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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Haunted said:
Couple that with the most recent polls showing double-digit leads for Obama and McCain should pull out of PA to save some money. It's a lost cause.

I said it before, but if he pulls out of PA, it's game over. It's essentially conceding.
Hey guys, I have a question, as you guys would be the ones to ask:

If Obama wins, would that make America the first industrialized nation to elect a person from a disenfranchised minority into the highest office as president or prime minister? I say "disenfranchised minority" because there are situations where a minority group ethnically speaking has the majority of the power within a country or simply doesn't have the weight of centuries of marginalization like blacks do in America.


Smitty3000 said:
I hate Barrack Obama.

Wouldn't be surprised if that was grounds for being banned with all the dems that lurk GAF. :lol

you can hate whoever you want.

Trolling a topic while adding zero to it, that may get it done though.


Junior Member
Keith and Rachel on the war path.. Unlike other news organizations(im looking at you fox) they are actually using FACTS to support their statements.


Hang out with Steve.
Smitty3000 said:
I hate Barrack Obama.

Wouldn't be surprised if that was grounds for being banned with all the dems that lurk GAF. :lol

Only if you can't back it up with actual, rational reasons for your hatred.

Oh, and you spelled his name wrong.
Gruco said:
John Cole is a Republican?

He's a conservative,right? Which doesn't mean that he isn't a democrat, I just never got a liberal vibe from him at all, just an OMG REALITY HELLLLOOOOOO sort of blogger.


Smitty3000 said:
I hate Barack Obama.

Wouldn't be surprised if that was grounds for being banned with all the dems that lurk GAF. :lol
You might as well learn to spell his name correctly while you're here!
Smitty3000 said:
I hate Barrack Obama.

Wouldn't be surprised if that was grounds for being banned with all the dems that lurk GAF. :lol
Great! Have anything substantial to say that will add to the discussion or did you just need to get that off your chest?


Unconfirmed Member
Smitty3000 said:
I hate Barrack Obama.

Wouldn't be surprised if that was grounds for being banned with all the dems that lurk GAF. :lol

Dissenting opinion is welcome provided that you don't shit-stir, provoke reactions for the sake of it or meltdown due to the severe outnumbering you face here, it's all good.

Hate is such a strange thing to say though, I have to ask, why hate?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Vennt said:
Dissenting opinion is welcome provided that you don't shit-stir, provoke reactions for the sake of it or meltdown due to the severe outnumbering you face here, it's all good.

Hate is such a strange thing to say though, I have to ask, why hate?

Read his post history.

a) It's amazing he never got banned before.
b) He ends a significant proportion of his posts with "lol"

I doubt he has any reason to hate Barack beyond the feeling he gets from his dad and Sean Hannity.
Vennt said:
Hate is such a strange thing to say though, I have to ask, why hate?

Hey, there's nothing wrong with pure fiery hate! I sometimes turn on Fox News in the rec room to piss me off when doing cardio for motivation purposes.

But yeah if you are going to hate at least take the time to unload on him while you are hatin'. Just saying that you hate something and not going off on some meanspirited screed is selling your hate short.

I just personally feel like Barack has supporters who would follow him blindly anywhere, its a joke. Off shore drilling must begin now, I hate his argument of it will take 10-20 years, so what when were completely fucked in 10-20 years we'll just be sitting here "good thing were not reaping the rewards of drilling in our own country". My main reason for supporting McCain, nuff said.


Smitty3000 said:

I just personally feel like Barack has supporters who would follow him blindly anywhere, its a joke. Off shore drilling must begin now, I hate his argument of it will take 10-20 years, so what when were completely fucked in 10-20 years we'll just be sitting here "good thing were not reaping the rewards of drilling in our own country". My main reason for supporting McCain, nuff said.

So you feel that there are no other possible solutions to the energy crisis. We drill, and twiddle our thumbs for 10 years?
I am so addicted to PoliGAF. It's going to be hard to force myself not to read it once the debate starts

(DVRing, can't watch until about 2 hours late)


Fragamemnon said:
He's a conservative,right? Which doesn't mean that he isn't a democrat, I just never got a liberal vibe from him at all, just an OMG REALITY HELLLLOOOOOO sort of blogger.
Man, now that I think about it, I can't say I've even seen him talk about about policy at all. He just smacks McCain (previously Hills) around so much I never thought about it. It's kind of sad how thoroughly the American right has abandoned basic sanity I guess.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Smitty3000 said:
My main reason for supporting McCain, nuff said.

Your main reason for supporting John McCain is some oil that may or may not arrive in 15 years?


Also, Barack supports drilling for it.


Smitty3000 said:
I hate Barrack Obama.

Wouldn't be surprised if that was grounds for being banned with all the dems that lurk GAF. :lol

So, tell us why. Surely if you hate the man, you must have at least a couple of reasons. Don't be shy, now.

Edit: Oh.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Smitty3000 said:

I just personally feel like Barack has supporters who would follow him blindly anywhere, its a joke. Off shore drilling must begin now, I hate his argument of it will take 10-20 years, so what when were completely fucked in 10-20 years we'll just be sitting here "good thing were not reaping the rewards of drilling in our own country". My main reason for supporting McCain, nuff said.

His main argument is not that it will take 10-20 years, it's that given the environmental price we will pay, the delay in the actual effect in gas prices is just not worth it.


Smitty3000 said:

I just personally feel like Barack has supporters who would follow him blindly anywhere, its a joke. Off shore drilling must begin now, I hate his argument of it will take 10-20 years, so what when were completely fucked in 10-20 years we'll just be sitting here "good thing were not reaping the rewards of drilling in our own country". My main reason for supporting McCain, nuff said.



Smitty3000 said:

I just personally feel like Barack has supporters who would follow him blindly anywhere, its a joke. Off shore drilling must begin now, I hate his argument of it will take 10-20 years, so what when were completely fucked in 10-20 years we'll just be sitting here "good thing were not reaping the rewards of drilling in our own country". My main reason for supporting McCain, nuff said.
That 6 cents per gallon is really hurtin huh?


Smitty3000 said:

I just personally feel like Barack has supporters who would follow him blindly anywhere, its a joke. Off shore drilling must begin now, I hate his argument of it will take 10-20 years, so what when were completely fucked in 10-20 years we'll just be sitting here "good thing were not reaping the rewards of drilling in our own country". My main reason for supporting McCain, nuff said.

Smitty3000 said:

I just personally feel like Barack has supporters who would follow him blindly anywhere, its a joke. Off shore drilling must begin now, I hate his argument of it will take 10-20 years, so what when were completely fucked in 10-20 years we'll just be sitting here "good thing were not reaping the rewards of drilling in our own country". My main reason for supporting McCain, nuff said.


Smitty3000 said:

I just personally feel like Barack has supporters who would follow him blindly anywhere, its a joke. Off shore drilling must begin now, I hate his argument of it will take 10-20 years, so what when were completely fucked in 10-20 years we'll just be sitting here "good thing were not reaping the rewards of drilling in our own country". My main reason for supporting McCain, nuff said.
That's got to be a parody.


Smitty3000 said:

I just personally feel like Barack has supporters who would follow him blindly anywhere, its a joke. Off shore drilling must begin now, I hate his argument of it will take 10-20 years, so what when were completely fucked in 10-20 years we'll just be sitting here "good thing were not reaping the rewards of drilling in our own country". My main reason for supporting McCain, nuff said.

Drill, baby, drill amirite ^_^


Smitty3000 said:
I hate Barrack Obama.

Wouldn't be surprised if that was grounds for being banned with all the dems that lurk GAF. :lol
And I'm betting you're going to feel all victimized when you get banned. What republicans on GAF don't understand is if you're coming to PoliGAF and are going to say you hate stuff you'd better be prepared to back it up. Fact is most conservatives go on PoliGAF and then post crap like this. Then get banned then decry 'teh librul bias' you try this in an Xbox 360 thread you're likely to get perma'd.

I miss APF and Guileless.

PS Smitty: DO YOUR HOMEWORK. It was BUSH administration that said it'd take 10 years. You apply the bush administration time conversion (IE: Iraq was supposed to be 6 months it's been a few years) we're looking at easily a century or so. But regardless, it's not Obama's asssertion, or Biden's assertion. It's the assertion of the people on the ground. You can disagree with them all you want, but doesn't make you right. Just dumb.
Smitty3000 said:

I just personally feel like Barack has supporters who would follow him blindly anywhere, its a joke. Off shore drilling must begin now, I hate his argument of it will take 10-20 years, so what when were completely fucked in 10-20 years we'll just be sitting here "good thing were not reaping the rewards of drilling in our own country". My main reason for supporting McCain, nuff said.

John McCain
20th Century Solutions from a 20th Century Politician


Smitty3000 said:

I just personally feel like Barack has supporters who would follow him blindly anywhere, its a joke. Off shore drilling must begin now, I hate his argument of it will take 10-20 years, so what when were completely fucked in 10-20 years we'll just be sitting here "good thing were not reaping the rewards of drilling in our own country". My main reason for supporting McCain, nuff said.
I was under the impression that McCain's energy plan included a lot of investment in nuclear power and renewable energy, not just offshore drilling, with that being a more temporary measure. In any event, while you've explained why you support McCain, the fact that Obama has a lot of pretty fervently devoted supporters is not a particularly legitimate reason to hate him.
Smitty3000 said:
I just personally feel like Barack has supporters who would follow him blindly anywhere, its a joke. Off shore drilling must begin now, I hate his argument of it will take 10-20 years, so what when were completely fucked in 10-20 years we'll just be sitting here "good thing were not reaping the rewards of drilling in our own country". My main reason for supporting McCain, nuff said.

A good, reasonable-and Obama supported-compromise is to engage in offshore drilling and exploration while at the same time aggressively pursuing energy independence, which is the real goal here.
Tobor said:
So you feel that there are no other possible solutions to the energy crisis. We drill, and twiddle our thumbs for 10 years?

We study and search for another solution for ten years that might not come around either? I suppose both sides have good points but I'm so sick doing what all these countries want us to pay for oil, I'd much rather prefer we act now rather than later, I feel like McCain has a plan for this oil crisis as soon as he gets in office, Obama might but it could take longer or never come fruition.
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