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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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RubxQub said:
...what the fuck. All this ACORN shit, but it doesn't make any sense to me.

Who gives a fuck if people are registering with the name "Mickey Mouse". How the hell is someone going to vote under that name without any kind of proof of identification?

Am I missing something here or is this entire ACORN registration shit stupid as fucking hell?
A database (like say, the voter rolls) with garbage data is worse than one without.

Practically, it means nothing, UNLESS the garbage registrations find a way to request absentee ballots in significant numbers. Voter fraud at the polls is unlikely to be a significant problem, but absentee ballot fraud pops up comparatively frequently, although usually, it's for down-ballot elections.
scorcho said:
Second, Drudge and others are setting up the framework for saying the election was stolen and changing the narrative away from McCain's failings as a candidate. BLACK PEOPLE ARE STEALING YOUR LAND-OWNING, WHITE VOTE!
This is going to be such a landslide, trying to angle for a "stolen election" narrative is a complete waste of time. It'd be like Mondale trying to claim Reagan stole 1984.
XxenobladerxX said:

Obama knows what will happen if he fucks up...

What about... if she fucks up?


Setec Astronomer
I think what people need to understand is that even final election results have a margin of error. All sorts of things crop up and have for ages, but they only get noticed either when the election is extremely close or it actually affects more than a small handful of votes. Certainly practices can be improved, but to declare there's anything to substantiate the "crisis of confidence" at Fox News is plainly disingenuous.
LiquidMetal14 said:
LMAO I appreciate the effort but now I'm scared to look at it. Anything less..............terrifying :lol :lol :lol :lol

That is actually pretty good the more I look at it. This is a tough decision.
I went a different direction.


Squirrel Killer said:
This is going to be such a landslide, trying to angle for a "stolen election" narrative is a complete waste of time. It'd be like Mondale trying to claim Reagan stole 1984.

I like your thinking. And really, you should post more in this thread (and not just because of your stunning optimism!).
I don't know if anyone caught it but my local Fox news station did a comparison of the Obama and McCain health plans with some surprising (or not) results.

Obama's plan actually cost less over time and covered many more people but McCain's plan (here's the not surprising part) saves businesses and states tons of money. Country First?


I probably shouldn't be bringing it up at this point, especially since the dude responsible got banned, but that thing about Palin's kid was incredibly offensive and not funny at all. Also: good to see that by the per-state polling McCain is fucked even if he takes Florida, VA, Ohio, North Carolina, etc. Just got my absentee ballot, time to not affect anything at all back in Maryland! Hard to believe it's technically southern really.
Saint Gregory said:
I don't know if anyone caught it but my local Fox news station did a comparison of the Obama and McCain health plans with some surprising (or not) results.

Obama's plan actually cost less over time and covered many more people but McCain's plan (here's the not surprising part) saves businesses and states tons of money. Country First?

its the perfect example of comparing Republicans and Democrats

Republicans = States + Business first

Democrats = Citizens first


Sharp said:
I probably shouldn't be bringing it up at this point, especially since the dude responsible got banned, but that thing about Palin's kid was incredibly offensive and not funny at all. Also: good to see that by the per-state polling McCain is fucked even if he takes Florida, VA, Ohio, North Carolina, etc. Just got my absentee ballot, time to not affect anything at all back in Maryland!
You should wish more states were like MD. Only a few bumfuck places in MD resemble the south. Also you could be living in DC were McCain is down 69 points where your vote affects nada..


RapeApe said:
You should wish more states were like MD. Only a few bumfuck places in MD resemble the south. Also you could be living in DC were McCain is down 69 points where your vote affects nada..
I didn't mean to give the impression that I'm sad that Maryland is not a swing state, I'm quite happy about that. But the reality is that we virtually never go Republican so other than shoring up the popular vote for Obama my vote has just as much of an effect as it would in DC.


artredis1980 said:
holy shit look at the stock market. it just tanked from +450 to +250 in 2 minutes!

edit now its tanked under 200

I couldn't imagine the stress of being a day trader or working for a hedge fund right now. You would get ulcers from this rollercoaster.


Fox News is so ridiculous. Why are they treating Obama's "spread the wealth around" comment like some kind of slip-up? "Ooooh, he finally admits it!"

This is after propagating the myth that he would tax everyone for months :lol
The Crimson Blur said:
Kulock said:
I just caught The Daily Show from last night, and damn did he make a good point.

"Why is it whenever she's around reporters, or the American people, she's always late for something?" :lol

It's not something I really connected the dots on before on, but she's been doing a hell of a lot of that lately. "Hello everyone I have things to do oh look at the time can't hear you bye now!" I understand the why's, but I didn't realize how blatant it's truly been.

I love The Daily Show, and I have watched it everyday for the last 3 years, but I think last night's show was the worst I have ever seen. Jon has been getting progressively better over the years, but last night's show, though still pretty good in comparison to the rest of TV punditry, was definitely a stinker. The person he was interviewing didn't seem to know much about the current economic crisis, or at least she didn't articulate it well. The interview was all over the place; it was hard to understand what comparisons from the Great Depression they were trying to make. The only real concrete points made in the whole show were about Troopergate and Paulson hypocrisy, and he didn't spend a lot of time on them at all. Rather he revisited old jokes with the octobox and a not-so-funny Wyatt portion. Silliness was a little too rampant too, the dancing, name jokes, etc. were a little too much, even for Jon.

Is... is that a Palin reply?

My post was about the point he made, specifically Sarah Palin's dodging the media so vigorously, not about The Daily Show perceived quality.
Hitokage said:
This past weekend's update of the This American Life episode, "A Better Mousetrap", addresses Republican claims that everything can be blamed on Fannie May and Freddie Mac in Act 2. Act 4 covers some more miscellaneous stuff and also mentions the historic record of severe political ramifications when a country's financial system collapses(THANK YOU! Silly libertopians and their dogma of atomic action.)

First story is pretty awesome. Rest of the stuff...listening to McCain and his supporters at the rallies makes me want to punch something.
syllogism said:
Survey USA Ohio: Obama +5 (57-39 among those 12% that have already voted, though the sample size is small)
Survey USA Penn: Obama +15

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

So McCain's only "chance" is to defend every Bush state. No blue states are flipping.
The Crimson Blur said:
The person he was interviewing didn't seem to know much about the current economic crisis, or at least she didn't articulate it well. The interview was all over the place; it was hard to understand what comparisons from the Great Depression they were trying to make.

I didn't watch last night but did they get into some of her odder comments.

On September 2, 2005, Ms. Shlaes wrote a column for the Financial Times arguing that the George W. Bush administration's response to Hurricane Katrina showed that it had been well-prepared for the disaster.[4]. Ten days later, in another Financial Times column, Ms. Shlaes noted that there had in fact been delays in responding to Katrina, but argued that the Bush Administration should not be held responsible for them, as they were simply an unfortunate result of federalism.[5]

In July 2008, Ms. Shlaes wrote a column defending Senator Phil Gramm's comment that Americans were “whiners,” arguing that Senator Gramm was correct in stating that the United States had not entered a recession.[6]

Hillary: I most likely will never run for President again

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton puts the chances of her running for president again at near zero — slightly higher than the chances she gives for becoming Senate majority leader or a Supreme Court justice.

In an interview aired Tuesday on "Fox & Friends" on the Fox News Channel, Clinton, D-N.Y., was asked the chances, on a scale of 1 to 10, that she would be the next majority leader in the Senate.

"Oh, probably zero," she said. "I'm not seeking any other position than to be the best senator from New York that I can be."

Being nominated to the Supreme Court?

"Zero," Clinton said. "I have no interest in doing that."

Running for president again?

"Probably close to zero," she said. "There's an old saying: Bloom where you're planted."

The former first lady, who was elected to the Senate in 2000 and re-elected in 2006, said she looked forward to working as a senator with a Barack Obama administration.


artredis1980 said:
Hillary: I most likely will never run for President again

Anyone who argues Hillary should get nominated for the Supreme Court should be punched in the face. I cannot imagine a worse hell for our judicial system than politicizing the Supreme Court in such a way.
artredis1980 said:
Hillary: I most likely will never run for President again

Much respect to Hillary. The presidential thing might still be bubbling in her head for 2012 in case Barack loses but that is looking increasingly remote.


Sharp said:
I didn't mean to give the impression that I'm sad that Maryland is not a swing state, I'm quite happy about that. But the reality is that we virtually never go Republican so other than shoring up the popular vote for Obama my vote has just as much of an effect as it would in DC.

I live in Silver Spring but I'm at St. Mary's for school, and you'd be surprised at how overwhelming Obama support is this far south.


holy shit in WI:

A new poll of Wisconsin voters shows Democrat Barack Obama opening a solid lead -- 54% to 37% -- on Republican rival John McCain in the wake of last week's presidential debate.

The poll was conducted by Quinnipiac University in conjunction with The Washington Post and Wall Street Journal. The results were released this morning.

The new poll was conducted Wednesday through Sunday, so it included the two-day period in which McCain and running mate Sarah Palin were campaigning in the state. In the last poll by the university, conducted Oct. 3 to Oct. 7, Obama had a 51% to 43% edge, just beyond that poll's margin of error.

If that's anywhere near accurate...this is a landslide.


Frester said:
I live in Silver Spring but I'm at St. Mary's for school, and you'd be surprised at how overwhelming Obama support is this far south.
I live in SS as well.. I have only seen a few McCain yard signs in my area.


Cheebs said:
If Obama wins though her chances of running for president ever are zero. She would never run against a sitting democratic president in a primary.
She has to hope Obama needs a new VP next time around.


RapeApe said:
She has to hope Obama needs a new VP next time around.
That doesn't even make sense. If Biden somehow sadly died he wouldn't pick her.

"Most likely never" is only most likely because there is a slim slim chance Obama could lose in Nov. Him losing is her ONLY chance at running. If he wins, it's over. Regardless of who ends up dying.


lawblob said:
Ol' Joe ain't going nowhere, except maybe to the Home Depot to pick up some supplies and connect with the people.

Plus I doubt Hillary is secretly hoping for Biden to die in office and then Obama to pick her. ;)


I wouldn't mind Hildawg as majority leader. Hell, I'd take anyone from the noob class of 2006 over Reid, they'd probably have bigger balls (espec McCaskill).


Was watching the old NBC videos of Reagan's election night on MSNBC (Tom Brokaw section). Wow. Everyone thought it was gonna be a close election and then one blue state after another pops up (when did Dem and Repubs switch colors?). If was something like 266 to 12 when they officially called it. Here's hoping us Dems get something that decisive (obviously the Bible Belt is hopeless, but all swing states by decisive margins would be nice.)

lawblob said:
Anyone who argues Hillary should get nominated for the Supreme Court should be punched in the face. I cannot imagine a worse hell for our judicial system than politicizing the Supreme Court in such a way.

Too late for that. But I agree she shouldn't be chosen. Go the Republican route and nominate people who are young and gonna be there a long time.
Hillary doesn't have the seniority for Majority Leader, it just wouldn't work out. At this point, I think she can really just continue to be a Senator for NY for as long as she wants, which isn't exactly a terrible thing to be.
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