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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Loudninja said:
Wow up 963 points now, almost 1000

avaya said:
It should be called the European rebound because us, the French, Germans and Austrians just outlined over $2trillion to bailout European firms along with guarantees on interbank lending.

This. The Treasury's response to the crisis has been dreadful since day one, hamstrung from the start by the demands of right wing ideology instead of tested, proven measures that the EU countries did.

Gordon Brown may not go down as the most popular PM in British history, but I hope that he'll get some credit for being the first firefighter to run into the burning building.


The Lamonster said:
Why would they? Because the DOW is rebounding? I don't see what the grounds would be for this claim, unless McCain really does whip Obama's booty in the debate (lol).

Maybe McCain will go all mavericky and claim the market rebounded because of his proposal to buy up individual mortgages?


testicles on a cold fall morning
Y2Kev said:
I'm fine with how Yahoo phrases it-- "McCain seeks rebound." I mean, who wouldn't? But "McCain rebounding!" with the evidence that he's gained 1 pt in Rasmussen (already tilted to favor him and he's still getting whooped) and that he's no longer going to negatively campaign (before threatening that Obama is going to take away secret voting rights :lol ) is as much bonk as the whole "suspending the campaign" nonsense.
Just as I read this I noticed that Drudge updated his links to omit yesterday's Gallup article showing McCain's mini-comeback. Guess today's three-point swing in Obama's favor doesn't fit the narrative and as such it is gone.

Members of the media can paint this as a close horse race, which it very well could be in terms of national polling. That point aside, I'm still very confident that Obama will win this - the litany of state polling and Obama's mythical registration/GOTV organization is just too strong.
lawblob said:
Maybe McCain will go all mavericky and claim the market rebounded because of his proposal to buy up individual mortgages?
Why not? It worked back in June when Bush lifted the executive ban on oil drilling. Right after he did that, oil prices started to go down, and some tried to spin it that Bush talking about more U.S. drilling was the reason.


Y2Kev said:
I'm fine with how Yahoo phrases it-- "McCain seeks rebound." I mean, who wouldn't? But "McCain rebounding!" with the evidence that he's gained 1 pt in Rasmussen (already tilted to favor him and he's still getting whooped) and that he's no longer going to negatively campaign (before threatening that Obama is going to take away secret voting rights :lol ) is as much bonk as the whole "suspending the campaign" nonsense.

haha, I highly doubt that.

Listen, McCain has nothing if he doesn't go negative. Nothing. IF he had a substantive argument he believed in, he would have made it already. He went negative because he didn't have anything.

Plus, the negative tone has leaked to his supporters who are doing the negative campaigning for him. They're not going to stop. And the more desperate they become, the more outrageous their attacks will become which means they'll get attention from the press and continue to drag down the campaign.

The credit markets haven't necessarily unclogged, and THAT's what the bailout has to address. As long as no one is getting loans, we still have a major problem.

lawblob said:
Maybe McCain will go all mavericky and claim the market rebounded because of his proposal to buy up individual mortgages?

This would be the height of insanity, and totally possible considering the absurdist tone of his campaign lately.


Setec Astronomer
It's funny how the House GOP's initial blockage of the bailout allowed somebody to covertly insert the option of the Stock Injection plan, and now the Treasury is focusing on that instead of the original toxic buyout pitch.

Much like how their attempts at establishing a "permanent Republican majority" ended up ceding the nation to the Democrats, it's an absolute marvel how these things have turned out.


Steve Youngblood said:
Why not? It worked back in June when Bush lifted the executive ban on oil drilling. Right after he did that, oil prices started to go down, and some tried to spin it that Bush talking about more U.S. drilling was the reason.

Thats what I love about many of the talk radio right wingnuts, they know so little about the market that they assign cause & effect to market swings to whatever political narrative they are trying to sell, and their listeners eat the shit up. Reminds me of a Fox News segment the day after Democrats took back the Congress, the host actually tried arguing the market was down that day because the Democrats won the night before. :lol


Hitokage said:
It's funny how the House GOP's initial blockage of the bailout allowed somebody to covertly insert the option of the Stock Injection plan, and now the Treasury is focusing on that instead of the original toxic buyout pitch.

Much like how their attempts at establishing a "permanent Republican majority" ended up ceding the nation to the Democrats, it's an absolute marvel how these things have turned out.


I've been dying to find out who added that in but I can't find it anywhere.
All this 1000 rebound does is kill the McCain camp's new argument that the markets were tanking in response to an Obama presidency. Obama still sailing high in the polls and the markets surge - the McCain camp can't win for losing.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Hitokage said:
It's funny how the House GOP's initial blockage of the bailout allowed somebody to covertly insert the option of the Stock Injection plan, and now the Treasury is focusing on that instead of the original toxic buyout pitch.
Krugman should've won the Nobel Prize for pointing out weeks ago that Paulson was a foot-dragger blinded by ideology. Trade theory what?

I take great delights in how a capitalist stock market jumps over 10% due to a global nationalization effort. A crisis makes for strange bedfellows.

artredis1980 said:
dont be fooled by a 900+ bounce today, tommorow the market will fall again
Pray tell why? Not to say that the markets might not dip tomorrow, but a united global effort to grease the credit wheels is a huge thing.
lawblob said:
Thats what I love about many of the talk radio right wingnuts, they know so little about the market that they assign cause & effect to market swings to whatever political narrative they are trying to sell, and their listeners eat the shit up. Reminds me of a Fox News segment the day after Democrats took back the Senate, the host actually tried arguing the market was down that day because the Democrats won the night before. :lol
Sounds fair to me. Everyone knows that tax and spend liberals are going to crush businesses, big and small alike with their fiscally unsound policies. So, even though they hadn't had a chance to screw anything up yet, investors knew what was coming.

But thanks to the tireless efforts of those pundits, people will see through the fake smiles of those liberal politicians and vote the fiscally responsible Republicans back in office! The polls back that claim up, right?



WOW!!! :lol

Is he threatening his fucking god!? :lol

Hi god, please do what I want you to or you'll be considered a loser of god. Your status as an all-knowing and all-powerful entity with a plan for this world notwithstanding.

Edit: The link takes you to the Clinton clip, just click the one a few clips to its right with hindu, buddha, and allah in the title.

soul creator said:

Hitchens is awesome. :D


testicles on a cold fall morning
omgimaninja said:
Wasn't the stock injection program mentioned as being a good option in last week's "This American Life" credit crisis episode?
It was mentioned as a good thing by economists like Krugman and Delong when the bailout was first proposed. Just no one thought there was any political movement towards it, or that the language would somehow slip in to the final bill and that Paulson would actually utilize it.


JCreasy said:
Listen, McCain has nothing if he doesn't go negative. Nothing. IF he had a substantive argument he believed in, he would have made it already. He went negative because he didn't have anything.
Eh, McCain was holding his own just making the experience argument and talking about how Obama will raise taxes, things didn't actually get bad for him until he picked Gov. Folksy, the stock market crashed, and his campaign became erratic.

thekad said:
This is like the third time McCain has saved the economy in just the past few weeks. What a maverick.
Tomorrow stocks will likely plunge once again, as investors fear Obama's socialist government, and then on Wednesday the Maverick himself will save the economy again.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Fragamemnon said:
Honestly, this strikes me as big of a deal as the other annoucements in Obama's speech:

This bill is a huge deal, I always knew that Obama would support it if it came to his desk, but I'm glad he's taking the time to say so now, in the heat of the campaign.

What is the Employee Free Choice Act?


Jason's Ultimatum said:
I figured the stock market got a bump was because of the speculation of international countries meeting with each other to fix the economic crisis.
If by "international countries" you mean "John McCain and Sarah Palin, America's most respected Mavericks" then you'd be correct.
Saint Gregory said:
All this 1000 rebound does is kill the McCain camp's new argument that the markets were tanking in response to an Obama presidency. Obama still sailing high in the polls and the markets surge - the McCain camp can't win for losing.
lol If the Dow is up, it's because of McCain's comeback, if it's down it's because of Obamanomics. McCain changes his messages on a daily basis and still seems to be wrong every time.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
I figured the stock market got a bump was because of the speculation of international countries meeting with each other to fix the economic crisis.

Wouldn't this also motivate people to cover massive short positions, thus strengthening the rally?


lol @ this McCain chump on MSNBC try to pull the mainstream media card when they asked about Lindsay Ghram saying the McCain camp would have econ proposals out today. Direct quotes are now tools used by the mainstream media to derail Mac


SurveyUSA: GA, NJ, NY (10/11-12)

By Mark Blumenthal

Mode: IVR

547 likely and actual voters, MOE +/- 4.3%
McCain 51, Obama 43
(9/30: McCain 52, Obama 41)

Senate: Chambliss (R) 46, Martin (D) 43, Buckley (L) 6
(9/30: Chambliss 46, Martin 44, Buckley 5)

New Jersey
551 likely voters, MOE +/- 4.2%
Obama 55, McCain 40
(9/29: Obama 52, McCain 42)

New York
547 likely voters, MOE +/- 4.1%
Obama 64, McCain 31
(9/25: Obama 57, McCain 38)


drawer by drawer
RapeApe said:
lol @ this McCain chump on MSNBC try to pull the mainstream media card when they asked about Lindsay Ghram saying the McCain camp would have econ proposals out today. Direct quotes are now tools used by the mainstream media to derail Mac

That, and then saying that Obama/DNC had a hand in the Troopergate decision when a) The board was mostly republican and b) The investigation started before she was made the VP candidate. :lol


artredis1980 said:
New Jersey
551 likely voters, MOE +/- 4.2%
Obama 55, McCain 40
(9/29: Obama 52, McCain 42)

Hmm.. looks like New Jersey didn't feel like reprising its role as Democratic cocktease this year. Solid.
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