this supposed to be a new speech? I'm not hearing the new. Palin's speech was identical to every other stump she's given and so far so is McCain's.

shhh! this is hitting the reset button! he's the underdog and he's mounting a comeback!
"lowering taxes creates jobs"

*looks around*


And as soon as he mentions Obama they boo and then he has the nerve to pause so they can chant "NOBAMA! NOBAMA!"

Way to change the tenor.
So on Friday's Countdown, which I'm just listening to now, there was a lot of speculation as to how the red meat, AM radio types would react to McCain seemingly backpedalling on the heavy attack mode. They pointed out that the "treason shouters" were never a big fan of McCain anyway, and calling Obama a decent guy risked incurring their wrath.

My question is, does anyone know what Hannity's reaction was on Friday? Or the take of any other ravenous "meathead" types, either Friday or this morning? I'm curious how the infamous McCain rally was reported.
I read this as the Swedes smacking down the GOP.

Columnist Paul Krugman wins Nobel economics prize
Monday October 13, 9:14 am ET
By Karl Ritter and Matt Moore, Associated Press Writers
Princeton professor and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman wins Nobel economics prize

STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) -- Paul Krugman, the Princeton University scholar and New York Times columnist, won the Nobel prize in economics Monday for his analysis of how economies of scale can affect trade patterns and the location of economic activity.

Krugman has been a harsh critic of the Bush administration and the Republican Party in The New York Times, where he writes a regular column and has a blog called "Conscience of a Liberal."

He has come out forcefully against John McCain during the economic meltdown, saying the Republican candidate is "more frightening now than he was a few weeks ago" and earlier that the GOP has become "the party of stupid."

"Krugman is not only a scientist but also an opinion maker," economics prize committee member Tore Ellingsen said. He added that Krugman's analyses tend to back free trade and his research gives no "support for protectionism."
Duane Cunningham said:
My question is, does anyone know what Hannity's reaction was on Friday? Or the take of any other ravenous "meathead" types, either Friday or this morning? I'm curious how the infamous McCain rally was reported.

This is so pitiable :lol They can't even change the language.

OOH, here's comes the NEW. Verbatim of what they said he would say this morning!:lol :lol :lol


McCains audience constantly boo's and cheer's after every fucking thing he says.

It's annoying, and it funnily enough, fucks with his delivery.
Stoney Mason said:
Wait till Gallup narrows again today and Rasmussen is cut to 4 points tomorrow. You'll be back serving your dark master of TV punditry.
Heh, yeah. My day-to-day mechanism has been to try to distinguish my passion for the race (i.e. wanting Obama to win) from my love-hate relationship with the pure theatrics of it all. This allows me to have a detached, if amused reaction when I turn on the TV or log on to NeoGAF and hear, let's say "McCain is playing the Wright card!" If you view this part of the process as theatre, it's much easier to be able to view this in an "Oh, McCain... you rascal you" sense than to be disgusted by it. You realize that as much as it's about substantive policy, there's just as much of it that is a game. In that light, it's much easier to stomach this roller coaster ride.
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