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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Knowledge is power, guard it well
GSG Flash said:
CNN's focus group participants are dumbasses.
Bradley Effect confirmed.

I truly believe McCain wins the election, because he's still the white man.
WickedAngel said:
If you can't post without trolling, you need to stay the Hell out of this thread. You're truly the perfect Republican; you create hostilities for yourself and then pretend to be the victim (As perfectly shown by your little quip at the end). You're basically pulling a mini-mirror of the way that the McCain campaign has run itself up to this point.

You don't come in here, spout vague talking points that have been hammered upon by Republican surrogates for months, and then expect to get treated like someone with new ideas. You're not new, you're not unique, and you're not fresh; you've got the same vague basis for supporting McCain as all those who have came before you (Citations of "Experience" and "Judgment" without any specific/relevant examples).

All I did was state I thought McCain looked good tonight. And no, I wouln't stay the hell out of this thread.


Gibbs is putting Hannity on the defensive...I love it! :lol

EDIT: I'm not the only one that noticed this... :p
WickedAngel said:
If you can't post without trolling, you need to stay the Hell out of this thread. You're truly the perfect Republican; you create hostilities for yourself and then pretend to be the victim (As perfectly shown by your little quip at the end). You're basically pulling a mini-mirror of the way that the McCain campaign has run itself up to this point.

You don't come in here, spout vague talking points that have been hammered upon by Republican surrogates for months, and then expect to get treated like someone with new ideas. You're not new, you're not unique, and you're not fresh; you've got the same vague basis for supporting McCain as all those who have came before you (Citations of "Experience" and "Judgment" without any specific/relevant examples).

shit, destroyed em.
kaching said:
Forget the handshake, McCain still wouldn't look at Obama throughout the debate, as far as I could tell. He was always doing his best to look past him if he had to look in his general direction, or stare intently at his notepad, or just stare into space.

Meanwhile, I couldn't help but noticed that Obama seemed to always be watching McCain intently :lol
Allot of radio pundits mentioned this as well. It's cosmetic but it makes an impact with people. He didn't really look at him during the first debate, and Barrack had an almost constant stare to McCain this time.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
K.Jack said:
Bradley Effect confirmed.

I truly believe McCain wins the election, because he's still the white man.
Seriously? the opinion of 20 specially selected Americans swayed your confidence in millions to do the right thing?
The Blue Jihad said:
Regarding the debate, it's the same thing as the first prez debate. McCain was on familiar ground. He should have knocked this one out of the park. But here, even though he actually looked at Obama and smiled at times, he still looked incredibly uncomfortable and almost scared. He sounded like he was pleading with the audience at times.

It was weird.

McCain never was a great public speaker or so I've heard.


K.Jack said:
Bradley Effect confirmed.

I truly believe McCain wins the election, because he's still the white man.
Actually this is a confirmation of why nobody seriously bases things off a sample of 24 people. Their snap poll showed Obama comfortably in the lead. But I can see now that for the next month some GAFers will be yelling "Bradley effect" every time Obama dips in polls of any sort.


Batteries the CRISIS!
mj1108 said:
CNN's focus group, if they had to vote today:

McCain: 14
Obama: 11


Damnit, fuck my stupidass state

My vote isn't going to matter because there are too many assbackwards farmers EVERYWHERE in Ohio that will cancel me out
Sharp said:
Actually this is a confirmation of why nobody seriously bases things off a sample of 24 people.

This. Actual polling data with larger samples is the only real way to judge these things and even that has its issues of course but it's more representaive than 25 dumbasses in a room.
Sharp said:
Actually this is a confirmation of why nobody seriously bases things off a sample of 24 people. Their snap poll showed Obama comfortably in the lead. But I can see now that for the next month some GAFers will be yelling "Bradley effect" every time Obama dips in polls of any sort.

And it's becoming a bit tiresome, honestly. Whether or not the Bradley Effect will take place is irrelevant at this point; there is nothing that can be done about it in the span of the next three weeks. People might as well just accept it as a possible variable and put it into the back of their fucking minds.

I agree that race could be a factor in this election but it's absurd to pull the damned race card every time Obamination is put into question and it's counter-productive to equality; people will begin to resent those who constantly cry wolf in regards to race and act out a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Sharp said:
Actually this is a confirmation of why nobody seriously bases things off a sample of 24 people. Their snap poll showed Obama comfortably in the lead. But I can see now that for the next month some GAFers will be yelling "Bradley effect" every time Obama dips in polls of any sort.
That's counter-intuitive. By definition, the "Bradley Effect" would overestimate his strength in the polls. Thus, if he dips in the polls, that is NOT the Bradley Effect, since if people are being honest about their racial biases, the polls are working correctly.


Dan said:
Pro-life, creationist, supports intelligent design in science classes, supported constitutional ban on flag burning, etc.

Don't forget that Jindal believes he's an exorcist who fought off an evil demon!


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Steve Youngblood said:
That's counter-intuitive. By definition, the "Bradley Effect" would overestimate his strength in the polls. Thus, if he dips in the polls, that is NOT the Bradley Effect, since if people are being honest about their racial biases, the polls are working correctly.

I'm thinking that exit polling will be off more than phone polling.
It's far easier to be honest who are are voting for over the phone if that reason is racial, then in person.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Seriously? the opinion of 20 specially selected Americans swayed your confidence in millions to do the right thing?
Sorry my Southern upbringing has ingrained in me to never bet on black. I sincerely want to believe in America, and to be honest, I believe Obama will win. I'm just not lighting the fireworks until the votes are tallied.


Batteries the CRISIS!
giga said:
was CNN's focus group TN voters?

No, Ohioans at Ohio State University. I think if they went to a non-shitty university in Ohio -- the state has lots of them! -- they would have found smarter people to poll.
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