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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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XxenobladerxX said:
Fucking redneck cunts.
That guy at the end said "I'm afraid that some of these people may try to hurt Obama" and honestly looking at some of the appalling attitudes and behavior on display recently I'm getting worried about that too. These people are like cavemen with guns.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
faceless007 said:
I don't actually see this as a huge beatdown; Frum seems genuinely apologetic for the tone of his fellow Repubs and really wants the discourse to improve, and Maddow only wants to focus on the hate of McCain's supporters.

That said, there's nothing wrong with making fun of things.
Are we watching the same clip? Frum tries to get away with claiming both sides have sunk to the same level of discourse, indicts Maddow on this and she calls him on it. He tries the equivalence rhetoric, and squirms out of acknowledging that the kind of rabble rousing going on at recent McCain/Palin rallies is nothing like the sarcasm that Maddow employs on her show. That's completely disingenuous and not the way to raise the quality of discourse that he claims he's interested in.


Gary Whitta said:
That guy at the end said "I'm afraid that some of these people may try to hurt Obama" and honestly looking at some of the appalling attitudes and behavior on display recently I'm getting worried about that too. These people are like cavemen with guns.

It's no wonder these fucking people don't believe in evolution. They haven't experienced it yet.


Man, every time I've talked to a Mccain supporter since the tide turned towards Obama I lose a lot of faith in America. I can certainly understand if you disagree with Obama. But that's never the case with these people. Honestly in a single conversation it went from Obama is the anti-christ, to Obama's a muslim terrrist, to Obama wants to get revenge on the white people. Honestly these people are besides themselves with racist fear. I know there are some out there that disagree with Obama for actual reasons outside of xenophobia or misinformation...but I haven't run across one for days.


typhonsentra said:
:lol oh mah gawd

grandjedi6 said:


ronito said:
Man, every time I've talked to a Mccain supporter since the tide turned towards Obama I lose a lot of faith in America. I can certainly understand if you disagree with Obama. But that's never the case with these people. Honestly in a single conversation it went from Obama is the anti-christ, to Obama's a muslim terrrist, to Obama wants to get revenge on the white people. Honestly these people are besides themselves with racist fear. I know there are some out there that disagree with Obama for actual reasons outside of xenophobia or misinformation...but I haven't run across one for days.
Clearly you hang out with some odd people.


ronito said:
Man, every time I've talked to a Mccain supporter since the tide turned towards Obama I lose a lot of faith in America. I can certainly understand if you disagree with Obama. But that's never the case with these people. Honestly in a single conversation it went from Obama is the anti-christ, to Obama's a muslim terrrist, to Obama wants to get revenge on the white people. Honestly these people are besides themselves with racist fear. I know there are some out there that disagree with Obama for actual reasons outside of xenophobia or misinformation...but I haven't run across one for days.

Welcome to America after a hyper-nationalistic binge following a terror attack, and with a history of racism. 2008 and people are still voting based on superstitious bullshit.
ronito said:
Man, every time I've talked to a Mccain supporter since the tide turned towards Obama I lose a lot of faith in America. I can certainly understand if you disagree with Obama. But that's never the case with these people. Honestly in a single conversation it went from Obama is the anti-christ, to Obama's a muslim terrrist, to Obama wants to get revenge on the white people. Honestly these people are besides themselves with racist fear. I know there are some out there that disagree with Obama for actual reasons outside of xenophobia or misinformation...but I haven't run across one for days.

that's what i'm experiencing too. it's weird, because a lot of people who espouse this stuff are moderately intelligent. my mom for example is college educated, white collar, but she's all aboard the hussein-is-a-gay-socialist-terrorist train. i don;t really get it, but it's whatever.


ronito said:
Man, every time I've talked to a Mccain supporter since the tide turned towards Obama I lose a lot of faith in America. I can certainly understand if you disagree with Obama. But that's never the case with these people. Honestly in a single conversation it went from Obama is the anti-christ, to Obama's a muslim terrrist, to Obama wants to get revenge on the white people. Honestly these people are besides themselves with racist fear. I know there are some out there that disagree with Obama for actual reasons outside of xenophobia or misinformation...but I haven't run across one for days.

Do we really know who ronito is? If he pals around with racists like this then what does he really think?

Ronito wrong on race, wrong for America.


Mkliner said:
Do we really know who ronito is? If he pals around with racists like this then what does he really think?

Ronito wrong on race, wrong for America.
:lol :lol :lol :lol

I haven't laughed that hard at a non-libertarian post for a long long time.

Ela Hadrun

Probably plays more games than you
ronito said:
Man, every time I've talked to a Mccain supporter since the tide turned towards Obama I lose a lot of faith in America. I can certainly understand if you disagree with Obama. But that's never the case with these people. Honestly in a single conversation it went from Obama is the anti-christ, to Obama's a muslim terrrist, to Obama wants to get revenge on the white people. Honestly these people are besides themselves with racist fear. I know there are some out there that disagree with Obama for actual reasons outside of xenophobia or misinformation...but I haven't run across one for days.

It's amazing to me how much elections are about identity these days. Maybe it's always been this way, but I don't remember feeling this kind of divide in 92 or 96.

Bush was so successful because he gave people this easygoing cowboy identity of supportin' our troops and nucular and all that to latch on to. When you put a Bush sign in your yard it said something about the kind of person you were, and a lot of Americans valued that kind of person.

McCain is just not personable. "Maverick" never caught on. I do remember a sign in some hick's yard saying "I'm a mavrik are you" or something; the campaign may have been hoping that attitude would catch on nationwide, but they probably should have picked a word more everyday Americans would be able to both spell AND define.

So they got Sarah Palin. It's why the Pit Bull thing got so much traction; it was a spat over identity. Voters were expected to identify with who Sarah Palin IS, not what she thinks or does, and for a while they did. She was a middle class hockey mom just like you and me from Wasilla Main Street, and doncha know she talks just like those old Gene Kelly movies I used to watch when I was home sick from school.

But her identity politics took a hit when it was revealed that part of who she is is Stupid. Not Dumb, like Bush, but like, Stupid. A friend of mine says "Bone stupid." My friend's dad says "dumb as a stump."

So now the McCain campaign has tried to undermine Obama's identity. "Who is Barack Obama?" Everyone in America knows that the answer is "a black guy," and knows that the McCain campaign knows that the answer is "a black guy."

So now they are high and dry. When you put a McCain sign on your lawn, you are assuming the identity of a racist. Not of a down home country fella who thinks Bush oughta do right by our country, not a fiscal conservative standing up to special interests. A fucking racist.

There are fewer people out there interested in admitting to being for McCain.
Ela Hadrun said:
So now the McCain campaign has tried to undermine Obama's identity. "Who is Barack Obama?" Everyone in America knows that the answer is "a black guy," and knows that the McCain campaign knows that the answer is "a black guy."

i'm probably going to get shit for this, but i don't think mccain is intoning race. mccain has been saying a lot of things during this election. and IMO "don't vote for the colored fella" isn't one of them.

of course his supporters are racist as fuck. but i think the "who is this guy??" is the mccain campaign equivalent of "why can't obama close the deal???"


1) I still remember that O'Reilly-Krugman "debate" What a farce. I'm glad stuff like that, and Hinderaker's rant, are making the rounds today. Krugman vindication day!

2) Al Jazeera piece is really creepy. Apparently Liberals secretly hate white people, and New York forgot completely about 9-11.

grandjedi6 said:
Florida District 16 must be cursed :lol
Yeah. Unreal. I wonder if we should expect bad things from Craig's or Vitter's seats now.


Just had an awful politically-related experience here in the hotly contested Southeastern Ohio. This is going have some unavoidably racist language, I apologize in advance.

I was on my way to my local Wal-Mart to see if they had Dead Space in stock. I was going down the well-lit, highly traveled main street in the town. Pull up to a red light, stop, and, oh boy, there are a bunch (over 10) of drunk (they were holding bottles) 20 somethings hanging outside a closed tire shop. Terrible, generic nu-metal sounding shit blared into my car and they started yelling random shit at first. Then it turns to something about my tires. Then they direct their attention on my Obama 08 bumper sticker.

"Kill the (n-bomb)!"
"I'd never vote for a (n-bomb)!"
"Burn the (n-bomb)!"
"I'll kill the (n-bomb)!"

After some racially charged shit, they start threatening to burn my car/slash my tires/stupid fucking retarded shit. At any rate, as I was about to gun it and run the red light, it turned green.

When it was Kerry/Bush, it was never this divisive. : (


*drowns in jizz*
Imm0rt4l said:
Dean Cain is making an ass of himself on Larry King

The guy is such a tool. He was asked why he thinks McCain would improve the economy and his answer was along the lines of 'it's not my job to know about his policy positions, I'm just an informed voter'. Then spewed the experience talking points.


andymcc said:
When it was Kerry/Bush, it was never this divisive. : (
I think the racial element + Muslim/terror distraction story add a lot to it. But Bush/Kerry was still pretty ugly. I had a lot of people flip out on me for supporting Kerry.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
RobotChant said:
Some conservative commentators have thrown McCain under the bus, but I wish someone would throw these people under the bus, too.

A lot has been said of the campaign stoking the fire, but why even court such a combustible group of people in the first place.

They're not just courted. They are created by the economy, the education system and right wing blowhards on the radio. Churches need to accept a lot of blame too.


Gruco said:
I think the racial element + Muslim/terror distraction story add a lot to it. But Bush/Kerry was still pretty ugly. I had a lot of people flip out on me for supporting Kerry.

Also the fact that he's winning makes it more pronounced and noticeable.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
andymcc said:
Just had an awful politically-related experience here in the hotly contested Southeastern Ohio. This is going have some unavoidably racist language, I apologize in advance.

I was on my way to my local Wal-Mart to see if they had Dead Space in stock. I was going down the well-lit, highly traveled main street in the town. Pull up to a red light, stop, and, oh boy, there are a bunch (over 10) of drunk (they were holding bottles) 20 somethings hanging outside a closed tire shop. Terrible, generic nu-metal sounding shit blared into my car and they started yelling random shit at first. Then it turns to something about my tires. Then they direct their attention on my Obama 08 bumper sticker.

"Kill the (n-bomb)!"
"I'd never vote for a (n-bomb)!"
"Burn the (n-bomb)!"
"I'll kill the (n-bomb)!"

After some racially charged shit, they start threatening to burn my car/slash my tires/stupid fucking retarded shit. At any rate, as I was about to gun it and run the red light, it turned green.

When it was Kerry/Bush, it was never this divisive. : (

Welcome to what's it's like to be black in some parts of America. Trust me sometimes it's shit. :(


Gruco said:
I think the racial element + Muslim/terror distraction story add a lot to it. But Bush/Kerry was still pretty ugly. I had a lot of people flip out on me for supporting Kerry.
It also has to do with the fact that the the McCain camp is calling the shots, not some 3rd party.
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