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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Setec Astronomer
Stoney Mason said:
Just wait until tonight's Zogby. Where will your god be then...

Funky Papa

Great numbers, but Obama's campaign should try its best not too look overly optimistic. I can't help but think in plenty of young voters staying at home, thinking that everything is done.
Hitokage said:
Yeah, people may be prejudiced, but most people are equally adverse to open racism.

It kind of reminds me of what one of my older co-workers told me. He said that as great as MLK speeches were people really didn't get what was going on in the civil rights movement until they saw what was happening to the peaceful demonstrators on TV. The footage of people being beaten, hosed and attacked with dogs shocked the hell out of the population and is what lead to the change in people's thinking. That coverage helped move things along a lot.

It will be really interesting to see a study on the effect that social network sites like Youtube and Facebook had on the election cycle. From the first "Obama Girl" video to the clips of people spouting racist epithets at McCain/Palin rallies I think it's effects have been HUGE.

JaY P.

I wonder if McCain's 2 pt. drop in the Gallup poll reflects the trooper-gate release.

Anyhow, nice to see Bams with a double-digit lead.
Funky Papa said:
Great numbers, but Obama's campaign should try its best not too look overly optimistic. I can't help but think in plenty of young voters staying at home, thinking that everything is done.

Young voters would walk through fire to vote for Obama.
WISCONSINITES! Our time for change has come

Early voting has begun!!!! lets fool the media and vote very early and vote Obama. Let the McCain camp rejoice when the media says McCain won WI because of the the exit polls. Lets give them the false joy of having McCain win the exit polls and lose WI in the real numbers as we start voting from today to November 4th

ANy fellow wisconsinite here?
Sweet, my mail-in ballot just got here. Sorry guys but being a Cubs fan I am obligated to vote for the loser :lol At least they spelled Obama right :|
Only 3 weeks to go until Obamaton goes into effect : )


CharlieDigital said:
So what's the raw deal on the Obama-ACORN connection? I need some good reading material on this.

My mom was asking me about this yesterday.

Should have some info on the Fight the Smears website, but ACORN is a good oranization that has been defrauded recently. Obama did some legal work for them a long time ago.


Gallup write up:

PRINCETON, NJ -- Voter preferences in the presidential race continue to be generally auspicious for Barack Obama's election prospects only three weeks ahead of the eve of Election Day. Obama leads McCain by 10 percentage points, 51% to 41%, among all registered voters, according to Gallup Poll Daily tracking from Oct. 10-12.

The percentage of registered voters favoring Obama has been 50%, 51%, or 52% in each Gallup Poll Daily tracking report since Oct. 4. Support for McCain has been a steady 41% to 43% across the same time period. Thus, although the gap between the two candidates has varied from seven to 11 points in recent days, voter preferences have, in fact, been quite stable.

Among typical "likely voters" -- the subset of registered voters who appear most likely to vote on Election Day according to their current voting intentions and past voting behavior -- Obama's lead is a slightly narrower seven points, 51% to 44%. This assumes that about 60% of the voting age population will vote, slightly higher than the 55% who turned out in 2004.

Among a more broadly defined likely voter group that only takes into account current voting intentions -- not past voting behavior -- Obama's lead is the same 10 points as among all registered voters, 53% to 43%. This group represents approximately two-thirds of the general public, a significantly higher proportion than has turned out in any recent election.
JCreasy said:

What about Bams' connection? Has the campaign put out an official statement? FactCheck.org has nothing on this topic.

Tamanon said:
Should have some info on the Fight the Smears website, but ACORN is a good oranization that has been defrauded recently. Obama did some legal work for them a long time ago.

Yah, some specifics would be good. My mom has become a total news junkie :lol and she ends up calling me about every random thing that is part of the MSM topic of the day.
BobTheFork said:
Sweet, my mail-in ballot just got here. Sorry guys but being a Cubs fan I am obligated to vote for the loser :lol At least they spelled Obama right :|
Only 3 weeks to go until Obamaton goes into effect : )

dont mail it in. if you have a mistake, they dont tell you and just throw away your vote, go in person and vote. heard this on NPR today
artredis1980 said:
dont mail it in. if you have a mistake, they dont tell you and just throw away your vote, go in person and vote. heard this on NPR today

I'll be out of state (NJ) on 11/4. Is it possible to hand deliver the absentee ballot and have it counted on the spot?
artredis1980 said:
dont mail it in. if you have a mistake, they dont tell you and just throw away your vote, go in person and vote. heard this on NPR today
Didn't know that. I real confident that I won't make a error, but it may be worth it to just go in person. I won't know if I'm going to be occupied on the 4th for another week or so, I should see when the mail-in deadline is.


Setec Astronomer
Hmm... Barack Man, aka The Blue Obama, aka Maverick Hunter X

Dr. Light, lead support man = Dean
Dr. Cain, present ally = Biden
Dr. Wily, nefarious mastermind = Rove
Sigma, bald enforcer turned evil = McCain
Zero, red colored sometimes ally sometimes cause of the whole mess = ?

I wonder what IronKnuckle thinks of this!


artredis1980 said:
what about likely voters
Among typical "likely voters" -- the subset of registered voters who appear most likely to vote on Election Day according to their current voting intentions and past voting behavior -- Obama's lead is a slightly narrower seven points, 51% to 44%. This assumes that about 60% of the voting age population will vote, slightly higher than the 55% who turned out in 2004.
btw, IIRC, the Obama campaign is predicting turnout in the 130,000,000+ range. I'm inclined to believe them, considering their earlier forecasts. I still remember when the "deans" of the Washington Press corp were quizzing the Obama folks on what they expected the turnout to be in the Iowa Caucuses to which they responded with "at least 200,000." At this point, Dan Balz and some folks from Atlantic Media nearly spit out their drinks at the prediction and basically said the Obama campaign was crazy.
CharlieDigital said:
I'll be out of state (NJ) on 11/4. Is it possible to hand deliver the absentee ballot and have it counted on the spot?

the guy who made this: http://www.gregpalast.com/sbyv/

was on NPR had said that 'PROVISIONAL BALLOTS' are the ones which cause the most trouble. I think if you fill absentee ballots fine, you can send it in. He said its better to go in person and vote


BEWARE: You can vote even if you are homeless, you dont have to be at the address where you lived when you registered. Make sure you have a lawyers number when u go and vote!


a child left behind
Incognito said:
btw, IIRC, the Obama campaign is predicting turnout in the 130,000,000+ range. I'm inclined to believe them, considering their earlier forecasts. I still remember when the "deans" of the Washington Press corp were quizzing the Obama folks on what they expected the turnout to be in the Iowa Caucuses to which they responded with "at least 200,000." At this point, Dan Balz and some folks from Atlantic Media nearly spit out their drinks at the prediction and basically said the Obama campaign was crazy.

Only 130 million I was hoping for 145-155 million to be honest. Come on America you can do better than that.
Qwerty710710 said:
Only 130 million I was hoping for 145-155 million to be honest. Come on America you can do better than that.

123 million voted in 2004. so Obama camp is predicting 10 million more this time.

thats 2 million + voters every year after 2004, that number alone can win you an election


when is my burrito
I'm afraid of the "real" Bradley effect:

Uninformed voters not showing up because they believe their candidate will win anyway.

I'm hopeful that Obama gets people really firedup the last week or two. Needs to borrow Biden's closer. It gets me every time.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
tanod said:
I'm afraid of the "real" Bradley effect:

Uninformed voters not showing up because they believe their candidate will win anyway.

I'm hopeful that Obama gets people really firedup the last week or two. Needs to borrow Biden's closer. It gets me every time.

I'm fairly certain that's what the 30 min purchase is for.
That, and perhaps going over his Economy plan more.

The people helping run his campaign are geniuses.


a child left behind
Looking at some numbers in 2004 122,293,548 people voted. So the Obama campaign is expecting only <8 million more people will vote? Sounds too low to me I was reading that Ohio there expecting 800,000 more people to vote than in 04.

JOE BIDEN: NH and DE (Traditionally both are Democratic)

JOHN MCCAIN : VA and NC (Traditionally both are Republican)

MICHELLE OBAMA: MN (Battleground)

BARACK OBAMA: OH (Battleground)

SARAH PALIN: VA (Traditionally is Republican)


tanod said:
I'm afraid of the "real" Bradley effect:

Uninformed voters not showing up because they believe their candidate will win anyway.

I'm hopeful that Obama gets people really firedup the last week or two. Needs to borrow Biden's closer. It gets me every time.

I think he'll make his case with that 30 minute time slot he's bought. That's when he'll say that we can't sit back and expect everyone else to help fix our country, WE have to win it back ourselves. If we don't vote, we risk losing the election. Period.
tanod said:
I'm afraid of the "real" Bradley effect:

Uninformed voters not showing up because they believe their candidate will win anyway.

I'm hopeful that Obama gets people really firedup the last week or two. Needs to borrow Biden's closer. It gets me every time.

I'd like to introduce the "MLK" effect. This postulates that a large number of people will show up to vote to be a part of the movement so that they can look back on it 30 years from now and say "I voted for the first black President of the United States".
Obama and ACORN,

He was a lawyer for them and I believe he trained for them as well. He also was in one of their offices at late as 2004, their is a pic of him with other ACORN voters. The irony of it all John McCain rubbed shoulders with them as well, theirs a pic of him with the Florida chapter of ACORN.
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