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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Soybean said:
Quite frankly I'm ashamed that so many of my fellow Jerseyans are going McCain. We should look more like New York.

Well there are a lot of racist rednecks in Joisey as is there in my home state of PA.
Slurpy said:
What the fuck? Well, this is honestly a shock. Christopher Hitchens is a tool, a self-righteous prick, his endorsement means nothing to me, but its still surprising considering his whole raison d'etre is supporting and justifying the Iraq war.

I'm betting he saw what Palin is and what she stands for and decided that endorsing a candidate linked so strongly to Christian fundamentalists would not be in his best interest.


Spire said:
Tina Fey is alright, but she's not nearly as good as that chick that impersonated Palin in those Katie Couric interviews. God, that lady made Sarah Palin look dumb as fuck.

I....I think I see what you did there :)
Spire said:
Tina Fey is alright, but she's not nearly as good as that chick that impersonated Palin in those Katie Couric interviews. God, that lady made Sarah Palin look dumb as fuck.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
armisen's impression would be fine if he just worked on the voice a little bit more. it's way too light in timbre.

That's what I've been saying. the voice is the most important part and he's not even close. The fact that Fey looks like Palin and do the voice is what makes her impersonation so godly.
I'll probably join the Navy doing something in intelligence if Obama becomes president. I just wouldn't want McCain being my commander in chief if he were ever elected as POTUS.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Saint Gregory said:

That's what I've been saying. the voice is the most important part and he's not even close. The fact that Fey looks like Palin and do the voice is what makes her impersonation so godly.
Amy Poehler is the worst voice impressionist of them all. Her Hillary impression is awful.
Game on!!!!!!

On Monday afternoon, John McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds offered a quick preview of the third and final presidential debate this Wednesday at Hofstra University.

After being asked by a Fox News host whether the lack of any mention of William Ayers during today's speeches from McCain and Palin meant that "the gloves [are] going back on" after a week of tough attacks, Bounds rejected the idea.

"I don't think so at all... If you see some of the advertising coming from the RNC today, which we stand behind, and some of advertising that we'll see going forward," Bounds said, hinting at another onslaught of Ayers material still to come.

When asked if McCain plans to "go after" Obama on these topics this Wednesday, Bounds added: "So much of a debate is determined by the moderator and the questions that are posed to the candidates. I expect it could come up and I expect John McCain will ask Barack Obama to speak truthfully about his relationship with friend and unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers. I think that voters deserve to know, deserve to vet these candidates to the fullest extent... Certainly, Bill Ayers raises questions. Certainly, Tony Rezko raises questions."

If it is McCain's intention to raise the issue of Ayers -- with or without moderator Bob Schieffer's prompting -- it would serve as something of an answered prayer to many of the Arizonan's town hall attendees, one of whom even begged McCain to bring on the character attacks in the last presidential debate of the season.

the HUFF

All Obama needs is a game changing Quip (like 2nd debate health care answer) and McCain support will drop under 40%


Mrs. Manky said:
I'm betting he saw what Palin is and what she stands for and decided that endorsing a candidate linked so strongly to Christian fundamentalists would not be in his best interest.

It's like people forget that other than the Iraq war, Hitchens has always been to the far left. He was a young Marxist for heaven's sake. He agrees with the left on most everything other than a)the Iraq war and b)whether women can be funny. He's got an article out at the moment describing the current state of U.S. politics as a "banana republic".

It's utterly unsurprising that he'd support Obama, war or not.
MIMIC said:
SNL must have Super Bowl-like ratings @_@

Not really. Every political sketch gets, literally, four days of air time on EVERY network. I savor those first night airings because it's the only ten minutes ever that I won't be completely sick of them.
reilo said:
Amy Poehler is the worst voice impressionist of them all. Her Hillary impression is awful.

No argument there.

artredis1980 said:
Game on!!!!!!

This is the problem with this campaign. Why do they telegraph their every move?

If he does bring this up Obama will have the perfect focus group tested answer for it by Wednesday. I'm glad they're so dumb.


Saw something on MSNBC with McCain rally... he said... "We have them right where we want them." Or something very close along those lines. There is no smiley to express the lulz.


Master of the Google Search
Saint Gregory said:
No argument there.

This is the problem with this campaign. Why do they telegraph their every move?

If he does bring this up Obama will have the perfect focus group tested answer for it by Wednesday. I'm glad they're so dumb.

He wants people to tune in to see him giving Obama the gears.


Sarah Palin on Fey:
"I love her, she's a hoot (fun) and she's so talented. It would be fun to meet her, imitate her and keep on giving her new material."

I mean wow. THIS is someone who can potentially be president? You want to give someone who is ridiculing you more material?


kevm3 said:
Sarah Palin on Fey:
"I love her, she's a hoot (fun) and she's so talented. It would be fun to meet her, imitate her and keep on giving her new material."

I mean wow. THIS is someone who can potentially be president? You want to give someone who is ridiculing you more material?

To be fair, the only way she can keep giving Fey more material is if they win.


Saint Gregory said:
If he does bring this up Obama will have the perfect focus group tested answer for it by Wednesday. I'm glad they're so dumb.

McCain is kinda screwed either way he goes: if he brings it up, Obama is well-prepared for a "There you go again"/"I knew Jack Kennedy" moment that will define the debate. If he doesn't bring it up, a small rabid chunk of his base is enraged and sits at home.


Subconscious Brolonging
kevm3 said:
Sarah Palin on Fey:
"I love her, she's a hoot (fun) and she's so talented. It would be fun to meet her, imitate her and keep on giving her new material."

I mean wow. THIS is someone who can potentially be president? You want to give someone who is ridiculing you more material?


I don't know what I like more. The fact that Palin said "hoot" or that the guy who wrote felt the need to explain what it meant.


kevm3 said:
Sarah Palin on Fey:
"I love her, she's a hoot (fun) and she's so talented. It would be fun to meet her, imitate her and keep on giving her new material."

I mean wow. THIS is someone who can potentially be president? You want to give someone who is ridiculing you more material?
What's she going to do? Rip Fey a new one and then have it get really ugly? If she plays nice, they keep doing skits, and it keeps her in the public eye. It's almost entirely imitation and regurgitating what she did in her interviews (which is sad). The more I hear people on the radio calling in and continually saying that Palin is a "breath of fresh air", and that's all they have... man, that makes me worry. The air of sarcasm in everything she says is something I just can't get past.


Unconfirmed Member
McCain must be getting dizzy with all the changes in direction his campaign is having to make, now his own economics speech is on again tomorrow instead?. Bwahahaha.

Such a meltdown couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch, it's comical, entertaining and fascinating, who said politics was boring? :lol
DeaconKnowledge said:
He wants people to tune in to see him giving Obama the gears.

Even if McCain does get some "gotcha" moment it will most likely be seen as petty since this is supposed to be an economic debate (I doubt he will though)

HylianTom said:
McCain is kinda screwed either way he goes: if he brings it up, Obama is well-prepared for a "There you go again"/"I knew Jack Kennedy" moment that will define the debate. If he doesn't bring it up, a small rabid chunk of his base is enraged and sits at home.

I like scenarios where McCain is screwed regardless of what he does. He seems to create a lot of scenarios like that doesn't he?
HylianTom said:
I called this a while ago:
http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/article/fey blamed for ruining palins reputation_1083354
The Tina Fey Effect? Love it!
That's garbage . . . it is the material that Palin gives to Tina Fey which is ruining her. There was that one skit where Tina Fey gave Palin's answer nearly verbatim with a couple jokes thrown in and it was hysterical.

As pointed out, McCain & Obama are mocked on SNL too, but they are not as funny since they haven't given SNL such great material to work with. Palin's winking, folksy crap, and insane answers to questions are what is so funny.


*drowns in jizz*
I really hope McCain does bring up Ayers during the debate. Obama will be able to destroy the whole line of attack, expose it for the stupidity that it is, and shut it down with tens of millions watching.
Vennt said:
McCain must be getting dizzy with all the changes in direction his campaign is having to make, now his own economics speech is on again tomorrow instead?. Bwahahaha.

Such a meltdown couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch, it's comical, entertaining and fascinating, who said politics was boring? :lol

Is this like where Sony would schedule their conference to be the day after Nintendo's so they can then show off their fantastic and original motion controller to the world?
McCain attacking Obama at the debate and directly challenging him on Ayers, ACORN, and any other bullshit angle is the best thing that could happen for Obama.

It gives him the chance to refute every detail to a large audience and once Obama refutes it, it will end up being the main discussion points for the networks afterward. In addition, once again, it takes McCain off the issues and back into the territory of character assassination.

It cannot work in any possibly scenario for McCain.

McCain: "Ayers!"
Obama: "I was 8 years old when he was active. He was never charged with any crimes. He is a productive member of society and is, in fact, a professor at the University of Illinois."
McCain: "..."


The Lamonster said:
PLEASE you guys, stop blind-linking youtube videos. My work only allows me a certain number of hits to youtube so I like to be selective. What exactly is this?
its a parody on the black hecklers at obamas town hall a while ago.


Unconfirmed Member
Saint Gregory said:
Is this like where Sony would schedule their conference to be the day after Nintendo's so they can then show off their fantastic and original motion controller to the world?

"Beats me, I don't even know who's in charge anymore!"


From the SUSA Georgia Poll.

Early and absentee voting began in Georgia on 09/22/08. Among the 18% of Georgia voters who tell SurveyUSA they have already voted, Obama leads by 6 points; among those who have not yet voted, McCain leads by 11.


John McCain: I am an Arab and a Decent Man

Dr. James Zogby, President of the Arab American Institute, says, "Enough is enough! From the beginning of this campaign there have been those who have used 'Muslim' and 'Arab' in an effort to smear Barack Obama. This exploitation of bigotry and the stoking of racist fires to forward an agenda is reprehensible. This is not only offensive to Arab Americans, but to all Americans. As any ethnic group who has ever been used to scare the electorate knows, this is a dangerous game that, tragically, can get innocent people hurt.​


Obama 51 (-1)
McCain 46 (+1)


Obama 50 (Even)
McCain 47 (Even)

N. Carolina

Obama 48 (-1)
McCain 48 (+3)


Obama 49 (+2)
McCain 47 (-1)


Obama 50 (Even)
McCain 47 (-1)


Ras: Obama +5 in FL, +2 in OH, +3 in MO, +3 in VA, tied in NC

Edit: beaten. Nice Florida numbers, although for some reason I'm a bit suspicious that Florida is a stronger Obama state than Virginia.
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