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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Gruco said:
I think the racial element + Muslim/terror distraction story add a lot to it. But Bush/Kerry was still pretty ugly. I had a lot of people flip out on me for supporting Kerry.

When one side uses the term "culture war" you know shit's gonna get real at times. Hopefully the party will crash and burn due to the race baiting and vileness of their base.

Until then, we can get more codewords and minority scapegoats for economic crisis.
This is the picture that we've been getting cock-teased about.

If I get banned, have fun without me on November 4th. I'll see you boys on the flipside.


Extremely Offensive: Observe At Own Risk


I'm not removing the picture because there are people who want to see it but posting it with IMG tags and forcing it on people isn't the answer either.


RobotChant said:
Some conservative commentators have thrown McCain under the bus, but I wish someone would throw these people under the bus, too.

A lot has been said of the campaign stoking the fire, but why even court such a combustible group of people in the first place.

Because a vote is a vote, and they're easy to court so long as you're willing to throw them an empty platitude or two. And because it's worked in the past.


WickedAngel said:
This is the picture that we've been getting cock-teased about.

If I get banned, have fun without me on November 4th. I'll see you boys on the flipside.



I'm sorry but that's just fucking tasteless. Since when is a mother raising a child with down syndrome funny.

As someone who has worked with special needs children , fuck you.
BobTheFork said:
I laughed really hard for a sec and now I feel bad.

I do too. I'm just tired of being cock-teased over a picture...they hyped it for a full page and nobody would post the damned thing.

Fox318 said:
I'm sorry but that's just fucking tasteless. Since when is a mother raising a child with down syndrome funny.

Just to be clear, this isn't my picture and it's in poor taste. Like I said, I don't like being told about how OMGFUNNY something is and then being held out on.


AlternativeUlster said:
Yeah, that is pretty funny and not really offensive even if you have a retarded brother. II am sure he would have a laugh too.
Do you have a mentally handicaped brother? Do you know what its like to live and try to help someone with problems. I have two autistic brothers and I'm sure they wouldn't laugh over that.


Yeah, I didn't care for that one. :\

And why is Drudge reporting Zogby's number for tomorrow? Does he realize it's an improvement from today of two points? :lol

(Rasmussen must be improving or he'd tease that one again.)


Slurpy said:
The guy is such a tool. He was asked why he thinks McCain would improve the economy and his answer was along the lines of 'it's not my job to know about his policy positions, I'm just an informed voter'. Then spewed the experience talking points.
I loved how he said he's tired of hearing that 'McCain is 4 more years of Bush'. Larry asked him how he's different from bush, and all he had was 'they're not the same person'. Then sheryl crow outlines a list of Policies that align McCain with Bush. Must've been embarassing.


Imm0rt4l said:
I loved how he said he's tired of hearing that 'McCain is 4 more years of Bush'. Larry asked him how he's different from bush, and all he had was 'they're not the same person'. Then sheryl crow outlines a list of Policies that align McCain with Bush. Must've been embarassing.

Some "informed voter". If that's what qualifies, I can understand why Bush had two terms.
Imm0rt4l said:
I loved how he said he's tired of hearing that 'McCain is 4 more years of Bush'. Larry asked him how he's different from bush, and all he had was 'they're not the same person'. Then sheryl crow outlines a list of Policies that align McCain with Bush. Must've been embarassing.

Serves him right for serving as a punk ass superman in "lois and clark".


StopMakingSense said:
You mean bad things from Larry Craig himself? (lol he never resigned)
I thought he was leaving the seat open when his term ended.
Tamanon said:
Also the fact that he's winning makes it more pronounced and noticeable.
I don't know if I agree. The dickwads responsible for this kinda behavior typically aren't members of the reality based community, particularly when it comes to nerdy socialist poll analysis.
Gattsu25 said:
That was the most uncomfortable interview ever on Maddow's show

Yes, very.

But it's good that she had someone on her show who has a total different perspective and is not a hack. I didn't agree with him, but I understood where he was coming from. My biggest criticism of Countdown is that's one gigantic echo chamber. I hope Rachael's show doesn't end up like that. I think she's strong enough to be able to articulate and debate with someone who has a different opinion.


I like how he marked the picture EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE: VIEW AT OWN RISK and someone still complained. :\

It's dark humor. Not for everyone. Hence why I didn't post it, but jeez.
Fox318 said:
I'm sorry but that's just fucking tasteless. Since when is a mother raising a child with down syndrome funny.


We can shit on Palin all you want but on her special needs kid?

Fuck that, man.

That shit is not cool.

Yeah, I know you didn't create the pic, but still....


The Chosen One said:
Yes, very.

But it's good that she had someone on her show who has a total different perspective and is not a hack. I didn't agree with him, but I understood where he was coming from. My biggest criticism of Countdown is that's one gigantic echo chamber. I hope Rachael's show doesn't end up like that. I think she's strong enough to be able to articulate and debate with someone who has a different opinion.

She usually has on opposing viewpoints, the McCain camp sent Nancy Pfunnylastname on there for a very short segment to stonewall. Plus she has Buchanan on a lot too.
omg rite said:
I like how he marked the picture EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE: VIEW AT OWN RISK and someone still complained. :\

It's dark humor. Not for everyone. Hence why I didn't post it, but jeez.

Actually, I IMG'd it first. That was my mistake.


I think she's strong enough to be able to articulate and debate with someone who has a different opinion.

Keith can too but they won't dare to go on his show. He is armed with facts and intelligence. and seems liable to be confrontational. Rachel has the same qualities but she isn't threatening to them...


Byakuya769 said:
Serves him right for serving as a punk ass superman in "lois and clark".

lol I remember I used to have a thing for teri hatcher from that
grandjedi6 said:
Florida District 16 must be cursed :lol
I don't know if it's been discussed here already, this thread moves too damned fast, but this smells like bullshit to me.

- He doesn't incriminate himself on the tape
- In fact, all he ever so much as implies is that she's being fired for cause
- He did all that despite being obviously baited. The taped call was a complete fishing exhibition that came up with zilch.
- Her lawyer represented Foley
- There's no record of any money changing hands
- The firm who had the job he allegedly lined up for her immediately said that there was no such job
- No one with any direct knowledge is saying anything, it's all "friends" and "unnamed staffers"


Cloudy said:
Keith can too but they won't dare to go on his show. He is armed with facts and intelligence. Rachel isn't threatening to them...

I dunno, Keith never even attempts to have somebody outside his views on. If nobody is coming on your show, that's not because everyone is scared, it's because you've got a closed door.:lol


Sen. Brown: Make O'Reilly cry Nov. 4


TOLEDO, Ohio – Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown, introducing Barack Obama at a conference center here, told a crowd of more than 3,000 that they could help bring favorite Democratic bogeyman Bill O’Reilly to tears on Election Day.

Ohio is a key swing state, and Brown told the crowd that if they voted and made sure their friends and neighbors did the same, they could go home after the polls close, “sit down in a big, comfortable chair – maybe you bought a big, wide, wide flat-screen TV so you can watch election returns and you can see, when you see these election returns on these wide screens, you can see people’s sweat, you can see tears a little better, all that.”

At about 11:30 pm, he told the crowd, they should switch over to Fox News, the network on which the right-leaning O’Reilly hosts a top-rated talk/news show.

“About quarter till 12 on election night, it’s gonna be Bill O’Reilly sitting there with Sean Hannity,” he said, drawing another cascade of jeers from the crowd at the mention of another popular conservative Fox host.

He's gotten into my BRAAAIIINNN!! :lol :lol :lol


Tamanon said:
I dunno, Keith never even attempts to have somebody outside his views on. If nobody is coming on your show, that's not because everyone is scared, it's because you've got a closed door.:lol

I'd like to see him and O'Reilly have a debate :D


*drowns in jizz*
The Chosen One said:
Yes, very.

But it's good that she had someone on her show who has a total different perspective and is not a hack. I didn't agree with him, but I understood where he was coming from. My biggest criticism of Countdown is that's one gigantic echo chamber. I hope Rachael's show doesn't end up like that. I think she's strong enough to be able to articulate and debate with someone who has a different opinion.

I think the problem is getting people who have a different opinion to accept and come to her show. These people tend to shy away from doing interviews with clearly intelligent people who know how to ask the right questions, as they know theres a good chance theyll embarrass themselves and expose their arguments for the empty and false bullshit hat they are.


Tamanon said:
I dunno, Keith never even attempts to have somebody outside his views on. If nobody is coming on your show, that's not because everyone is scared, it's because you've got a closed door.:lol
Keith's show was basically a response to the yelling that was O'reilly(Ironically Keith does all of the yelling today). Keith avoided that buy only have people he could question for some more info. Its not a debate show. Keith isn't trying to prove his ego like O'relliy does.

If you want people to question the host you're better of watching Maddow.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Squirrel Killer said:
I don't know if it's been discussed here already, this thread moves too damned fast, but this smells like bullshit to me.

- He doesn't incriminate himself on the tape
- In fact, all he ever so much as implies is that she's being fired for cause
- He did all that despite being obviously baited. The taped call was a complete fishing exhibition that came up with zilch.
- Her lawyer represented Foley
- There's no record of any money changing hands
- The firm who had the job he allegedly lined up for her immediately said that there was no such job
- No one with any direct knowledge is saying anything, it's all "friends" and "unnamed staffers"

what is this about?


masud said:
Keith is a reporter (an unashamedly biased one sure) he has never claimed to be a pundit.

:lol :lol I am a HUGE Olbermann fan, but there's no possible way he's a reporter instead of a pundit. Used to be a reporter, but now he is most certainly a pundit.


Trakdown said:
I'm torn. On the one hand, I plan on partying in San Fran and getting drunk. On the other hand, that might be the best moment on TV ever. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to call it for McCain early to fuck things up.

Democrats don't win the Presidency very often (I've been here three decades and we've won twice. Dammit.) You might want to party it up and DVR what is sure to be some classic television. Just don't get too drunk - you'll want to remember this night for a long, long time.


HylianTom said:
Democrats don't win the Presidency very often (I've been here three decades and we've won twice. Dammit.) You might want to party it up and DVR what is sure to be some classic television. Just don't get too drunk - you'll want to remember this night for a long, long time.

Oh, I'm staying sober until the results come in. After that, regardless of who wins I'll be drinking, either to celebrate a historic victory (Obama) or to forget what country I live in (McCain).
HylianTom said:
Democrats don't win the Presidency very often (I've been here three decades and we've won twice. Dammit.) You might want to party it up and DVR what is sure to be some classic television. Just don't get too drunk - you'll want to remember this night for a long, long time.
12 of the 25 Presidential elections held in the 1900's went D.


Trakdown said:
Oh, I'm staying sober until the results come in. After that, regardless of who wins I'll be drinking, either to celebrate a historic victory (Obama) or to forget what country I live in (McCain).
Democrats used to win before Carter kinda screwed things up.


Two PPP polls coming tomorrow, both should be worth keeping an eye on.

We'll have both the North Carolina and Missouri Presidential polls tomorrow, apologies for the delay.

We'll also have a new poll set up on the blog for where we should conduct a survey this week besides Florida and North Carolina.

Oh, and that record fundraising the RNC had last month? Didn't seem to help them much. The RNC is taking out a $5m loan to try and shore up some senate races.


Spread the field, baby. Spread the field.


Squirrel Killer said:
12 of the 25 Presidential elections held in the 1900's went D.

True, but I'm going from a more personal angle. Clinton's two victories were it for my lifetime, and then to be kicked in the teeth in 2000..? Ouch. So I'm going to savor this one. Ohh yess...
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