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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I wanted to start a new thread but what the hell.

I think there are going to be millions of new Obama voters who are going to be very dissapointed when they realize that nothing is changing and things will continue to get worse the first few years of his term.

My advice is don't expect too much from one person when there is not much he can do regarding many of the challenges we face.
I'd be interesting to have a count or a list of people that have had those little mini-meltdown bannings in these threads over the past year. Maybe put a list in the OP, with a warning, "Starting shit in PoliGAF is not smart, just ask these fine people:"


Sharp said:
Did he really deserve to be banned for that? People say they hate random Republican surrogates and stuff all the time on GAF and they generally don't get attacked or forced to justify their claims or be banned.

Generally people who mention that actually have a history or do it as part of a conversation. It'd be the same thing if you went into the Gaming side and just started spouting off how much you hate Xbox in a random game thread.


Sharp said:
Did he really deserve to be banned for that? People say they hate random Republican surrogates and stuff all the time on GAF and they generally don't get attacked or forced to justify their claims or be banned.
He admitted that he didn't really hate Obama, but that he was just trying to rile people up by saying that. By definition, that's trolling.
Cooter said:
I wanted to start a new thread but what the hell.

I think there are going to be millions of new Obama voters who are going to be very dissapointed when they realize that nothing is changing and things will continue to get worse the first few years of his term.

My advice is don't expect too much from one person when there is not much he can do regarding many of the challenges we face.

There's a lot of things that can be done pretty quick. Heck, just electing Barack will be a huge-dare I say great?-leap forward in our standing in the world.


ronito said:
And I'm betting you're going to feel all victimized when you get banned. What republicans on GAF don't understand is if you're coming to PoliGAF and are going to say you hate stuff you'd better be prepared to back it up. Fact is most conservatives go on PoliGAF and then post crap like this. Then get banned then decry 'teh librul bias' you try this in an Xbox 360 thread you're likely to get perma'd.

I miss APF and Guileless.
Posts of the quality of "I hate Barrack" probably come from Obama supporters 9 out of 10 times in these threads. It's just that since there is no dogpile, a single crazy and baseless attack on McCain (or hyperbolic praise of Obama) can't do as much to shit things up.

In short it's the dogpile that shits things up.


Tamanon said:
Generally people who mention that actually have a history or do it as part of a conversation. It'd be the same thing if you went into the Gaming side and just started spouting off how much you hate Xbox in a random game thread.
Yeah but in general I doubt that if someone who had never participated in PoliGAF before came into the thread and said "Damn, I hate Sarah Palin, what a moron," anybody would drill them (no pun intended) on why they hated her, and certainly they wouldn't be banned if they said "I don't hate Sarah Palin, I just think she's like ten times worse than Biden" upon further questioning. It's a pretty heavy double standard, and answering "but Palin deserves it" only serves to highlight that further.
Most of the people posting truly inane stuff are thread regulars essentially going back and forth like a slightly-more-substantive chatroom. If you wanted to have a reasoned policy argument with them, a good portion would gleefully go at it.
Cooter said:
I wanted to start a new thread but what the hell.

I think there are going to be millions of new Obama voters who are going to be very dissapointed when they realize that nothing is changing and things will continue to get worse the first few years of his term.

My advice is don't expect too much from one person when there is not much he can do regarding many of the challenges we face.

No. You're Wrong. Elect Obama and we will get Flying Cars that run on air. Day fucken One.


Unconfirmed Member
Sharp: Tough, I gave him a chance, he didn't just blow it he threw it back in my face, tough, dealio :p
Fragamemnon said:
Most of the people posting truly inane stuff are thread regulars essentially going back and forth like a slightly-more-substantive chatroom. If you wanted to have a reasoned policy argument with them, a good portion would gleefully go at it.
How many regulars would you say consist of PoliGAF?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Cooter said:
I wanted to start a new thread but what the hell.

I think there are going to be millions of new Obama voters who are going to be very dissapointed when they realize that nothing is changing and things will continue to get worse the first few years of his term.

My advice is don't expect too much from one person when there is not much he can do regarding many of the challenges we face.

I don't it. I can see stuff getting better by 2010.


Cooter said:
I think there are going to be millions of new Obama voters who are going to be very dissapointed when they realize that nothing is changing and things will continue to get worse the first few years of his term.

My advice is don't expect too much from one person when there is not much he can do regarding many of the challenges we face.
People are expecting him to move heaven and earth, and that's just not going to happen. It should make his re-election bid (if he wins this time) an uphill battle. So yes, I definitely agree that he won't be able to bring about all the change he's promised, this is typical.

However, I think that to think that nothing will change when we transition from 6 years under a GOP Congress and President and 2 years under a GOP president to a Democratic super-majority in congress and a democratic president is insane. Now, whether that change will actually end up being for the better, we can't know, but I believe that he has a better chance at accomplishing that, which is why I'm supporting him.
Smitty3000 said:
Have you heard otherwise or are you like everyone else here trying to make me look like an uniformed jackass?
It's pretty obvious if you look at the economics of the oil market.

Oil is a highly fungible commodity, thus it has a very high price elasticity of demand. In fact, demand for oil is about as perfectly elastic as you can get.

Thanks to the Law of Supply and Demand, such a commodity will be sold on the world oil market by a private company at the market price and (this is the important part) this price is the same regardless of where the oil comes from.

Thus there is no incentive for a private firm to keep US-extracted oil in the US at all. It will simply increase the supply on the world market by a small amount. The amount that you extract will be so small compared to world supply though, that it will only lower the price of oil by a tiny little bit. The amount of oil that drilling will provide won't affect the USA's energy independence at all.

Not only that, but you need to build the infrastructure and refineries to be able to process that oil. That takes years.

So, no, drilling won't affect the USA's energy independence. Not unless you made it illegal for US oil companies to sell their oil overseas, of course. And then, because the US consumes that much more oil than it produces per year, it would probably raise the price of oil rather than drop it.

EDIT: Dammit Vennt! Why'd you ban him so fast?


ElectricBlue187 said:
No. You're Wrong. Elect Obama and we will get Flying Cars that run on air. Day fucken One.
I don't think people are gonna think that. If Obama gets elected the Democrats will control every branch of Gov. If anything Obama might try to emulate FDR's 100 days.


Junior Member
Check list:

1. Popcorn... Check
2. Diet Coke... Check
3. Working F5 button... Check
4. Michael Jackson.gif.... Check
5. AtomicBomb.gif.... Check



Cooter said:
I wanted to start a new thread but what the hell.

I think there are going to be millions of new Obama voters who are going to be very dissapointed when they realize that nothing is changing and things will continue to get worse the first few years of his term.

My advice is don't expect too much from one person when there is not much he can do regarding many of the challenges we face.
True, but then you make the assumption that everyone thinks Obama will fix everything. For some Obama supporters, such as myself, we're looking to finally kill the neocon movment, which his winning the Presidency would do as Neocons would have to rethink why they got to where they were and perhaps get to true conservative ideals.

You're falling into a caricature debate. While certainly true for some. It is not true for all. Some are just looking for someone to look out for the middle class instead of the 1%. People want to feel represented in their government again. Obama gives them this hope.

Now I totally expect IF he gets elected the 4 years will be hellish. But I also totally expect they'll be less bad under his rule than Mccain's.

It's not like all Obama supporters think he can wave a magical wand of change and POOF all's better. Most know we're in a really horrible time of it, no matter who gets elected and these supporters believe that Obama is the better choice to lead us through them.


Sharp said:
Did he really deserve to be banned for that? People say they hate random Republican surrogates and stuff all the time on GAF and they generally don't get attacked or forced to justify their claims or be banned.

We say we hate them after we quote them. If a Republican surrogate says something hateful and stupid on the air, people here will call him/her a dipshit while also calling them out on what they're saying. This guy came along, posted that he hates Obama without giving any reasons either in that post or in subsequent ones, and then admitted he said that just to rile people up. Textbook trolling.


CNN loves showing off those gigantic touch screens for any reason... even something stupid that doesn't require it at all :lol :lol


Master of the Google Search
Cooter said:
I wanted to start a new thread but what the hell.

I think there are going to be millions of new Obama voters who are going to be very dissapointed when they realize that nothing is changing and things will continue to get worse the first few years of his term.

My advice is don't expect too much from one person when there is not much he can do regarding many of the challenges we face.
How original


is it that MSNBC is owned by microsoft that the livestream never works in my firefox?
always have to open IE for their stream


Vestal said:
Check list:

1. Popcorn... Check
2. Diet Coke... Check
3. Working F5 button... Check
4. Michael Jackson.gif.... Check
5. AtomicBomb.gif.... Check

Shit, I need to pop a bowl of popcorn!


BenjaminBirdie said:
God DAMN it. They're doing Men and Women instead on CNN and NOT R/D/I.

They already did both M/W and R/D/I. THey need to step up to White People/Not White People. For the final debate they can have Fat People/Not Fat People, or, better yet, they hook up McCain and Obama so that we can see their reactions to their own debate.


vas_a_morir said:
If Obama wins, would that make America the first industrialized nation to elect a person from a disenfranchised minority into the highest office as president or prime minister? I say "disenfranchised minority" because there are situations where a minority group ethnically speaking has the majority of the power within a country or simply doesn't have the weight of centuries of marginalization like blacks do in America.
Mandela. Although on purely numeric terms, he wasn't part of a minority.


This campaign became something much worse today. I am greatly disappointed that the political discourse has descended so far. People have been saying for years that Bush's administration is Orwellian, etc. Well, McCain's tactics (or strategy, or whatever) have become worse.

I never thought I would see a truly, objectively McCarthy-esque campaign.

This is despicable.


Trurl said:
Posts of the quality of "I hate Barrack" probably come from Obama supporters 9 out of 10 times in these threads. It's just that since there is no dogpile, a single crazy and baseless attack on McCain (or hyperbolic praise of Obama) can't do as much to shit things up.

In short it's the dogpile that shits things up.

Except those are just random comments. This guy came into the thread knowing it's mostly Obama supporters and intentionally said he hates Obama to rile PoliGAF up. That's called trolling.
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