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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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I don't think Georgia is in play. McCain is up double digits with 88% of the electorate according to SurveyUSA. He can probably feel safe about that state.


First tragedy, then farce.
thekad said:
I don't think Georgia is in play. McCain is up double digits with 88% of the electorate according to SurveyUSA. He can probably feel safe about that state.

I know, I know. I was joking. But WV is obviously in play along with Omaha or the campaign wouldnt be there. Their internal polling showed something of enough concern to send Palin.. and lets face it, you dont go to WV for the fundraising :lol


Crisis said:
Can someone summarize what the Obama camp should be taking from these new polls?

That McCain's character attacks aren't working and to keep plugging away at GOTV efforts. Also I think we'll see an insurance run through North Carolina during early voting by Obama.


First tragedy, then farce.
Crisis said:
Can someone summarize what the Obama camp should be taking from these new polls?

That all of these states are in play, and they are ahead in all of them except for NC where its a dead heat. and this is in Rassmussen, which leans Republican compared to every other poll out there.

In other words, obamarama.


StoOgE said:
That all of these states are in play, and they are ahead in all of them except for NC where its a dead heat. and this is in Rassmussen, which leans Republican compared to every other poll out there.

In other words, obamarama.

Oh really? When do the other polls come out and are there any expectations for what we're going to see from them?


First tragedy, then farce.
Crisis said:
Oh really? When do the other polls come out and are there any expectations for what we're going to see from them?

We will get swing state numbers almost daily.

As for Rassmussen, they are a good pollster, but they are using 2004 turnout models which seems unlikely at this point, I think Obama is probably up a bit from there.
greepoman said:
CNN interview with McCain making me gag...apparently McCain's heard the same hateful remarks about himself at Obama rallies and then switches the subject into a diatribe playing the victim and how hurt he is by Lewis' statement and the fact Obama hasn't refuted it.

I think the key difference (that no reporter calls McCain's surrogates on) is that whatever bad things Obama supporters say about McCain at Obama rallies, they are not the direct result of statements made directly by Obama to incite hatred of McCain.

If Obama accused McCain of being a baby killer or something for being a bomber pilot in Vietnam and then his supporters started screaming "Baby Killer!!!" everytime someone mentioned McCain's name then he'd have an argument and it would be exactly like what McCain's camp has done.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
JCreasy said:
I hope you all know that Obama is waiting for this, and he has a helluva counter punch locked and loaded.

I figure he has a good one lined up since Biden has been trying to egg McCain into confronting Obama about it directly, I can't wait to see it.


First tragedy, then farce.
JCreasy said:
McCain is gonna to step in it . . .

He's going to bring up Ayers at the debate: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/13/mccain-aide-i-expect-ayer_n_134259.html

I hope you all know that Obama is waiting for this, and he has a helluva counter punch locked and loaded.

The problem with this is, is it allows Obama to respond to it and explain the situation. McCain makes a crazy accusation and Obama uses his:

"1) I was 8. 2) When I met him, he was a professor, I had no idea what he did. 3) I served on an education grant board with him, with several republicans that was founded by a former ambassador and member of the Reagan administration."

It will basically disarm McCain and make him seem silly and petty to anyone not already behind McCain.
StoOgE said:
Why the hell would Palin go to Philly to drop the puck?

They bood Santa Clause.

Santa knew the risks. She lucky she had Piper on a Flyer's Jersey. A Ranger's jersey would have resulted in her hanging upside down from the rafters.


StoOgE said:
The problem with this is, is it allows Obama to respond to it and explain the situation. McCain makes a crazy accusation and Obama uses his:

"1) I was 8 [when he committed his crimes]. 2) When I met him, he was a professor, I had no idea what he did. 3) I served on an education grant board with him, with several republicans that was founded by a former ambassador and member of the Reagan administration."

It will basically disarm McCain and make him seem silly and petty to anyone not already behind McCain.

1 . . 2 . . 3 . . .



Deku said:
Hmmm is this DOW bump going to hurt Obama?
Well, we're still down what, 30%+ from this time a year ago? The economy is still shedding jobs, energy costs are still up, healthcare is still through the roof, home values are still dropping...

I think McCain needs more than a stock rally.


I gotta say, McCain's setting himself up to lose bad at Wednesday's debate. "I'm gonna whup his you-know-what"? I mean, seriously, raising expectations that high, on a debate where not only does McCain have to be phenomenal, Obama has to fuck up? And it's the economy?
StoOgE said:
The problem with this is, is it allows Obama to respond to it and explain the situation. McCain makes a crazy accusation and Obama uses his:

"1) I was 8. 2) When I met him, he was a professor, I had no idea what he did. 3) I served on an education grant board with him, with several republicans that was founded by a former ambassador and member of the Reagan administration."

It will basically disarm McCain and make him seem silly and petty to anyone not already behind McCain.

4) The board was for giving money to schools. Why is John McCain against that?


Trakdown said:
I gotta say, McCain's setting himself up to lose bad at Wednesday's debate. "I'm gonna whup his you-know-what"? I mean, seriously, raising expectations that high, on a debate where not only does McCain have to be phenomenal, Obama has to fuck up? And it's the economy?

I think he's been working on his really effective "Earmarks r bad" approach.


First tragedy, then farce.
Dax01 said:
I hope McCain brings up Ayers if only so Obama can get the truth out and embarrass McCain.

Agreed. There are several problems with bringing up Ayers, Wright or Rezko.

1) You look like an asshole to independents for doing that to someones face.

2) Obama gets to refute the attacks and dispel them to McCain's face. And once Obama does so, the attacks lose whatever effect they might have had. I mean, when Obama lays out his relationship with Ayers, what does McCain say in response? 'Thats a lie, you blew up the whitehouse'

McCain is better off not bringing them up and just continuing to run the attack ads, if that is what he wants to do.


Cloudy said:
Fox is getting even more desperate. Now they are openly branding Obama as a socialist :lol


I guess Bill Clinton was also a socialist. Good grief..

How is this channel allowed to exist w/o FEC intervention? How can they be so openly trying to smear a public official?
Second comment does a great job of debunking it all.

Give it break people. This plan wont make a poor man rich or a rich man poor. It designed to give someone making 30,000/year an extra $1000-$3000 to help with expenses seen from increases in gas, food, etc. If this is the scary phrase called "redistribution of wealth" then I dont think the wealthy have much to worry about.


First tragedy, then farce.
Fox318 said:
Didn't you hear? They just raised the draft age to 45.


I guess its meaningless, if we actually had a draft they would up the age. I figure I need to hit 31 to be safe.
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