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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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jorma said:
Economics is not science so he did not get any Nobel Prize. What he got was the 'Swedish central bank economics prize in honor of Alfred Nobel'

Just sayin' :p
Uh of course it's science, it's just not one of the original five Nobel prizes


is now taking requests
syllogism said:
Uh of course it's science, it's just not one of the original five Nobel prizes

It really isnt a real Nobel Prize. Its awarded by the Swedish central bank, and not by the Nobel foundation.
Hey, wow. I just realized they didn't mention Troopergate once this whole morning on Scarbs.

GrotesqueBeauty said:
If Obama is "measuring the drapes" in the Oval Office McCain has been flipping through swatches trying to figure out which new color to paint reality each week. And with that terrible metaphor I'm off to bed.


I don't know, I kind of liked it.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Hey, wow. I just realized they didn't mention Troopergate once this whole morning on Scarbs.

Ha! I was just getting ready to post the very same thing.

It seems the Friday night dump of Troopergate worked out masterfully. Then the McCain campaign played up the John Lewis comments to successfully change the subject.


Lewis should have shut his mouth. Everytime the McCain campaign gets called on their rhetoric, they now pivot to his statements...
Cloudy said:
Lewis should have shut his mouth. Everytime the McCain campaign gets called on their rhetoric, they now pivot to his statements...

Eh, who cares, really. That tack is gaining no one any ground. Don't forget, it keeps McCain from cutting through on the economy just as much as Obama.
btw, some more tracking poll data for today:

R2K: Obama 52, McCain 40 (-1 O from yesterday)
GWU Battleground : Obama 51 , McCain 43 (unchanged from Friday)

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Welp, NC is a done deal now, Dean Smith endorses Obama. Just got this email:

Dear Justin,

Join Dean and Linnea SmithThere is a point in every contest when sitting on the sidelines is not an option. That is why Linnea and I are writing to urge you to join Barack Obama's campaign for President.

There are pivotal moments in history when the right decision by a nation can change its course for the better -- opening up new paths before us and providing future generations with opportunities that we had not thought possible. This coming election provides one of those moments. Linnea and I believe Barack Obama is the right leader at this critical juncture. I have written that when coaching a team, you must be prepared to make changes to meet new challenges and obstacles. We must be prepared to do the same as a nation. Now, it is the United States that needs a change in direction... and a change in leadership.

Linnea and I respect all that Senator McCain has done for our country. However, we feel strongly that it is Barack Obama who offers the real leadership our nation needs to tap its potential as a land of opportunity -- even as we face difficult times at home and abroad. Senator Obama is a patriotic American, a committed Christian, a good family man, and a man who shares the bedrock values that most North Carolinians have in common: fairness, hard work, respect for others, and personal responsibility. And he has the vision and judgment to help us push through this period of uncertainty to a time of greater economic stability and greater security from threats abroad.

If you believe America needs to set a new course, then the time to join us is now. If you are already an Obama supporter, please step up to help our campaign. There are only about three weeks left before Election Day, and if we are going to move away from the failed policies of the past, then we need your help now.

So we encourage you to get out there and get involved -- talk to your neighbors and sign up to volunteer today.

Get involved now:


And pass this email along to those you think might be interested. This election is too important to stand on the sidelines and watch history pass us by.

Thank you,

Coach Dean Smith and Linnea Smith
Chapel Hill, NC
Dean Smith is an unabashed liberal, always has been. Usually conservative folk around here say "THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS TO GOOD PEOPLE WHEN THEY LIVE IN THE ZOO" when they hear that he's supporting whatever Democrats are running for office this year. :lol :lol


Jealous Bastard
just wanted to say it's a relief to finally--finally--see mccain shoot down the "terrorist" accusation bullshit in that town hall meeting in minnesota. i wasn't sure they were going to step up and do the right thing, but good on them.

beelzebozo said:
just wanted to say it's a relief to finally--finally--see mccain shoot down the "terrorist" accusation bullshit in that town hall meeting in minnesota. i wasn't sure they were going to step up and do the right thing, but good on them.


I'll believe it when Palin totally lays off of it. I think there is sort of a quid pro quo going on there-McCain gets someone to keep this garbage going,and Palin gets big conservative street cred for a future run (2012!) since she's got the nads to mention it while McCain doesn't.


beelzebozo said:
just wanted to say it's a relief to finally--finally--see mccain shoot down the "terrorist" accusation bullshit in that town hall meeting in minnesota. i wasn't sure they were going to step up and do the right thing, but good on them.

Arab =/= terrorist (also =/= decent person according to John McCain).


Jealous Bastard
yeah, that could be. i'm not saying they were ever right to surreptitiously promote that bullshit in the first place, but at least something was said about it. and numble, he did tell the people in the meeting, (and i'm approximate quoting here) "you don't have to be afraid of barack obama as the president."

or something. so maybe it wasn't a huge dangerous or brave move, but at least it was something. his campaign has acted irresponsible and stupid for the past month, and this at least had the twinge of ethical behavior.



It seems the Obama campaign has finally gone with the subliminal messages to announce my return to world leadership.

Obama rocks.
Ob Amarocks

It will be a good world to rule.


pestul said:
I wonder if McCain will get a bump in the polls from the expected rally on Wall Street today.

Obama didn't really widen his lead as the DOW dropped day by day last week. It's more about "the economy" than the DOW.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Amir0x said:

It seems the Obama campaign has finally gone with the subliminal messages to announce my return to world leadership.

Obama rocks.
Ob Amarocks

It will be a good world to rule.[/QUOTE]
...but there's a C behind him, not an R.
Chuck Todd just lost some respect. Despite the movement he only changed a state or two from red to tossup. Obama is still at 264 EV on his board.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Amir0x said:
fuck they got the sign wrong?
I believe so :/

Although they could have been making a reference to the fact that Obama has more than one penis.

A secret Muslim terrorist penis, and an American penis.


maximum360 said:
Chuck Todd just lost some respect. Despite the movement he only changed a state or two from red to tossup. Obama is still at 264 EV on his board.

The lengths to which the MSM will promote a horse race is a little pathetic. I understand it is good for ratings, but come on.


maximum360 said:
Chuck Todd just lost some respect. Despite the movement he only changed a state or two from red to tossup. Obama is still at 264 EV on his board.

"You are feeling veeeeerrrrry sleepy. Your eyes are soooo incrediblyy heeeaaaavvvvy.. Pay no attention to the multiple polls from Colorado or Virginia showing Obama leeeeaaadddssss.. they mean nooooothinnnngggg. When you wake-up, you'll find that the race is a tosssss uppp.."


scorcho said:
Libertarian economists everywhere commit suicide. Haha

Is Krugman considered to be a "liberal" economist? Do economists fall across a left - right spectrum? The only thing I know about Krugman's economic philosophy is from an academic article of his I read for a trade policy class last year. It was so boring I could barely tell what it was about, let alone what the politics of it might have been.


LOL look at this hard hitting Fox News front page piece examining if Levi Johnston is being forced into marrying Bristol Palin:

Johnston is an avid hunter. He's dark haired, tall and muscular, sports a bit of stubble and drives a red Chevy Silverado truck. He'd be the perfect cover for Field & Stream.

He's bagged bears, sheep, elk, and caribou. Some of the antlers are scattered about his yard. Last July on a caribou hunt he lost a "promise" ring that Palin had given him. He said he decided to tattoo her name on the finger and not bother with more rings because he'd just lose them anyway.

Tattoo because he would lose the ring? Nice

Johnston said he wasn't forced to campaign with Palin's mother. Bristol Palin invited him and Johnston jumped at the chance. It was a whirlwind experience for Johnston, who was seated with the Palins at the Republican National Convention.

"At first, I was nervous," he said. "Then I was like, 'Whatever."'

Yeah he really sounded like he "jumped" at the chance...

The young man said he wasn't an expert on politics by any stretch. Asked about Barack Obama, he replied: "I don't know anything about him. He seems like a good guy. I like him."

Uh oh, wrong answer...didn't anyone tell him to add the obligatory, "I don't know if I can trust a guy with terrorist connections"???



testicles on a cold fall morning
lawblob said:
Is Krugman considered to be a "liberal" economist? Do economists fall across a left - right spectrum? The only thing I know about Krugman's economic philosophy is from an academic article of his I read for a trade policy class last year. It was so boring I could barely tell what it was about, let alone what the politics of it might have been.
It's not as disparate as the left-right shift in political ideology, but there is a distinction between Libertarian/Austrian School of economics and those who don't see Keynes as the Anti-Christ.

As for Krugman, he's very much a 'liberal' economist in that he views government as the best tool to bring about economic equality. And while he's a fervent capitalist, he's not a market-fundamentalist.

edit: Here's more explaining the awesome of Krugman.


I almost felt bad for McCain after seeing that footage of him not only having to shake his head at that woman calling Obama an Arab (WTF?!) and then being booed by his own crowd.

Its must absolutely be killing him that he's finally clinched his presidential campaign and its being kicked in the nuts the way it is.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Well, that about wraps it up for Chuck Todd.

I must say though i'm not really surprised, the primary, while important, is simply not as important as the general election, and not as ratings driven.

I had to laugh at Nate Silver's commentary on what the McCain campaign may do
FiveThirtyEight said:
The McCain campaign is planning on a major "reboot" of its campaign in some point in advance of Wednesday night's debate. This will take on something of the form that Bill Kristol advocates in his must-read Monday AM piece in the Times, including some combination of (i) pledging to run a positive campaign; (ii) firing/demoting Steve Schmidt and or/Rick Davis; (iii) apologizing for his campaign's tone. In fact, Kristol's column may be something of a trial balloon for this strategy.


force push the doodoo rock
Gotta scrap whatever is left of his reputation. Also it seems they are passing the buck onto his advisors.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I just received an email from Dean Smith (the Hall of Fame basketball coach at North Carolina) endorsing Barack Obama. Here in NC, that is HUGE!

EDIT: Late. I fail.
lol at Fox News blaming ACORN for the current economic mess. Those clowns on Fox and Friends had a guy from the National Review blaming the current economic mess on ACORN, and then went to their usual shtick connecting Obama to ACORN. :lol
Jason's Ultimatum said:
lol at Fox News blaming ACORN for the current economic mess. Those clowns on Fox and Friends had a guy from the National Review blaming the current economic mess on ACORN, and then went to their usual shtick connecting Obama to ACORN. :lol
That doesn't make any sense. How did they connect ACORN to the economy?


scorcho said:
It's not as disparate as the left-right shift in political ideology, but there is a distinction between Libertarian/Austrian School of economics and those who don't see Keynes as the Anti-Christ.

As for Krugman, he's very much a 'liberal' economist in that he views government as the best tool to bring about economic equality. And while he's a fervent capitalist, he's not a market-fundamentalist.

edit: Here's more explaining the awesome of Krugman.

Thanks for the info.

DenogginizerOS said:
I just received an email from Dean Smith (the Hall of Fame basketball coach at North Carolina) endorsing Barack Obama.

I just got an email from John Wooden endorsing Wiiliam Howard Taft.



so basically obama has this wedensday to get a bump from a successful debate. Then carry that until Oct 29th, and get a bump from what should be a Dem Convention speech redux.

If the complete dismantling of McCain's campaign gets news coverage, i wonder if they can spin it for a positive? "I'm sorry I've been such a douchebag, please vote for me, i'm fixed!"


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
devilhawk said:
The education component is pretty telling. You are more and more likely a republican the more education you get. But if you get your graduate degree it immediately swings. I guess it makes sense being that there are more liberal professors than conservative corporate heads.
Kind of unrelated, but I do notice that the super-elite are often democratic. When I say super elite, I'm talking about guys like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates.


testicles on a cold fall morning
crowphoenix said:
Interesting. I'm not quite sure how to think that information through. Some follow up research will definitely be required, but I thank you for your assistance.
No reason to think it through - it's usual right-wing bullshit.
GaimeGuy said:
Kind of unrelated, but I do notice that the super-elite are often democratic. When I say super elite, I'm talking about guys like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates.

It should also be noted that Barack, Michelle, Joe, and Jill all have post graduate degrees.
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