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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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artredis1980 said:


Obama 51 (-1)
McCain 46 (+1)


Obama 50 (Even)
McCain 47 (Even)

N. Carolina

Obama 48 (-1)
McCain 48 (+3)


Obama 49 (+2)
McCain 47 (-1)


Obama 50 (Even)
McCain 47 (-1)

Florida = FAIL
North Carolina = MEGA FAIL
Ohio, Virginia, and Missouri = Cool
Those FL numbers are still beyond terrible. McCain has to fix that state ASAP, they start early voting next week and he can't afford to hang out in +10 or more blue states while FL keeps polling near or outside the MOE for Obama.

NC isn't dead tied, but is tied in the margin of error, in my opinion. McCain has spent too much time trying to rally the base in the coastal plain and hasn't done much to shore up the piedmont burbs or the mountain regions Obama has been gaining ground in. They need to ramp up their advertising, ground game, and do some appearances in the piedmont suburb areas and in the mountains if they want to have a real shot at winning here.


What I especially like: Obama can lose all of those and still win by falling-back on NM and CO. Oh, to be a fly on the wall in McCain's war room today.. I'd land on a dark blue spot on the map and hide there. :lol
XxenobladerxX said:

I'm confused, is this good or bad for Obama?

Funky Papa said:
While we are on the Palin subjet, Fleshbot has an on the set article of "Who's Nailin' Paylin?"


Just sayin'

Is this being secretly funded by the McCain campaign like that "VoteForTheMILF" website was?



Wow, apparently the latest Pollan article came out last week. This one is really good and talks about how screwed up agriculture policy is such a huge factor in so many critical policy areas. Now, sadly, I have a hard time seeing anyone attempt serious reform in this area, which is pathetic, but still, worth a look if you haven't seen it yet.

Also, Ezra Klein is sort of on a roll today.


Tamanon said:
That makes a lot of sense. Although why isn't Fred Armisen completely ruining Obama's reputation?

Because Obama's had more than THREE frikken interviews and therefore didn't get defined by his gaffes? :p


voodoojohn said:
Hm... McCain gained ground everywhere except for Ohio. Ah well...
It's basically all withing the margin of error. But to look again - he gained in two, lost in two, and didn't change in one. It's all noise.

Obama 51 (-1)
McCain 46 (+1)

Obama 50 (Even)
McCain 47 (Even)

N. Carolina
Obama 48 (-1)
McCain 48 (+3)

Obama 49 (+2)
McCain 47 (-1)

Obama 50 (Even)
McCain 47 (-1)
Changes from McCain's perspective:

Gained 4 in North Carolina
Gained 2 in Florida
No change in Missouri
Lost 1 in Virginia
Lost 3 in Ohio

The kicker is, if Obama wins ONE of those states, there's no way for McCain to win overall. He has to sweep them.


Oh Palin, how do you do it . . .

(RICHMOND, VA.) - Protesters at Sarah Palin’s rallies can always expect to be shot down with some choice words from the candidate. But at a rally here today, the confused Alaska governor mistakenly issued a stern rebuke to her own supporters.

The outdoor crowd was so massive that many were unable to hear Palin speak, so about midway through the Alaska governor’s remarks, some of them tried to take matters into their own hands, shouting in unison, “We can’t hear you!”

When that didn’t get the candidate’s attention, they tried a new tactic.

“Louder!” they shouted.

Palin appeared flustered as she stopped reading from the prepared remarks, which were coming across her teleprompter.

“I would hope at least that those protesters have the courage and the honor of thanking our veterans for giving them the right to protest!” she admonished the confused crowd.

Palin’s husband Todd tried to put an end to the awkward episode by approaching his wife on stage and telling her, “They just can’t hear you back there. That’s it.”

Palin responded, “OK. I’m doing that,” and then continued with her stump speech.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I Get So Weary of This ...
From the Corner today:

Respectfully Disagreeing [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

David Frum was on CBS this morning and expressed his view that the choice of Sarah Palin was a mistake. He complained that it was a play to the base that hurts people like Coleman and Dole who need help, and some centering from the top of the ticket would help them and McCain.

I’m getting really frustrated with the reflex some on the Right have to want to push conservatism to the side or on hold. Someone has to hold the line at all times. Ideas have consequences. And so do campaign choices.

How about this exciting Sarah Palin talking more about McCain’s policies that are, in fact conservative? How about Palin talking about his record of good judgment on the surge and fighting against the excesses of government? How about Palin talking about his health-care plan? And I do think that she should continue to talk compassionately about abortion, because few can as she can. This does not reject either conservatism or non-ideological centrists who are moved by populist talk that touches their lives.

10/13 12:59 PM

Reality, TV [Mark R. Levin]

Let's be honest, Frum was invited on CBS because the producer knew he has expressed repeatedly his dislike of Palin. He represents a tiny fraction of conservatives but makes for good liberal TV.

10/13 01:09 PM

re: Reality, TV [Kathryn Jean Lopez]

No question about it, Mark. I never got more media requests than the day I criticized the campaign for holding Palin too tight, overcoaching her, and not setting her free. I didn't do any of those high-profile opportunities because I have no interest in attacking the McCain campaign on NBC or wherever. I want to win this thing. I want to be honest and criticize when necessary and doso here when necessary, but I have no interest in joining or hanging out with or helping the Obama press corps win the campaign for their new darling.

For the record, so I am not misinterpreted: David doesn't say what he says because he wants to be on TV, he says it because he believes it. But the mainstream media is so transparent.

10/13 01:16 PM

I receive emails from readers every day who tell me that the only possible motive I could have for expressing doubts about the McCain ticket is my desire to attend cocktail parties, appear on TV, apply for a job in the Obama administration etc. Now I see this line of accusation appearing in the Corner too.

Let's develop this thought a little. Suppose it were true? Suppose I were indeed a venal, light-minded chaser after television appearances and social invitations. What difference would it make?

Do my correspondents (and now my Corner colleagues) truly believe that - but for my pitiful media and social ambitions - nobody in America would have noticeed that Sarah Palin cannot speak three coherent consecutive words about finance or economics?

In the past month, Sarah Palin's unfavorability ratings have risen by 12 points. She briefly boosted the McCain ticket, but that effect subsided by the end of September. Blue-collar white women (!) now reject Palin as unqualified for the presidency 48-43, according to the Wall-Street Journal/NBC poll.

It's flattering to be told that my eagerness to clink glasses with the Washington social elite is the driving cause behind the shriveling public support for the Alaska governor. Flattering - but not very convincing. Tens of millions of people have tuned in to watch Sarah Palin field questions from Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric, and then to share a stage with Joe Biden. If Palin's public support is now collapsing, it is her own doing.

Possibly it is bad form for me to acknowledge this reality. As one of my correspondents wrote this very morning:

PLEASE KEEP YOUR REMARKS TO YOURSELF! Nobody but Democrats wants to hear them.

Well he may have a point.

Perhaps it is our job at NRO is tell our readers only what they want to hear, without much regard to whether it is true. Perhaps it is our duty just to keep smiling and to insist that everything is dandy - that John McCain's economic policies make sense, that his selection of Sarah Palin was an act of statesmanship, that she herself is the second coming of Anna Schwartz, and that nobody but an over-educated snob would ever suggest otherwise.

Who knows? Perhaps if I do that enthusiastically enough, somebody somewhere might even pour me a free drink or invite me onto the airwaves for a 3 minute Monday morning sunrise interview. And after all: What else could I possibly want?





Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I just donated $25 dollars to the Obama campaign. It's the first time I've ever donated, I just want to make sure I do my part because Obama's campaign needs the resources to keep this lead they have if they're going to win. I wasn't sure if I was going to since I've been saving for my Japan vacation next week (I get back Nov. 2nd), but this is the homestretch, and I want him to win! :D

Obama 08!!


RurouniZel said:
I just donated $25 dollars to the Obama campaign. It's the first time I've ever donated, I just want to make sure I do my part because Obama's campaign needs the resources to keep this lead they have if they're going to win. I wasn't sure if I was going to since I've been saving for my Japan vacation next week (I get back Nov. 2nd), but this is the homestretch, and I want him to win! :D

Obama 08!!

:D :D


Tyrone Slothrop said:
i wonder if mccain will make some significant gains now the economy seemingly quit melting down

I think the race will inevitably tighten, but there will be enough triple-digit Dow drops between now and Election Day to repeatedly remind voters that we are still in the middle of a financially fragile time.
Tyrone Slothrop said:
i wonder if mccain will make some significant gains now the economy seemingly quit melting down
:lol No and if he does it won't be because of today's bump. There's been an insane amount of investments lost and the ripple effect on the economy still has yet to be fully felt. This isn't going to change overnight.


CNN interview with McCain making me gag...apparently McCain's heard the same hateful remarks about himself at Obama rallies and then switches the subject into a diatribe playing the victim and how hurt he is by Lewis' statement and the fact Obama hasn't refuted it.


GhaleonEB said:
It's basically all withing the margin of error. But to look again - he gained in two, lost in two, and didn't change in one. It's all noise.

Changes from McCain's perspective:

Gained 4 in North Carolina
Gained 2 in Florida
No change in Missouri
Lost 1 in Virginia
Lost 3 in Ohio

The kicker is, if Obama wins ONE of those states, there's no way for McCain to win overall. He has to sweep them.

Yeah the whole things seems like a wash to me. COMEBACK THOUGH!:lol


greepoman said:
CNN interview with McCain making me gag...apparently McCain's heard the same hateful remarks about himself at Obama rallies and then switches the subject into a diatribe playing the victim and how hurt he is by Lewis' statement and the fact Obama hasn't refuted it.
Bash let him skate on that one. Has McCain been on CNN since the Campbell Brown owned his boy?


greepoman said:
CNN interview with McCain making me gag...apparently McCain's heard the same hateful remarks about himself at Obama rallies and then switches the subject into a diatribe playing the victim and how hurt he is by Lewis' statement and the fact Obama hasn't refuted it.

McCain reminds me of one of those nutty bi-polar girlfriends that tries to flip everything once you start raising concerns.


Just got back from our Michelle Obama event. It was amazing. First, St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman spoke, then my roommate (giving the Pledge of Allegiance), then a couple field organizers, then Sen. Amy Klobuchar, then a 16-year-old from Northfield, then Michelle herself.

What a lady. She's easily 6'3", has an unbelievably commanding stage presence, and the whole thing was one of the absolute best political events I've ever been to. I'm not just saying that because I organized all our student volunteers- just seeing the way the Obama campaign runs events like this give me hope.

I'll try and get some pictures up soon, if anyone's interested.


StoOgE said:
One of those states, or CO, NV, IN or WV.

And if you have not noticed, CO is like +8-10

Colorado seems to be Obama's failsafe route past 270 at this point, and I wonder if it's somehow been forgotten by McCain (and the media); they seem so much more focused on those states back east..


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
adg1034 said:
Just got back from our Michelle Obama event. It was amazing. First, St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman spoke, then my roommate (giving the Pledge of Allegiance), then a couple field organizers, then Sen. Amy Klobuchar, then a 16-year-old from Northfield, then Michelle herself.

What a lady. She's easily 6'3", has an unbelievably commanding stage presence, and the whole thing was one of the absolute best political events I've ever been to. I'm not just saying that because I organized all our student volunteers- just seeing the way the Obama campaign runs events like this give me hope.

I'll try and get some pictures up soon, if anyone's interested.

Show the pics.

And Michelle is 5'11". But probably is 6'3" with heels.


First tragedy, then farce.
HylianTom said:
Colorado seems to be Obama's failsafe route past 270 at this point, and I wonder if it's somehow been forgotten by McCain (and the media); they seem so much more focused on those states back east..

yeah, I dont get it.. Obama seems to really be pulling away there in most polls... if he picks up NM, IA + CO then its over. And right now, those three states are looking fairly safe. Hell, Obama was ahead in those states during the Palin bump. He doesnt need OH, FL, NC, VA, NV, WV, IN, GA, whatever the hell else comes into play.

Or GA now that that seems to be in play :lol
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