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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Kulock said:
I just caught The Daily Show from last night, and damn did he make a good point.

"Why is it whenever she's around reporters, or the American people, she's always late for something?" :lol

It's not something I really connected the dots on before on, but she's been doing a hell of a lot of that lately. "Hello everyone I have things to do oh look at the time can't hear you bye now!" I understand the why's, but I didn't realize how blatant it's truly been.

I love The Daily Show, and I have watched it everyday for the last 3 years, but I think last night's show was the worst I have ever seen. Jon has been getting progressively better over the years, but last night's show, though still pretty good in comparison to the rest of TV punditry, was definitely a stinker. The person he was interviewing didn't seem to know much about the current economic crisis, or at least she didn't articulate it well. The interview was all over the place; it was hard to understand what comparisons from the Great Depression they were trying to make. The only real concrete points made in the whole show were about Troopergate and Paulson hypocrisy, and he didn't spend a lot of time on them at all. Rather he revisited old jokes with the octobox and a not-so-funny Wyatt portion. Silliness was a little too rampant too, the dancing, name jokes, etc. were a little too much, even for Jon.


i don't know if it has anything to do with it, but the daily show was supposed to take the week off. they decided against the break last minute. i didn't watch the interview, seemed boring from the get go... i was going to catch it on hulu, but i guess not :lol


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Thai said:
I love Campbell Brown and want to fuck the ever-loving shit out of her ass now more than ever.

Thank you Campbell Brown, this is something the media has not done enough of.
Haden said:
Not sure if Americans can watch Iplayer but this is a really balanced look by Panaroma at the rise and rise of Obama.

Would probably have been useful for the Mccain campaign to watch this and base their campaign around some of the concerns and worries in this doc. Bit late now I guess.

Also talks about Palin but haven't watched that bit yet.


First tragedy, then farce.
HylianTom said:
{Old? So many numbers released..}


Washington Post/ABC State Polling

Obama 54
McCain 38

Obama 54
McCain 37

Obama 51
McCain 40

Obama +9

Looks like the failsafe is still holding strong. Although I'm thinking it won't narrow that much..


They really dont have a Kerry state even close to in play. :lol

And yes, remember guys, no matter what happens in the other "swing states" that lean Obama... New Mexico + Colorado + IA + Kerry = win. Obama is up 8+ points in all of these states.. meaning, these states are ahead of the national polling for Obama.

Guys, we are 3 weeks out from the election, this thing gets less and less fluid every day.


Setec Astronomer
StoOgE said:

They really dont have a Kerry state even close to in play. :lol

And yes, remember guys, no matter what happens in the other "swing states" that lean Obama... New Mexico + Colorado + IA + Kerry = win. Obama is up 8+ points in all of these states.. meaning, these states are ahead of the national polling for Obama.

Guys, we are 3 weeks out from the election, this thing gets less and less fluid every day.
Electoral math, people. Been saying it for ages. The situation is completely different from what Kerry faced. :D


StoOgE said:

They really dont have a Kerry state even close to in play. :lol

And yes, remember guys, no matter what happens in the other "swing states" that lean Obama... New Mexico + Colorado + IA + Kerry = win. Obama is up 8+ points in all of these states.. meaning, these states are ahead of the national polling for Obama.

Guys, we are 3 weeks out from the election, this thing gets less and less fluid every day.

Another thing to keep in-mind: how long did it take for Obama to climb up to this lead? It all began shortly after the events of September 15th. Even if McCain began to crawl back, it probably wouldn't be quickly enough to catch-up; and forget about McCain establishing any kind of lead in the time we have left.

Meanwhile, events will be occurring that will slow any such climb.

The debate, if it's like the other three, will only serve to bolster or stabilize Obama's spot in the polls. Then we have a blank week (10/20) with no structured/scheduled events - this is probably McCain's only clear runway where he can attempt to achieve flight. Obama's team will likely release the September fundraising numbers in order to blunt any attempt at achieving recovery momentum.

Much of the following week will be dominated by anticipation of, coverage of, and reaction to Obama's infomercial. Obama's team is going to have remaining weak Obama voters and undecided voters firmly in its sights with whatever speech he delivers, and it's conceivable that he could see a small bump from that speech.

McCain's kinda screwed, save for some kind of live boy/dead girl + Obama scenario.


Dax01 said:

Ah thats a real shame. Well any British gaf people interested in the election should check it out very interesting and balanced imo. Got a really good selection of interviews as well from key players.

To something everyone can look at now. Does anyone else read Justin Webb's blog? Usually very good sometimes funny and he provides links to all sorts of other lesser known newsites and blogs within his stories.



_leech_ said:

Have to love these so-called "Christians". Last I checked, Jesus wasn't much of a racist.
I like how he emphasises 'against' so that we don't confuse him with Ohio Christians For Baby-Murdering Muslims For President.
The Chosen One said:
I'm sorry, I'm black and I would never vote for Alan Keys, Jesse Jackson, or Al Sharpton. Obama is a great candidate that is also black (and white!), so that's why blacks have flocked to him. Nobody wants to talk about how Hilary Clinton had a huge majority of blacks in the middle of '07 (just about a year ago) and people were questioning if Obama was "black enough" because he was actually polling better with whites than blacks. But of course this is totally forgotten. I personally didn't hop onto the Obama train until after his race speech and how he handled that whole Rev. Wright situation, in addition to his impressive February primary victories.

If anything, contrary to the efforts of Fox News and others, the demonizing of Rev. Wright and by extension, black churches, Obama, and the Obama family pretty much cemented the black vote in Obama's favor. If the media pulls that Rev. Wright crap again prior to the election, you'll have a lot more black folks showing up to vote...and they'll be pissed too.
HylianTom said:
{Old? So many numbers released..}


Washington Post/ABC State Polling

Obama 54
McCain 38

Obama 54
McCain 37

Obama 51
McCain 40

Obama +9

Looks like the failsafe is still holding strong. Although I'm thinking it won't narrow that much..

And this is where it gets ridiculous. You have all these states are are in double digit numbers by all recent polls (and many prior to that) and the media still has a good number of those states just light blue (leaning Obama). Do Obama need a 31+ advantage in a poll like McCain has in OK to change a state from lean to solid blue?

Chuck Todd and others need to start being honest with the numbers. This nonsense ranks pretty high on the BS Meter.


force push the doodoo rock
BenjaminBirdie said:
Hm. McCain's new plans focus on seniors? An actually smart move by him?

Interesting campaign, folks. Very interesting...

It's not really that interesting.
Thai said:
I love Campbell Brown and want to fuck the ever-loving shit out of her ass now more than ever.

Heh, I wouldn't go that far but I give her mad props for saying what she did. It was WAY overdue. Arabs and Muslims are getting shat on in our country right now. If you substituted the word "Arab" with "Black" or "Hispanic" in the current discourse, there would be all out riots right now.

Old Lady: "Obama he's uh.....uh....a Black!"......
McCain: "No no no Mam, he's a decent man. He's a citizen."

Too bad Muslims and Arabs have no voice whatsoever in our country.


You guys are crazy complaining about the media's maps. It's better for Obama to appear close, otherwise unlikely voters will not vote. I personally registered a 19 year old voter in Nevada who didn't want to register or vote because he thought Obama was already president.


Haden said:
Not sure if Americans can watch Iplayer but this is a really balanced look by Panaroma at the rise and rise of Obama.

Would probably have been useful for the Mccain campaign to watch this and base their campaign around some of the concerns and worries in this doc. Bit late now I guess.

Also talks about Palin but haven't watched that bit yet.

the mccain campaign is stupid.
numble said:
You guys are crazy complaining about the media's maps. It's better for Obama to appear close, otherwise unlikely voters will not vote. I personally registered a 19 year old voter in Nevada who didn't want to register or vote because he thought Obama was already president.
BenjaminBirdie said:
It's kind of interesting.

...if it was done a month ago. If the older vote has been moving towards Obama, McCain may not have enough time to get his message out regarding new policies in the relatively short time left.


numble said:
You guys are crazy complaining about the media's maps. It's better for Obama to appear close, otherwise unlikely voters will not vote. I personally registered a 19 year old voter in Nevada who didn't want to register or vote because he thought Obama was already president.

America's public education system, fuck yeah!!!

Why are people so stupid?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
...what the fuck. All this ACORN shit, but it doesn't make any sense to me.

Who gives a fuck if people are registering with the name "Mickey Mouse". How the hell is someone going to vote under that name without any kind of proof of identification?

Am I missing something here or is this entire ACORN registration shit stupid as fucking hell?


Can someone please summarize what this whole ACORN thing is about?

I was watching O'Rly last night and it seemed that they were bitching about ACORN pretending to register more voters than it actually did.

Well, this won't even affect voting, right, because imaginary people on the rolls can't show up and vote? And how the hell do they tie this to Obama just because he represented them in a case as a lawyer...that was his fucking job! You can't blame a lawyer for representing someone.

I don't get this.
RubxQub said:
...what the fuck. All this ACORN shit, but it doesn't make any sense to me.

Who gives a fuck if people are registering with the name "Mickey Mouse". How the hell is someone going to vote under that name without any kind of proof of identification?

Am I missing something here or is this entire ACORN registration shit stupid as fucking hell?



I guess the dems aren't talking about it, treating it the same way as Obama is treating the Ayers controversy, hoping it won't amount to anything. If it does pick up steam, they can call the GOP on their hypocrisy regarding ACORN. They can then detail all the voter suppression tactics that the GOP has employed over the last 8 years. I don't see Lou Dobbs and others throwing a hissy fit over that.


pxleyes said:
Drudge is a big bowl of laughs right now. I highly recommend everyone check it out.


I am glad we wrapped up the economic crisis so we can now focus on the important issues.
Has the McCain campaign even ever raised the ACORN issue? Or is it solely a product of the right-wing media?

If it's a media creation, then that just goes to show how remarkably in sync they all are. Fox, the talk radios, and Drudge are all about ACORN.

The "liberal media" would never be able to do this.


Frank the Great said:
Has the McCain campaign even ever raised the ACORN issue? Or is it solely a product of the right-wing media?

If it's a media creation, then that just goes to show how remarkably in sync they all are. Fox, the talk radios, and Drudge are all about ACORN.

The "liberal media" would never be able to do this.

Where do I find this "liberal media" I keep hearing about??


testicles on a cold fall morning
RubxQub said:
...what the fuck. All this ACORN shit, but it doesn't make any sense to me.

Who gives a fuck if people are registering with the name "Mickey Mouse". How the hell is someone going to vote under that name without any kind of proof of identification?

Am I missing something here or is this entire ACORN registration shit stupid as fucking hell?


It serves two purposes. One, Republicans can paint the DNC as participating in systemic voter fraud, which then excuses GOP attempts reduce turnout of poor/minority groups through registration purges and advocating worthless voter ID laws.

Second, Drudge and others are setting up the framework for saying the election was stolen and changing the narrative away from McCain's failings as a candidate. BLACK PEOPLE ARE STEALING YOUR LAND-OWNING, WHITE VOTE!
Frank the Great said:
Has the McCain campaign even ever raised the ACORN issue? Or is it solely a product of the right-wing media?

If it's a media creation, then that just goes to show how remarkably in sync they all are. Fox, the talk radios, and Drudge are all about ACORN.

The "liberal media" would never be able to do this.

McCain camp and the RNC have raised the ghastly spectre of ACORN multiple times.

Look, the way Acorn does things invites problems, It's noble to give the homeless a bit of work in this manner, but it's nothing but headaches for any campaign associated with them, election officials, ect. Generally Acorn has to turn in all registrations it collects, so any bad ones appear. Generally it's Acorn who goes to the authorities and says "Okay, here's a bunch of bad registrations." The media tends to leave that fact out.

And as others have said, a bad registration for a "Mickey Mouse" or a "Tony Romo" most likely won't result in an extraneous vote.



Frank the Great said:
Has the McCain campaign even ever raised the ACORN issue? Or is it solely a product of the right-wing media?

If it's a media creation, then that just goes to show how remarkably in sync they all are. Fox, the talk radios, and Drudge are all about ACORN.

The "liberal media" would never be able to do this.

I'm not sure how you separate McCain from it. The "right-wing media" is the republican party establishment. They're inseparable.

Ponn01 said:
Where do I find this "liberal media" I keep hearing about??

Once upon a time there used to be this thing called journalistic integrity. Where they were the government watchdogs that called out the truth and held people accountable for their deeds. The Republicans shamed them out of doing it by launching their smear campaign of "Left wing media." So now they no longer report. They're an urban legend. The watchdogs have been murdered.

I would pay money to see the Democrats start calling the media the "right-wing media." I'm obviously not including Fox and the like. Those are machinations that would make even Hitler proud.


hide your water-based mammals
E-phonk said:

LMAO I appreciate the effort but now I'm scared to look at it. Anything less..............terrifying :lol :lol :lol :lol

That is actually pretty good the more I look at it. This is a tough decision.


LiquidMetal14 said:
LMAO I appreciate the effort but now I'm scared to look at it. Anything less..............terrifying :lol :lol :lol :lol

That is actually pretty good the more I look at it. This is a tough decision.

It's awesome. Someone took the effort to make it and there's not much Obamification that could be done to your avatar. Appreciate what you get and take it!


hide your water-based mammals
Tim-E said:
It's awesome. Someone took the effort to make it and there's not much Obamification that could be done to your avatar. Appreciate what you get and take it!
Oh so true. Will rehost. It clicks once I look at it more. Thanks!

If his logo could be added in the top right corner it would be great.


testicles on a cold fall morning
besada said:
DOW up 390+ on open. That's impressive and a little scary to watch.
The markets are still in euphoria over the united capital injection. I'm more interested in seeing how long this last once the plans are actually implimented.
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