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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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The Chosen One said:
What about JFK... it wasn't like Jackie was some old biddy...
Different news media today then JFK's reign. Back then it was pretty much "Yeah, he's fucking around on her... but he's the fucking president!"

Clinton was fairly secretive with his infidelities and they still caught him.

Just like if there was any truth to the McCain pedophilia rumors, it'd be plastered all over the news by now.


Master of the Google Search
M3wThr33 said:
Said map
Future update ;)

Thunder Monkey said:
All you gotta do is watch them touching one another.

They seem like they might have an active sex life.

I envy both of them, and as far as I can tell I'm hetero.
Yeah, their body language is pretty telling. I'm betting that the campaign jet has already granted them both entry into the Mile High Club.
devilhawk said:
I do think that if Hillary didn't have future political plans, she would have.
I don't.

They might have loved each other once, but right now their marriage seems to be little more then convenience. I doubt she cared really.

Her first response was probably "You came on her dress?"

"Keep thinking with your dick and these fundies will get you impeached."


Fox318 said:
Howard Stern is a douchebag, what he fails to realize is blacks vote dem overwhelmingly every election. If Alan Keys were running for Pres against Hillary Clinton, he wouldn't get the black vote. so those 'voters' aren't voting simply because he's black, though I'm sure the prospect of a black man does make them more excited to vote(or are they?) no matter how uninformed.

oh and fuck Robin


Professional Schmuck
Thunder Monkey said:
Different news media today then JFK's reign. Back then it was pretty much "Yeah, he's fucking around on her... but he's the fucking president!"

Clinton was fairly secretive with his infidelities and they still caught him.

Just like if there was any truth to the McCain pedophilia rumors, it'd be plastered all over the news by now.

what pedophilia rumors?
I'm sorry, I'm black and I would never vote for Alan Keys, Jesse Jackson, or Al Sharpton. Obama is a great candidate that is also black (and white!), so that's why blacks have flocked to him. Nobody wants to talk about how Hilary Clinton had a huge majority of blacks in the middle of '07 (just about a year ago) and people were questioning if Obama was "black enough" because he was actually polling better with whites than blacks. But of course this is totally forgotten. I personally didn't hop onto the Obama train until after his race speech and how he handled that whole Rev. Wright situation, in addition to his impressive February primary victories.
PantherLotus said:
what pedophilia rumors?
There aren't any. ThunderMonkey is trying to spread a rumour that there is a rumour, which might actually be more damaging than an actual confirmation that a rumour exists.

It's like: float a rumour that the opponent does something repulsive just to see him publicly deny it.


Imm0rt4l said:
So those 'voters' aren't voting simply because he's black, though I'm sure the prospect of a black man does make them more excited to vote(or are they?) no matter how uninformed.

oh and fuck Robin

Ugh I hate shit like this. Everyone was banging on about those ignorant racist hillbillies in that Al-Jeezera, and rightly so. Guess what, there are equally as blind and ignorant folk on the other side of the fence.

Talk about looking through things with a selective eye.
master15 said:
Ugh I hate shit like this. Everyone was banging on about those ignorant racist hillbillies in that Al-Jeezera, and rightly so. Guess what, there are equally as blind and ignorant folk on the other side of the fence.

Talk about looking through things with a selective eye.
No one is saying that ignorant people only exist on one side.

Demignorance doesn't seem anywhere near as depraved and vitriolic as Repignorance.


get some go again
Imm0rt4l said:
Howard Stern is a douchebag, what he fails to realize is blacks vote dem overwhelmingly every election. If Alan Keys were running for Pres against Hillary Clinton, he wouldn't get the black vote. so those 'voters' aren't voting simply because he's black, though I'm sure the prospect of a black man does make them more excited to vote(or are they?) no matter how uninformed.

oh and fuck Robin
bah sal is the one that came up with that bit not howard.


master15 said:
Ugh I hate shit like this. Everyone was banging on about those ignorant racist hillbillies in that Al-Jeezera, and rightly so. Guess what, there are equally as blind and ignorant folk on the other side of the fence.

Talk about looking through things with a selective eye.
I never said otherwise. You're preaching to the choir.


Thunder Monkey said:
No one is saying that ignorant people only exist on one side.

Demignorance doesn't seem anywhere near as depraved and vitriolic as Repignorance.

Oh I generally concur, but I noticed a few people in this thread just outright dismissing and calling out whoever originally posted that video seemingly claiming that there aren't ignorant folks on the same side here.

I do want to pose a question, the same way those who appeared in that Al-Jeezera report voting for Mccain based on bigoted views of Muslims and blacks. Do you not think there is a contingency who is voting simply because Barack is black?
master15 said:
Oh I generally concur, but I noticed a few people in this thread just outright dismissing and calling out whoever originally posted that video seemingly claiming that there aren't ignorant folks on the same side here.

I do want to pose a question, the same way those who appeared in that Al-Jeezera report voting for Mccain based on bigoted views of Muslims and blacks. Do you not think there is a contingency who is voting simply because Barack is black?

I'm sure there is. But I still consider someone voting for him out of a misguided sense of guilt for prior (and persisting) racial relations to be a better person then those that vote against him out of hate.

There isn't much of a comparison. Voting for the big O because you feel bad about your ancestry owning slaves, is still better then voting against him because he's black.

I have no doubt that somewhere in my bloodline I'm related to slave owners. But I'm not them. I don't have guilt to make me vote for him. I have my adoration of everything he stands for. I realize the impact his Presidency will have, but that's only a part of what makes him Barack.


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
Crayon Shinchan said:
Someone needs to shop that image...


Disturbing to imagine these capabilities in the hands of the axis of evil.

Stoney Mason said:
Damn. Looks like we lost Kentucky from the last one but we got Arizona now!


Damn this post makes me so fuckin' thirsty! Grandjedi, I just want to know I'm going to so enjoy this drink. I bet it will be SOOOOO good.

And for the win...



Setec Astronomer
Tommie Hu$tle said:
Damn this post makes me so fuckin' thirsty! Grandjedi, I just want to know I'm going to so enjoy this drink. I bet it will be SOOOOO good.
Sorry, I wouldn't get too excited from that. Dick Morris is throwing darts at a wall while high, and is giving Obama states that aren't even close to being contested.


Setec Astronomer
This past weekend's update of the This American Life episode, "A Better Mousetrap", addresses Republican claims that everything can be blamed on Fannie May and Freddie Mac in Act 2. Act 4 covers some more miscellaneous stuff and also mentions the historic record of severe political ramifications when a country's financial system collapses(THANK YOU! Silly libertopians and their dogma of atomic action.)
Sorry if it's already been posted, but this site is awesome: http://www.livingroomcandidate.org/

All the commercials from every presidential campaign going back to 1952.

"John Kerry's response? He's talking about the great depression! One thing's for sure - pessimissm never created a job"

"2.2 trillion dollars. 8,000 dollars for each American. Its our governments projected surplus for the next ten years. Al Gore plans to spend it all - and more. Gore's proposing 3 times the new spending president Clinton proposed, wiping out the entire surplus and creating a deficit again. Al Gore's big spending plan threatens America's prosperity."
:lol :lol
This past weekend's update of the This American Life episode, "A Better Mousetrap", addresses Republican claims that everything can be blamed on Fannie May and Freddie Mac in Act 2. Act 4 covers some more miscellaneous stuff and also mentions the historic record of severe political ramifications when a country's financial system collapses(THANK YOU! Silly libertopians and their dogma of atomic action.)
If I can take one positive out of this economic crisis, it's discovering This American Life. Great program.


Bane was better.
Campbell Brown said:
You may find it hard to believe that this remains an issue in this campaign, but it does.
Campbell Brown says it's on the record that Sen. Barack Obama is a Christian, but why should that matter?

Campbell Brown says it's on the record that Sen. Barack Obama is a Christian, but why should that matter?

The candidates, both candidates, are still getting questions about Barack Obama's ethnicity and religion. If you are even semi-informed, then by now you already know that of course, Barack Obama is an American.

Of course, Barack Obama is a Christian. Yet just a few days ago, there was a woman at a rally for John McCain incorrectly calling Obama an Arab:

Woman at rally: I don't trust Obama. I have read about him and he's an Arab.

Sen. John McCain: No ma'am, no ma'am. He's a decent family man, citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues. That's what this campaign is all about. He's not, thank you.

Now, I commend Sen. McCain for correcting that woman, for setting the record straight. But I do have one question -- so what if he was?

So what if Obama was Arab or Muslim? So what if John McCain was Arab or Muslim? Would it matter?

When did that become a disqualifier for higher office in our country? When did Arab and Muslim become dirty words? The equivalent of dishonorable or radical?

Whenever this gets raised, the implication is that there is something wrong with being an Arab-American or a Muslim. And the media is complicit here, too. Video Watch Campbell's commentary »

We've all been too quick to accept the idea that calling someone Muslim is a slur.

I feel like I am stating the obvious here, but apparently it needs to be said: There is a difference between radical Muslims who support jihad against America and Muslims who want to practice their religion freely and have normal lives like anyone else.

There are more than 1.2 million Arab-Americans and about 7 million Muslim-Americans, former Cabinet secretaries, members of Congress, successful business people, normal average Americans from all walks of life.

These are the people being maligned here, and we can only imagine how this conversation plays in the Muslim world. We can't tolerate this ignorance -- not in the media, not on the campaign trail.

Of course, he's not an Arab. Of course, he's not a Muslim. But honestly, it shouldn't matter.

I love Campbell Brown and want to fuck the ever-loving shit out of her ass now more than ever.


Research 2000/DailyKos..
Obama 52 (0)
McCain 41 (+1)

11 points? Really? I doubt it. Still, another day's worth of sand has drained through the hourglass..
Tamanon said:
Yeah, Jon really hates Palin.:lol

I just caught The Daily Show from last night, and damn did he make a good point.

"Why is it whenever she's around reporters, or the American people, she's always late for something?" :lol

It's not something I really connected the dots on before on, but she's been doing a hell of a lot of that lately. "Hello everyone I have things to do oh look at the time can't hear you bye now!" I understand the why's, but I didn't realize how blatant it's truly been.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Tommie Hu$tle said:
Damn this post makes me so fuckin' thirsty! Grandjedi, I just want to know I'm going to so enjoy this drink. I bet it will be SOOOOO good.

And for the win...


Obama taking Arizona is never going to happen. The rest of the map is fine, but Arizona being blue is a mistake.

Edit: quoted wrong post.
HylianTom said:
Research 2000/DailyKos..
Obama 52 (0)
McCain 41 (+1)

11 points? Really? I doubt it. Still, another day's worth of sand has drained through the hourglass..

"Obama was up +13 Sat, +11 Sun and +10 Mon" McCain comeback confirmed!

In Reno, Nevada's Washoe County, Obama leads McCain by a 46-45 percent margin, with six percent undecided. Obama posts a wider 50-44 percent lead with five percent undecided in Raleigh, North Carolina's Wake County, and another 6-point lead in Hillsborough County, Fla., where Tampa is located. There, he edges McCain 47-41 percent, with 11 percent undecided.


In North Carolina's Wake County, the state's second-most populous after Charlotte's Mecklenburg County, McCain came closer to Obama's share of the female vote, with the Democrat leading by just over four points. But among men, Obama led McCain, 51-43 percent - an untenable split for the Republican nominee.


In North Carolina, the growth of college-educated, high-income voting areas has helped move the state toward the Democratic column. The state's large African-American population gives Obama an extra demographic boost that could make the difference on Election Day.


Even outside the Research Triangle, though, North Carolina has drifted toward the Democrats this year, with Obama establishing a narrow lead in most statewide polling and Democratic Senate candidate Kay Hagan, a state legislator, locked in a tight race with GOP Sen. Elizabeth Dole, who is seeking reelection to a second term.


The Politico/InsiderAdvantage telephone surveys in Wake County and Washoe County were conducted Oct. 9. The Wake survey included 646 likely voters, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.7 percent. The Washoe survey included 586 likely voters, with a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percent.

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