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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Smitty3000 said:

I just personally feel like Barack has supporters who would follow him blindly anywhere, its a joke. Off shore drilling must begin now, I hate his argument of it will take 10-20 years, so what when were completely fucked in 10-20 years we'll just be sitting here "good thing were not reaping the rewards of drilling in our own country". My main reason for supporting McCain, nuff said.

What makes you think that oil drilled here will stay here?


Smitty3000 said:
We study and search for another solution for ten years that might not come around either? I suppose both sides have good points but I'm so sick doing what all these countries want us to pay for oil, I'd much rather prefer we act now rather than later, I feel like McCain has a plan for this oil crisis as soon as he gets in office, Obama might but it could take longer or never come fruition.

I find it sad you call it an "oil crisis." Anyway: http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/newenergy

Read up.


Smitty3000 said:
We study and search for another solution for ten years that might not come around either? I suppose both sides have good points but I'm so sick doing what all these countries want us to pay for oil, I'd much rather prefer we act now rather than later, I feel like McCain has a plan for this oil crisis as soon as he gets in office, Obama might but it could take longer or never come fruition.
So are you actually voting only on that single issue, or do you agree with McCain on several other issues?
agrajag said:


Baraka Oballa.


TDG said:
So are you actually voting only on that single issue, or do you agree with McCain on several other issues?

I'm more interested in why he hates Obama despite having only brought up offshore drilling as his biggest issue with him.


Smitty3000 said:
We study and search for another solution for ten years that might not come around either? I suppose both sides have good points but I'm so sick doing what all these countries want us to pay for oil, I'd much rather prefer we act now rather than later, I feel like McCain has a plan for this oil crisis as soon as he gets in office, Obama might but it could take longer or never come fruition.
Good reason to "hate" someone.
Smitty3000 said:
We study and search for another solution for ten years that might not come around either? I suppose both sides have good points but I'm so sick doing what all these countries want us to pay for oil, I'd much rather prefer we act now rather than later, I feel like McCain has a plan for this oil crisis as soon as he gets in office, Obama might but it could take longer or never come fruition.
-Invest in more energy efficient cars, like hybrids, electric cars, hydrogen-fueled cars, etc.
-solar energy
-wind energy
-ensure more of our electricity comes from renewable resources
We already have the means to save more energy, we just need to invest in it properly. There isn't any searching for a solution what-so-ever.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
C-SPAN is covering the debate before it happens. They just introduced Al Gore sitting in the audiance! o_O


not licensed in your state
Smitty3000 said:
Have you heard otherwise or are you like everyone else here trying to make me look like an uniformed jackass?

To be fair, you haven't really given them any real reason to not call you out on your jackassery.


Smitty3000 said:
Have you heard otherwise or are you like everyone else here trying to make me look like an uniformed jackass?

unless the US Government sells contracts to drill for oil, and control the market, why would oil stay here?
Smitty3000 said:
I just personally feel like Barack has supporters who would follow him blindly anywhere, its a joke.
Bullshit. For proof all you have to do is look back at when he voted for the FISA bill with immunity for telecoms. That caused a fucking uproar, and he lost a lot of voters and scared a lot of his supporters.

Besides, have you never been to the South? It doesn't matter who you are, if you have an (R) after your name and talk about terrorists, you're the winner. You're talking as if you know a lot of Republicans that don't follow McCain blindly anywhere and are just waiting for that right moment to vote for Obama. Bullshit. That's a cop out reason to hate either McCain or Obama. Respond to the issues, not the voters.
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's practice of charging the state when she stays in her home must be reviewed to determine if she should pay taxes on the payments, state Finance Director Kim Garnero said Tuesday.

Palin, the Republican vice presidential nominee, released two years' worth of tax returns last week that did not list the per diem payments she received since becoming Alaska governor in December 2006. She collected nearly $17,000 during that period for 312 nights spent in her Wasilla home about an hour's drive from Anchorage, according to state travel records.

Palin has relied on the state's calculation of her taxable income, reported in her annual income statements known as W-2s, said Roger Olsen, a Washington, D.C., tax lawyer asked by the Palins to review their tax returns before they were made public last week.

"The income tax aspects of fringe benefits are complex and highly technical, and not subject to second-guessing by laymen," Olsen wrote in a three-page letter outlining his review of the returns.

Palin listed 157 days spent in Anchorage during 2007 on her travel forms. Garnero said Palin's work place as governor is considered to be Juneau, so she filed for the per diem payments — most times the full $60 a day — when she worked in her Anchorage office and stayed at her Wasilla home.

But state officials consider changing an employee's work station when they spend most of their time in another area, she said. That review will occur for Palin, Garnero said, which may require Palin to report future per diem payments as income.

"That's something we need to confer with the governor's office on," said Garnero, who said she was not aware of the number of days Palin spent working in Anchorage.

State rules for employees who receive a large amount of per diem payments are difficult to apply to Palin because she has no supervisor monitoring how long she works at another state office, Garnero said.

A typical work year for most employees is 260 days, but Garnero said the governor's staff told her Tuesday that her work year is considered 365 days because she is on call around the clock. That would mean Palin spent about 43 percent of last year working in Anchorage, and would allow the governor to continue receiving per diem payments that aren't taxed when she stays at her home, Garnero said.

The state review will not consider whether Palin should report past per diem payments as income. "In the past, we've gone prospective. We've never gone retroactive" when reviewing per diem paid to state employees, Garnero said.

The final decision likely will be made by the Internal Revenue Service, said Allen Bingham, an Anchorage accountant and member of the Alaska Society of Certified Public Accountants' taxation committee. IRS officials could determine that Palin owes taxes on past and future per diem payments, he said.

Bingham said Palin's situation is unusual because she claimed such a large number of days working away from Juneau, something that would typically raise red flags when considering whether the per diem should be considered income.

"It's certainly one of those things that some of us have raised our eyebrows about," he said.

The IRS likely also will want details about $43,490 the state paid Palin over 20 months for family travel, including commercial airline tickets the state bought for some of her children to join the governor. Bingham said taxpayers must show a specific business purpose for the state reimbursement, some actual work or duty performed for the expense.

"I guess I'm surprised that the state is paying for the kids. I don't know what the state business purpose is here," Bingham said.

Palin's returns showed that she and her husband underpaid their estimated taxes with an April extension and likely will owe interest. The per diem payments and family travel expenses were not included as income in those returns.

During the two tax years for which Palin released her returns, she claimed four dependent children. She gave birth this year to a fifth child. The family travel was a legitimate paid expense because Palin's husband and children represented the state at events, said Maria Comella, a campaign spokeswoman.

"The only time the children's travel was reimbursed was when they were traveling as part of an official event," she said.

Olsen, who worked in the Reagan administration's Department of Justice's tax division as an assistant attorney general, noted in his review of Palin's tax returns that her per diem payments were handled correctly by state officials as non-taxable because the governor's place of business was considered to be Juneau.

"No special consideration was ever given to Governor Palin, notwithstanding that she was the governor of Alaska," Olsen wrote.

Olsen said state law allows the governor's relatives to receive payment for travel costs "when conducting official state business." But his review did not address what state business was performed by Palin's children.

"Such payments for family members traveling on state business would not properly be included as taxable income on Governor Palin's federal tax returns," Olsen wrote.

so she worked from home for almost half a year of her 2 years as governor?:lol :lol
Zeliard said:
I'm more interested in why he hates Obama despite having only brought up offshore drilling as his biggest issue with him.

I don't "hate" Barack Obama, just as I presumed it would cause an absolute shit storm. I can even voice an opinion without having ten links to Obama's website shoved in my face, you guys act like your superior to me because I support McCain and you guys support Obama.


Smitty3000 said:
Have you heard otherwise or are you like everyone else here trying to make me look like an uniformed jackass?

Its a globalized commodity dude.

Also, like others have posted, the senate just passed an energy bill that will allow offshore drilling 50 miles off the coast. Barack Obama supported the bill.


Smitty3000 said:
Have you heard otherwise or are you like everyone else here trying to make me look like an uniformed jackass?
So I'm curious (I don't know that much about it)--under McCain's plan does he just lift restrictions on offshore drilling, or does the government actually get involved in the process? Because if it's the former, and private companies are drilling, they're going to be looking to make a profit, so it seems pretty reasonable to assume that at least some of it ends up in other countries.
Smitty3000 said:

I just personally feel like Barack has supporters who would follow him blindly anywhere, its a joke. Off shore drilling must begin now, I hate his argument of it will take 10-20 years, so what when were completely fucked in 10-20 years we'll just be sitting here "good thing were not reaping the rewards of drilling in our own country". My main reason for supporting McCain, nuff said.

Blind supporters? Sure, Barack's got 'em. But that SAME argument can be made against McCain, more effectively even! He used to be an outcast in the party, where a lot of conservatives in thus country were so-so on him, and now these mindless people will follow him to the grave (won't be long). Obama is the only one of the two who's most of the time complied with what has been asked of him, whereas McCain will simply sidestep, give that half-assed smile and wink and just say "Whoops, maverick!"

What's your basis on the "offshore drilling must begin now" shit? Where did you read that Obama plans to do, um, nothing?

I don't think you really know what you're talking about. Read up on the issues, man. And stop relying on your father for your political opinions.


Smitty3000 said:
I don't "hate" Barack Obama, just as I presumed it would cause an absolute shit storm. I can even voice an opinion without having ten links to Obama's website shoved in my face, you guys act like your superior to me because I support McCain and you guys support Obama.
You come across as a jackass and expect to be respected any other way?


Yo guys! I hate the United States, the damn country has supporters that would blindly follow it anywhere. What a shitty country!


Smitty3000 said:
I don't "hate" Barack Obama, just as I presumed it would cause an absolute shit storm. I can even voice an opinion without having ten links to Obama's website shoved in my face, you guys act like your superior to me because I support McCain and you guys support Obama.

Ah, so you admit you were just trolling. Good to know.


Smitty3000 said:

I just personally feel like Barack has supporters who would follow him blindly anywhere, its a joke. Off shore drilling must begin now, I hate his argument of it will take 10-20 years, so what when were completely fucked in 10-20 years we'll just be sitting here "good thing were not reaping the rewards of drilling in our own country". My main reason for supporting McCain, nuff said.
So you HATE him because his supporters actually like their candidate...

...and not enough drilling.

Well I'm convinced!

By the way, you like all pro-drillers are not informed...even if you drill tomorrow and even if you are able to get the oil to market faster then 10 years, you'd still have to but the oil on the open market. It's price would still be subject to traders and speculators that have caused this problem at the start. If the government would put strong regulation on oil trading, we would never have had this problem. Secondly, you need to understand that the oil companies do not want to drill offshore yet. What the want are the leases which in turn raise their value and their stocks...they'll get richer by simply having people like you cheer them on to higher profits. Lastly, WE NEED TO FIND A WAY TO GET OFF OIL....We need to draw a line in the sand sometime and say no more to oil companies and middle eastern despots. We need to put a greater emphasis on alternative energy research...desperately. Lastly, why should we be in a rush to drill off shore when the oil companies aren't drilling on the land leases they have now? Why drill now when there is not even a shortage for shits sake?


Smitty3000 said:
Have you heard otherwise or are you like everyone else here trying to make me look like an uniformed jackass?

You think just cause we drill for oil, somehow we will be able to get to the oil right away? It takes time and lots of investment. You need to build the infrastructure and tons of test drilling.


Smitty3000 said:

I just personally feel like Barack has supporters who would follow him blindly anywhere, its a joke. Off shore drilling must begin now, I hate his argument of it will take 10-20 years, so what when were completely fucked in 10-20 years we'll just be sitting here "good thing were not reaping the rewards of drilling in our own country". My main reason for supporting McCain, nuff said.

Your only reason my ass. Nuff said.
Smitty3000 said:
I don't "hate" Barack Obama, just as I presumed it would cause an absolute shit storm. I can even voice an opinion without having ten links to Obama's website shoved in my face, you guys act like your superior to me because I support McCain and you guys support Obama.

Smitty3000 said:
I hate Barrack Obama.

Wouldn't be surprised if that was grounds for being banned with all the dems that lurk GAF. :lol

And nobody is acting "superior" to you.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Smitty3000 said:
I don't "hate" Barack Obama, just as I presumed it would cause an absolute shit storm. I can even voice an opinion without having ten links to Obama's website shoved in my face, you guys act like your superior to me because I support McCain and you guys support Obama.
Oh poor you. You like being the victim don'tcha?


Smitty3000 said:
I don't "hate" Barack Obama, just as I presumed it would cause an absolute shit storm. I can even voice an opinion without having ten links to Obama's website shoved in my face, you guys act like your superior to me because I support McCain and you guys support Obama.
oh so you're just a troll.

And conservatives wonder why they're shunned on gaf. GTFO and make room for APF, Guileless, Gaborn and JayDubya.
Smitty3000 said:
I don't "hate" Barack Obama, just as I presumed it would cause an absolute shit storm. I can even voice an opinion without having ten links to Obama's website shoved in my face, you guys act like your superior to me because I support McCain and you guys support Obama.
No, they act superior because they can actually debate issues and policy and you're just trying to troll.


Unconfirmed Member
Smitty3000 said:
I don't "hate" Barack Obama, just as I presumed it would cause an absolute shit storm. I can even voice an opinion without having ten links to Obama's website shoved in my face, you guys act like your superior to me because I support McCain and you guys support Obama.

Ahhh, so it was trolling / provoking for the sake of it?

I hate I have to do this, but you did it to yourself, No-one can say I didn't give you a fair shot.
Obama is not 100% against drilling, he's not 100% against nuclear energy either. He'll do what it takes to solve the energy crisis responsibly & safely. The Republican line of 'drill baby drill' vs. the librul treehugger is so exaggerated.

It really has a low priority on the agenda. Do you think the average family's life is going to be significantly impacted depending on whether or not we drill in Alaska? Nope. There's more important issues to attend to.


Smitty3000 said:
I don't "hate" Barack Obama, just as I presumed it would cause an absolute shit storm. I can even voice an opinion without having ten links to Obama's website shoved in my face, you guys act like your superior to me because I support McCain and you guys support Obama.

You didn't even make a single point in your original post, of course it's going to get attacked. Hell you didn't even mention McCain, so for all we knew you were a Cynthia McKinney fan. Of course you're treated like a maroon, you're acting like one.:lol


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Smitty3000 said:
I don't "hate" Barack Obama, just as I presumed it would cause an absolute shit storm. I can even voice an opinion without having ten links to Obama's website shoved in my face, you guys act like your superior to me because I support McCain and you guys support Obama.

So far, you said you hated him. Then you supported that hate by saying McCain wants to drill offshore. As does Barack - which you either didn't know, or chose to ignore. Basically, the dogpile on you is of your own creation. I suspect you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. I also suspect you're too young to vote anyway.


Smitty3000 said:
I don't "hate" Barack Obama, just as I presumed it would cause an absolute shit storm. I can even voice an opinion without having ten links to Obama's website shoved in my face, you guys act like your superior to me because I support McCain and you guys support Obama.

This is not going to help your cause. I'm sorry you feel like you're being attacked, but you don't chum the water and then complain when sharks come around.

EDIT: He's gonna need a bigger boat.
OuterWorldVoice said:
So far, you said you hated him. Then you supported that hate by saying McCain wants to drill offshore. As does Barack - which you either didn't know, or chose to ignore. Basically, the dogpile on you is of your own creation. I suspect you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. I also suspect you're too young to vote anyway.


when is my burrito
Tobor said:
I said it before, but if he pulls out of PA, it's game over. It's essentially conceding.

Not unless he moves back in to Michigan. With the campaign he's run, it wouldn't surprise me at all.


Follow him blindly, eh?

Naah. The skeptic in me thinks we'll see another Clinton-like 4 or 8 years, with mainly moderate advances on most issues and rare liberal advancement on a few issues. But it's better than the alternative. And while Obama will be going in a few years, his Supreme Court justices' opinions will be pissing-off rednecks and theocrats for decades. And that makes me smile. :D


Did he really deserve to be banned for that? People say they hate random Republican surrogates and stuff all the time on GAF and they generally don't get attacked or forced to justify their claims or be banned.
Banjo Tango said:
Where did this "Big govt. forced institutions to give loans to people who couldn't afford them" meme come from?

Just about everything I know regarding the federal crisis came from This American Life... so are they referring to Greenspan keeping the interest rate low to "force" investment?
This lie is annoying . . . it is an attempt to find a villain that racists will love. They are trying to blame the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) as causing the problem. But that law was in place some 30 years ago. If they caused problems they would have occurred long ago.

Since you listened to the 'Giant Pool of Money' show, you'll know that the banks were not having their arms twisted to force them to loan out money. No, it was the other way around . . . freelance mortgage brokers were doing everything they could to find anyone with a pulse willing to take out a loan. They went knocking on doors trying to get people to take out mortgages on their houses. Wall Street just figured they could diversify away the risk.
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