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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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CharlieDigital said:
Also, Buffet for Secretary of Treasury??????????????????????????
I can see it working for Obama but not McCain.

Buffet: Well, what we need to do is . . . <complicated plan that does involve some taxes>
McCain: No, I can't do that.
Buffet: OK, I quit.


y'all should be ashamed
SpeedingUptoStop said:
I can see this happening. Voting records will be shattered this election.
Eh, if the polls continue I think it may actually discourage voters since Obama "has it in the bag."

We'd see a record turnout if the current polls were much closer than they are now.


BakedPigeon said:
Tonight was honestly the first debate I have watched, or even the first time I have paid any heavy attention to this race, seriously.

I personally thought McCain looked better, I don't see why NeoGAF rips apart mccain when he actually looked very poised and informative.

With that said though I also understand that my whole knowledge involving the policies and whatnot of each candidate is pretty poor so I cant really comment on overall who would be a better president.

However, McCain has won my vote based off this debate, I like his experience and I think he will make a great president.

Cue the Obama guys bashing me.
Completely aside from his policy choices, one of my biggest concerns with McCain is his vice president. I don't know if you've been following the news but she is totally unqualified for the position, in every way possible. Given McCain's age I urge you to make sure you're satisfied with the bottom half of the ticket before you vote.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
This MSNBC woman is talking about something I mentioned during the debate:

If mccain has been in Washington so long, how has shit gotten so bad? If he's so effective, why are things going down the drain? The argument is bogus.
Exactly . . . especially when McCains policies are pretty much to continue the Bush policies.


*drowns in jizz*
BakedPigeon said:
Actually I have not been really interested in this presidential run at all and tonight was the first debate that I have watched. I thought McCain was much more knowledgeable on each subject and he showed much more experience. I will give him my vote for the simple fact that he has first hand experience while Obama seems like some kid battling out of college.

So no, I did not have my mind made up a long time ago.

Is it really just so hard to believe that someone on Neogaf isn't praising Obama?

Really? You honestly thought that Obama's answers, compared to McCain, sounded like 'some kid battling out of college'?

I think you're full of shit, or just not paying attention.


rollin' in the gutter
BakedPigeon said:
Tonight was honestly the first debate I have watched, or even the first time I have paid any heavy attention to this race, seriously.

I personally thought McCain looked better, I don't see why NeoGAF rips apart mccain when he actually looked very poised and informative.

With that said though I also understand that my whole knowledge involving the policies and whatnot of each candidate is pretty poor so I cant really comment on overall who would be a better president.

However, McCain has won my vote based off this debate, I like his experience and I think he will make a great president.

Cue the Obama guys bashing me.

Well considering you're basing your vote on one debate, you should be bashed into oblivion. You're what's wrong with this country. Learn the candidates policies, then choose one. It's not that hard.


Karl Rove with Hannity on Fox News.....hard to see what is going on with them masturbating over McCain's performance and all the Obama bashing.


Gruco said:
I thought Jindal was well respected or something. I dunno, I haven't paid attention. What's wrong with the guy? He can't possibly be as bad as Palin?

He's pretty much just as bad as Palin.


BrandNew said:

Do people really truly think this?
My great-grandma said she won't vote for him because he's black.

They are out there, but I don't think they will be enough to hold back Obama.
BrandNew said:
If that indeed would be the outcome, I'd quickly go to the conclusion that this election was just straight up rigged 100% rather than blame American racism.
Didn't you get the letter? We've racist BECAUSE we support Obama. We should really look deep in our souls and fight racism by voting McCain...:lol


chubigans said:
Eh, if the polls continue I think it may actually discourage voters since Obama "has it in the bag."

We'd see a record turnout if the current polls were much closer than they are now.

The chance to be a part of history will trump all usual voting conventions. This one is going to be big.
Just to shit on McCain's "Country First" baloney for a moment... I honestly think that McCain could have a "Christmas Carol" type event where magical ghosts would show him different futures where things are great under Obama and shit under McCain... and he'd STILL want to be President. I believe this 100%.
BakedPigeon said:
Tonight was honestly the first debate I have watched, or even the first time I have paid any heavy attention to this race, seriously.

I personally thought McCain looked better, I don't see why NeoGAF rips apart mccain when he actually looked very poised and informative.

With that said though I also understand that my whole knowledge involving the policies and whatnot of each candidate is pretty poor so I cant really comment on overall who would be a better president.

However, McCain has won my vote based off this debate, I like his experience and I think he will make a great president.

Cue the Obama guys bashing me.

If you can't post without trolling, you need to stay the Hell out of this thread. You're truly the perfect Republican; you create hostilities for yourself and then pretend to be the victim (As perfectly shown by your little quip at the end). You're basically pulling a mini-mirror of the way that the McCain campaign has run itself up to this point.

You don't come in here, spout vague talking points that have been hammered upon by Republican surrogates for months, and then expect to get treated like someone with new ideas. You're not new, you're not unique, and you're not fresh; you've got the same vague basis for supporting McCain as all those who have came before you (Citations of "Experience" and "Judgment" without any specific/relevant examples).


Tobor said:
The chance to be a part of history will trump all usual voting conventions. This one is going to be big.
Well I hope to god Ohio early voting isn't an indicator of turnout for the rest of the election, because that was fucking pitiful.


Slurpy said:
Really? You honestly thought that Obama's answers, compared to McCain, sounded like 'some kid battling out of college'?

I think you're full of shit, or just not paying attention.

Obama ducked a few questions and McCain called him on it. Not as bad Palin, but it's really grating when politicians do that.

Red Scarlet

Has anyone ever said anything about Affirmative Action? OMG that would be hilarious.

The main thing that I did not like about the debate that comes to mind was McCain talking about Russia should be punished for going after Georgia for little reason or whatever he said..yet we did the same thing to Iraq and it's okay. But, we're kinda being punished economically for it anyway.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Red Scarlet said:
Hmm..maybe it will be on in a half-hour then for me? The one that just ended was about the VP debate. I get stuff an hour later than I should (Pacific channel in Mountain time zone).
You have cable right? It'll probably be on in ~2 1/2 hours. I'm guessing your cable company probably carries the West coast feed of Comedy Central; same programming as the East coast feed, but with a 3 hour delay.


Sharp said:
If you're going to be a Republican in a PoliGAF thread, you'll have to get used to constantly defending your choice and explaining your reasoning in far more depth than you would if you supported Obama. That's just how it works around here, fair or no.

People need to stop playing the fucking victim. BakedPigeon said he's voting for McCain only after watching this debate because McCain seemed more experienced and Obama looked like a kid out of college. That's the exact same bullshit the right has been saying about Obama since the start. He's pretending that he only made the decision to vote for McCain after this debate, while simultaneously regurgitating those same talking points.
SuperAndroid17 said:
McCain with that no-handshake shows poor sportsmanship , media is going to cook him for dinner for that.

Seriously with the polls..

Fox is obviously conservative and CNN is all liberals....don't kid yourselves

Uh...MSNBC are the liberals.


Sharp said:
Well I hope to god Ohio early voting isn't an indicator of turnout for the rest of the election, because that was fucking pitiful.

We'll see, but I don't see that as a true barometer. On the day, we should see some record crowds. It's going to be an event.

Red Scarlet

Oh, voting update..I registered last week and am waiting for my absentee ballot to arrive..but it's for Wyoming so........oh well, gonna vote anyway.

Killthee said:
You have cable right? It'll probably be on in ~2 1/2 hours. I'm guessing your cable company probably carries the West coast feed of Comedy Central; same programming as the East coast feed, but with a 3 hour delay.

Yeah, I get the west coast feed, which is super annoying as stuff comes on an hour later than it's supposed to. My networks are like that too, which sucks for tv show threads.
Zeliard said:
People need to stop playing the fucking victim. BakedPigeon said he's voting for McCain only after watching this debate because McCain seemed more experienced and Obama looked like a kid out of college. That's the exact same bullshit the right has been saying about Obama since the start. He's pretending that he only made the decision to vote for McCain after this debate, while simultaneously regurgitating those same talking points.

Well, he was/is a professor of law at the University of Chicago, so....
:lol@ this dumbass undecided voter on CNN..."uhhhh i dont really know what they're plans for leaving iraq are...."

are you serious?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Forget the handshake, McCain still wouldn't look at Obama throughout the debate, as far as I could tell. He was always doing his best to look past him if he had to look in his general direction, or stare intently at his notepad, or just stare into space.

Meanwhile, I couldn't help but noticed that Obama seemed to always be watching McCain intently :lol


y'all should be ashamed
Tobor said:
We'll see, but I don't see that as a true barometer. On the day, we should see some record crowds. It's going to be an event.
Weve been burned before on "record voting", like the whole youth vote that grew maybe 1% between the 00-04 election. Don't expect much, but I hope I'm wrong.


Red Scarlet said:
Oh, voting update..I registered last week and am waiting for my absentee ballot to arrive..but it's for Wyoming so........oh well, gonna vote anyway.
Wow, a Wyoming resident! One of the rarest groups of people in America. I had no idea.
BakedPigeon said:
Tonight was honestly the first debate I have watched, or even the first time I have paid any heavy attention to this race, seriously.

I personally thought McCain looked better, I don't see why NeoGAF rips apart mccain when he actually looked very poised and informative.

With that said though I also understand that my whole knowledge involving the policies and whatnot of each candidate is pretty poor so I cant really comment on overall who would be a better president.

However, McCain has won my vote based off this debate, I like his experience and I think he will make a great president.

Cue the Obama guys bashing me.

If you ultimately vote for McCain, more power to you. But please, oh please, base your decision off something more than just one debate and that you think McCain "looked very poised".


chubigans said:
Weve been burned before on "record voting", like the whole youth vote that grew maybe 1% between the 00-04 election. Don't expect much, but I hope I'm wrong.

Yeah because young people were really going to turn out in droves to vote for JOHN KERRY. >.<
Regarding the debate, it's the same thing as the first prez debate. McCain was on familiar ground. He should have knocked this one out of the park. But here, even though he actually looked at Obama and smiled at times, he still looked incredibly uncomfortable and almost scared. He sounded like he was pleading with the audience at times.

It was weird.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Gruco said:
I thought Jindal was well respected or something. I dunno, I haven't paid attention. What's wrong with the guy? He can't possibly be as bad as Palin?
Pro-life, creationist, supports intelligent design in science classes, supported constitutional ban on flag burning, etc.


Robert Gibbs of the Obama camp being grilled by Hannity on Ayers.


EDIT: Robert Gibbs owning Hannity and Hannity interrupting him. :lol :lol Robert Gibbs called Hannity and everyone on the network anti-semetic
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