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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Oh man Fox News getting desperate...their latest line of reasoning to vote John McCain...Americans prefer having the congress and president being opposing parties so therefore you should vote McCain since congress will obviously be held by the Democrats.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
why democrats rarely win:


Hehe.. I prefer the Dumbfuckistan map that Santa used on Saturday Night Live in 2004, when he decided that Red State kids wouldn't be getting any presents that year. :lol


greepoman said:
Oh man Fox News getting desperate...their latest line of reasoning to vote John McCain...Americans prefer having the congress and president being opposing parties so therefore you should vote McCain since congress will obviously be held by the Democrats.

How odd, that's something McCain himself pushed this weekend. Who saw that coming?


WickedAngel said:
This is the picture that we've been getting cock-teased about.

If I get banned, have fun without me on November 4th. I'll see you boys on the flipside.


Extremely Offensive: Observe At Own Risk


I'm not removing the picture because there are people who want to see it but posting it with IMG tags and forcing it on people isn't the answer either.
I loled for 15 min :-(


greepoman said:
Oh man Fox News getting desperate...their latest line of reasoning to vote John McCain...Americans prefer having the congress and president being opposing parties so therefore you should vote McCain since congress will obviously be held by the Democrats.

Worked great the last 2 years, huh?


GhaleonEB said:
Two PPP polls coming tomorrow, both should be worth keeping an eye on.


Oh, and that record fundraising the RNC had last month? Didn't seem to help them much. The RNC is taking out a $5m loan to try and shore up some senate races.


Spread the field, baby. Spread the field.

What are the chances that after a non-game-changing debate Wednesday that the RNC bails out on McCain and tries to save some House GOP and Coleman and Cornyn?

Also, I wanna see more polling out of WV, MT (w/ third parties and Paul factored in), and ND in addition to the swing states.
Cloudy said:
Keith can too but they won't dare to go on his show. He is armed with facts and intelligence. and seems liable to be confrontational. Rachel has the same qualities but she isn't threatening to them...

Umm... the only time I ever saw Keith face an opposing viewpoint was during the special coverage. When he challenges someone (or gets challenged) he always puffs up and gets indignate. Very O'reily-esque. Maddow can actually carry on a debate without coming off as self-righteous.

But you could tell today Frum hit Maddow under her armor. She got jolted when he compared her sarcasm to the other kinds of negative in the political environment. I think they were both right actually. Her Sarcasm isn't equivalent to the hate speech at McCain rallies, but her sarcasm isn't going to bridge any gaps either.

It was nice to see two intelligent people express their honest opinions instead of campaign slogans or media narratives.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Republican candidates are an embarassment to the values that the party was built on. Wasteful spending, increased government and more control. I think we need Democrats to take office in all form of representation so that Repubs return to their roots. I honestly can't vote for McCain (for one because he is a douche-bag, but mostly because he has no clue what the hell he is doing) nor Obama (core values are not what I believe in, but I am OK about giving teachers more pay, I plan on being on some day. :)
XxenobladerxX said:
Agreed. Obama needs to keep it in his fucking pants if he wins,

QFT. I think we should all donate for a man's chastity belt and keep his shit on lockdown for the next 8 years.

The last two charismatic Dem presidents JFK and Clinton couldn't control themselves whatsoever. Obama is already cyber-sexing Scarlet Johanson by e-mail and he's not even President yet.
Al-Jazeera English reports on the McCain rallies:


I consider myself to have an open mind. I have no animus for red states or rural culture, even though I consider myself to be a fairly metro-centric coastal liberal. I even hope that true conservatives take this time to get back to basic principles and re-establish themselves into a political party worthy of virtue.

But hot damn - I cannot condone living in a culture dominated by fear and circle-the-wagons clannishness, and I have no respect for those who would do so.

Its pretty fucking frightening to see the reality in other people's minds sometimes.


Fox318 said:
Maybe a democrat can be in office without scrwing an intern this time around.

I thought about it and I am a little resentful of Clinton over that...then I see him doing an interview he's just so damn slick I can't hate him lol.

Also pissed off at John Edwards for running for President...thank God he didn't win the nomination. Though I guess McCain's affair may have neutralized it some.
re: olberman and maddow...

i like their shows, never miss them. but these people are obviously in a bubble created by their own success. this really showed during the dem convention. you could tell olberman was running the show and it wasn't sitting well with the rest of the network.

there's word that he strove to get dan abram's show axed. but i don't know if that's a smear by the fox folks, but it is suspicious that he never segued his show into abram's.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
greepoman said:
Oh man Fox News getting desperate...their latest line of reasoning to vote John McCain...Americans prefer having the congress and president being opposing parties so therefore you should vote McCain since congress will obviously be held by the Democrats.

Wow, a week ago my Dad said he was worried about exactly that. My response was basically: "It works for me." :lol


Tyrone Slothrop said:
re: olberman and maddow...

i like their shows, never miss them. but these people are obviously in a bubble created by their own success. this really showed during the dem convention. you could tell olberman was running the show and it wasn't sitting well with the rest of the network.

there's word that he strove to get dan abram's show axed. but i don't know if that's a smear by the fox folks, but it is suspicious that he never segued his show into abram's.

Why would he want Abrams' show axed? Abrams was a borderline liberal himself. Although the reason it seemed like he was running the show is that behind the scenes he is running the show. It's what being the only guy who gets ratings gets you. And now he gets the clout of king-making with Rachel too, since she's just as good and sometimes better on ratings.:lol
greepoman said:
Oh man Fox News getting desperate...their latest line of reasoning to vote John McCain...Americans prefer having the congress and president being opposing parties so therefore you should vote McCain since congress will obviously be held by the Democrats.

I actually agree with this line of thinking. But its pretty short-sighted to vote in yet another incompetent regime just for the sake of "balance".

But even still, absolute power corrupts absolutely. So there is some truth to that strategy, even if it is being deployed in a pretty damn cynical manner.


AniHawk said:
What are the chances that after a non-game-changing debate Wednesday that the RNC bails out on McCain and tries to save some House GOP and Coleman and Cornyn?

Also, I wanna see more polling out of WV, MT (w/ third parties and Paul factored in), and ND in addition to the swing states.

Earlier in the week PPP was saying they might do Arizona next, because if Arizona Hispanics are following the same trends that New Mexico Hispanics are, it could be a lot closer than anyone realizes.


The Chosen One said:
QFT. I think we should all donate for a man's chastity belt and keep his shit on lockdown for the next 8 years.

The last two charismatic Dem presidents JFK and Clinton couldn't control themselves whatsoever. Obama is already cyber-sexing Scarlet Johanson by e-mail and he's not even President yet.

Michelle might actually murder him if he cheated on her.


As far as divided government is concerned, I think Americans might want a unified government to get something done, and once Democrats go too far voters will give one or both houses of Congress back to the other side.

What I hope doesn't happen: a 1994-style backlash election in which the GOP sweeps to power, just in time to take control of redistricting/gerrymandering for the next decade. They'll be able to whip themselves into a righteous anger of "what Obama, Pelosi, and Reid have done," which will drive their voters to the polls. Dean has a challenge ahead of him in 2010.

Still, there's one key thing missing from the formula: who will be 2010's Newt Gingrich?
Tamanon said:
Plus Michelle is young enough and cute enough that he won't need to wander. She's probably still reliably putting out!
All you gotta do is watch them touching one another.

They seem like they might have an active sex life.

I envy both of them, and as far as I can tell I'm hetero.


HylianTom said:
As far as divided government is concerned, I think Americans might want a unified government to get something done, and once Democrats go too far voters will give one or both houses of Congress back to the other side.

What I hope doesn't happen: a 1994-style backlash election in which the GOP sweeps to power, just in time to take control of redistricting/gerrymandering for the next decade. They'll be able to whip themselves into a righteous anger of "what Obama, Pelosi, and Reid have done," which will drive their voters to the polls. Dean has a challenge ahead of him in 2010.

Still, there's one key thing missing from the formula: who will be 2010's Newt Gingrich?

It'll be Newt Gingrich again!
Tamanon said:
Why would he want Abrams' show axed? Abrams was a borderline liberal himself.

that one guy at fox, john gibson, claimed on his radio show that, for whatever reason, keith just didn't like dan and wanted him gone from the evening lineup. of course it could very well be bullshit, considering the source. but if it's true i'm guessing it was some sort of personal behind-the-scenes matter.


Iksenpets said:
Earlier in the week PPP was saying they might do Arizona next, because if Arizona Hispanics are following the same trends that New Mexico Hispanics are, it could be a lot closer than anyone realizes.

Oh man that reminds me, McCain has already managed to offend blacks, arabs, muslims, astronomers, community organizers....if somehow we could get him to offend Hispanics this election would be a definite lock :lol

How about illegal immigration? Haven't heard about that at all...I wonder if it'll come up in the debate.


*drowns in jizz*
Tamanon said:
Plus Michelle is young enough and cute enough that he won't need to wander. She's probably still reliably putting out!

I'd definitely bet on it, based on their body language towards each other.
greepoman said:
Oh man that reminds me, McCain has already managed to offend blacks, arabs, muslims, astronomers, community organizers....if somehow we could get him to offend Hispanics this election would be a definite lock :lol

How about illegal immigration? Haven't heard about that at all...I wonder if it'll come up in the debate.

To give McCain some credit he is one of the least demonizing when it comes to hispanics in his party. There really is something to give him credit for there despite him reversing himself on Bush's immigration bill.
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